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出生日期与星座高考英语单选题04-10真题分类汇编(答案及详解)专题2形容词与副词 (1)

2021-01-02 01:55


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第二章 形容词与副词
第一部分 近年高考题荟萃
1【题目】 (09安徽24) —Do you think it's a good idea to make friends with your students?
— , I do. I think it's a great idea.
A. Really B. Obviously C. Actually D. Generally

【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 C
2【题目】(09福建30) It seems that living green is easy and affordable. A small step masks a big
A. exactly B. fortunately C. surprisingly D. hardly

【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 C
【解析】 考查副词。exactly:准确地;fortunately:幸运地;surprisi ngly:惊讶地,出乎意料地;hardly:
几乎不。题干意思是:似乎保护环境是出乎意料的简单 可行,小小的行动能带来很大的不同。选C。
【题目】3(09湖北27) As there is less and less coal and oil, scientists are exploring new ways of making use of ______
energy, such as sunlight, wind and water for power and fuel.
A. primary B. alternative C. instant D. unique

【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 B
【解析】 考查形容词。既然石油和煤都越来越少,人们只好使用一些其它可替代这些燃料的东西,alternative
有“可选择的,可替代的”之意,符合句意。primary“首要的,初期的”,instant“立 即的,迅速的”,unique“独
The questionnaire takes ______ ten to fifteen minutes to complete and can be used along with the assessment
A. mainly B. punctually C. approximately D. precisely

【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 C
【解析】 考查副词。这里意思是“问卷大约需要10至15分钟完成”,应选择approximately“大约地”。
5【题目】(09湖南24) I can be a teacher. I’m not a very patient person.
A. seldom B. ever C. never D. always

【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 C
【解析】 句意为:我绝不会成为一名教师。因为我不是 一个很有耐心的人。seldom表示“很少”;ever表
示“永远”用在肯定句中;never表示 “绝不,从来没有” always 表示“总是”。
Frank put the mediocre in the top drawer to make sure it would not be______ to the kids.
A. accessible B. relative C. acceptable D. sensitive

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【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 A
【解析】 考查形容词的辨析。Be accessible to 为……能够接近; be relative to 和……有关系; be acceptable
to 为……所接受 ; be sensitive to 对……敏感, 易接受。
7【题目】(09海南23) How much she looked without her glasses!
A. well B. good C. best D. better

【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 D
8【题目】(09四川19) My uncle’s house in the downtown area is much smaller than ours , but it is twice _______
expensive .
A. as B. so C. too D. very

【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 A
【解析】 考查倍数的表示方法。该题采用了“倍数+as++as ”这一结构,所以答案为A。
9【题目】(09天津12) It was a nice house, but _______ too small for a family of live.
A. rarely B. fairly C. rather D. pretty

【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 C
I’m not surprised that he became a writer. Even as a child he had a _____ imagination.
A. clear B. cautious C. funny D. vivid

【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 D
The incomes of skilled workers went up. ______, unskilled workers saw their earnings fall.
A. Moreover B. Therefore C. Meanwhile D. Otherwise

【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 C
In the good care of the nurses, the boy is ______ recovering from his heart operation.
A. quietly B. actually C. practically D. gradually

【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 D
The children loved their day trip, and they enjoyed the horse ride .
A. most B. more C. less D. little

【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 A
【解析】 考查形容词(immediate)、副词等(most、much too与too much的区别)
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15【题目】(09全国Ⅱ11)I’m sure that your letter will get attention. They know you’re waiting for the
A. continued B. immediate C. careful D. general

【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 B
【解析】 考查形容词(immediate)、副词等(most、much too与too much的区别)
It’s high time you had your hair cut it’s getting .
A. too much long B. much too long C. long too much D. too long much

【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 B
【解析】 考查形容词(immediate)、副词等(most、much too与too much的区别)

Compared with his sister, Jerry is even more to, and more easily troubled by ,
emotional and relationship problems.
A. skeptical B. addicted C. available D. sensitive

【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 D
You’re driving too you drive ?
slowly a bit a bit more
C.a bit more slowly more a bit
【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 C
【解析】 考查a bit用来修饰比较级的用法。
The weather was cold that I didn’t like to leave my room.

【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 D
【解析】 考查so...that这一结构。
The house still needed a lot of work,but the kitchen was finished.
d ther once least

【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 D
【解析】 句意为:尽管这所房子仍然需要大量工作(才能建完),但至少厨房已经竣 工了。D项意为“至少”,
根据句意知此项符合;A项意为“相反”;B项意为“总共”;C项意为“立 刻,马上”。
4【题目】( 08北京26)
After the long journey, the three of them went back home, _____ .
A. hungry and tiredly B. hungry and tired
C. hungrily and tiredly D. hungrily and tired

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【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 B
【解析】 句意为:长途旅行后他们三人回家了,又累又饿。 由句式结构看,空格处应作为状语使用,四个
选项中均使用了并列连词and,故and前后的词性应该 一致,且英语中形容词或形容词短语可作为状语使用,
My brother is really ___ _. He often works in his office far into the night.
A. open-minded B. hard-working C. self-confident D. warm-hearted

【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 B
【解析】 open-minded 思想开明的,坦率的;hard-working 勤劳的,努力工作的;self-confident 自信的;
warm-hearted 热心肠的。句意为:我弟弟真是能干,他经常在办公室里工作到深夜。
6【题目】(08天津15)At the railway station, the mother waved goodbye to her daughter until the train was _______.
A. out of sight B. out of reach C. out of order D. out of place

【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 A
【解析】 out of sight看不见;out of reach够不到;out of order杂乱,出故障;out of place不在原来的地方,不恰当。句意为:在火车站,这位母亲挥手向她的女儿告别,直到火车看不见为止。
7【题目】(08安徽27)—Hi, was the musical evening?
—Excellent! Alex and Andy performed___and they won the first prize.
ully ly gly sly

【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 A
【解析】 句意为:“喂,马克!音乐晚会如何?”“太棒了!亚历克斯和安迪表演得很娴熟,他们得了第一
8【题目】(08江西29)If a person has not had enough sleep, his actions will give him during the day.

【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 A
【解析】 句意为:如果一个人没有足够的睡眠的话,那么在白天他的行为就会表露出来。give away 赠送;
泄露;表露;give up放弃;give in屈服,让步;give back返还,归还。
9【题目】(08江西33)Jack is late is of him to keep others waiting.
ry l

【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 D
【解析】 It is typical of do sth.是固定句型,意为“某人一向如此”。
10【题目】(08湖北28)In those days, our ______ concern was to provide people who were stopped by the snow
storm withfood and health care.
nt ent y

【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 D
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【解析】 norm al正常的;标准的;constant不断的;permanent永久的;primary基本的;首要的。 句意
11【题目】(08湖北29)As he works in a remote area, he visits his parents only ______ .
onally sly cally ly

【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 A
【解析】 occasionally adv.偶尔地;anxiously adv.焦急地

practically adv.实用地,实际地;urgently adv.
12【题目】(08湖南25)Last night didn’t come back at the usual time. ,he met some friends and
stayed out until midnight.
ile r d

【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 C
【解析】 句意为:昨天晚上库鲁克先生没有按往常的时间回来,而是见了几个朋友,在外面呆到半 夜。C
项为“相反的;反而”,符合题意;A项“与此同时”;B项“然而”,表转折;D项“然而”, 表转折。
13【题目】(08陕西12) He doesn’t have furniture in his room—just an old desk.
A. any B. many C. some D. much

【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 D
【解析】 由于破折号后出现了just an old desk,表示肯定含义,且furniture为不可数名词,故空格处用
I haven’t seen Ann for long that I’ve forgotten what she looks like.

【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 C
【解析】 由句意“我那么久没见安了,以至于我已忘了她长得什么样子了”及句中引导结果状语从 句的连接
15【题目】(08四川3)Although badly hurt in the accident,the driver was able to make a phone call.

【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 A
【解析】 句意为:尽管在事故中受重伤,但司机还能打电话。although…yetstill… 用以表达“尽管……,但
A cough is usually nothing to worry about unless it lasts for ten days .
more d most

【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 A
【解析】 句意为:只要不持续10天或更长,通常咳嗽是没有什么可担心的。A项意为“更多”,B项 意为
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17【题目】(08浙江3)I like this jacket better than that one, but it costs almost three times______ .
A. as much B. as many C. so much D. so many

【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 A
【解析】 空白处补充完整为as much as that one costs。
18【题目】(08浙江12)There are plenty of jobs ______ in the western part of the country.
A. present B. available C. precious D. convenient

【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 B
【解析】 available意为“可得到的,可利用的”。句意为:在这个国家的西部地区,有很多工作可找。
19【题目】(08浙江18)Running a company is not ______ a matter of hiring people — they also need to be
A. simply B. partly C. seriously D. equally

【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 A
In spite of repeated wrongs done to him,he looks to people greeting him.
ly d

【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 A
【解析】 in spite o f是解题的关键词,“尽管反复被冤枉,他看起来还是……”,由此排除C、D两项;friendly
It looks like the weather is changing for ______ . Shall we stick to our plan?
A. the worse B. worse C. the worst D. worst

【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 A
【解析】 句意为:看上去好像天气在变坏。我们还要不要坚持我们的计划?change for the worse变坏,恶
22【题目】(08江苏30)It is to spend money on preventing illnesses by promoting healthy living rather than
spending it trying to make people after they are ill.
;good better better good

【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 C
【解析】 由句意可知,两处空白均表示两者的比较,故用比较级。
Would it be for you to pick me up at four o’clock and take me to the airport?

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【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 D
【解析】 句意为:4点钟你来接我再送我去机场方便吗?fre e自由的;vacant未被占用的;handy手边的,
附近的;convenient便利的,方便 的。
1【题目】(07全国Ⅱ10)Speaking of all the songs he has written, I think this is probably his one.
-known -known -known -known

【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 C
【解析】 well- known的比较级与最高级为better-known与best- known,因提到在他所写的所有的歌曲中,
2【题目】(07北京27)He has made a lot of films,but are good ones.

【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 C
【解析】 由but可知此处应表示否定意义,故只有C项符合题意。
A new bus service to Tianjin Airport started to operate two months ago.

【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 C
【解析】 句意为:两个月前天津机场开始实施了一项新的正规的 公共汽车服务。normal正常的;usual通常
的;regular有规律的,固定的,正规的, common普遍的,常见的。

John was dismissed last week because of his attitude towards his job.
al ined t

【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 B
【解析】 A项“非正式的”;B项“漠不关心的”;C项“有决心的,坚决的”;D项“认真的”。由 句意可知B
5【题目】(07江西30)The melon the Smiths served at dinner would have tasted if it had been put in the
fridge for a little while.

【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 B
6【题目】(07湖北21)This magazine is very with young people,who like its content and style.
ar r r ular

【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 B
【解析】 be popular with受……的欢迎。句意为:这份杂志非常受年轻人的欢迎,他们很喜欢它的内容及风
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7【题目】(07湖北30)Water can absorb and give off a lot of heat without big changes in temperature,thus creating a
ul ive

【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 D
【解析】 A项“平静的”;B项“敏感的”;C项“共同 的”;D项“稳定的”。句意为:水能吸收和放出许多热量,
这在温度上没有大的变化,因而就创造出了 一个稳定的环境。

8【题目】(07湖南35)There is an old proverb,“Love me,love my dog.” But there is wisdom in
this:“Love me,love my book.”

【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 C
【解析】 本句对前后两句谚语进行比较,得出后一句谚语更有智慧的结论。事实上第二句是一个省 略的比
较结构,完整的句子为:But there is wisdom in this than that...。

Of the two coats,I’d choose the one to spare some money for a book.
st r expensive expensive

【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 B
【解析】 根据to spare some money for a book可知,我想选更便宜点的,且在两件大衣中选择,因此应用
10【题目】(07福建34)—Do you need any help,Lucy?
— job is I could do myself.
than than more than more than

【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 B
【解析】本题考查形容词比较级的用法。less than少于,亚于;more than多于,超过;no more than只不
过;not more than至多,不多于。句意为:这工作超出了我力所能及的范围。more than后接带有情态动词的
It is not socially for parents to leave children unattended at that age.
ible le ble able

【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 D
【解析】 A项“可进入的”;B项“值得崇拜的”;C项“能适应的”;D项“可接受的”。由句意可知,D项正确。
12【题目】(06全国Ⅰ32) and happy,Tony stood up and accepted the prize.
sing sed surprised be surprising

【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 B
【解析】 本题考查形容词短语在句中作状语的用法。surprising令人惊奇的,多用来描述一件事
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或某个物品的性质;surprise d感到惊奇的,多用来描述人的心理状态;故A、D两项可排除;C
项从语 义上讲多用来指正在发生的 动作,从语法上讲多在句中作原因状语,与此时情景不符。
13【题目】(06全国Ⅱ14)—Did you take enough money with you?
—No,I needed I thought I would.
so much as much as more than less than

【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 C
【解析】 回答说“我没有带足够的钱。”由此可以推断,我需要比我原来想带的更多的钱,因此选C项。
14【题目】(06北京21)This washing machine is environmentally friendly because it uses water and
electricity than models.
;older elder older elder

【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 C
【解析】 句中water和electricity为不可数名词,故排除C、D两项。elder 年长的,older为old的比较
15【题目】(06天津13)Fitness is important in sport,but of at least importance are skills.

【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 C
【解析】 equal相等的,同等的,表示技巧与健康在体育运动中同等重要。of importance作表语,意思
16【题目】(06辽宁23)I hear boys in your school like playing football in their spare time,though others
prefer basketball.
a lot a few a bit a little

【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 B
【解析】 a lotbit+of+n.;a little+n.[c]一个小……;a little+n.[u]很少;quite a few+n.[c]许多。
17【题目】(06浙江15)We always keep spare paper,in case we run out.
much B.a number of of D.a good many

【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 C
【解析】 本题考查表数量的短语的用法。too much意为“太多的……”,修饰不可数名词;a number of许
多,大量,修饰可数名词;plenty of丰富的,大量的,修饰可数与不可数名词;a good many许多,修饰
18【题目】(06福建26)Green products are becoming more and more popular because they are environmentally
ly s able

【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 A
【解析】 本题考查形容词的词意。friendly友善的;关系融洽的。例如:This product is environmentally friendly.
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19【题目】(06安徽22)Of the two sisters,Betty is one,and she is also the one who loves to be quiet.
A.a younger B.a youngest younger youngest

【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 C
【解析】 当表示两者之中比较年轻的那个时,要用形容词比较级,并在比较级前加定冠词the。a younger
20【题目】(06四川27)—Did you enjoy yourself at the party?
—Yes,I’ve never been to one before.
A.a more excited most excited C.a more exciting most exciting

【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 C
【解析】 考查形容词的比较 级。比较级用于否定句中表示最高级的意义。句意为:我以前从未参加过比
21【题目】(05全国Ⅲ6)—Is your headache getting ?
—No,it’s worse.

【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 A
【解析】 句意为:“你头疼好些了吗?”“没有,更厉害了。”问句中表达的语义与以前相比,所以 用比较
22【题目】(05北京23)This girl is Linda’s cousin.
little Spanish h little pretty
h pretty little pretty Spanish
【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 A
【解析】 修饰同一名词的多个修饰语的顺序为“限定词→一般描绘性形容词→表示长、幼的形容词→ 表
23【题目】(05福建34)—Why didn’t you buy the camera you had longed for?
—I had planned to,but I was £50 .

【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 D
【解析】 句意为:我还缺50英镑。而如果用fewer或less,在本句中或上下文中都缺少比 较成分,故不
成立。cheap的主语应该是物而不应是价格,因此用short。short意为“不 足的,缺少的”。该处short作后
24【题目】(05上海44)At times,worrying is a normal, response to a difficult event or situation—a loved
one being injured in an accident,for example.
ive dual able rable
【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 C
【解析】 effectiv e有效的,individual个别的,单独的,inevitable不可避免的;必然要发生的,unfa vorable
25【题目】(05天津6)If it is quite to you,I will visit you next Tuesday.
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ient table
【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 A
【解析】 考查形容词词义辨析。convenientad j.方便的。根据句意为:如果方便的话,我将下周二去看你。
After two years’research,we now have a better understanding of the disease.

【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 B
【解析】 四个选项中只有far可以修饰比较级。
2【题目】(07北京30)The new group of students is better-behaved than the other group who stayed here .
r st earliest
【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 B
【解析】 由句中than可知此处应用比较级形式。
The final score of the basketball match was were only beaten.
A. nearly ly ly y
B. 【知识点】形容词与副词
C. 【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 C
【解析】 句意为:篮球比赛最后的比分是93比94。我们险些被打败。nearly几乎;slig htly稍微;narrowly勉
4【题目】(07上海27)Alan is a careful driver,but he drives of my friends.
carefully most carefully
carefully least carefully
【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 D
【解析】 由of my friends可知应用最高级,由but转折可知“他是我朋友中开车最不小心的一个人”。
5【题目】(07上海42)Since Tom downloaded a virus into his computer,he can not open the file now.
y ly ntally larly
【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 C
【解析】 A项“乐意地”;B项 “可怕地”;C项“偶然地”;D项“无规律地”。句意为:因为汤姆无意中下载
了一个病毒,所以他现 在打不开文件了。

6【题目】(07江西33)Experts have been warning of the health risks caused by passive smoking.
a time one time some time the time
【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 C
【解析】 本题考查与time相关的介词短语。at a time一次;at one time曾经;for some time一段时间;由
现在完成进行时形式have been warning可知用for+时间段;warn sb. of为固定搭配。
7【题目】(07湖北25)She devoted herself to her research and it earned her a good reputation in her
ly ely ly
【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 C
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【解析】 A项“强烈 地”;B项“极端地”;C项“完全地”;D项“自由地”。句意为:她完全致力于她的研究
工作,这为 她在她的领域中赢得了良好的名誉。
8【题目】(07湖北28)He began to take political science only when he left school.
ly lly sly
【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 D
【解析】 take sly严肃、认真地对待某事,为固定搭配。
9【题目】(07湖南26)It’s hard for him playing against me.I’ve got nothing to play for,but for him,he needs to win
so .

【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 D
【解析】 A项意为“远;大大地”;B项意为“好”;C 项意为“少,几乎没有”;D项意为“非常,极度”。句
10【题目】(07陕西7)Though he started late, played the piano as well as,if ,Miss Liu.
better than better better than better
【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 A
【解析】 本题考查形容词、副词的比较级。由选项中比较级better可知,Miss Liu前应有than,排除B、
D两项;not better than不比……好;no better than跟……一样都不好。由句意可知应选A项。
Work gets done when people do it together,and the rewards are higher too.
easy easily
【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 C
【解析】 本题考查形容词、副词及其比较级的用法。句意为“当人们一起工作时,工作做起来就更容易 ,
报酬也更高。”根据句意应用比较级,又修饰done,故应用more easily。
12【题目】(06浙江11)I would like a job which pays more,but I enjoy the work I’m doing at the moment.
other words the other hand
one thing a matter of fact
【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 B
【解析】 本题考查介词短语的用法。in other words换句话说;on the other hand另一方面;for one
thing一则,常与for another thing连用;as a matter of fact=in fact事实上。根据句意,B项正确。
13【题目】(06浙江12)Progress so far has been very good. ,we are sure that the project will be completed
on time.
r ise ore s
【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 C
【解析】 本题考查副词的用法。however不管怎样;otherwise否则;theref ore所以;besides除此以外。
14【题目】(06湖南29)Although she did not know Boston well,she made her way to the Home Circle
enough easy enough easily
【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 C
【解析】 本题考查enough和其修饰词的语序。题中enough用作副词,又因修饰动词时要 用副词,enough
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15【题目】(06湖北30)I’m certain David’s told you his business troubles. ,it’s no secret that he owes
a lot of money to the bank.
r ore
【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 B
【解析】 however表转折;anyway=anyhow反正,不管怎么说;therefo re因此;though(连词)虽然,(副
词)可是。句意为:……不管管说他欠银行很多钱都不是秘 密。
16【题目】(06江苏26)The committee is discussing the problem right will have been solved by
the end of next week.
y lly ately lly
【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 B
【解析】 本题考查副词的用法。 eagerly渴望地,热切地;hopefull有希望地;im mediately立即,马上;
gradually逐步地,渐渐地。句意为“委员会现在正在讨论这 个问题。它有望在下周前得到解决。”故选B项。
I thought she was famous,but none of my friends have heard of her.

【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 B
【解析】 even甚至,表示递进;ever曾经,曾经有过;just只是;never从来不,从 来没有,只有B项符
There was such a long queue for coffee at the interval that we gave up.
ally unately usly efully
【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 A
【解析】考查副词使用能力。eventually 最终地,终于;unfortunately 不幸地;generously 慷慨地;purposefully
Bob ran the 100 meters in 9.91 seconds,and I have not seen this year.
best most
【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 B
【解析】 句意为:鲍勃在百米赛跑中跑了9.91秒,今年我还没见过比这跑得更快的。have notnever done+
比较级表示该事情是“最……的”,用比较级来表述最高级的意义。若用 最高级,则表示否定意义,说明事
情 不是最佳。此处若用more则表示“没见过(比这)更多的”,意义不当。
20【题目】(05山东21)—Have you been to New Zealand?
—No.I’d like to, .

【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 B
【解析】 本题考查副词though“可是,然而”,表转折的用法。根据上下两句的意思可知,它 们为转折关
系。tooeither都意为“也”,too用在肯定句后,either用在否定句后; yet用在否定句和疑问句中,通常用
来 谈论尚未发生但可能发生的事情。
21【题目】(05江西34)—Must I turn off the gas after cooking?
—Of can never be careful with that.
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【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 B
【解析】 never,not等否定词与too连用表示“无论……也不过分”,是肯定的意思。
22【题目】(05广东27)John is very falls behind in his studies.
A. very B. far C. more D. still
【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 B
【解析】 本题要求根据语境判断选择合适的副词。句意为:约翰很懒,在学习上,他远远落后了。
23【题目】(04全国Ⅲ32)People may have different opinions about Karen,but I admire her. ,she is a great
all a result other words usual
【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 A
【解析】 after all毕竟;as a result结果;in other words换句话说;as usual像往常那样。分析句意,after all
He speaks English well indeed,but of course not a native speaker.
fluent as fluent fluently as fluently than

【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 C
【解析】 本题考查表示比较的句型,由于空格内的词除了连词外,还应是副词作状语来修饰动词sp eak,
故排除A、B两项;而D项中的much是用来修饰比较级的副词,不能构成比较级,亦应被排 除。
25【题目】(04天津27)Mr. Smith used to smoke but he has given it up.
sly y
【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 B
【解析】 smoke heavily烟吸得很厉害。seriously认真地;badly严重地;hardly几乎不。
26【题目】(04湖南27)Everyone was on time for the meeting— Chris,who’s usually ten minutes late for

【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 C
【解析】 “Chris这个事事都要迟到十分钟的人,都按时到会了”,暗示其他人就更不在话下了 。因此破
If you can’t come tomorrow,we’ll have to hold the meeting next week.

【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 D
【解析】 A项意为“然而,而 又,也,还”;B项意为“甚至”;C项意为“相反,更确切地,颇,相当”;D
项意为“就,正好,刚 好”。根据句意“如果你明天不能来,那么会议就推迟到下周召开”可知选D项。

28【题目】(04上海51)Most people on this island are recreational fishers,and ,fishing forms an actual
part of their leisure time.
ntally efully sly ly
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【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 C
【解析】 句意为:在这个岛上,大多数人是消遣的钓鱼人,显然,钓鱼占据了大部分闲暇时间。

I'd like to have ______ car.The one I have got keeps breaking down.
A.a reliable B.a more reliable C.a most reliable D.the most reliable

【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 B
If I had , I’d go to Africa alone, stopping at all the interesting places.
A.an enough long holiday B.a long enough holiday
C.a holiday enough long D.a long holiday enough
【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 B
A lot of girls want to be singers, but can realize their dreams.
A.some B.any C.few D.many
【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 C
Jack’s room always has the dusty smell of an apartment whose windows are opened.
A.rarely B.generally C.apparently D.frequently
【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 A
We could hardly believe what she says because she is ______ changing his mind.
A. regularly B. steadily C. suddenly D. constantly
【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 D
Life is too short to waste and too __ to give up.
A. expensive B. ordinary C. fragile D. precious
【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 D
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7【题目】(09山东省枣庄市高三二模)—What do people wear when they go to the theatre?
—Well, it isn't very ________.People can wear anything they like.
A.formal B.certain C.modern D.simple
【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 A
8【题目】(09山东省枣庄市高三二模)After a long vacation, Mike came back _________.
A.freshly and strongly B.being fresh and strong
C.fresh and strong D.to be fresh and strong
【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 C
9【题目】(09北京市东城区高三二模)If you do it in this way, the work will be .
A.more easier B.much easier C.easiest D.easy
【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 B
10【题目】(09山东省诸城市高三二模)I was ______ lost in the play last night.There was nothing like it.
A.thoroughly B.partly C.apparently D.hardly
【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 A
11【题目】(09山东省淄博市高三二模)Marking .President Barack
Obama on Wednesday called for energy exploration.
A.alternative B.traditional C.available D.inexpensive
【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 A
12【题目】(09山东省淄博市高三二模)The temperature in London hit 21C yesterday, ____ for this time of year,
while the normal figure is around 14C.
A.outstanding B.unusual C.common D.frequent
【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 B
After the long journey, the three of them went back home, .
A.hungry and tiredly B.hungry and tired
C.hungrily and tiredly D.hungrily and tired
【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 B
You're driving too fast.Can you drive ?
A.more slowly a bit B.slowly a bit more
C.a bit more slowly D.slowly more a bit
【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 C
My brother is really .He often works in his office far into the night.
A.open-minded B.hard-working C.self-confident D.warm-hearted
【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 B
16【题目】(09天津市红桥区高三二模)When we arrived in the middle of the night,there was no food as all
the shops were shut.
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A.left B.available C.remaining D.convenient
【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 B
When we got to the scenic spot, they found everything _________ while I felt __________.
A. interesting; differently B. interesting; different
C. interestingly; differently D. interestingly; different
【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 A
18【题目】(09浙江省杭州市第二次高考科目教学质量检测)The rainy season is coming and let’s make full use of
the days to dry whatever is needed.
A.few last sunny B.last few sunny
C.last sunny few D.sunny last few
【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 B
19【题目】(09浙江省杭州市第二次高考科目教学质量检测)Experts warn that global warming will cause dramatic
climate changes including more floods, heat waves and droughts.
A.usual B.ordinary C.frequent D.common
【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 C
20【题目】(09浙江省杭州市第二次高考科目教学质量检测)When it was his turn to deliver his speech, ,
he walked towards the microphone.
A.nervously and embarrassingly B.nervous and embarrassedly
C.nervously and embarrassing D.nervous and embarrassed
【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 D
She is _______ being pleased about it; she is very angry.
A. frequent B. quite C. far from D. rather
【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 C

The reason is so obvious as to __________ require explanation.
A. nearly B. seriously C. hardly D. heavily
【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 C
The address you said is on this block; can you be a bit __________?
A. special B. specific C. extra D. spare
【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 B
Polar bears live on sea ice,which they use as a platform for hunting seals
A. most B. almost C. nearly D. mostly
【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 D
25【题目】(09辽宁省沈阳二中高三二模)Major stadiums built for the 2008 Summer Olympics, the Bird's
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Nest and the Water Cube, have become symbols of China's strong growth and rising confidence.
A.especially B.special C.specially D.specific
【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 A
The man moved ______forward and looked over the edge,shrinking his shoulders.
A. accurately B.cautiously C.brilliantly D.disappointedly

【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 B
27【题目】(09福建省厦门市高三一模)一Hello!Golden Bay Resort.Can I help you?
一Do you have a room for this weekend?
A.available B.useful C.possible D.empty
【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 A
28【题目】(09江苏省南通市高三一模)Overpopulation is a terrible threat to the human race. Yet it is probably ____a
threat to the human race than environmental destruction.
A. no more B. not more C. even more D. little more
【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 B
Rome was not built in a day.You should set ______ goals and work hard to achieve them.
A.alternative B.considerable C.subjective D.realistic
【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 D
It’s so nice to hear from her again, _______, we last met more than thirty years ago.
A. what’s more B. that’s to say C. in other words D. believe it or not
【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 A
31【题目】(09北京市高三4月抽样试题)The frightened thief hid himself in the dark corner of the yard, ,
staring at the open door.
A.quiet and cold B.quietly and coldly
C.auiet and coldly D.quietly and cold
【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 A
With the speed-up of the railway,now you can get to your destination by train.
A.fast B.faster C.fastest D.the fastest
【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 B
33【题目】(09山东省潍坊市高三一模)—Will you be this afternoon,Samuel?
—It depends.I'm afraid I'll watch NBA.
A.suitable B.convenient C.accurate D.available
【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 D
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After having gone, far,George did not want to turn back.
B.much C.such D.that
【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 C
What a table! I’ve never seen such a thing before.It is it is long.
A.half not as wide as B.wide not as half as
C.not half as wide as D.as wide as not half
【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 C
-More people in Beijing are now using public transport rather than their own cars after the Olympic Games.
— .The roads arc too crowded as it is.
A.Exactly B.Eventually C.Honestly D.Especially
【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 A
37【题目】(09山东省青岛市高三教学统一质量检测)—Do you like the place of interest?
—On the contrary, it’s the place that I want to visit.
A.worst B.last C.best D.latest
【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 B
On Teacher’s Day, we all went to school to see our teachers.
A.especially B.specially C.particularly D.attentively
【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 B
You can’t go out since you haven’t finished your homework; ,it is a stormy night.
A.anyhow B.meanwhile C.therefore D.besides
【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 D
As he has been well trained, this young man is ______ to be a teacher.
A. delighted B. possible C. qualified D. unable
【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 C
41【题目】(09南京市高三第一次调研测试)I can’t thank you ______ much because without your help I ______ have
won the first prize.
A. too; wouldn’t B. very; shouldn’t C. that; might not D. so; couldn’t
【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 A
42【题目】(09湖北省黄冈中学高三第一次模拟考试)Food safety is ________ important, so the government spares
no efforts to prevent food pollution.
ly B. reasonably D. naturally
【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 C
43【题目】(09湖北省黄冈中学高三第一次模拟考试)With the project of animal protection, foxes are becoming more
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________ in urban areas.
A. popular B. ordinary C. universal D. widespread
【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 D
Most of the children can work out the problem,so it should be quite______to adults.
A.patient B.plain C.familiar D.1ucky
【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 B
Girls used to take fewer advanced math courses than boys but now they are taking just .
A.as much B.too much C.as many D.too many
【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 C
I got over my low spirits.From then on,I began smilling to my classmates.
A.Consistently y ally ntly
【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 C
When the post fell ,Dennis Bass was appointed to fill it.
【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 C
Most of the children can work out the problem, so it should be quite ____ to adults.
A. usual B. plain C. ordinary D. normal
【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 B
1【题目】(08潍坊市高三第二次教学质量检测)’s comments were very difficult to follow because they were
related to the topic under discussion.
ically ely y lly
【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 C
2【题目】(08潍坊市高三第二次教学质量检测) The school is trying its best to make more accommodation
for increasing students.
ble chable able ible
【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 A
—Peter,you know what?Mother says we can have a dog!
—Great!But I’d rather have a is to take care of.
easiest t
【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 C
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4【题目】(08北京市东城区高三教学目标检测)—Is this your second car?
— is always my is a little but still fits into the garage.
;easily more easily
;more easily easily
【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 A
5【题目】(08南京市高三年级质量调研)She has a(an) eye for fashion,which makes her a very good
shopping companion.

【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 C
—Do you like the Chinese food served in American restaurants?
—It’s not bad but I prefer .
e food really e real food
Chinese real Chinese food
【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 D
The look on her face suggested that she her manager’s idea.
ing;wouldn’t quite understand ed;hadn’t quite understood
ing;hadn’t quite understood ed;shouldn’t quite understand

【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 B
Though the man was badly hurt in the accident,he was still and could think clearly.
ous ed
【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 C
9【题目】(08湖北省八校高三第一次联考)Make sure the gas is turned off after a bath,which would
cause danger.
w ile ise rmore
【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 C
The school is located in a valley eighty miles Beijing.
of east of east of
【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 A
A man is being questioned in relation to the murder.
d ed ted ed
【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 C
—Have you heard that Tom has bought a car?
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—’s bought a car.
red German large German
German red large red
【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 A
13【题目】(08安徽省皖南八校高三第二次联考)—She will, ,get into trouble.
—I agree.I hope she will get rid of her bad habits.
or less and there or later so-so

【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 C
As a matter of fact,we do meet now and then,but not .
rly ly lly ly
【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 A
15【题目】(08西安地区八校联考)It’s a pity that you have to leave so soon.I hope that you can stay
ely ly sly
【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 A
16【题目】(08西安地区八校联考)—So comfortable a bed!
— can never find one.
A.a good best C.a better D.a best
【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 C
Despite his absence,Bruce managed to keep up with his studies.
【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 A
18【题目】(08浙江省金华十校高三级联考)The patient’s progress was encouraging,as he could get
out of bed without help.

【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 A
After an absence of ten days,the missing boy returned home, .
g tired and soundly but sound
but sound tired and sound
【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 C
20【题目】(08石家庄市高中毕业班复习教学质量检测)The new machine,as is introduced in the report,will work
twice as fast, greatly educing costs.

【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 A
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1【题目】(08合肥市高三第一次教学质量检测)With some snow on top of it,the Yellow Mountain looked fantastic
in this ly,I doubt whether we could visit mountain in China.
A.a most beautiful most beautiful
C.a more beautiful D.a beautiful
【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 C
2【题目】(08江南十校月考)There is not much time left,but we must get there on time.
w at r
【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 D
3【题目】(08湖北省部分重点中学高三第二次联考)Progress so far has been very are, ,
confident that the work will be completed on time.
ore er r heless
【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 A
4【题目】(08湖南省高三十二校联考)AIDS and SARS may have made the headlines,but rabies(狂犬病) is now
killer than both.
A.a bigger biggest
【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 A
5【题目】(08海南东方模拟2月)—Did you listen to n’s lectare?
—Yes,I have never heard a one.
exciting excited exciting excited
【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 A
The global trend toward higher divorce rates has created families with people.
;fewer more few many
【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 A
7【题目】(08东北三校高三第一次联合模拟考试)It is generally believed that a successful Olympic Games
relies on well-performed IT services.
y ly
【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 A
Tasting ,this kind of fried chicken sells .
;good be good;well well be well;good
【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 C
9【题目】(08河南省示范性高中三3月联考)Short and shy,Ben Saunders was the kid in his class
picked for any sports team.

【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 C
10【题目】(08河南省示范性高中三3月联考)On Sports Day,during the relay race,a person will use most of all,
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perhaps as as 650 calories an hour.

【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 A
Dennis,if you are late again,I’ll phone your parents.I’m ,you know.
s l ing
【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 A
—Is it safe enough to stand here,Mom?
—No,come a bit to me,honey.
y closely
【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 C
13【题目】(08西安地区八校联考)uring Chang’e-1 Satellite’s flight to the Moon,it adjusts its
direction so that it can go into its programmed orbit.
ally lly ntly uously
【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 C
14【题目】(08西安地区八校联考)To spend the summer vacation,we may go to the mountains,or go to
the seaside.
atively ently vely tely

【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 A
15【题目】(08西安地区八校联考)In spite of his serious and illness,he still stuck to his post until he
was forced to leave.
rn ive
【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 B
16【题目】(08杭州一次质检2月)Americans eat vegetables per person today as they did in 1910.
than twice twice as many
as many as than twice as many
【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 D
—Are you with doing a lot of homework every day?
—Sometimes I as a student,we have to do so at present.
ied aged d
【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 D
This kind of food product is natural,with no flavors added.
te r ive cial
【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 D
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19【题目】(08济南市高三第一次统一考试)Rose is determined to get a seat for the concert it means
standing in a queue all night.
though if case that
【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 B
—You don’t go to that supermarket quite often,do you?
—No,I only go there because it’s too far away from my house.
ally ntly onally ntly
【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 C
Susan managed to climb out of the car, —unhurt.
rly ntly ely ntly
【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 B
My new apartment is very as I can get to the office in five minutes.
ary table ient erate
【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 C
They won the top award at the Hong Kong Dance Award in group, ,
arranging funds in its early days.
ore ise ile r
【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 D
It is very of you to notice that detail straightaway.
【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 A
25【题目】(08镇江市高三第三次调研测试)—Rose lost her job again.
—Don’t is work for girls of her age.
much B.a number of of ty of
【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 C

I don’t think this TV play is by far the most boring.I have seen .
best worst
【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 B
He felt as soon as he realized that he had asked a foolish question.
assed ased ointed
faced problems in
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【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 B
3【题目】(07江苏南通模拟)I really don’t think language belongs to each of us,to a flower seller
professor, ?
much as;does it same as;do I
far as;doesn’t it long as;don’t I
【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 A
I’m interested in a one-bed you have any ?
ient ble le al
【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 B
You can trust can always settle the matter without trouble.
B.a little
【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 A
6【题目】(07广东汕头模拟)At this moment,I cannot give you an answer yet.I’d like to spend
time considering this problem.

【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 A
Because he was the new limit,he was stopped and warned for speeding.
at from e of rested in
【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 C
8【题目】(07宁夏模拟)There is no reason they should limit how much vitamin you take,
limit how much water you drink.
more than more than less than more than
【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 D

The house smelled as if it hadn’t been lived in for white wooden
wooden white
wooden little white little
【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 C
10【题目】(07黄冈高三2月质量检测)—What do you think of the play?
—Terrible!I’ve never seen one.
A.a bad B.a better C.a worse worst
【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 C
11【题目】(06西安第二次质检)—What do you think of chemistry?
to the
they can

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—In my opinion,chemistry is physics.
A.a subject so difficult as B.a subject as difficult as
a difficult subject as ult as a subject as
【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 B
Why are you leaving right away?You promised to stay two hours.
【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 B
13【题目】(06湖南长沙联考)—What do you think of the concert?
—I really enjoy it.I didn’t expect it was wonderful.

【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 A
The books are easily to the readers as all the shelves are open.
able le ible able
【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 C
15【题目】(06武汉高三调研考试)John took the work seriously and Pedro .
s even more so so even perhaps
s more even so perhaps more so
【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 A
16【题目】(06山东潍坊质量检测)Everybody present spoke English .
and and clear and clear and clearly

【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 B
17【题目】(06杭州第一次教学质量检测)There is competition in the modern world that I believe
students are under more pressure than ever before.
much many much many
【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 C
18【题目】(06济南高三统一考试)We’re expecting Lily because she’s our visitor who comes here for
holiday every summer.
ar ular r r
【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 D
20【题目】(06宁夏模拟)Broadly speaking,I would agree with Shirley,though not .
ghly ly ively
【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 C
Who can tell what is to happen in the future?
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【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 A
The little girl couldn’t work the problem wasn’t clever.

【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 A
No man is born .We all need to learn to become .
;wise ;wisely wisely wise
【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 A
Swimming alone be be careful.
;highly ;high highly high
【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 C
5【题目】(07黄冈中学、襄樊五中高三联考)It soon became clear that Prime Minister Tony Blair’s Labor Party had,
for the first time in its history,won its third election .
a hurry a way other words a row
【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 D
6【题目】(07广东广州模拟)“Playing the violin well is not so easy as you imagined,dear!You must
get fully prepared against any difficulties.”I say.
ly tely
【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 B
I thought I was going to fail the driving test but I succeeded .
all of all all all
【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 A
8【题目】(07山东潍坊统考)Mike arrived at the meeting at ten o’clock—as it was scheduled—not a
minute early or late.
ly y ally imately
【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 C
9【题目】(07湖北八校高三第一次联考)Ellen thinks the way Mo has been avoiding her grandmother
since her uncle’s death.
it curious curious sly curious
【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 D
—What do you think of the five doll mascots for the 2008 Olympic Games?
— ,they are lovely,but we can’t figure out what they mean easily.
tell the truth B.I’m afraid unately a matter of fact
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【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 A
11【题目】(07安徽皖南八校高三第二次联考)This story, ,is very fascinating:there are many interesting
characters in it.
the whole earth no time of the question

【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 A
I was driving my car when I heard a loud bang—I had driven over some glass!
in a while at once soonest no time

【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 B
As is known to us,theory is based on practice and serves practice.
chance turn return reply
【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 C
14【题目】(07江西师大附中、临川一中高三第二次联) ,she received a call from Li Yong that she could
have a chance to choose a “golden egg”.
her much surprise to surprise her
her surprise much to her surprise
【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 D
We don’t have to keep these old chairs any more. ,they are falling apart.
ore r ise
【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 A
16【题目】(07杭州第一次高考科目教学质量检测)The new storybook is written in easy English
beginners can understand.
;that that as that
【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 C
17【题目】(07山东济宁统考)The animals that are having winter sleep look can’t wake them up by
well as good as far as soon as
【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 B
—Teenagers are not allowed to go to the net café.Is it the best measure to take?
—That’s debatable,but they’re finally doing something.
least most all last
【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 A
百度文库 - 让每个人平等地提升自我!

19【题目】(07湖南十所示范性高中高三3月联考)I really have no idea who you spite of your explanation,
I when and where we met before.
cannot remember remember sill
still remember still not remember
【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 A
20【题目】(07东北三校高三第一次联合模拟)We do meet now and then,but not .
ly rly tly
【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 C
—What do you think of the work Tom has done recently?
—I feel that the work shouldn’t have been done so carelessly.
ly ly
【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 C
2【题目】(07南京市高三质量调研)—Are you happy with this laboratory?
—Not a can’t have .
A.a worse one B.a nicer one a worse one a nice one

【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 B
3【题目】(07江苏模拟)Of the two books,this one is one,and it is also the one which has been put
into ten languages.
A.a thinner thinnest thinner D.a thinnest
【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 C
4【题目】(07西安高三第一次质量检测)My grandfather is as as a young man and hates sitting around
doing nothing all day.
ate tic ional ive
【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 B
—Who do you think is the best in our class?
—Well,I’m afraid there’s no answer.
【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 B
6【题目】(07湖北部分重点中学高三第二次联考)Norway is one of European countries with a large
land area than Britain,Iceland or Italy.
big biggest big bigger
【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 D
7【题目】(07西安地区八校联考)Honey,have we got food in the fridge for next week?Go and have a
look,will you?
A.a little of
百度文库 - 让每个人平等地提升自我!

【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 D
We’re at the news that Saddam was sentenced to death.
g;amazed amazing amazing amazed

【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 C
Quantities of precious jewelry buried in the earth.
found;deeply found;deeply
found;deep found;deep
【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 D
10【题目】(06湖北部分重点中学冬季联考)It is a easy book;I’m sure you can go through the articles
without any difficulty.

【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 D
allow the vegetables to go bad,he sold them at half price.
than than than than
【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 D
We won’t stop halfway great the difficulties might be.
er r ver er
【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 B
14【题目】(06山东济宁模拟)— has got plenty of information about ’s promised to offer it to me.
—I have as you like to have mine ?
well possible far so
【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 A
15【题目】(06东北三校第一次联考)A short,thin man, past middle age,visited the manager and
applied for the position.

【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 A
16【题目】(06成都第一次诊断性检查)After the war,there was no leadership at all in this area and
everything was in disorder.
【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 B
17【题目】(06重庆联合诊断性考试)The task is too much for me,so I can’t carry on any longer.I must
get some help.

百度文库 - 让每个人平等地提升自我!

【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 C
18【题目】(06郑州第二次质量预测)The old man, in his eighties,had a bad cold yesterday,so he
couldn’t smell .
;well nice nice ;well
【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 A
19【题目】(06杭州第一次教学质量检测)As we all know,avian flu infects birds but
affects humans.
;occasionally onally;mainly
;hardly surely
【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 A
If this kind of fish becomes ,future generations may never taste it at all.
【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 D
第三部分 创新预测题精选
tax laws,which are intended for domestic companies,are not to foreign companies.
ul le able ous
【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 C
elderly needed special care in winter,as they’re to the sudden change
of weather.
ive le le ve
【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 A
the two lectures,the first was by far ,partly because the speaker had
an extraordinary style.
best better better
【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 C
4. While there are quite a few differences in the education systems in many countries,
education is .
r sal
【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 D
d by the news,Marie lay in bed with her eyes open while all her family were asleep.
;sound sound soundly soundly
【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 B
these days Tom has been developing his muscles,because he wants to become of all his classmates.
tallest toughest most handsome most careful

【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 B
百度文库 - 让每个人平等地提升自我!

your father knows that you cheated in the exam,he will be a little angry.
than than than than
【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 B
air is so that the smoke is rising straight up.

【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 C
kind of training in special military forces seems helpless;it proves,in fact,very worthwhile.
more ng but but g but
【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 B
man’s first two paintings are now on exhibition in the museum.
red oil little oil red little oil red

【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 A
has missed yesterday’s class,so one example is necessary to get him to grasp this rule clearly.
than than than than
【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 C
12.I think he is to win,but I’m not sure.
le le n
【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 A
en won’t work hard if they feel about everything in their daily life.
ent d
【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 C
are things people accept less, you defend them.
moment more
【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 D
did not find to prepare for the worst conditions they might meet.
their while worthwhile worth worthy
【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 B
watch is to all the other watches on the market.
or ageous cial
【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 A
’s true that everyone loves a mysterious story, when it mixes history with ’s why The Da Vinci
Code is so popular.
ally lly ularly arly
【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 A
agreement is very and open to various interpretations.
百度文库 - 让每个人平等地提升自我!

ous nt tic
【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 A
research can’t be completed without funds.
te ible ble le
【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 A
you’re feeling ,we could go out for a run.
le tic te us
【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 B
bodies are strengthened by working out. ,our minds are developed by
ry ly ore
【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 B
r has sense knows that smoking is harmful to people’s health.
l ry
【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 D
23.—What do you think of McDonald’s?It’s said that there are over 11,000 worldwide.
—They’re definitely ,because they are doing quite well.
ere e re here
【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 D
way of living is to people in this small part of the country.
ic ble ar ular
【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 C
came after now he has student in Hong Kong Polytechnic University.
become ;turned become turned
【年级】初一 初二 初三【难度系数】 【答案】 B










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高考英语单选题04-10真题分类汇编(答案及详解)专题2形容词与副词 (1)的相关文章

高考英语单选题04-10真题分类汇编(答案及详解)专题2形容词与副词 (1)随机文章