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2021-01-15 17:54
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新视界大学英语3期末考试题型整理 2014年12月26日星期五
's not reasonable to make judgments about people you don't know.
1.2.I don t want to make a really bad mistake in my job interview.
ications and experience are a calculation of how suitable you are for the job.
people applying for the job should read this information sheet carefully.
1.5.I think your work will be read by a group of people chosen to judge it,not by an individual.
father explained to us how the earth moves in a circle around a fixed central point once every 24 hours.
2.2.I played with a toy that attracts iron or steel objects towards it which was really fun.
mother didn't buy us expensive and fashionable clothes when we were children.
parents won't allow their children to go out late at night.
moved from one set of rooms on the floor of a building to another all through her childhood.
ng and music combine well together,since they can both represent the human condition.

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新视界大学英语3期末考试题型整理 2014年12月26日星期五
artists feel they have more freedom when they go and work in another country.
artistic atmosphere which was strongest at the end of the 19th century in France was one of freedom
and experiment.
era of art which did not represent the exact appearance of things began about this time.
is a clear and marked difference in style between van Gogh and the Impressionists.
mes great genius can have an effect which causes harm and damage on the personal lives of
's easy for us not to take into consideration the personal difficulties many artists have experienced.
they began to doubt their own genius,some artists felt very worried and angry.
may lose control if you don't keep a tight hold on the wheel.
wants to travel for a year before going to university but her parents do not think it is a
good idea.

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新视界大学英语3期末考试题型整理 2014年12月26日星期五
were only a small number of candidates for the job.
would like to thank you for what you have given to the project.
m is an essential part of the economy of this country.
a child, he was very intelligent and always asking questions.
you write your comments in the blank parts of the page at the edge of the text?
the outside the building in which I work seems rather large and important.
was quite angry when he learnt he had not been considered for the job.
effects of stress on the body develop and grow gradually over time.
5.3.I don't wish to become involved in your private party, but did you hear the fire alarm?
was very thoughtful of you to remember my birthday.
's one of those people who go through life in an unplanned way.
students were allowed in or out of the science laboratory for the whole period of the experiment.
can't take no notice of the fact that this year has been very hard financially.

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新视界大学英语3期末考试题型整理 2014年12月26日星期五
unately, a lot of people have already lost their jobs.
statistics lesson included part of yesterday's lecture.
7.5.I haven't taken any notes for three lessons following each other in order.
you lose your key it won't be easy to have a copy made of it.
8.1.I've been living abroad for so long that I'd forgotten what Christmas in the UK is like.
was a sudden strong feeling of fear in the crowded shop when the fire alarm went off.
we need in this class is a greater sense of agreement and working together.
prices they charge are shocking and disgraceful.
8.5.I move around the cake mixture with a spoon.
had drunk so much alcohol that he could only walk very unsteadily back to his hotel room.
someone misjudges you, do they (a) not understand you, or (b) make an incorrect decision about

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新视界大学英语3期末考试题型整理 2014年12月26日星期五
to underestimate someone (a) to think that someone is not as good as they really are, or (b)
to be uninterested in them?
the optimal solution to a problem (a) the most useful one, or (b) the best possible one?
someone leads you astray, do they make you believe something that is (a) true, or (b) not true?
something that is random happen (a) in a particular order, or (b) in no particular order?
something is extraneous, is it (a) something that comes from an outside source, or (b) something
someone is fickle, do they (a) often change their mind, or (b) never change their mind?
someone has a sense of inferiority, do they feel they (a) are less intelligent or less important
than other people, or (b) have less money than other people?
something that is impersonal (a) not connected to people, or (b) not caring about someone's personal
needs and circumstances?
to brainwash someone (a) to tell them a funny story, or (b) to change their beliefs by telling

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新视界大学英语3期末考试题型整理 2014年12月26日星期五
them something repeatedly?
to navigate (a) to say where a place is, or (b) to find and follow a path to a place?
you grin, do you (a) smile a wide smile, or (b) cry out?
to twinkle (a) to shine brightly and then weakly, or (b) to move across the sky?
your descendants (a) your children's children or (b) members of your family who you don't know
very well?
junk (a) things that have no value that you throw away, or (b) interesting things you want to
ive (a) releasing great force and causing damage (b) expressing strong emotion
te (a)easily damaged (b)attractive
ibe (a) to order treatment for a patient (b) to make a law about something
(a) a sudden increase (b) a sudden decrease
neous (a) happening naturally (b) happening in an unnatural way

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新视界大学英语3期末考试题型整理 2014年12月26日星期五
e (a) extreme pain caused by someone as punishment (b) an uncomfortable or painful feeling
you are dispirited, do you (a) feel sad and unconfident, or (b) not know what to say?
something is incomprehensible, is it (a) not very sensible, or (b) hard to understand?
someone mystifies something, do they make it (a) clear and simple, or (b) strange and difficult
to understand?
to envision something (a) to plan about it, or (b) to imagine it?
you are baffled, are you (a) sad and lonely, or (b) confused?
you ascertain something, do you (a) find it out, or (b) ask a question about it?
an eminent person (a) important and well-known, or (b) someone from another country?
you scowl at someone, do you (a) look at them in an angry way, or (b) smile at them?
tion (a) a means of communicating
(b) a means of transport which allows you to continue a journey
ion (a) a change in the use of something

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新视界大学英语3期末考试题型整理 2014年12月26日星期五
(b) an activity that stops you doing something more important
nce (a) an event (b) a number of cases
tive (a) wanting to protect (b) providing protection
up (a) to be somewhere after a lot has happened (b) to make something work
c (a) worried or upset (b) busy and urgent
something lurches, does it (a) move suddenly from one side to another, or (b) suddenly stop moving?
a particular type of behaviour is frenetic, is it (a) very happy, or (b) too fast and stressful?
someone behaves with deference, do they (a) show a lot of respect for someone or something, or
(b) give a lot of attention to someone or something?
an activity is frivolous, is it (a) important and worth spending time on, or (b) unimportant and
not worth spending time on?
an idea is seductive, is it (a) hard to believe, or (b) easy to believe?
longevity mean (a) living a long life, or (b) living a healthy life?

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新视界大学英语3期末考试题型整理 2014年12月26日星期五
someone does something defiantly, do they do it (a) full of fear, or (b) openly and without fear?
t for (a) to give an explanation for something (b) to know where someone or something is
ctive (a) viewpoint (b) sensible way of looking at things
hands (a) to try something different (b) to get a new owner or be taken over by someone
(a) a piece of paper (b) a mistake
to terms with (a) to arrive in a new place
(b) to learn to accept and deal with an unpleasant situation
out (a) to do something against one's principles (b) to sell everything you have
l (a) neither positive nor negative (b) not involved in a war or dispute
uent (a) happening before something else (b) happening after something else
ant (a) without a job (b) without meaning
able (a) easy to hurt physically or mentally (b) not easy to hurt physically or mentally

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