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2021-01-08 21:06
tags:英语学习, 外语学习



Welcome to Thailand. May I have a look at your customs declaration?欢迎来泰国。我可以看一
Yes. Here you are.好的,都在这儿。
You go ahead with the formalities. I'll see to the heavy luggage.您先去办手续,我来帮您照看大
That's great. I'll come back right after the formalities.那太好了。手续办完后我就回来。
What type of visa have you got?您持的是哪种签证?
I have a tourist visa.旅游签证。
Would you mind opening your suitcase?请把您的箱子打开,好吗?
Not at all. Check it, please.好的,请检查。
Would you please make a record of all your foreign currencies?请把你所带的外币登记一下,好
OK. I'll do as you say.好的,照办。
Have you filled in the baggage declaration?行李申请单填好了吗?
No. I really don't know how to go about it.没有。我真不知道如何填。
Do you have anything to declare for customs?有什么要申报呀?
No. I have nothing to declare.没有。我没有什么要申报的。
How long are you going to stay here?您在这里呆多久?
About one month. I'm just sightseeing.大约一个月。我只是观光旅游。
Have you anything dutiable?您有应缴税的东西吗?
No, these are only personal effects.没有,这只是些私人用品。
Is that all for customs formalities?海关检查就这些了吗?
Yes, you are through with it. I hope you will enjoy your stay in Thailand.是的,检查完毕。希望
Are you carrying any items that need to be declared?你没有携带需要申报的东西吗?
Do you have anything that must be claimed?难道你没需要申报的东西吗?
Would you please hand me your customs declaration form?请出示您的申报表给我?
Please have your customs declaration form ready.请把您的申报表准备好。
All my bags are checked in. I guess I'm all set to go.我的行李都检查完了,看来我可以走了。

Where can I get a taxi?哪里我可以乘坐出租车?
The taxi zone is right on the left corner over there.出租车站台就在左边转角处。
Are you free?
Sure. Where are you going?
Drive me back to (Pattaya、Phuket、chiengmai)。
OK. That's about 20 miles away.好的,大约是20英里远。
How much will it cost?需要多少钱?
That'll be thirty-six dollars, sir.先生,车费是36元。
Here you are. You can keep the change.给你。零钱不用找了。
You're very generous.你真慷慨。
That's alright. You're a lot of help.没关系。你帮了很大的忙。
Take me to the railway station.载我到火车站。

Take me back. 载我回去。
What is the charge for that? 那要多少费用?
How much extra do I have to pay for that? 我还要另外付多少?
Keep the change for yourself. 找回的钱你留着。
The change is yours. 找回的钱给你。
How long does it take? 要花多久时间?
Don't give me the change anymore.不必给我找钱了。

Is this the bus that goes by the mall?这班公共汽车经过商业街吗?
No, it isn't. But you can transfer from this bus to bus number 24.不,不经过。但是你可以搭这
Good. How much is the fare?好。车费多少?
It's seventy-five Thai baht. 车费75泰铢。
Will it cost for the transfer?转车要钱吗?
Yes. When you get on the transfer bus, just show the bus driver this tickets.要。当你上了转乘
You will only have to pay another ten Thai baht.你只需另外再付10泰铢.
That sounds pretty good.听起来挺好的嘛!
You can take a seat now.现在你找个座位坐下吧。
When you're ready to get off, remember to press the button near your seat.当你要下车时,记
Is this bus going to Bangkok?这车开往曼谷吗?
Get me off at the Fifth Avenue.请在第五大道让我下车。
Where can I put the coin?硬币要放在哪儿?
Can you tell me how to get to the railway station?你能告诉我怎样去火车站吗?

May I help you, sir?需要我帮忙吗,先生?
I'd like to convert some RMB yuan to Thai baht, please. 请将我的一些人民币换成泰币。
Certainly. Do you have any identification?当然可以。你有任何证明文件吗?
Yes, I have my Passport. Here it is.是的,我有护照。这就是。
Fine. How much would you like to exchange, sir?好的。您要兑换多少呢,先生?
What's the exchange rate today?今天的兑换比率是多少?
A RMB yuan is valued at 5 point 4 Thaibaht.一元人民币价值5.4泰铢。
Five hundred RMB yuan, please.请换500美元。
Here you go, sir.可以,先生。
Will it take long?要很久吗?
No. Please endorse the check at the back.不会的。请在支票的背面签名。 OK.好的。

Hi. I'd like to cash an Thailand Express traveler's check.嗨,我想兑换泰国运通的旅行支票。
Sure. Would you please sign your name on the back, sir, with your passport number?没问题。
And I'll need to see your passport.另外,我需要看一下您的护照。

Sure. Can you give me fifty dollars in small bills, please, and ten dollars in change?好的。你可
No problems. Here's your passport, and here's your money. Have a nice day, Mr. Wang.没问题。

Pattaya、Phuket、Chiengmai、Bangkok 地名 Personal effcects 私人物品

Good morning, sir. May I help you?早安,先生。能为您服务吗?
Yes. I have a room booked with you, for two days starting today. Name of Wang.是的,我已向
Thank you, Mr. Wang. Please wait a moment while I check our reservations list.谢谢,王先生。
That's Mr. Bin Wang, from Xiangyang? 您是王彬,从襄阳来的?
Yes, it is.是的,没错。
Mr. Wang, everything is OK. Your booking is from today through Wendnsday. Single room.王先
Your room number is 512. Here's your key.房间号码是512。这是您的钥匙。
Thanks. Could you point me in the right direction?谢谢。您能告诉我要往哪里走吗?
Certainly, sir. The elevators are right across the lobby.当然可以,先生。电梯就在大厅的正对面。
Floors one to eight are the elevators to the left.一到八楼上下使用的电梯在左边。

Hello. I'm calling from Room 1116.喂,我这里是1116号房间。
Yes? Can I do something for you?什么事?我能为您效劳吗?
I'm ready to check out now.我准备好要结账。
I have your bill right here.您的账单在这里。
Thank you.谢谢。
Did you make any long distance calls this morning, or did you sign for your breakfast?您今天早
No, I didn't.没有。
Fine. The bill comes to $$ 300 even.好。账单上总共是300元整。
May I check it?我可以核对一下吗?
By all means, you ahead.当然可以。随便。
What is this charge here?这是什么费用?
That's for a long distance call you make two nights ago.这是你两天前打的一个长途电话的费用。
I see. Is a credit card OK?我明白了。用信用卡可以吗?
Yes, of course.可以,当然可以。
May I look it over?我可以过目一遍吗?

Do you accept credit cards?你们接受信用卡吗?
I have room reserved.我已订了房。
Please wait a second.请稍等。
Please hold on a moment.请等会儿。

Any discount, OK?可以打个折扣吗?
It is too expensive. How about half the price?太贵了,半价怎么样?
Only a five percent discount? How about twenty percent?只打九五折?八折怎么样?
What a price! Lower it, please?这么高的价格!请降点。
I'll take it. But the price is a bit high. How about free wrapping?我买了。但价格有点高,免费包
Can't you make it a little cheaper?你不能算便宜一点?
Oh, no sir. We already gave you a discount on each item.哦,不行,先生。每一件东西我们都
OK. I understand. Thank you.好吧,我懂了,谢谢你。

Are you ready to order now, sir?先生,你准备点菜吗?
Yes, I am. I'd like some wine and roast duck.是的。我想要些酒和烤鸭。
Roast duck. There will be a slight delay for that.烤鸭。那会稍微慢一点。
How long?多久? About forty minutes, I think.我想大约40分钟。
OK, please. I'll order something else at first.好的,来一份。我先点别的东西。
Is this my meal?这是我的菜吗?
What did you order?您点了什么?
The fried scallops.炸干贝。
Oh, sorry. There must be some mistake.哦,抱歉,一定是弄错了。
Would you get me some more water, please?麻烦你再帮我加点水,行吗?
Is this what I ordered?这是我点的吗?
I don't think this is my meal.我想这不是我点的。
Did you bring me what I ordered?你拿来的是我所点的吗?
May I pay in cash?可以付现金吗?

Pay the bill,please. 买单 看菜单 Menu,Please Coin 硬币

Good afternoon. What's the trouble?下午好。有什么不舒服吗?
I've had a pretty high fever since yesterday morning.从昨天早上起,我就一直发高烧。
Anything else?还有其它的吗?
Yes. I have an upset stomach.是的,我的胃很难受。
I see. We'll take a good look at you.我明白了。我们会好好替你看看。
Do you have any other symptoms? Any more than those you've described?你有没有其它的症
No. That's about all.没有。大概就是这些。
Well, I don't think it's anything serious.嗯,我想没有什么严重的。
I'm relieved to hear that.你的话使我松了一口气。
I'm having trouble eating.我吃东西时有困难。
What I eat won't stay down.我吃东西时感到恶心。









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