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英语演讲原文:奥巴马演讲 为未来清洁能源投资

2021-03-02 17:12




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Hi, everybody. I'm speaking to you this week from a factory in

Petersburg, Virginia, where they're bringing on more than

100 new workers to build parts for the next generation of jet


It's a story that's happening more frequently across the

country. Our businesses just added 233,000 jobs last month

for a total of nearly four million new jobs over the last two

years. More companies are choosing to bring jobs back and

invest in America. Manufacturing is adding jobs for the first

time since the 1990s, and we're building more things to sell

to the rest of the world stamped with three proud words:

Made in America.

And it's not just that we're building stuff. We're building

better stuff. The engine parts manufactured here in

Petersburg will go into next-generation planes that are

lighter 1 , faster, and more fuel-efficient.

That last part is important. Because whether you're paying

for a plane ticket, or filling up your gas tank, technology that

helps us get more miles to the gallon is one of the easiest

ways to save money and reduce our dependence 2 on

foreign oil.

The recent spike 3 in gas prices has been another painful

reminder 4 of why we have to invest in this technology. As

usual, politicians have been rolling out their three-point plans

for two-dollar gas: drill, drill, and drill some more. Well, my

response is, we have been drilling. Under my Administration,

oil production in America is at an eight-year high. We've

quadrupled the number of operating oil rigs, and opened up

millions of acres for drilling.

But you and I both know that with only 2% of the world's oil

reserves, we can't just drill our way to lower gas prices


when consume 20 percent of the world's oil. We need an all-

of-the-above strategy that relies less on foreign oil and more

on American-made energy

solar, wind, natural gas, biofuels,

and more.

That's the strategy we're pursuing. It's why I went to a plant

in North Carolina earlier this week, where they're making

trucks that run on natural gas, and hybrid 5 trucks that go

further on a single tank.

And it's why I've been focused on fuel efficient cars since the

day I took office. Over the last few years, the annual number

of miles driven by Americans has stayed roughly the same,

but the total amount of gas we use has been going down. In

other words, we're getting more bang for our buck 6 .

If we accelerate that trend, we can help drivers save a

significant amount of money. That's why, after 30 years of



, we finally put in place new standards that

will make sure our cars average nearly 55 miles per gallon by

the middle of the next decade

nearly double what they get

today. This wasn't easy: we had to bring together auto 7

companies, and unions, and folks who don't ordinarily see

eye to eye. But it was worth it.

Because these cars aren't some pie in the sky solution that's

years away. They're being built right now

by American

workers, in factories right here in the U.S.A. Every year, our

cars and trucks will be able to go further and use less fuel,

and pretty soon, you'll be able to fill up every two weeks

instead of every week

something that, over time, will save

the typical family more than $$8,000 at the pump. We'll

reduce our oil consumption by more than 12 billion barrels.

That's a future worth investing in.

So we have a choice. Right now, some folks in Washington

would rather spend another $$4 billion on subsidies 8 to oil

companies each year. Well you know what? We've been

handing out these kinds of taxpayer 9 giveaways for nearly a

century. And outside of Congress, does anyone really think

that's still a good idea? I want this Congress to stop the

giveaways to an oil industry that's never been more profitable,

and invest in a clean energy industry that's never been more

promising 10 . We should be investing in the technology

that's building the cars and trucks and jets that will prevent

us from dealing 11 with these high gas prices year after year

after year.

Ending this cycle of rising gas prices won't be easy, and it

won't happen overnight. But that's why you sent us to


to solve tough problems like this one. So I'm

going to keep doing everything I can to help you save money

on gas, both right now and in the future. I hope politicians

from both sides of the aisle 12 join me. Let's put aside the

bumper-sticker slogans, remember why we're here, and get

things done for the American people.

Thank you, God bless you, and have a great weekend.









本文更新与2021-03-02 17:12,由作者提供,不代表本网站立场,转载请注明出处:https://www.bjmy2z.cn/gaokao/691144.html

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