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2021-01-17 01:21
tags:高考, 高中教育



(B7 U1)
Defeat Disability
Yang’s ambition was to get an architect certificate or become a bowling master. But when he was conducting
experiments with a microscope in the basement, a tank on the bench exploded, sending him flying outwards
through the exit. He was out of breath while knowing he lost his eyesight as well as 70% of his hearing. In other
words, he was disabled.
Feeling clumsy, he was annoyed at first though nobody made fun of him. He cut out going outdoors and just
sat around at home talking to his parrot or tortoise silently. His sister resigned to help him in many ways. Her
assistance and encouragement were so beneficial to his psychology that he adapted to his disability soon and
became outgoing again. In a college accessible to him, he studied politics and literature. He always sat in the front
row near the entry without any absence and, with the help of his handy laptop, he studied well by means of
dictation. His thesis, Abolishing Slavery, met with all professors’ approval. After class, he and his companions
often played drum music, which was noisy but suitable for his hearing.
After graduation, he made high profits by designing software for a firm. All in all, in his community, he won
his dignity and people’s congratulations.
He always wished all the best to his disabled fellows and encouraged them, “Never mind! All you have is
adequate to get your achievement.”
阳的雄心是,要么 获得一张建筑师证书,要么成为一名保龄球高手。但是在地下室里的显微镜下进行
试验时,放在长凳上的 一只大桶突然爆炸,把他从出口处炸飞了出去。当知道自己除了失去70%的听力之
外,还失去了视力时 ,他完全喘不过气来。换句话说,他残疾了。
最初,尽管没人取笑他,他还是非常气恼于自己的笨拙。 他取消了外出,总是在家里闲坐,和他的鹦
鹉和乌龟默默相对。他的姐姐辞了职,用许多方式帮助他。她 的帮助和鼓励对他的心理是如此地有益,以
致他很快就适应了自己的残疾,再次变得外向起来。他在一所 接受他就读的学校里学习政治和文学,总是
坐在靠近入口的前排,从不缺席。在他轻便好用的手提电脑的 帮助下,他用听写的方式学习得很好。他的
论文《废除奴隶制》受到所有教授的一致认可。课后,他和伙 伴们还常常演奏大声却适合他听觉的鼓乐。
毕业后,他通过设计软件为一家公司获得很高的利润。总之 ,在他的社区里,他赢得了自己的尊严和

他一直都把所有 最好祝愿给予他残疾的同伴,并鼓励他们:“没关系,你拥有的一切一定足够你取得自

(B7 U2)
Happy Marriage Needs Fighting For
As a talented navy officer, he was bound to be busy. When his wife rang him up to declare her divorce alarm,
he was still scanning a digital counter to check the data so as to give an assessment of the theoretical framework
for a biochemical weapon. His junior staff’s sympathy made him feel embarrassed.
His wife was a part-time clerk. With his high bonus, she lived in a grand house with elegant cushions and
bedding. Her favour was reading stars’ biographies or absurd fictions with endless chapters in her armchair.
People envied her leisure life very much. But in fact, she was tired of being left alone. She sent emails to his
mailbox every week to state her thinking and ask for his accompaniment, but never received reply of satisfaction.
Tired of his explanation that he must obey the orders, she filed for divorce.
Because he desired to get their holy affection back, he set other affairs aside. He trimmed his fingernails
short and changed his overweight figure as well as his awful haircut. He wore an apron to prepare delicious
cuisine for her. He also bought her a necklace and piles of flowers hoping that their receiver could turn around.
After being tested out for 3 months in all, he eventually succeeded.
作为一名才华出众的海军军官,他注定是要忙碌的 。当他的妻子打来电话宣布和他离婚的警告时,他
还在查看一台数码计数器核对数据,以对一种生物化学 武器的理论框架做出评估。他的下级职员表现出的
他的妻子是一位非全日性 工作的职员,有了他的高津贴,她住在一所装饰有优雅垫子和寝具的富丽堂
皇的屋子里。她的爱好是坐在 扶手椅上读读明星们的传记或一些有没完没了章节的荒谬小说。别人都很妒
忌她安逸的生活,但是实际上 ,她厌透了被独自丢下。她每周都给他的邮箱发电子邮件陈述她的想法,要
求他的陪伴,但却从未收到满 意答复。受够了他总是必须服从命令的解释,她提出了离婚。
因为渴望重新获得这份神圣的爱,他把别 的事务都放在一边。他剪短了指甲,改变了超重的身材和糟
糕的发型,还穿上围裙为她做可口的菜肴,他 甚至还给她买了项链和成堆的鲜花,希望它们的接受者能够









本文更新与2021-01-17 01:21,由作者提供,不代表本网站立场,转载请注明出处:https://www.bjmy2z.cn/gaokao/521657.html

