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2020-11-03 21:53



一、 引言(小四号字体)
在我们熟知的生活英语、学术英语之外,商务英语是现代 外资企业中最重要
二、 商务英语在商务谈判中的重要性
商务英语是英语的一种社会 功能变体,是专门用途英语中的一个分支,是英
语在商务场合中的应用。它涉及技术引进、对外贸易、招 商引资、对外劳务承包
商务英语源于普通英语,并以此为基础, 完全具有普通英语的语言学特征,
但同时它又是商务知识和普通英语的综合体,因而具有其内在的独特性 ,主要集
1 . 商务英语的语言形式、词汇、以及内容等方面与专业知 识密切相关,
2 . 商务英语用词明白易懂 、正式规范、简短达意、语言平实。用词方面
多使用常用词,以保证所用词语具有国际通用性,保证能为 普通大众所
有些商务文 书(如合同)因为具有规范、约束力等公文性质,因此会使
用一些很正式的词语,如使用 prior to 或者 previous to 而不使用
before;使用 supplement 而不使用 add to 等。但在介词方面,商务
英语往往使用以繁复的介词短语来代替简单的介词和连词,如:用 in
the nature of 代替 like
3 . 商务英语句子结构比较复杂,句式规范,文体正式,尤其在招标文件和

4 . 商务英语在陈述事物时往往具体、明确,绝不含糊其词。如商务英语不
就 “We wish to confirm our telex dispatched yesterday” , 而要
说 “We confirm our telex of July 2nd,2000.” 因为前者笼统含糊,
5 . 在国际商务英语应用文特别是国际商务信函中,礼貌是其中非常重要的


在外贸谈判中, 营造一个热情、友好、坦诚、大方的气氛是十分重要的。
商人在谈判中常说: “ We do business on the basis of equality and mutual
benefit . ”(我们是在平等互利的基础上做生意)。所以,谈判双方均不可以盛
气凌人之势, 强迫对方接受自己的条件, 反而应该尽力创造出和谐、认真的谈判
气氛。这里旨在从卖方或供应商 ( seller supplier ) 和买方或客户 ( buyer
client ) 两方面, 谈谈商务英语价格谈判的一些基本技巧。
1 .在谈判中强调, 虽然我方产品的价格略高于同行同类产品, 但我们注重
产品的质量、技术和在本市场或国际市场上的声望, 让对方觉得买我们
的产品价格虽高, 但很值得。
例(1): It’s the quality that really counts. Our driller steel
is far superior to that used by the Japanese. What’s more, our
design and technology are completely up-to-date. You’ll be
assured of efficient service for years to come.
2 .诚恳地向对方解释, 因为原材料价格上涨, 成本高, 所以我方难以承受
大的降价。如果我们分析问题合情合理, 情况解释合乎逻辑, 对方会接纳
例(2): We can hardly bear the reduction because the raw material
has advanced by 5% during the last few months. Accordingly, the

cost of our production has risen a great deal. So this p rice is
what we can get.
3 .强调我们的价格符合市场要求和水平, 是合情合理的, 所以不考虑降
价。或者要求对方增大定单, 方可考虑 quantity discount ( 数量上的
例(3): Well, for” Hero 330”we are quoting US $ 6. 50 per dozen
CIF Alexandria. Our price has always been reasonable because it
comes in line with the prevailing market level.
4 .在我方产品的价格或许稍高于同行同类产品 , 又不准备降价的情况下,
我方可用 quicker delivery time ( 快速交货) 和 convenient
after-sales service ( 便捷的售后服务) 作为“诱饵”(当然, 要实事
求是, 不可欺骗), 让对方觉得买了你的产品既方便又有保障。
例(4): Well, it depends on the quantity you order. For orders
over US $ 20, 000 we offer a 10% discount on first orders credited
on repeat order. How much was your last order for……?
5 .从长远利益出发或为了促进和巩固彼此的贸易, 本着友情, 同意降价。
例(5): I’m afraid there is little scope for reducing the price.
But we provide quick delivery time and convenient after-sales
For example, Board chair 03, for the quantity of 6 to 10 pieces,
the normal delivery time is 5 days, but now the special delivery
time is only one day, Note286 CX, for the quantity of 5 pieces,
the normal time is 4 days, but now 2 days w ill do. And we have
several service centers, offering you around- the-clock service.
6 .直截了当地拒绝对方的还盘。但这种表达, 态度比较生硬, 火药味较浓。
从另一角度看, 如果这一策略运用得当, 可以 加快谈判速度, 但要小
心行事。最好不要直接说: “ No, I can’t accept it. ”而应尽量婉

转地用 Well, …, Actually, 或 I’m afraid, … 等开头, 从而给对
方稍留余地, 以免让对方感到难堪。
例(6): To be frank with you, there are many other customers who
have approached us with some higher prices. If it were not for our
good relationship, we’ll hardly be willing to make you a firm offer
at this price.
例( 7 ) : Personally, this is our rock-bottom price, Mr. Mcardell.
I’m afraid it seems that we can't make any further concession.
例(8): 5 percent reduction is absolutely out of the question.
Now, Mr. Li, to help you sell our product, we’ll make an exception
- - give you a special discount of 2 percent. That’s the best we
can do.

1 .以商量的口气, 提出自己的想法、观点和意见, 以博得对方的“同情”
例(9): I’m interested in your lead crystal glass ware. But
as we are just taking up the line, I’m afraid we can’t do much
right now. Could we have 3000 gross for a start? If the sales
go well, big business is sure to follow. I hope you could offer
us your most favorable price, though the quantity we are ordering
is by no means an attractive one.
2 .利用攻心术, 讨好对方。卖方顿感“心头一热” 考虑降价。
例(10): Yours is an international renowned company, and your
products always enjoy its reputation. We, too, don’t hope that
you ship the instrument on display back to your homeland. The
reduction of 27% of our counter offer is already not that big,

and in fact it is only less than 10% compared with your offer.
So I hope that you put all things together and give it a further
3 .用市场经济不景气或国际国内经济发展缓慢情况为理由, 要求对方考
例(11): Business is rather slow nowadays. Few buyers have been
in the market recently, besides, you certainly realize that lower
prices are an effective marketing tool in the short or the long
4 .坚持对方开价太高, 与国际或国内市场行情不相符, 所以我方难以接
例(12): As the matter stands now, your quotation is over the
current price in the international market, and also beyond our
ability of payment. In this way, we’ll, as we think, have to
consider offers from other sources. Honestly speaking, if you can
reduce your p rice by 25%, which will be considered agreeable to
the level of the international market.
5 .在双方就价格问题咬住不放的情况下, 建议卖方用折中的办法, 彼此
例(13): That’s the first step .With one more, w e could strike
a deal. To make things simpler, let’s split the difference and
meet half way.
You must leave us some margin to cover the advertising expenses.
6 .如果彼此对价格都不肯放松, 又不愿折中, 买方只好提出“到别处购
买” 以此“威胁”卖方。
例(14): But the gap between us is still too wide. I’d suggest
another 10%.

(Seller: Oh, I’m afraid that won’t do. W e simply can’t stand
such a big cut.) If that’s the case, I’m afraid we’ll have
to go elsewhere.
7 .利用矛盾竞争。在讨价还价过程中, 利用不同的谈判对手或同行间的
竞争, 或用甲制乙, 或借甲攻乙, 促使对方妥协让步。
例(15): At present, the products from Philip’s are attractive
to us, but we are also very much interested in the National’s.
We hope that you can offer your competitive price.

三、 结语
作为现代企业对外交流 的重要手段,商务英语发挥着其不可缺少的作用。如
果把企业比作两个相互啮合的齿轮,那么商务英语就 是这对齿轮的润滑剂。随着
中国入世,外国企业和人才中介机构纷纷涌入中国,由于他们在待遇、管理及 技
培训机会。这 里指的优秀人才包括原先在私保龄球或国企里工作的贸易知识过硬
的专业人才,也包括英语能力极佳的师 范类外语人才(尤其是在国家取消师范与
非师范生就业限制后)。商务英语是中国职员在外企工作时使用 的最基本语言,
务英语。可见,商务英 语的重要性日渐突出。

1 . 黄庐进, 王晓光,《大学商务英语谈判教程》,上海,复旦大学出版社, 2000。
2 . 陆墨珠,《外贸谈判》,北京, 中国国际广播出版社, 2000。
3 . 裘果芬,《国际商务英语洽谈》,上海,上海交通大学出版社, 2001。
4 . 张立玉 ,《










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