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2021-01-26 04:40



If you're like a lot of job seekers, when you get called for an interview,you swing into preparation
mode. You research the company, you try topredictwhat questions you'll be asked, and you practice
your answers untilthey're flawless. But in the midst of all this effort to make a greatimpression, don't lose
sight of what might be the single most important thingyou can remember as you head into the interview:
The point of the interview isnot to get a job offer. It's to figure out if you're a mutualmatch, emphasis

你是不是和大部分的求职者一 样?在收到面试通知后,会立刻进入准备状态。对公司进行研究,分析
会问到哪些问题,练习回答直到答 案完美无缺。但是要想让人印象深刻,在面试时,不要忘了最重要的事
情:你面试的目的不是为了得到这 份工作,而是要弄清自己是否适合这份工作。注意这种适合是相互的。

If you go into your interview focused solely on convincingthe employer tohire you, you'll lose sight of
whether this is a job you even want or a company

or manager

you want to work for. Instead, in
addition to showing theinterviewer what you can do, your goal should be to make an informed
decisionabout whether this is the right job and the right employer for you.

如果你在面试时只是想说服雇主聘用你,你会忽视自己是否想做这份工 作或是否想为这家公司(或管
理者)效劳。相反,除了向面试官展示你的技能外,你的目标应是通过面试 时的信息判断:这份工作是否

Think of it like dating: If you approached every first date determined tomake your date fall for you,
you'd miss important cuesabout whether or not youwere right for each other. And you might end up with
someone who makes youmiserable, or someone who you couldn't make happy.

把它想象成约会:如果你在每个初次约会前都下定决心让对方爱上 你,你会错过你们是否合适的重要
线索,这样也许最后和你在一起的人会让你很痛苦,也可能你没办法让 他

So when it comes to job hunting, it's important to view a job interview asa two-way
conversation …not a one
-sided interrogation where the interviewerfires questions at you, and you just
hope you're measuring up. Don't focus so

hard on pleasing the interviewer that you forget to pay attention to whetherthis is a job you even

所以,找工作时,不要认为面试就是面 试官向你发问,你能做的只是把所有问题都答出来。要把面试
看成双向的交流,而非面试官的单方审问。 不要只想着如何取悦面试官,还要看看这份工作是否是你想要

This approach means interviewing the interviewer, asking questions tofigure out things like:









本文更新与2021-01-26 04:40,由作者提供,不代表本网站立场,转载请注明出处:https://www.bjmy2z.cn/gaokao/569379.html
