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大学英语四级 47

2020-10-29 08:56





一、Listening Comprehension(总题数:0,分数:0.00)
二、Section A(总题数:3,分数:28.00)

Questions 1 and 2 will be based on the following news item.
Questions 1 and 2 will be based on the following news item.
are lining up for trucks to take them to safety.
want to watch the unusual volcano blowout.
hope the government can provide some money. √
think volcanic ash is good to their crops.
Thousands of people living in villages closest to the volcano have already been moved to emergency
shelters. Many more are lining up by the side of the road waiting for trucks to take them to safety.
But still there are a few farmers refusing to move. Without their crops and animals they have

no income and cannot support their families so they
e waiting until the government offers

financial help. Meanwhile, the mountain above them is becoming more active by the day. At least

one village about three kilometers from the volcano has been covered in a dusting of volcanic

ash. One scientist told the BBC he now believed Merapi was in what he called the early stages
of a blowout but he added we cannot predict when it will reach its peak.

Why do some farmers refuse to move to emergency shelters?

[解析] 新闻中描写了火山附近居民在灾害发生之前的不同行为,有些人已经撤离到紧急 的安全棚内,有些人等候政府
的卡车把他们载到安全的地方,但也有一些人考虑到灾后的生计问题而拒绝 离开,希望政府能在此之前给他们一些经济
支持(until the government offers financial help)。所以选C项。A项“等待卡车将他们送到安全的地方”是火山
爆发前另外一些人的做法。B项“他们想一睹火山爆发的奇观”和D项“他们认为火山灰有利于作物生长 ”均没有在新
people want to take crops and animals with them.
ment will offer financial help to the villagers.
will reach its peak very soon.
has been one village being buried by ash. √
What do we learn from the news report?

[解析] 新闻中提到在距离火山约三公里处,至少已有一个村庄被火山灰掩埋(has been covered),D项。has been buried
是对原文的同义改写,故选D项。部分农民 拒绝撤离,因为没有了农作物和牲畜他们将无以为生,他们希望政府给予经
济支持,而不是想带着农作物 和牲畜一起离开,A项错误。B项“政府将提供经济援助”没有在新闻中提到。科学家告
诉BBC说已确 认Merapi处于爆发早期阶段,但仍不能预测到火山爆发的高潮时间,C项与新闻内容不符。
Questions 3 and 4 will be based on the following news item.
Questions 3 and 4 will be based on the following news item.
√ Israel.
Palestinians have exported the first shipment of crops grown in Gaza greenhouses left behind by
Jewish settlers. Palestinian officials said two and a half tons of peppers left Gaza through the

Karni Crossing, and will be sold in Israel. The Director of the Palestinian Economic Development

Company said he was very pleased. He said the shipment moved without problems and he hopes this
will be a good start. Palestinian officials hope to export a further shipment of produce to Europe,
via Israel, next week. Until this summer, the greenhouses belonged to Jewish settlers in Gaza.
When Israel withdrew from Gaza, and destroyed the settlements, private, foreign donors bought

the greenhouses for $$13 million and gave them to the Palestinians. Palestinian officials say access

to the outside world is crucial for strengthening Gazas troubled economy.

Where would these two and a half tons of peppers be sold?

[解析] 新闻提到,巴勒斯坦官员声称,2.5吨辣椒经加尼入口已离开加沙并将在以色列出售(will be sold
in Israel),故答案为C项。本段新闻的难点之一就是其中出现了很多考生并不 熟悉的地理名称,所以平时应积累一些
相关的背景知识,对考试非常有帮助。A项的“巴勒斯坦”是这些 辣椒的出口国,B项“加沙”是辣椒的种植地,而D
occupied them by force.
left them to Palestinians as gifts.
e, foreign donors give them these greenhouses. √
Palestinian government distributed them to citizens.
How could Palestinians get these greenhouses?

[解析] 新闻提到,一些民间和国外的捐 赠者以1300万美元买下这些温室并赠送给巴勒斯坦,故选C项。B项具有很强
的迷惑性,新闻开始时 提到“这些温室是由已撤离的犹太定居者留下的。”但是我们仔细听下文就能发现实际上这些温
室是因捐 赠者赠送而得。A项“他们通过武力占据”和D项“巴基斯坦政府赠送给民众”均没有在新闻中提到。
Questions 5 to 7 will be based on the following news item.

Questions 5 to 7 will be based on the following news item.
A.10 years old.
B.13 years old.
C.16 years old. √
D.17 years old.
U.S. officials have charged the mother of a young man. It is said that Tonya Couch and her son,
Ethan fled to Mexico in November. Ethan Couch was wanted by U.S. officials for violating his
punishment, in connection with a drunk-driving crash that killed four people two years ago.
That crash happened when Couch was 16 years old and drunk. He crashed into a car that was on the

side of the road. He was found guilty and sentenced to 10 years under observation.
Mexico drove out the mother of the young man on Wednesday. She is charged with violating the

punishment of her son. In other words, she is charged with helping her son flee to Mexico. If

convicted, she could face between two and 10 years in jail.
The mother and son were arrested on Monday in Puerto Vallarta on Mexicos west coast. U.S. officials

located the two when Ethan Couch used one of their phones to order pizza.
It could be weeks before Ethan Couch is sent back to the United States.

How old was Ethan Couch when the drunk-driving accident happened?

[解析] 根据选项可以判断问的是年龄,而且四个选项的年龄相对较小,题目可能跟青少年有关,听音 时留意新闻中的
相关信息。题目问酒驾事故发生时Ethan Couch的年龄。录音开头提到Eth an(即儿子)与两年前一宗酒驾碰撞事件相关。
接着说到“该事件发生时,他才16岁”(That crash happened when Couch was
16 years old),故C项为答案。A项利用Ethan Couch的缓刑期年数10年这个数字作干扰,并非他发生醉驾事故时的
e she had a Mexican son.
e she was involved in a drunk-driving crash.
e she went to U.S. illegally.
e she helped her son flee to Mexico. √
Why was Tonya Couch charged by the U.S. officials?

[解析] 选项均以Because开头,推断本题问原因。此外,根据drunk driving、illegally 、flee等词,推测问题应该
跟She做了什么不好的事有关。题目问Tonya Couch为何被美国警方指控。关键要听清Tonya
Couch是谁,由录音开头提到的mother of a young man和Tonya Couch and her son,可以判断出Tonya
Couch就是这位被美国警方指控 的母亲。录音中后段提到这位母亲被控协助其儿子逃到墨西哥(she is
charged with...to Mexico),D项基本复现了录音原词help her son flee to Mexico,为本题答案。A项是利用录音
中的Mexico编造的信息,录音中只说她儿子逃去墨西 哥,没说他是墨西哥籍。B项“她涉及一宗醉驾撞车”,但造成酒

驾撞车的并不是Ton ya Couch,而是她儿子Ethan Couch。C项“她非法偷渡去美国”未在新闻中提到。
the east coast of the U.S.
the west coast of the U.S.
the west coast of Mexico. √
the east coast of Mexico.
Where were Tonya and Ethan arrested by the U.S. officials?

[解析] 选项均为表地点的介词短语,可知本题问地点。此外,几个选项之间十分相似,区别在于eastwest < br>coast和,听音时要特别注意分辨跟这些关键词相关的信息。题目问Tonya和Ethan被拘捕的 地点。新闻
末尾的部分提到,这对母子周一在墨西哥西海岸的Puerto Vallarta被捕(The mother and son
were arrested...on Mexicos west coast),由此可知答案为C项。

三、Section B(总题数:0,分数:0.00)
四、Conversation One (总题数:1,分数:16.00)

Questions 8 to 11 are based on the conversation you have just heard.
Questions 8 to 11 are based on the conversation you have just heard.
a fabulous train.
a wooden cottage. √
an American car.
a big tent.
M: Have you seen our holiday pictures?
W: No, I haven . Id like to, though.

M: Look. This is the train that took us there. Its fabulous. You could all sit up here and see
out from the observation window.
W: Oh, have they got stairs in the train then?
M: Oh, yes. Fully equipped. And heres the house we stayed in. One of those wooden built cottages.

W: Yes, thats really pretty. And look at that fabulous car in front.
M: Oh, what a car! Typical massive, American car. It was just lovely.
W: Yes, it does look nice.
M: And here we are on a fishing trip.
W: Oh, yes. And that was a big fish, too.
M: Well, thats Steve looking pretty pleased with himself.

W: Mm. Did you catch anything?

M: No, I was a disaster. But its really nice being out there.
W: Looks nice.
M: And then we went up to a camp on the lake. Don you love the way the trees come down to the

edge of the lake there?

W: Looks really peaceful and lovely. Are you having a meal there?
M: Yes. Thats us having one of our cook-ups.

W: Mm, the tent looks a bit small.
M: Well it was, but you don
W: I suppose not.
M: Here we are on the lake again. This was a canoeing trip.
spend much time in the tent, do you?

W: Yes, do you know how to paddle?
M: Wasn hard to learn at all. Picked it up very quickly.
W: Well, what worried me was you were wearing those life- jackets.
M: Yes, we all had to wear those silly life-jackets, but nobody minded very much. It was really

good fun.

Where did the man stay during his holiday?

[解析] 听到the house we stayed in之后,紧接着听到wooden built cottages,信息可转换为we stayed
in a wooden cottage。
was disappointed because he didn catch any fish.
man found his camping trip disastrous and silly.
two speakers are enjoying their traveling by train.
woman was admiring the mans photos taken on his tour. √
Which of the following is true according to the conversation?

[解析] 整个对话是男士在给女士边看自己拍的照片,边介绍旅行的过程。开头第一个回 合的对话就有说明。男士说“你
看过我假期拍的照片吗?”女士说“没有。”男士介绍说“看! 这是……”。从女士的话语中(如:really pretty,nice,
lovely)可看出女 士在称赞男士拍的照片,故选D。对话中提到,Steve看起来很得意,所以A错;男士提到过disaste r
和silly这两个词,但并不是用来评价整个旅程,所以B错;两个人并没有一起乘火车去旅游,只 有男士去了,所以C
can be seen through the train window.
look peaceful and lovely.
come down to the edge of the lake. √
are near the cottages.
What do we knowr about the trees according to the man?

[解析] 男士说难道你不喜欢树垂到湖边的那种方式吗? 从他的话中我们可得出C,符 合长对话“听到什么选什么”的原
则。注意问题是问从男士的话中可得出什么,且女士回答男士时意思是 整个树垂到湖边的画
面很宁静可爱,不是指树宁静可爱,故可排除B。A和D只是分别利用听力原词train windowr和cottages进行干扰,
fishing in the center of the lake.
canoeing on the lake. √
swimming in the lake.
cutting trees on the edge of the lake.

When did the tourists wear the life-jackets?

[解析] 四个选项的动词都不相 同,而且地点也有一定的区别,因此在听到选项的内容时,应把相关的信息记录在选项
旁边。男士说在湖 上划独木舟(canoeing)时,还必须穿上救生衣。所以B正确。其他选项的动作在对话中也均有提及,< br>但都跟穿救生衣无关,故排除。

五、Conversation Two (总题数:1,分数:16.00)

Questions 12 to 15 are based on the conversation you have just heard.
Questions 12 to 15 are based on the conversation you have just heard.
. √
W: Dad, Dad, Dad!
M: Uh, what, what, uh, uh!?!?
W: The movie is over. You slept through the best part.
M: Ah, ah, I must have dozed off during the last few minutes.
W: Right. You were gone for so long, you should have brought your pillow and blanket. So, what
did you think about it?
M: Well, overall, Im a little disappointed with the movie. I mean, the story was a little strange,

you have to admit. I mean, really. How believable is a plot about a captain who navigates his

spaceship to the far reaches of the galaxy, and encounters a race of frog people? I mean, come


W: Ah, I thought it was fantastic. I mean, you have to admit that the special effects were awesome,
and the acting wasn bad either.

M: Ah, come on. What about the ships commtmications officer? I mean, what did you think about

him? Wasn he a little strange to you? He was always talking to himself, and he had that funny

W: Well, he was a little...unusual but the ships doctor was amazing. It was so cool when he brought

the captain back to life during one of the battles.
M: That was pretty realistic, but then the rest of the movie just went from bad to worse. And

the photography was so fake!

W: How do you know? You were snoring so loud the neighbors probably had to close their windows.

What is the fathers opinion about the movies storyline?

[解析] 父亲几乎一直都在抱怨电 影的不好,所以可以排除C和D这两个表达积极意义的选项,而父亲说过,“这个故事
有点奇怪”,所以 选A“荒谬的”。此外,本题也可依据父亲的用词(如strange,How believable,from bad to worse,
father thinks that the special effects and the acting were terrific.
daughter doesn like the ships doctor.

conversation is taking place in the theatre.
movie they are talking about is a science fiction movie. √
Which of the following statements is true?

[解析] 细节辨认题。由spaceship,galaxy,a race of frog people,special effects等标志词可推断出这是科幻
电影,答案为D。A错在f ather,应该是daughter,在对话中女儿评价说“特技很棒,而且演技也不赖”,而父亲的反
应是“Ah, come on.(得了吧!)”;在对话中,女儿说“宇宙飞船的医生很了不起”,B与之意 思相反;根据女儿所说的“你
communications officer.
doctor. √
frog people.
Whose performance do the father and daughter agree upon in the movie?

[解析] 父女俩只对那个医 生有一致的评价,女儿说“宇宙飞船的医生很了不起……”之后,父亲肯定她的说法:“非常
逼真”,所 以选C。其余三项均未有明确的统一意见。
communications officer.
doctor. √
What seems to be the thing the father likes about the movie?

[解析] 父亲认为摄影很似,通讯官有点奇怪,故事情节也不可信,所以只有C是正确的。在对话中, 父亲除了对医生
的评价是“That was pretty realistic”,对其他的评价几乎都是含否定意味的。也可由此得出答案是C。

六、Section C(总题数:0,分数:0.00)
七、Passage One (总题数:1,分数:12.00)

Questions 16 to 18 are based on the passage you have just heard.
Questions 16 to 18 are based on the passage you have just heard.
and rice.
and butter.
and soup.

and ice cream. √
Our eating habits are very important for good health and a strong body. There are times when most
of us would rather eat sweets and ice cream than meat and rice. Sweets and ice cream are not bad

for the stomach if we eat them at the end of a meal. If we eat them before a meal, they may take

away our appetite. It is important for us to eat our meal at the same time each day. When we feel

hungry, it is a sign that our bodies need food. When we feel angry or excited, we may not want
to eat. When we are worried, we may not want to eat, either.
A long time ago, in England, some judges used to decide whether a man was telling the truth by

giving him some dry bread. If the man could not swallow the bread, it was a sign that he wasn

telling the truth. He was telling a lie. Although this seems very strange and rather foolish,

it is indeed an excellent way of finding out the truth. A man who is worrying about something

has difficulty in swallowing anything dry. Because when he is worrying, he loses his appetite

and does not want to eat.

Which of the following may take away our appetite before we have our meal?

[解析] 四个选项均是食物,在听音的过程中若听到了选项中的词,则要在选项旁稍做记录。文章主要讲的是饮食习惯与健康的问题。文中提到,饭前吃sweets and ice cream会影响胃口,D将其中的sw eets换成了同义词candy。故选D。
A在文中提到了,但与本题的提问无关,故排除;B中的b utter和C在文中均未提及。本题也可从另一种角度来解答:
根据生活常识,A、B、C都有可能是 正餐的内容;只有D属于零食范畴,若在饭前食用容易影响胃口。故可判断D正确。
our work is over.
regular intervals each day. √
we are in the best mood.
we feel hungry.
When had we better have our meals?

[解析] 四个选项描述的都是时间。文中提到,每天在同一时间吃饭很重要。选项B中的at regular intervals就是文
中at me same time的同义表达,所以B正确。A、C在文中 均未提及;D在文中虽有提及,但不是吃饭时间的建议,只
是表明我们的身体需要食物。此外,本题也可 依据生活常识轻松地选出正确答案B。
he swallows dry bread easily.
he eats a lot of dry bread.
he drinks milk or hot water.

he could hardly swallow dry bread. √
How could the judges in old England tell that a man had told a lie?

[解析] 预读选项时要注意辨别各 选项间的异同。文章的后半部分讲了很久以前英格兰法官判断嫌疑人是否说谎的方法:
给他吃干面包。吃 不下就是说谎了,因为人在不安的时候难以咽下任何干的食物。故选D。英语的习惯是先说结果,再
说原 因。文中也是先说法官的做法,然后解释为什么他们会这样做。A、B表达的均是肯定含义,与文中的否定含义( 如
could not,has difficulty等)相违背,故可同时排除;C在文中未提及。

八、Passage Two (总题数:1,分数:12.00)

Questions 19 to 21 are based on the passage you have just heard.
Questions 19 to 21 are based on the passage you have just heard.
e the world is becoming more and more noisy. √
e they have learned that noise is also a kind of pollution.
e noise is an unwanted waste for human beings.
e people knew little about noise before.
The sense of sound is one of our most important means of knowing what is going on around us. Sound
has a waste product, too, in the form of noise. Noise is growing and it may get much worse before
it gets any better.
Scientists have been studying how noise affects people and animals. They are surprised by what
they have learned. Peace and quiet are becoming harder to find.

Noise pollution is a threat that should be looked at carefully.
There is a saying that it is so noisy that you can hear yourself think. Doctors who study noise
believe that we must sometimes hear ourselves think. If we don , we may have headaches, other

aches and pains, or even worse mental problems.

Ways of making less noise are now being tested. There are even laws controlling noise. We cannot
return to the good old days of peace and quiet. But we can reduce noise, if we shout loudly

enough about it.

Why are scientists surprised by the findings in their noise study?

[解析] 四个选项描述的都是原因 ,而且可预测问题与noise有关。关键在于听到“和平与安宁正变得愈发难寻”,A是
其同义表达, 故正确。选项B、C都是利用原词进行语音干扰,D在录音中未提及。
may forget what we have thought about.
thoughts may be disturbed.
mind might be harmed. √
may have difficulty finding the right words.
What may happen if we cannot hear ourselves think?

[解析] 预读选项可知,题目询问如果……可能会发生什么事。因此,在听音时要特别注意由if之类 的词引导的条件句
及这样做会导致什么后果。关键在于听到“如果我们听不见自己思考,可能会有头痛、 其他的疼痛,甚至更糟的是会出
现心理问题。”选项C就是原文中mental problems的同义表达,故正确。
mes we have to shout loudly so that others can hear us.
pollution is the worst kind of pollution we suffer from.
can put noise under control if we take effective measures. √
environment is getting much better except for the pollution.
Which of the following is true according to the passage?

[解析] 本题属于是非筛 选型细节题。C是对文章最后一句深层意义的解释,原文中的shout并非表示“大喊大叫”,而
是“ 呼吁”的意思。因此选C。A利用shout,loudly进行语音干扰;B错在worst,文中只提到噪音 污染是我们应该认
真看待的一种威胁;D在文中并未提及。本题的另一种解法:从常识及逻辑的角度来看 ,只有C最合情合理;而A、D不

九、Passage Three (总题数:1,分数:16.00)

Questions 22 to 25 are based on the passage you have just heard.
Questions 22 to 25 are based on the passage you have just heard.
very persuasive and believable.
in direct eye contact with listeners. √
his or her ideas to an audience.
exceptionally well-disposed.
Eye contact is a nonverbal technique that helps the speaker sell his or her ideas to an audience.
Besides its persuasive powers, eye contact helps hold listener interest. A successful speaker

must maintain eye contact with an audience. To have good rapport with listeners, a speaker should

maintain direct eye contact for at least 75 percent of the time. Some speakers focus exclusively
on their notes. Others gaze over the heads of their listeners. Both are likely to lose audiences

interest and esteem. People who maintain eye contact while speaking, whether from a podium or

from across the table, are
egarded not only as exceptionally well-disposed by their target but
also as much more believable and earnest.
To show the potency of eye contact in daily life, we have only to consider how passers-by behave
when their glances happen to meet on the street. At one extreme are those people who feel obliged

to smile when they make eye contact. At the other extreme are those who feel awkward and immediately

look away. To make eye contact, it seems to make a certain link with someone.

What should a good speaker do according to this talk?

[解析] 细节题。关键在于听到“一位成功的演讲者必须与 听众保持目光接触。”B中的listeners对应文中的an audience,
因此选B。选项 A、D利用文中原词进行语音干扰;文章开头提到“目光接触是一种非语言技巧,它有助于演讲者把自己
的想法‘出售'给听众。”由此可知,C不是本题的答案。本题也可从另一角度进行解答:如果没有听到关键句, 考生也
可根据录音中多次出现的eye contact大胆推测答案为B。
ng interest.
ces interest and esteem. √
ng chance.
What will the speaker lose if he or she cannot keep eye contact?

[解析] 简单推理题。关键是要听到“两种情况都可能失去听众的兴趣与尊重。”并且明 白both指代的是什么。“一些演
讲者只专注于他们的笔记”,“另一些演讲者凝视听众的头顶上方” ,这两种情况都属于演讲者与听众之间缺乏目光接触。
由此可推断,C正确。选项A、B、D在录音中均 未提及。本题的另一种解法:如果没有听到关键句,但听到了文章开头
提到的“目光接触有助于保持听众 的兴趣”,也可进行逆向思维,即缺少目光接触会失去听众的兴趣,故选C。
to each other. √
annoyed and glare at each other.
to make a conversation with each other.
indifferent to each other.
In daily life, what will happen when two passers-by make eye contact?

[解析] 隐含细节题。文中使用“At one extreme are...At the other extreme are...”的结构列举了路人在目光接
触时可能出现的两种极端行为,即“当目光 接触时有些人觉得有必要笑一笑”,“有些人觉得尴尬并立刻把脸转过去”。
由第一种极端行为可推测出 答案是A“互相微笑”。
information what we want.
a certain link with the listener. √
friends with others.
others comments on ones speaking.
What benefits do we get from eye contact?

[解析] 细节题。关键是要听到文 章末句“进行目光接触,似乎就与某人有了某种联系”。文中多次提到了speaker,
listen er,audience,末句中的someone其实就是指代the listeneraudience, 故B正确。选项A、D在文中均未提及;
文中并没有表达“有目光接触就能与其他人交朋友”这样的信息 ,C属于过度猜测,故错误。









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