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2021-01-16 18:35
tags:英语, 其它, 高等教育



对于这个题 型,请大家务必掌握(会背、会在电脑上默写)我们给的7个作文模板,考
试中95%的考题均会与这7 个模板相同和相似,相似也就是说可以拿模板改写。
对于基础较好的同学,请先听视频课程中的写作部 分,背诵这7个模板,会写写作练习
的9个作文题目,同时认识每个模板下面的作文题目,并会改写;保 证能拿到8-10分。
对于基础特别差的同学,背诵并会默写这7个模板,会写写作练习的9个作文题 目,保

综上所述,如果大家按照我说的去做,基础较好的同学 应该能拿到71-89分,基础差的
同学也能拿到66-73分。同时,交际用语、阅读理解、英译汉、 写作属于我们拿分的题型,

范文.My Plan for the National Day Holiday
The National Day Holiday is coming. 国庆假期要到了。It is a very important festival in China. 这
是中国一个非常重要的节日。Everybody has his or her plan for the National Day Holiday. 每个
人对于国庆节都有自己的计划。I have a plan, too. 我也有一个计划。My plan is as follows: 我
First, I’ll take a good rest, as I’m always busy with my work. 首先,我要好好休息一下,因为我
平时工作很忙。Second, I want to stay with my parents. I’m not usually together with them. 第二,
我想陪陪父母。我并不是经常与他们在一起。Third, I want to meet some of my friends and
relatives, as these days we don’t see each other often. 第三,我想见见一些亲戚朋友,因为我们
现在不怎么有机会见面。Fourth, I want to give my room a good cleaning. 第四,我想好好打扫
下房间。Finally, I will study English for the coming examination. 最后,我想为即将到来的考
This is my plan for the coming National Day Holiday. 这就是我对即将到来的国庆假期的计划。

(1).How I Spend My Spare Time 我如何度过业余时间
(2).My Plan for the Spring Festival 我的春节计划
(3).My Plan for Summer Vacation 我的暑假计划
( Plan for the National Day Holiday 我的国庆节计划
(5).My Travel Plan 我的旅游计划
(6).The Chinese New Year 中国新年

范文一.My Teacher
My English teacher is Miss Wang. 我的英语老师是王老师。She is a beautiful lady. 她很漂亮。
She has a round face and bright eyes. 她长着一张圆脸和一对明亮的眼睛。She is always smiling.
Miss Wang is a good teacher. 王老师是一位好老师。She works very hard. 她工作非常努力。
Every day she comes to the school early and is always the last one to leave. 每天她都很早到学校,
总是最后一个离开。She speaks very good English and she teaches well. 她英语说得很棒,教
得也很好。She also tells us what are the right things to do. 而且她还告诉我们如何明辨是非。
She is a motherly teacher. 她是慈母般的老师。She treats us as her own children and takes good
care of us. 她把我们当作自己孩子看待,细心照顾我们。She is so kind that everyone loves her.
This is Miss Wang, my favorite teacher. 这就是王老师,我最喜爱的老师。I feel so lucky to have
her as my teacher. 我为有她这样的老师而感到幸运。I hope that someday I can be a teacher just
like her.我希望有朝一日我也能成为像她这样的老师。

范文二.My Mother
My mother is an English teacher. 我的母亲是位英语老师。She is a beautiful lady. 她很漂亮。
She has a round face and bright eyes. 她长着一张圆脸和一对明亮的眼睛。She is always smiling.
My mother is a good teacher. 我的母亲是一位好老师。She works very hard. 她工作非常努力。
Every day she comes to the school early and is always the last one to leave. 每天她都很早到学校,
总是最后一个离开。She speaks very good English and she teaches well. 她英语说得很棒,教
得也很好。She also tells her students what are the right things to do. 而且她还告诉她的学生们
如何明辨是非。She is a motherly teacher. 她是慈母般的老师。She treats her students as her own
children and takes good care of them. 她把学生当作自己孩子看待,细心照顾他们。She is so
kind that everyone loves her. 她人很好,大家都喜欢她。
This is my mother. 这就是我的母亲。I feel so lucky to have her as my mother and I love her. 我
为有她这样的母亲而感到幸运,我也很爱她。I hope that someday I can be a teacher just like her.

(1).A Good Teacher to remember 一位难忘的好老师
(2).My Family 我的家庭
(3).My Classmates 我的同学
(4).My Best Friend 我最好的朋友
(5).My Teacher 我的老师
(6).My Close Friend 我的好朋友
(7).My Favorite Teacher 我最喜欢的老师
(8).The one I love most 我最爱的人

范文.How I Study English
English is an international language. 英语是一门国际性的语言。It is very useful. 它非常有用。
I like English very much.我非常喜欢英语。 And this is how I study English.我就是这样学习英
First, I remember 30 English words every day. 首先,我每天背30个英文单词。Second, I go over
the grammar points regularly. 第二,我定期复习语法要点。Third, I read articles in English
newspapers and I read simple novels in English. 第三,我阅读英文报纸的文章以及简单的英文
小说。Fourth, I listen to English radio programs and watch English TV programs. 第四,我听英
语的广播节目,看英语的电视节目。Finally, I listen to English music and watch English movies.
This is how I study English. 我就是这样来学习英语的。As a result, I’m more and more interested
in English and my English has improved greatly. 结果,我现在对英语更感兴趣了,英语也有了
很大的进步。Practice makes perfect. 熟能生巧。If I keep practicing, I believe that my English will
be better and better. 如果我继续不断练习的话,我的英语将会变得越来越棒。

(1).Difficulty in studying English英语学习中的困难
(2).How to Overcome Difficulties in My English Studies如何克服英语学习中的困难
(3).Never Give Up永远不要放弃
(4).My Dream 我的理想
(5).My English Study 我的英语学习
(6). My Study Plan 我的学习计划
(7). My Hobbies我的爱好
(8).My First Year at College 我在大学的第一年
(9). Self-study自学
(10). Why I Like Learning English 为何我喜欢英语
(11). 2008 olympic games 08奥运会

范文About Television 关于电视
TV plays the vital role in ours life. 电视在我们生活中扮演重要角色。TV can be seen everywhere
in our daily life. 电视在我们生活中随处可见。Almost each family has one TV set. 每个家庭都
有电视。However, there is a good side and a bad side to everything, and TV is no exception.然而
TV has its advantages. 电视有它的优点。TV is very important to help me to get information and
knowledge.电视能帮我获取信息 Various TV programs make me get to know the world and help
me with my studies.丰富的电视节目让我不断的了解世界帮助我学习。
However, TV also has its disadvantages.然而电视也有缺点。 Watching too much TV program can
waste a lot of time. 看太多电视浪费时间Some programs are boring and useless, and they can
bring us bad information.有些节目无聊没用,并且会给我们带来坏的信息。
So, every coin has two sides, we should choose the right one.总之,一个硬币有它的两面,我们

(1). Advantages and Disadvantages of the Mobile Phone 移动电话的利弊
(2).About TV Ads电视广告的利弊
(3). Living in a Big city住在大城市
(4). My Opinion on Cell Phones我对于手机的想法
(5). On Money钱









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