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2020-11-02 15:32



…………………………………………………………精品自学考试资料推荐…………………………… …………………

I. 用适当的语法形式或词汇填空。从A、B、C、D四个选项中选 出一个最佳答案,并
1. I planned( )the task before last Sunday, but failed because of a bad cold.
A. to finish B. to have finished
C. finishing D. having finished
2. Tom has been writing letters all morning, but he should finish them by now,( )?
A. has he B. hasn’t he
C. should he D. shouldn’t he
3. We can make some changes in the plan( )you find anything improper.
A. in case B. unless
C. so that D. even though
4. The manner in which he talked reminded me( )his grandfather.
A. in
C. of
B. by
D. towards
5. He has made another wonderful discovery,( )of great importance to science.
A. I think which it B. which I think is
C. that I think is D. which I think it is
6. It’s 10∶00 a.m. Mr. Johnson( )home now, for he told me that he would meet me in
his office at this time.
A. must be B. mustn’t be
C. can be D. can’t be

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7. If only we( )as we were told! This would never have happened.
A. did B. had done
C. would do D. would have done
8. The key( )success is hardworking and persistence.
A. on
C. to
B. for
D. of
9. For nearly three hours we waited for the decision, only( )to come again the next day.
A. to tell B. to be told
C. being told D. telling
10. In our opinion, there is much( )in their proposal.
A. to improve B. improving
C. to be improved D. to have been improved
11. Hardly had he rushed out of the gate( )the whole building collapsed right behind
A. when B. than
C. then D. that
12. His report is( )it gives a quite clear idea of every fact.
A. written as well that B. written too well that
C. written so well that D. written well so as
13. The book is much too difficult for me; most of it is quite( )my understanding.
A. over B. behind
C. against D. beyond
14. She will have some visitors tomorrow, so the has to have somebody( )her
six-bedroom house today.
A. cleaned B. cleaning
C. clean D. to be cleaned
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15. The wife blamed the husband for not having told her that they were( )short of
A. turning B. running
C. going D. proving
16. It is hardly( )that I shall be able to present on the occasion.
A. possibly B. feasible
C. incredible D. likely
17. John won’t go hunting tomorrow, and( ).
A. won’t his brother neither B. won’t his brother either
C. neither his brother will D. neither will his brother
18. However hard I tried, I could not( )him that he was wrong.
A. believe B. ensure
C. convince D. persuade
19. After three days, he came( ). But staring at his wife and children, he could recognize
none of them.
A. out B. up
C. across D. to
20.( )to our disappointment, all our efforts were proved useless.
A. Many B. Much
C. More D. Such
II. 认真阅读下面两篇短文,每篇短文后有五个问题。根据短文的内容从A、B、C、D
四 个选项中选出一个最佳答案,并将其代码填在答题纸相应的位置上。(本大题共10小
题,每小题2分, 共20分)
Passage 1
It would be interesting to discover how many young people go to universities without
any clear idea of what they are going to do afterwards. If one considers the enormous variety

…………………………… ……………………………精品自学考试资料推荐………………………………………………
of courses offered, it is not hard to see how difficult it is for a student to select the course
most suited to his interests and abilities. If a student goes to a university to acquire a broader
perspective of life, to enlarge his ideas and to learn to think for himself, he will undoubtedly
benefit. Schools often have too restricting an atmosphere, with its timetable and disciplines,
to allow him much time for independent assessment of the work he is asked to do. Most
students would, I believe, profit by a year or so’ s exploration of different academic studies,
especially those “ all-rounders ” with no particular interest. They should have a longer time to
decide in what subject they want to take their degrees, so that in later life, they do not look
back and say, “I should like to have been an archaeologist. If I hadn’t taken a degree in
Modern Languages, I wouldn’t have ended up as an interpreter, but it’s too late now. I
couldn’t go back and begin all over again.”
There is, of course, another side to the question of how to make the best use of one’s
time at a university. This is the case of the student who excels in a particular branch of
learning. He is immediately accepted by the university of his choice, and spends his three or
four years becoming a specialist, emerging with a first-class Honor Degree and very little
knowledge of what the rest of the world is all about. It therefore becomes important that, if
students are not to waste their opportunities, there will have to be much more detailed
information about courses and more advice. Only in this way can we be sure that we are not
to have, on the one hand, a band of specialists ignorant of anything outside of their own
subject, and on the other hand, an ever- increasing number of graduates qualified in subjects
for which there is little or no demand in the working world.
21. The main idea of the first paragraph is that( ).
A. a student should not select his speciality in a hurry
B. “all-rounders” are the treasure of a university
C. every student should study for a degree
D. if a student is not satisfied with what he is studying, he can go back and begin all over

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22. The quotation at the end of the first paragraph means that ( ).
A. the student is happy with his work being an interpreter
B. the student complains about being an interpreter
C. the student is asking to start other courses
D. it is too late for the student to become an interpreter
23. Based on the second paragraph, which of the following statements is TRUE? ( )
A. A student should not be limited to book knowledge only.
B. Every student should strive for a first-class Honor Degree.
C. Many specialists are ignorant of what is going on around them.
D. The working world rejects unqualified specialists.
24. The main idea of the passage probably is that ( ).
A. if a student goes to a university to acquire a broader perspective of life, he will
undoubtedly benefit
B. only in this way can we be sure that we are not to have a band of specialists ignorant of
anything outside.
C. it would be interesting to discover how many young people go to universities without any
clear idea of what they are going to do in the future
D. college students should realize the importance of having much more detailed information
and more advice without wasting their opportunities
25. The word “all- rounders” in the first paragraph probably means a person who ( ).
A. is good at all subjects
B. is not sure of whatever he is doing
C. takes no interest in doing anything
D. does not know how to make best use of his time
Passage 2

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One day Mr. Kerry was walking along the Strand in London, killing time, when his eye was
caught by a huge picture displayed upon the wall of a house. It represented a human figure
covered with long, dark hair, with huge nails upon his hands and a most fearful expression.
On coming nearer, he heard a man call out “Walk in, ladies and gentlemen, the most
wonderful curiosity ever exhibited—only five pence—the wild man from Africa—he eats raw
food, and many other pleasing and surprising performances. ” Mr. Kerry paid his money and
was admitted. At first the crowd prevent him seeing anything, for the place was full to
suffocation (窒息), and the noise awful. At last Mr. Kerry obtained a place in the front, and to
his horror, he saw a figure that was far worse than the portrait outside.
It was a man, nearly naked, covered with long, shaggy hair that grew even over his nose and
cheekbones. He sprang about, sometimes on his feet, sometimes on all-fours, but always
uttering the most fearful yells, and glaring upon the crowd in a manner that was really
dangerous. Mr. Kerry did not feel exactly happy at the whole thing, and began heartily to
wish himself outside. Suddenly, the savage gave a crazier scream than before and seized a
piece of raw beef, tore to pieces eagerly, and ate in the wildest manner. “I’ll go now,” thought
Mr. Kerry, “for who knows whether, in his hungry moods, he might not want to finish his
dinner with me.” Just at this moment, some sounds struck his ear that surprised him. He
listened more attentively and, to his amazement, found that among the most fearful cries and
wild yells, the savage was talking Irish. Now, Mr. Kerry had never heard of an African
Irishman so he listened very closely. He turned to the savage and addressed him in Irish.
“Who are you?” said Mr. Kerry.
“Billy McCabe, sir.”
“And what do you mean by playing your tricks here, instead of earning your living like an
honest man?”
“Well,” said Billy, “one may do some strange things to earn his living.”
26. Mr. Kerry was walking along the Strand because( ).

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A. he had nothing else to do
B. he was late for an appointment
C. he was looking for something to do
D. he was unwilling to go home
27. Inside the house, at first, Mr. Kerry( )
A. was nearly suffocated
B. could see nothing
C. was pushed out
D. couldn’t hear anything
28. The wild man gave the impression of being dangerous by( )
A. the way he moved B. the way he dressed
C. the looks he gave D. the cries he made
29. Mr. Kerry decided to leave the house because( )
A. he felt frightened B. he felt hungry
D. he feared he might have a heart attack C. he didn’t wish to eat with the savage
30. The wild man surprised Mr. Kerry by speaking Irish since( )
A. he was on show in London
B. he was a primitive savage
C. he spoke native language before
D. he was thought to be African
II. 根据国际音标标出下列单词中划线字母或字母组合的读音。(本大题共20小题,每
小题0.5分,共1 0分)(注意:考生使用新式或老式音标均可)
31. solid 32. celebration
35. unwilling
39. equally
43. stretch
33. emergency 34. author
36. instrument 37. challenge 38. phrase
ce t
44. pleasure 45. hearing 46. commit

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47. careless 48. concerning 49. besides 50. rather
IV. 完形填空。(本大题共20小题,每小题0.5分,共10分)

I don’t often lose things and I’m especially careful with money, so I was quite surprised
when I reached 51 my wallet and it wasn’t there. At first, I thought it was 52 that I could have
left it at home. Then I remembered 53 it out to pay for the taxi, so I knew I had it 54 me just
before I walked into the restaurant. I wondered 55 it was possible that it could 56 slipped out
of my pocket while I was eating dinner. Thinking about 57 possibility, I turned and walked
back to the table 58 I had been sitting. Unfortunately, there were several people sitting at the
table 59 the time, so I called a waiter and explained 60 him that my wallet had fallen out of
pocket while I was sitting at the table a few minutes earlier.
Closely related to English reserve is English modesty. Within their hearts, the English
are perhaps 61 less conceited than anybody else, but in their 62 with others they value at least
63 show of modesty. Self-praise is felt to be impolite. If a person is, 64 us say, very good at
tennis and someone 65 him if he is a good player, he will seldom reply “Yes,” because people
will think him conceited. He will probably give an answer 66 , “I’m not bad,” or “I think I’m
very good,” or “Well, I’m very 67 on tennis.” (i.e. I’m very fond of it.) 68 if he had managed
to reach the finals 69 last year’s local championships, he would say it in such a way as to
suggest that it was only 70 to a piece of good luck.
71. According to the author of “The Time Message”, the biggest problem for a first-year
college student is ______.
72. Bob Sugg recognized Cross, the criminal, because______.

…………………………………………………………精品自学考试资料推荐…………………………………… …………
73. When Louise Mallard saw her husband, she died. According to the doctor, she died
74. By making his students observe with their own eyes, Professor Agassie wanted to show
them that facts are stupid things until______.
75. In “Love of Life”, the man found bones of a man and ______ besides the bones.
76. When Dr. Coleman the “trashman”, said “Hello” to people on the route, most of
77. In “Thank You, Ma’am”, instead of turning the boy to the police, the woman treated him
nicely What she gave him was not only money, but also______.
78. Although Jim was dying of cancer, his example and his words taught the author______.
79. ______helped Lois Diaz-Talty made up of her mind to lose weight.
80. That Christy Brown’s mother never gave her son up was not because she felt it a rigid
duty, but because______.
VI. 将下列句子译成英语。(本大题共10小题,每小题2分,共20分)


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