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大学英语四级综合 45

2020-10-29 08:56





一、Short Answer Questions(总题数:1,分数:20.00)

Since the settlement of Jamestown in 1607, well over 45 million people have immigrated to the
United States. Up until 1882, the policy of the United States was almost one of free and
unrestricted admittance. The country was regarded as the land of the free, a haven for those
oppressed by tyrants, and a place of opportunity.
Immigration of white ethnics to the United States can be viewed from the perspective of old
migration and new migration. The old migration consisted of people from northern Europe who came
before the 1880s. The new migration was much larger in numbers and consisted of people from southern
and eastern Europe who came between 1880 and 1920. The ethnic groups that made up the old migration
included the English, Dutch, French, Germans, Irish, Scandinavians, Scots, and Welsh. The new
migration included Poles, Hungarians, Ukrainians, Russians, Italians, Greeks, Portuguese, and
The new migration sent far more immigrants to the United States than the old migration. The earlier
immigrants felt threatened by the waves of unskilled and uneducated newcomers whose appearance
and culture were so different from their own. Public pressure for immigration restriction
increased. After 1921 quotas were established limiting the number of people that could arrive
from any particular country. The quotas were specifically designed to discriminate against
potential immigrants from the southern and eastern European countries. This discriminatory
immigration policy remained in effect until 1965 when a new policy was established.
In contrast to the stereotype of the European immigrant arriving at Ellis Island as in previous
eras, today's immigrant is likely to be from the Orient and arrive by plane. Since 1970, Asian
immigrants have been rising rapidly both in number and as a percentage of all immigrants to the
United States. In fact, the United States' Asian immigrant population is increasing faster than
the foreign born population from Mexico, Central America, the Caribbean, and Canada combined.
Europe, on the other hand, no longer sends many of its natives to America's shores. Even with
the massive immigration from Europe during their early history, only 26 percent of today's foreign
born population came from Europe, and only 13 percent of them have arrived since 1980.

(1).What was the policy of immigration of the United States up until 1882?(分数:4.00)
填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:Almost one of free and unrestricted admittance)
解析:[解析] 细节题。根据第一段up until 1882,the policy of the United States was almost one
of free and unrestricted admittance可知,直到1882年,美国政策对移民几乎没有限制。
(2).What people did the old immigration consist of?(分数:4.00)
填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:People from northern Europe who came before the 1880s)
解析:[解析] 细节题。根据第二段The old migration consisted of people…可知,旧移民指的是1880年前来自北
(3).According to the passage, the new immigration consists of______.(分数:4.00)
填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:people from southern and eastern Europe between 1880

and 1920)
解析:[解析] 细节题。根据第二段The new migration was much larger in numbers andconsisted of…可知,新移
(4).People from ______were discriminated against by the quotas of immigration restriction.(分数:4.00)
)the southern and eastern European countries(正确答案:1:__________________ 填空项.
解析:[解析] 细节题。根据第三段The quotas were specifically designed to discriminate against
potential immigrants…可知,1921年后美国移民政策实施配额限制,配额尤其歧视来自南欧和东欧的人。
(5).In contrast to the stereotype of the European immigrant arriving at Ellis Island, what are
the differences of today's immigrant?(分数:4.00)
填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:Most come from the Orient and arrive by plane)
解析:[解析] 细节题。根据最后一段today's immigrant is likely to be from the Orient and arrive
by pl ane可知,现在的移民大部分来自东方国家,而且与以往不同的是,他们不是乘轮船来的,而是乘飞机来的。


The Space Age officially began on October 4, 1957, (1) the Soviet Union launched the modest

185-pound Sputnik Ⅰ, the first (2) satellite to orbit the earth. The following month, Russians

succe- ssfully launched the 1100-pound Sputnik Ⅱ, (3) carried into space the globe, a female

dog (4) Laika, who suffocated (窒息) on the sixth day of the (5) because of a failure (6) the

internal temperature of the craft. But the satellite itself orbited the earth for 162 days and
(7) up on reentering the earth's atmosphere.

The United States, (8) second fiddle (小提琴) to its superpower (9) , orbited its first satellite,

Explorer I, on January 31, 1958. It was a lightweight, 18-pound craft, carrying not animals but
(10) instruments to study the (11) bands of energy in space (12) as the Van Allen radiation belts.

Within the (13) fifteen years man had gone to the moon, searching beneath its (14) and dusty soil

for (15) of life (there were (16) ), and begun probing more distant (17) of the solar system.

(18) physicist, Werner Von Braun, played a crucial role in this odyssey (史诗), especially in

(19) the bold scheme for the 1969 (20) of three Americans on the moon.


解析:[解析] 语法结构题。结合空格后的内容可知,这是一个缺少引导词的时间状语从句,所以B正确。

cial √
解析:[解析] 词义辨析题。space 意为“太空”;manned意为“载人的”;true意为“真实的”;artificial意为“人

解析:[解析] 语法结构题。在非限定性定语从句中,关系代词用which而不用that,故选A。

解析:[解析] 语 法结构题。name意为“给…取名”,常接复合宾语,在本句中应使用过去分词作定语,即named,故选< br>A。


解析:[解析] 词义辨析题。course意为“路线,过程”,passage意为“通道”,ni ght意为“飞行”,orbiting意为“环
绕”。人造卫星是绕地球飞行的,而对于小狗来说,这 只是一种飞行,所以B正确。

解析:[解析] 惯用搭配题。“在某方面失败”一般用failure in sth.或failure to do sth.,所以C正确。


解析:[解析] 词义辨析题。crash虽可作不及物动词,但 一般指与某物撞击后毁灭,排除A;hit也暗示了“撞击”;damage
用作不及物动词时表示“受 到损坏”,但不与up接用,故排除;burn意为“燃烧”,burn up有“烧毁,烧尽”之意,

g √

解析:[解析] 语法结构题。此处应该用现在分词作伴随状语,play second fiddle为习语,意为“居次要地位”,故选


解析:[解析] 词义辨析题。结合上文可知,为夺取制空权,关苏两个 超级大国互不示弱,争先发射地球卫星。所以在
竞争方面,他们既不是朋友(friend),也不是敌 人(enemy),更不是合作伙伴(partner),而是互为对手(rival),所以A
ive √

解析:[解析] 词 义辨析题。sensible意为“可感觉到的,实用的”;sensitive意为“敏感的”;accura te意为“精密
的”;exact意为“确切的”。结合句意“飞行器没有携带动物,而是携带____ __仪器”可排除A、D项;且由于“精密仪

器”应为precision instrument,故排除C,选B。
e √

解析:[解析] 词义辨析题。intense意为“强烈的”,能量带里的反应是强 烈的,所以A正确。sharp意为“锋利的,
强烈的”,但多指病痛强烈的;passionate意 为“充满热情的”;violent意为“猛烈的”:这三项均排除。

正确。D是惯用搭配,意为“作为…而得名”,所以be known as惯用搭配题。] 解析[解析:

解析:[解析] 词义辨析题。the next fifteen years是指在美国发射第一颗卫星后的15年中,故选C;follow修饰名
词时常用the following,相当于the next,排除A;文中未提及one fifteen years,所以不用another,排除B;the
past fifteen years意为 “过去15年(距现在)”,文章首句提到发射人造卫星开启了人类的太空时代,因而登月只可能
在这之 后,排除D。
·next与the next的区别:
①表示“从现在算起”,用the next和next都行;
②若表示“从过去或将来某一点算起”,则只能用the next。

解析:[解析] 逻辑衔接题。wet是中性词,表客观描述;da mp含有贬义,意为“过分潮湿”;moist含有褒义,意为“有
点湿,水灵灵,有汁的”等;由du sty soil可知,只有沙土很干时才有可能尘土飞扬,所以D正确。

解析:[解析] 词义辨析题。indication意为“迹象”,但表示生命的迹象时,一般用sxgn of life;s ymbol意为“符


解析:[解析] 语法结构题。结 合语法结构可知,如果选A、B项,其后还应该接其他成分,故排除这两项;neither意
为“两者 都不”,不符合句意;none为否定代词,在句中作宾语,正确。

解析:[解析] 词义辨析题。universe意为“宇宙”,包括太阳系,所以没有the universe of the solar
system的说法;sphere意为“球体,范围”,当它意为“范围”时,常指知 识、兴趣或势力范围;realms

解析:[解析] 语法结构题。短文中第一次提到这位物理学家,只能用one,所以A正确。
ng √
解析:[解析] 词义辨析题。invent意为 “发明”;plan意为“策划”;devise意为“发明,设计”;plot意为“密谋”。
选项中 能与scheme搭配只有plan,故选B。

g √
解析:[解析] 词义辨析题。carry意为“搬运”;la unch意为“发射”;send意为“发送”;land意为“着陆,靠岸”。
在月球上着陆应lan d on the moon,故选D。


conclusion is based on all available knowledge, 1 (而不是基于猜测和想像).

填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:rather than guess or imagination)
解析:[解析] 分析句子结构,“而不是”可译rather than,“基于猜测和想像”译为guess or imagination,不要机
械地译成“based on guess or imagination”。
our country, more and more people 1(关心自然环境).

填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:are concerned about natural environment)
解析:[解析] “关心”译为be concerned about,“自然环境”译natural environment。
prices of these goods 1(从几美元到数百美元不等).

填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:range from several dollars to several hundred dollars)
解析:[解析] “从…到…不等”常可译range from…to…表示范围。
until I began to work 1(我才知道自己已经浪费掉了多少时间 ).

填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:did I know how much time I had wasted)
解析:[解析] 本题考查not until位于句首引导从句,主句谓语动词需部分倒装的情况。从 句用过去时,由此可知主
语的谓语动词应用过去时,“浪费时间”发生在“知道”之前,故宾语从句的谓 语动词用过去完成时。
5. 1(如果地球上没有空气的话), we would die.

填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:If there were no air on the Earth)
解析:[解析] 本题为虚拟条件句,需要用虚拟语气。









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