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2021年高考英语总复习 题组层级快练(三十三)外研版选修6

2021-01-16 19:49
tags:外研版, 高考, 高中教育



2021年高考英语总复习 题组层级快练(三十三)外研版选修6


(xx·东北三校一模)It was Easter 1990, and my family was on a
once-in-a-lifetime trip to the Solomon Islands for my sister’s wedding.

I was traveling with my husband, my four-year-old son and my daughter,
who was nearly two. We’d been ___1___ it was very hot in the Solomons,
so we’d ___2___ lots of light cotton clothes and were wearing the same
as it was summer. The only problem was that we had to catch an overnight
bus that ___3___ at midnight for the airport so we could make our early
morning ___4___ to Honlara. It was cold on the bus! My husband and I were
snuggling(依偎) our children as best we could, trying to keep them ___5___.
The bus stopped many times as passengers got on and off, and we didn’t
take much ___ 6___. The little ones were ___7___, unable to sleep for the
biting cold. Then at one stop, an old lady came forward from the back of
the bus and paused by our seat. I sat forward to see what she wanted and
she ___8___ out a small knee rug(毛毯). My little girl reached ___9___
for it and pulled it tight ___ 10___ her. The lady said she’d made the
rug herself and, seeing that we were cold, she wanted us to use it. After
she went back to her seat, our now-warm children ___11___ off, and they


slept snugly all the way to the airport. Just a stop or two ___12___ we
arrived, the old lady made her way to the door to get off. I tried to
___13___ the children to return her blanket, but she protested. “No,”she
said, “___14___ it. I can always make another one!”

Over the years, that little blanket became a ___15___ to me and to
my children of the kindness of strangers. I told the story to the children
over and over and hung the rug on the end of my daughter’s bed so we would
see it often. That rug was handmade with the colours carefully chosen,
yet its maker ___16___ with it to keep my family warm for a night. If ever
people were bad or ___17___, it served as a ___18___ that there is goodness
in the world.

I am forever ___19___, not just for the warmth that night, but for
the lifelong reminder of the ___20___ of people. That blanket has warmed
my life.

1. A. confirmed
C. advised
2. A. offered
C. packed

B. told

D. persuaded

B. piled

D. discovered



3. A. left
C. pulled
4. A. train
C. ride
5. A. fortable
C. calm
6. A. care
C. action
7. A. naughty
C. restless
8. A. showed
C. put
9. A. silently
C. patiently
10. A. around
C. over
11. A. slept
C. nodded
B. went

D. drove

B. trip

D. flight

B. warm

D. quiet

B. notice

D. attention
B. noisy

D. energetic
B. made

D. held

B. eagerly

D. bravely

B. on

D. towards

B. went

D. shook



12. A. after
C. as
13. A. unload
C. unfold
14. A. keep
C. return
15. A. sign
C. symbol
16. A. remained
C. deserted
17. A. cruel
C. cautious
18. A. story
C. reminder
19. A. delighted
C. excited
20. A. goodness
C. wele
B. until

D. before

B. unwrap

D. unpack

B. possess

D. bring

B. mark

D. decoration

B. parted

D. handed

B. sensitive
D. ugly

B. gift

D. reward

B. pitiful

D. grateful

B. warmth

D. help




【语篇解读】 本文作者通过一次坐车经 历,告诉我们人间自有真情在。一

1. 答案 B

解析 “我们”被告知所罗门地区非常热。根据下文一家人 所做的准备,得出B
选项为答案。tell“告诉”;confirm“确认;证实”;advise“ 建议”;persuade

2. 答案 C

解析 此处是出行前的打包收拾。pack“收拾(行李)”;offer“提供”;pile“堆
放”;di scover“发现”。

3. 答案 A

解析 汽车出发用leave。go“去”;pull“拖,拉”;drive“驾驶”。

4. 答案 D

解析 根据前面的airport可知选D项。

5. 答案 B

解析 因为公共汽车上很冷,所以他们相互依偎,为了暖和。warm“温暖的”;fortable“舒服的”;calm“冷静的”;quiet“安静的”。

6. 答案 B



解析 take much notice“多加关注”。take care“小心”;take action“采取
行动”;pay attention to“注意”。

7. 答案 C

解析 因为太冷了,所以小孩子们是睡不着的。restless“没有睡眠的 ,坐立不
安的”;naughty“淘气的”;noisy“喧闹的”;energetic“精力充沛 的”。

8. 答案 D

解析 hold out“递出东西”;make out“辨认清楚”;put out“熄灭”。

9. 答案 B

解析 因为太冷了,所以看到有人给毛毯,就很渴望地接过来。eagerly “渴望
地”;silently“默默地”;patiently“耐心地”;bravely“勇敢地 ”。

10. 答案 A

解析 around“围绕,环绕”,此处指女孩用毯子把自己裹起来。

11. 答案 B

解析 因为暖和了,所以孩子们就睡着了。go off“入睡;睡着”。nod off“打
盹;打瞌睡”;sleep off“以睡眠来消除……”;shake off“去除;摆脱”。

12. 答案 D

解析 在我们到达之前的一站或两站。

13. 答案 B



解析 因为想还毛毯,毛毯又裹在孩子身上,所以试图把毛毯从孩子身上 解下来。
unwrap“打开,解开”;unload“卸载”;unfold“打开”;unpack “打开(箱、包

14. 答案 A

解析 keep“留着”;possess“拥有”;return“返还”;bring“带来”。

15. 答案 C

解析 a symbol of “……的象征”。sign “符号,迹象”;mark“标志,符号”;

16. 答案 B

解析 part with sth.“舍弃,与……分开”。

17. 答案 A

解析 bad or cruel“邪恶或残忍”,为同义词。

18. 答案 C

解析 story“故事”;gift“礼物”;reminder“提醒之物”;reward“报酬”。
即 使人们曾经邪恶或残忍,这个毛毯可以提醒我们人间自有善良存在。

19. 答案 D

解析 “我”永远心存感激,不仅是感激那一晚的温暖,也感 激对人类善良的



20. 答案 A

解析 根据上文的goodness选出A项。


A new German study has uncovered evidence that there is a strong link
between traffic jams and developing a heart attack. It has been found that
individuals were three times more likely to develop a condition if they
had recently got stuck in traffic, most probably because of the
exposure(接触) of the car fumes(尾气) and other pollution they breathed.

The researchers analyzed data of heart attack cases between February.
xx and December 2011. They interviewed nearly 1,500 patients to gather
information and figure out what could be potential triggers of heart
attack. The participants were asked standardized set of questions, such
as what they were doing the day of the heart attack, where exactly they
went, what means of transportation they used and how much time they spent
in a traffic jam.

The experts found that driving a car turned out to be the most mon
source of traffic exposure, however, using public transportation or


riding a bicycle were also other forms of traffic exposure. The
researchers reported that 8% of all heart attack cases were specifically
linked to having been in traffic. In general, time spent in any type of
transportation in traffic was associated with more than 3 times higher
risk for experiencing a heart attack within the first hour immediately
following the exposure.

The team has also found that women, elderly men, patients who were
unemployed, and those with a history of angina(心绞痛) appeared to be
particularly sensitive and were affected the most by traffic. Female
participants, in fact, were more likely to have a 5 times greater risk
for a heart attack following such exposure, pared to men.

1. The best title for the passage is probably ________.

A. Traffic Jams — a Great Killer

B. Be Sure to Avoid Traffic Jams

C. Traffic Jams May Lead to Heart Attack

D. Get Your Heart away from Traffic Jams

2. The underlined word “triggers” in Paragraph 2 can be replaced by










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