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2021-01-16 19:49
tags:英语学习, 外语学习


I have send sample to you by express. You'll get it in a week.
That's great.
We have sent you a copy of our latest catalogue by DHL. 我们已通过
Half dozen samples have been shipped to you by UPS.
I can federal-express the contract to you.
Please find the mail sent by me tomorrow.
OK. It's high efficient.
Please kindly check…
After check the tracking ,the package already signed for by
your colleague.

Please let us know if there are any problem about the sample.
Logistics information shows that goods has been delivered and signed
for as well.
I checked and found the express had already been signed off by XXX.
Dialogue Script 3 对话原文 3
Sam: Hi, I'd like to send this express mail.
Clerk: Did you fill out the express mail bill?
Sam: Uh, no, I didn't.
Clerk: The forms are on the shelf against the wall. Fill one out, and
bring it back with your package.
Sam: Gotcha. OK, I'm all set.
Clerk: OK, let's see how much your package weighs. It'll be twelve
forty-five for the shipping
. Did you want to insure it?
Sam: Well, the contents aren't really that valuable, so I probably don't
need to.
Clerk: OK. That's twelve forty-five, then. (Sam hands her fifteen
dollars) Out of fifteen. Two fifty-five is your change.
Sam: Thanks. It'll be there tomorrow morning, right?
Clerk: Should be. It might be early afternoon. Don't forget your copy
of the bill.
Sam: What do I need this for?
Clerk: It's got your tracking number on it. You can use this number to
check the progress of your package.
Sam: How do I do that?
Clerk: You can use our website or call our customer service center.
Sam: Sounds easy enough.
Clerk: Is there anything else that you don't understand?
Sam: No, I'm good, thanks.
Clerk: Have a good day!
Sam: You too.
1. 对话中Sam来到了邮局寄包裹。邮局的营业员让他先去填一张表格,fill out
the express mail bill。bill在这里的意思是“单据,账单”。fill out 这个词组
表示“填写表格之类的东西”,有意思的是在美式英语当中,fill in 和fill out都
可以表示“填充,补充”,比如说,You have to fill out/fill in an application
form first. 你得先填一张申请表。The hole has been filled in. 洞已经被填
2. fill out也可以表示“变得更大,更圆,更胖”,我们可以说,Her cheek began
to fill out. 她的脸渐渐胖了起来。Sam对营业员说,gotcha,是Got you在
口语中的缩略形式,表示“ 我明白你的意思了。”很快Sam就填完了表格,他
说,OK, I'm all set. 意思是说,我已经准备好了。
3. 营业员要先称一称Sam包裹的重量,一共需要十二块四毛五分钱 。营业员
又问Sam需不需要为这份快递保价,也就是要不要为运送的货物上保险。insure,表示“上保险,投保”,例如:He insured himself for 50,000 dollars. 他为
自己投五万美元的人寿保险。或者我们也可以说,He insure his life for 50,000
dollars. insure sb/sth against sth,也表示“为某人或某物上保险”。比如,
We insured our house against fire. 我们给自己的房子保火险。Sam觉得
4. 那他就应该只付十二块四毛五分钱就行了。他给了营业员15美元,营业员
就找了他两块五毛五分钱 Out of fifteen. Two fifty-five is your change. 那
么out of A, B is your change这个句型在买东西找钱的时候会经常用到 。店
刚才说的句 型就行了,就是out of A, B is your change。其中A就是你付的
金额,B就是要找给你的零钱。我们用一个对话来做例子, ---I will take this
shirt. ---Out of twenty. Seven fifty is your change. / Your Change is
seven fifty.
5. Sam问这个包裹明天早上是否寄到,营业员说应该是的,但也许是刚过中午
的时候,也就是early afternoon,那么late afternoon就表示“下午快接近傍
晚的时刻”,也就是四 、五点钟左右。营业员还提醒Sam不要忘了单据的副本,
就是the copy of the bill.
6. 那么这个单据的副本是做什么用的呢?Sam也不明白,他问What do I
need this for? 又是这个what for,我们以前提过很多次了,表示“为什么”,
跟why 差不多,比如上面那句话就可以说成Why do I need this? 使用what
for 的时候呢,千万不要忘了这个for。营业员解释说副本上面有货件追踪号码,
可以用这个号码查询货件 的进度。
7. tracking number,就是“货件追踪号码”,每家快递公司的快递单子 上都会
呢?可以 到快递公司的网站上去查或者给客服中心打电话查询。
8. Sam觉得这很简单,他说Sounds easy enough. Sounds easy enough.
表示“某事做起来很简单,听起来就更简单了,只要告诉对方Sounds easy
enough,就能让对方安心,你也可以说“(Sounds) Simple enough”,用一个
对话作例子,---To get there, just take this road for two miles, turn left
at the gas station, and you're there. ---(Sounds) Simple enough,
thanks. ---要去那里,只要沿着这条路走两英里,到加油站左转,然后你 就到
9. 营业员最后问Sam还有什么问题不清楚,Sam 说I'm good.,没有了。I'm
good. 这句话看似简单,却意义非凡。这个短句表示自己对于现在的状况非常
满意,最常 见的使用情况是在餐厅,比如说,服务生问你要不要再来杯饮料的时
候,你就可以简单地说一句,I'm good. 或者I'm fine. 一方面表示拒绝,一
方面也含有谢谢对方好心询问的意味。比如说,---Would you like some more
milk? ---No, I'm good. Thank you. ---还要再来点牛奶吗? ---不用了,谢

Dialogue Script 4 对话原文 4
Lily: Hello, can I speak to Sam?
Sam: This is he.
Lily: This is Lily. I bought your Star Wars figures on eBay.
Sam: Oh, right. Great stuff, huh?
Lily: That's just it. Nothing's been delivered. I asked you to send them
overnight mail.
Sam: I did! They said they'd get there today. Let me find out what
happened and I'll get back to you as soon as possible.
1. 对话中Sam接到了买主Lily的电话。打电话的时候要注意,要找某人可以
说“Can I speak to someone?”或者“May I speak to someone?”,回答的
时候我们就可以说“This is he.” 或者“This is she. ”。
2. Sam还以为Lily已经收到了快件,打电话来谢谢他呢,原来是快件出了问题。
That's just it. 我要说的就是这件事。That's just it. 这句话用在当对方提起
的 事情正是你想要说的,或者那正是整件事的问题所在,你就可以这么说,来表
示你对此事的关注程度,并 强调其重要性。我们用一个对话来举例,---Why are
you worried Lily won't like the food? This roast beef looks great.
---That's just it. She just told me she's a vegetarian
担心Lily不喜欢这里的食物呢?这里 的烤牛肉看起来很棒。---这就是问题所在,
3. 原 来Lily根本没有收到任何东西,她要Sam寄的是第二天就能送到的快递
呀。那么overnigh t mail指的就是那种在今天送件,货件会在下一个营业日到
达的运送服务。Sam觉得很委屈,他 确实就是按照Lily的要求寄的快递。而且
4. Sam也觉得很奇怪,他说要去查一下是怎么回事,再回电话给Lily。这里
get back to someone,是一个很常见的电话用语,就是“给某人回电话”的意
思。或者当两 个人讲电话聊到没有话说时,也可以用这句话作结束语。或者当一
家餐厅在客流高峰时期,你想找侍者点 餐的时候,侍者一时忙不过来,就会跟你
说,I'll get back to you right away. 意思是“我马上过来。”
5. 还有就是当你一时回答不出对方问题的时候,也可以用上这一句。例如,
---Do you have time to talk about our business trip? ---I'm kind of
busy right now. Can I get back to you in a little while? ---你有时间讨论
6. as soon as possible,表示“尽快”,经常缩写成ASAP。

Dialogue Script 5 对话原文 5
Sam: I need to have a package tracked.
Rep 2: Certainly. Your tracking number, please?









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