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2021-02-10 06:32



Sutra in Forty-Two Sections



Translated from Chinese into English by the Buddhist Text Translation Society,

Dharma Realm Buddhist University, City of Ten Thousand Buddhas


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Section 1

Leaving Home and Becoming an Arhat


The Buddha said,

householder life, who know their mind and penetrate to its origin, and who understand

the unconditioned Dharma are called Shramanas. They constantly observe the 250

precepts, and they value purity in all that they do. By practicing the four true paths,

they can become Arhats.



次为阿 那含。






一 上一还,即得阿罗汉。次为须陀洹。须陀洹者,七死七生,便证阿罗汉。爱欲

断者,如四 肢断,不复用之。

Section 2

Eliminating Desire and Ending Seeking


The Buddha said,

desire, renounce love, and recognize the source of their minds. They penetrate the

Buddha profound principles and awaken to the unconditioned Dharma. Internally they

have no things to attain, and externally they seek nothing. They are not mentally

bound to the Way, nor are they tied to karma. They are free of thought and action;

they neither cultivate nor attain certification; they do not pass through the various

stages, and yet they are highly revered. This is the meaning of the Way.

佛言:出家沙门者,断欲去爱,识 自心源,达佛深理,悟无为法。内无所得,

外无所求。心不系道,亦不结业。无念无作, 非修非证。不历诸位,而自崇最。


Section 3

Severing Love and Renouncing Greed


The Buddha said,

the Dharmas of the Way. They renounce worldly wealth and riches. In receiving alms,

they accept only what enough. They take only one meal a day at noon, pass the night

beneath trees, and are careful not to seek more than that. Craving and desire are what

cause people to be stupid and dull.

佛言:剃除须发而为沙门 ,受道法者,去世资财,乞求取足。日中一食,树

下一宿,慎勿再矣!使人愚蔽者,爱与 欲也。

Section 4

Clarifying Good and Evil


The Buddha said,

What are the ten? Three are done with the body, four are done with the mouth, and

three are done with the mind. The three done with the body are killing, stealing, and

lust. The four done with the mouth are duplicity, harsh speech, lies, and frivolous

speech. The three done with the mind are jealousy, hatred, and stupidity. Thus

These ten are not in accord with the Way of Sages and are called the Ten Evil Deeds.

To put a stop to these evils is to perform the Ten Good Deeds.

佛言: 众生以十事为善,亦以十事为恶。何等为十?身三、口四、意三。身

三者,杀盗淫。口四 者,两舌、恶口、妄言、绮语。意三者,嫉恚痴。如是十事,

不顺圣道,名十恶行。是恶 若止,名十善行耳。

Section 5

Reducing the Severity of Offenses


The Buddha said,

cuts off all thought of repentance, the offenses will engulf him, just as water returning

to the sea will gradually become deeper and wider. If a person has offenses and,

realizing they are wrong, reforms and does good, the offenses will dissolve by

themselves, just as a sick person who begins to perspire will gradually be cured.


若 人有过,自解知非,改恶行善,罪自消灭;如病得汗,渐有痊损耳。

Section 6

Tolerating Evil-doers and Avoiding Hatred


The Buddha said,

comes to cause trouble, you should restrain yourself and not become angry or blame

him. Then the one who has come to do evil will do evil to himself.

佛言:恶人闻善,故来扰乱者,汝自禁息,当无嗔责,彼来恶 者而自恶之。

Section 7

Evil Returns to the Doer


The Buddha said,

practice great humane kindness, intentionally came to berate me. I was silent and did

not reply. When he finished abusing me, I asked, 'If you are courteous to people and

they do not accept your courtesy, the courtesy returns to you, does it not? '


以礼从人,其人 不纳,礼归子乎?对曰:归矣!佛言:今子骂我,我今不纳,子

自持祸归子身矣!犹响应 声,影之随形,终无免离,慎勿为恶。

Section 8

Abusing Others Defiles Oneself


The Buddha said,

and spits at heaven. Instead of reaching heaven, the spittle falls back on him. It is the

same with someone who throws dust against the wind. Instead of going somewhere

else, the dust returns to defile his own body. The sage cannot be harmed. Misdeeds

will inevitably destroy the doer.

< br>佛言:恶人害贤者,犹仰天而唾,唾不至天,还从已堕;逆风扬尘,尘不

至彼,还 坌己身。贤不可悔,祸必灭己。

Section 9

By Returning to the Source, You Find the Way


The Buddha said,

attain. When you guard your mind and revere the Way, the Way is truly great!


Section 10

Joyful Charity Brings Blessings


The Buddha said,

and you will obtain vast and great blessings.

A Shramana asked, s there an end to those blessings?

The Buddha said,

thousands of people come to light their own torches from it so that they can cook their

food and ward off darkness, the first torch remains the same. Blessings, too, are like


佛言:睹人施道,助之 欢喜,得福甚大。沙门问曰:此福尽乎?佛言:譬如

一炬之火 ,数千百人各以炬来分取,熟食除冥,此炬如故;福亦如之。

Section 11

The Increase in Merit Gained by Bestowing Food


The Buddha said,

to a single good person. Giving food to a thousand good people is not as good as

giving food to one person who holds the Five Precepts. Giving food to ten thousand

people who hold the Five Precepts is not as good as giving food to a single

Srotaapanna. Giving food to a million Srotaapannas is not as good as giving food to a

single Sakridagamin. Giving food to ten million Sakri dagamins is not as good as

giving food to a single Anagamin. Giving food to a hundred million Anaga mins is

not as good as giving food to a single Arhat. Giving food to one billion Arhats is not

as good as giving food to a single Pratyekabuddha. Giving food to ten billion

Pratyekabuddhas is not as good as giving food to a Buddha of the three periods of

time. Giving food to a hundred billion Buddhas of the three periods of time is not as

good as giving food to a single person who is without thoughts, without dwelling,

without cultivation, and without accomplishment.



饭一 阿那含;








不如饭一 无念无住无修无


Section 12

A List of Difficulties and an Exhortation to Cultivate


The Buddha said,

difficult to give when one is poor. It is difficult to study the Way when one has wealth

and status. It is difficult to abandon life and face the certainty of death. It is difficult to

encounter the Buddhist sutras. It is difficult to be born at the time of a Buddha. It is

difficult to be patient with lust and desire. It is difficult to see fine things and not seek

them. It is difficult to be insulted and not become angry. It is difficult to have power

and not abuse it. It is difficult to come in contact with things and have no thought of

them. It is difficult to be vastly learned and well-read. It is difficult to get rid of pride.

It is difficult not to slight those who have not yet studied. It is difficult to practice

equanimity of mind. It is difficult not to gossip. It is difficult to meet a Good and

Wise Advisor. It is difficult to see one own nature and study the Way. It is difficult to

teach and save people according to their potentials. It is difficult to see a state and not

be moved by it. It is difficult to have a good understanding of skill-in- means.

佛言:人有二十难。 贫穷布施难,豪贵学道难,弃命必死难,得睹佛经难,





< br>有势不临难,








见性学道难,随化度人难 ,睹境不动难,善解方便难。

Section 13

Questions about the Way and Past Lives


A Shramana asked the Buddha,

and understand the ultimate Way?

The Buddha said,

understand the ultimate Way. Just as when you polish a mirror, the dust vanishes and

brightness remains, so too, if you cut off desire and do not seek, you then can know

past lives.

沙门问佛 :以何因缘,得知宿命,会其至道?佛言:净心守志,可会至道。

譬如磨镜,垢去明存; 断欲无求,当得宿命。

Section 14

Asking about Goodness and Greatness


A Shramana asked the Buddha,

The Buddha said, o

practice the Way and uphold the truth is goodness. To unite your will with the Way is


沙门问佛:何者为善?何者最大?佛言:行道守真者善,志与 道合者大。

Section 15

Asking about Strength and Brilliance


A Shramana asked the Buddha,


The Buddha said,

are patient do not harbor hatred, and they gradually grow more peaceful and strong.

Patient people, since they are not evil, will surely gain the respect of others. Then the

mind defilements are gone completely, so that it is pure and untainted, that is the

utmost brilliance. When there is nothing, from before the formation of the heavens

and the earth until now, in any of the ten directions that you do not see, know, or hear;

when you have attained omniscience, that may be called brilliance.

沙门问佛:何者多力?何者最明?佛言:忍辱多力,不怀恶故 ,兼加安健。

忍者无恶,必为人尊。心垢灭尽,净无瑕秽,是为最明。未有天地,逮于今 日;


Section 16

Casting Aside Love and Attaining the Way


The Buddha said,

when you stir clear water with your hand, those who stand beside it cannot see their

reflections, so, too, people who are entangled in love and desire have turbidity in their

minds, and therefore they cannot see the Way. You Shramanas should cast aside love

and desire. When the stains of love and desire disappear, you will be able to see the



影者。人以爱 欲交错,心中浊兴,故不见道。汝等沙门,当舍爱欲。爱欲垢尽,


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Section 17

When Light Arrives, Darkness Departs


The Buddha said,

enters a dark room, dispelling the darkness so that only light remains. When you study

the Way and see the truth, ignorance vanishes and light remains forever.

佛言:夫见道 者,譬如持炬,入冥室中,其冥即灭,而明独存;学道见谛,

无明即灭,而明常存矣!< /p>

Section 18

Thoughts and So Forth Are Basically Empty


The Buddha said, y Dharma is the mindfulness that is both mindfulness and

non-mindfulness. It is the practice that is both practice and non- practice. It is words

that are words and non-words, and cultivation that is cultivation and non-cultivation.

Those who understand are near to it; those who are confused are far away, indeed. It

is not accessible by the path of language. It is not hindered by physical objects. If you

are off by a hairsbreadth, you will lose it in an instant.



Section 19

Contemplating Both the False and the True


The Buddha said,

impermanence. Contemplate the world, and be mindful of its impermanence.

Contem-plate the efficacious, enlightened nature: it is the Bodhi nature. With this

awareness, one quickly attains the Way.

佛言:观天地,念非常。观世界,念非常。观灵觉,即菩 提。如是知识,


Section 20

Realize that the Self Is Truly Empty


The Buddha said,

Though each has a name, none of them is the self. Since they are not the self, they are

like an illusion.

佛言:当念身中四大,各有自名, 都无我者。我既都无,其如幻耳!

Section 21

Fame Destroys Life Roots


The Buddha said,

famous. By the time their reputation is established, they are already dead. Those who

are greedy for worldly fame and do not study the Way simply waste their effort and

wear themselves out. By way of analogy, although burning incense gives off

fragrance, when it has burned down, the remaining embers bring the danger of a fire

that can burn one up.

佛言:人随情欲,求于声名;声名显著,身已故矣!贪世常名 而不学道,


Section 22

Wealth and Sex Cause Suffering


The Buddha said,

child who cannot resist honey on the blade of a knife. Even though the amount is not

even enough for a single meal serving , he will lick it and risk cutting his tongue in

the process.

佛言:财色于人,人之不舍。譬如刀刃有蜜,不足一餐之美; 小儿舐之,










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