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基因8 名词解释

2020-10-22 11:59



? A gene (cistron) is the segment of DNA specifying production of a polypeptide chain; it
includes regions preceding and following the coding region (leader and trailer) as well
as intervening sequences (introns) between individual coding segments (exons).
? 基因[ gene(cistron) ]:指能产生一条肽链的DNA片段 。包括编码区和其上下游区域
? A DNA polymerase is an enzyme that synthesizes a daughter strand(s) of DNA (under
direction from a DNA template). Any particular enzyme may be involved in repair or
replication (or both).
? DNA聚合酶(DNA polym erase):合成子代DNA链(在DNA模板的指导下)的酶。
任何独特的酶可在修复或复制(或两 者都有)中发挥作用。
? RNA polymerases are enzymes that synthesize RNA using a DNA template (formally
described as DNA-dependent RNA polymerases).
? RNA聚合酶(RNA polymerases):使用DNA作为模板合成RNA的酶(正式应 为DNA
? Reverse transcriptase is an enzyme that uses a template of single-stranded RNA to
generate a double-stranded DNA copy.
? 反转录酶(Reverse transcriptase):以单链RNA为模板合成双链DNA的酶。
? A deoxyribonuclease (DNAase) is an enzyme that attacks bonds in DNA. It may cut only
one strand or both strands.
? 脱氧核糖核酸酶(DNA酶)(deoxy ribonuclease,DNAase):攻击DNA之间化学键
? Ribonucleases (RNAase) are enzymes that cleave RNA. They may be specific for
single-stranded or for double-stranded RNA, and may be either endonucleases or
? 核糖核酸酶(RNA酶)(Ribonucleases ,RNAase):底物为RNA的酶,它可对单链或双链RNA特异性作用,它可为核酸内切酶或核酸外切酶。


? Exonucleases cleave nucleotides one at a time from the end of a polynucleotide chain;
they may be specific for either the 5’ or 3’ end of DNA or RNA.
? 核酸外切 酶(Exonucleases):每次可从核酸链一头切割一个核苷酸的酶,可能特异
性切割DNA或 者RNA的5’ 或者3’端。
? Endonucleases cleave bonds within a nucleic acid chain; they may be specific for RNA
or for single-stranded or double- stranded DNA.
? 核酸内切酶(Endonucleases):切割核酸链内的化 学键。可特异性地切割RNA或者
? A hotspot is a site in the genome at which the frequency of mutation (or
recombination) is very much increased, usually by at least an order of magnitude
relative to neighboring sites.
? 热点(hotspot):突变或者重组频率显著增加的位点。
? loss-of- function mutation eliminates or reduces the activity of a gene. It is often, but
not always, recessive.
? 功能丧失性突变(loss-of-function mutation):这种突变失活了基因,它是隐性遗传
? A gain-of- function mutation usually refers to a mutation that causes an increase in the
normal gene activity. It sometimes represents acquisition of certain abnormal
properties. It is often, but not always, dominant.
? 功能获得性突变(gain-of- function mutation):这种突变代表了新活性的获得,它
? A reading frame is one of the three possible ways of reading a nucleotide sequence.
Each reading frame divides the sequence into a series of successive triplets. There are
three possible reading frames in any sequence, depending on the starting point. If the
first frame starts at position 1, the second frame starts at position 2, and the third
frame starts at position 3.


? 读框(reading frame):一条核苷酸链能以三种可能形式之一读出。每个读框把序
列分成 一系列连续的三联体,依照序列的不同,任何序列都有三种可能的读框,
如果第一个读框开始于位置1, 则第二个读框开始于位置2,第三个读框开始于位
? An open reading frame (ORF) is a sequence of DNA consisting of triplets that can be
translated into amino acids starting with an initiation codon and ending with a
termination codon.
? 可读框(open reading frame ,ORF):由编码氨基酸的三联体组成的连续DNA序列,
? An exon is any segment of an interrupted gene that is represented in the mature RNA
? 外显子(exon):断裂基因中,在成熟mRNA产物中存在的任何片段。
? An intron (Intervening sequence) is a segment of DNA that is transcribed, but removed
from within the transcript by splicing together the sequences (exons) on either side of
? 内含子(插入序列)(intron,Intervening sequence):一段DNA片段,它转录 但通
? A transcript is the RNA product produced by copying one strand of DNA. It may require
processing to generate a mature RNA.
? 转录物(transcript):从DNA 链上拷贝的RNA产物,它可能需要加工成成熟RNA。
? Restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) refers to inherited differences in
sites for restriction enzymes (for example, caused by base changes in the target site)
that result in differences in the lengths of the fragments produced by cleavage with the
relevant restriction enzyme. RFLPs are used for genetic mapping to link the genome
directly to a conventional genetic marker.


? 限制性片段长度多态性(Restriction fragment length polymorphis m,RFLP):指限制
性内切核酸酶所能识别的位点上的遗传差异(例如,靶位点上的碱基改变产生) ,
图,将基 因组与常见的遗传标记接合起来。
? A zoo blot describes the use of Southern blotting to test the ability of a DNA probe
from one species to hybridize with the DNA from the genomes of a variety of other
? 物种杂交(zoo blot):指使用Southern杂交检验 来自一个种属的DNA与其他许多
? The transcriptome is the complete set of RNAs present in a cell, tissue, or organism. Its
complexity is due mostly to mRNAs, but it also includes noncoding RNAs.
? 转录物组(transcriptome):一个细胞、组织 或生物体的全部RNA的集合,它的复
? The abundance of an mRNA is the average number of molecules per cell.
? mRNA丰度(abundance of an mRNA):指每个细胞的平均mRNA分子数。
? Abundant mRNAs consist of a small number of individual species, each present in a
large number of copies per cell.
? 高丰度mRNA(Abundant mRNAs):由少量不同种类mRNA构成,每一种在细胞中
? Scarce mRNA (Complex mRNA) consists of a large number of individual mRNA species,
each present in very few copies per cell. This accounts for most of the sequence
complexity in RNA.
? 稀有mRNA(复杂mRNA)(Scarce mRNA ,Complex mRNA):由大 量的不同mRNA
成分组成,每一个mRNA在细胞中只有很少的拷贝,这说明了细胞中RNA的序列< br>复杂度。
? Housekeeping genes (Constitutive gene) are those (theoretically) expressed in all cells


because they provide basic functions needed for sustenance of all cell types.
? 管家(组成型)基因(Housekeeping genes ,Constitutive gene):是 那些(理论上)
? Luxury genes are those coding for specialized functions synthesized (usually) in large
amounts in particular cell types.
? 奢侈基因(Luxury genes):在特定细胞类型中大量(通常)表达并编码特殊功能产
? Nonreciprocal recombination (unequal crossing- over) results from an error in pairing and
crossing-over in which nonequivalent sites are involved in a recombination event. It
produces one recombinant with a deletion of material and one with a duplication.
? 非互易重组(不等交换)(Nonreciprocal recombination ,unequal crossing-over):
在两组作用的基因组中,非等位点的配对和交叉错误所导致,它产生了 一个缺失
Microsatellite DNAs consist of repetitions of extremely short (typically <10 bp) units.
微卫星DNA (Microsatellite DNAs):含极端单位(典型的为小于10bp)重复序列
? Minisatellite DNAs consist of ~10 copies of a short repeating sequence. the length of
the repeating unit is measured in 10s of base pairs. The number of repeats varies
between individual genomes.

小卫星DNA(Minisatellite DNAs):未找到合适的中文翻译。
Transcription describes synthesis of RNA on a DNA template.
Translation is synthesis of protein on the mRNA template.
The antisense strand (Template strand) of DNA is complementary to the sense strand,

and is the one that acts as the template for synthesis of mRNA.
? 无意义链(模板链)(antisense strand,Template strand):与有意义链互补,为合
? The coding strand (Sense strand) of DNA has the same sequence as the mRNA and is
related by the genetic code to the protein sequence that it A
? 编码(有义)链(coding strand ,Sense strand):与mRNA有相同序列的DNA链,
? A ribosome-binding site is a sequence on bacterial mRNA that includes an initiation
codon that is bound by a 30S subunit in the initiation phase of protein synthesis.
? 核糖体结合位点(ribosome-binding site):细菌mRNA上的含起始密码子的序列,< br>在蛋白质合成的起始阶段,它能被30S亚基结合。
? The Shine- Dalgarno sequence is the polypurine sequence AGGAGG centered about 10
bp before the AUG initiation codon on bacterial mRNA. It is complementary to the
sequence at the 3’ end of 16S rRNA.
? SD序列(Shine-Dalgarno sequence):细菌m RNA上AUG起始密码子之前约10bp
的部分,或所有嘌呤序列AGGAGG,与16S rRNA的3’端序列互补。
? A signal sequence is a short region of a protein that directs it to the endoplasmic
reticulum for co-translational translocation.
? 信号序列(signal sequence):蛋白质上的短区域,它负责把蛋白质导引到细胞内
? A transcription unit is the distance between sites of initiation and termination by RNA
polymerase; may include more than one gene.
? 转录单位(signal sequence):指RNA聚合酶识别的起始位点和终止位点间的距离,
? A primary transcript is the original unmodified RNA product corresponding to a
transcription unit.


? 初级转录物(primary transcript):与一个转录单位相对应的未修饰RNA产物。
? Antitermination is a mechanism of transcriptional control in which termination is
prevented at a specific terminator site, allowing RNA polymerase to read into the genes
beyond it.
? 抗终止(A ntitermination):转录控制的一种机制,它能防止在特异的终止点终止,
使RNA聚合 酶能通读终止位点后面的基因。
? Readthrough at transcription or translation occurs when RNA polymerase or the
ribosome, respectively, ignores a termination signal because of a mutation of the
template or the behavior of an accessory factor.
? 通读( Readthrough):由于模板的突变或辅助因子的帮助,RNA聚合酶或核糖体能
忽略终止信号 ,而继续转录或翻译。
? A regulator gene codes for a product (typically protein) that controls the expression of
other genes (usually at the level of transcription).
? 调控基因(regulator gen e):它编码一种产物(典型的为蛋白质),其作用是控
? A repressor is a protein that inhibits expression of a gene. It may act to prevent
transcription by binding to an operator site in DNA, or to prevent translation by binding
to RNA.
? 阻遏物(repressor):能阻止基因表达的蛋白质,它可与D NA操作基因结合来阻止
? The operator is the site on DNA at which a repressor protein binds to prevent
transcription from initiating at the adjacent promoter.
? 操纵基因(operator):DNA上一个位点,阻抑物能与之结合抑制相邻启动子从而
? An operon is a unit of bacterial gene expression and regulation, including structural
genes and control elements in DNA recognized by regulator gene product(s).


? 操纵子(operon):细菌基因表 达和调控的单位,包括结构基因和能被调控基因产
? Positive control describes a system in which a gene is not expressed unless some
action occurs to turn it on.
? 正控制(Positive control) :(未按基因八翻译)某些物质与开关基因DNA直接结合
而活化结构基因,从正的方向促进转录的控制 称为正控制。例如:环腺苷酸(cAMP)
及其与受体蛋白(CAP)的复合物结合于诱导型操纵子的启 动基因部位,以及ppGpp
与阻遏型操纵子的弱化基因直接作用,从而促进结构基因的转录;真核生物 中酸
? A corepressor is a small molecule that triggers repression of transcription by binding to
a regulator protein.
? 辅阻遏物(corepressor):它是一个小分子,通过结合到调控蛋白上来抑制转录。
? An inducer is a small molecule that triggers gene transcription by binding to a regulator
? 诱导物(inducer):通过与调控蛋白结合激活基因转录的小分子物质。
? Gratuitous inducers resemble authentic inducers of transcription but are not
substrates for the induced enzymes.
? 安慰诱导物(Gratuitous inducers):与转录中的实际诱导物相似,但不是该诱导酶
? A trans-acting product can function on any copy of its target DNA. This implies that it is
a diffusible protein or RNA.
? 反式作用产物(trans- acting product):它能作用在目标DNA的任何拷贝上。这暗
? A cis-acting site affects the activity only of sequences on its own molecule of DNA (or
RNA); this property usually implies that the site does not code for protein.
? 顺式作用位点(cis- acting site):只影响处于同一DNA或RNA分子上的活性的序列,


? Single-strand assimilation (Single-strand uptake) describes the ability of RecA protein
to cause a single strand of DNA to displace its homologous strand in a duplex; that is,
the single strand is assimilated into the duplex.
? 单链同化(Single-strand assimilation,Single-strand uptake):指RecA蛋白引起DNA
? An enhancer is a cis-acting sequence that increases the utilization of (some) eukaryotic
promoters, and can function in either orientation and in any location (upstream or
downstream) relative to the promoter.
? 增强子(enhancer):是一个顺势作用序列,它能够提高 一些真核生物启动子的利
? An enhanceosome is a complex of transcription factors that assembles cooperatively at
an enhancer.
? 增强体(enhanceosome):相互协作地聚集在增强子上的转录因子复合物。
? A core promoter is the shortest sequence at which an RNA polymerase can initiate
transcription (typically at much lower level than that displayed by a promoter
containing additional elements). For RNA polymerase II it is the minimal sequence at
which the basal transcription apparatus can assemble, and includes two sequence
elements, the InR and TATA box. It is typically ~40 bp long.
? 核心启动子(core promoter):(未按基因八翻译)RNA聚合酶起始转录所必需< br>的DNA序列,包括转录起始点及其上游-25-30bp处的TATA盒。核心启动子单
独起作 用时只能确定转录起始位点和产生基础水平的转录。
? The Inr is the sequence of a pol II promoter between –3 and +5 and has the general
sequence Py
. It is the simplest possible pol II promoter.
? Inr:聚合酶II启动子的的–3 到 +5位序列,含通用序列Py


? TATA box is a conserved A·T-rich septamer found about 25 bp before the startpoint of
each eukaryotic RNA polymerase II transcription unit; may be involved in positioning
the enzyme for correct initiation.
? TATA盒(框)(TATA box):在真核生物RNA 聚合酶 II转录单位起始点前25bp处发
现的保守的富含AT的七联体,可能涉及RNA聚合酶的正确起始定 位。
? Any protein that is needed for the initiation of transcription, but which is not itself part
of RNA polymerase, is defined as a transcription factor.
? 转录因子(transcription factor):在特异的启动子位点,RNA聚合酶启动转录所需
? An activator is a protein that stimulates the expression of a gene, typically by acting at
a promoter to stimulate RNA polymerase. In eukaryotes, the sequence to which it
binds in the promoter is called a response element.
? 激活剂(activator):能激活基因表达的蛋白质,典型的就是,它作用于启动子从
而激活RN A聚合酶。在真核生物中,它所结合的启动子序列称为应答元件。
? Coactivators are factors required for transcription that do not bind DNA but are
required for (DNA-binding) activators to interact with the basal transcription factors.
? 辅激活剂(Coactivators):结 合DNA的激活剂与基本的转录因子相互作用时所需要
? basal factor is a transcription factor required by RNA polymerase II to form the
initiation complex at all promoters. Factors are identified as TF
X, where X is a number.
? 基本转录因子(basal factor):RNA聚合酶在所有的启动子上 形成起始复合物所需
? A promoter is a region of DNA where RNA polymerase binds to initiate transcription.
? 启动子(promoter):RNA聚合酶结合并起始转录的DNA区域。
? A response element is a sequence in a eukaryotic promoter or enhancer that is
recognized by a specific transcription factor.


? 应答元件(response element):被特异的转录因子所识别的真核生物细胞的启动子
? RNA splicing is the process of excising the sequences in RNA that correspond to introns,
so that the sequences corresponding to exons are connected into a continuous mRNA.
? RNA剪接(RNA splicing):在RNA中内含子序列被切除的过程,这样外显子序列能
? An hnRNP is the ribonucleoprotein form of hnRNA (heterogeneous nuclear RNA), in
which the hnRNA is complexed with proteins. Since pre- mRNAs are not exported until
processing is complete, hnRNPs are found only in the nucleus.
? 核不均一核糖核蛋白(hnRNP):hnRNA(不均一核RNA)的核糖体蛋白质形式,
? Splice sites are the sequences immediately surrounding the exon-intron boundaries.
? 剪接位点(Splice sites):外显子- 内含子交界处周围的序列。
? The GT-AG rule describes the presence of these constant dinucleotides at the first two
and last two positions of introns of nuclear genes.
? GT-AG规则(GT-AG rule):指在细胞核基因的内含子开始和结束出现的两个固定的
? The spliceosome is a complex formed by the snRNPs that are required for splicing
together with additional protein factors.
? 剪接体(spliceosome):剪接所需要的snRNP和其他蛋白质因子所形成的复合体。
? A small nuclear RNA (snRNA) is one of many small RNA species confined to the nucleus;
several of the snRNAs are involved in splicing or other RNA processing reactions.
? 核小RNA(small nuclear RNA,snRNA):指任何一个限制在细胞核内的小分子RNA,
一些snRNA 涉及剪接过程,另一些涉及RNA的加工反应。


? Autosplicing (Self-splicing) describes the ability of an intron to excise itself from an
RNA by a catalytic action that depends only on the sequence of RNA in the intron.
? 自我剪接(Autosplicing,Self-splicing ):像催化作用一样,内含子能从RNA里切下
? Alternative splicing describes the production of different RNA products from a single
product by changes in the usage of splicing junctions.
? 可变剪接(Alternative splicing):依靠使用剪接接合点的改变,从单一RNA转录物
? trans-splicing occurs in trypanosomes and worms where a short sequence (SL RNA) is
spliced to the 5’ ends of many precursor mRNAs.
? 反式剪接(trans- splicing):发生于锥虫和蠕虫中,其中一个小序列(SL RNA)剪
? Chromatin remodeling describes the energy-dependent displacement or
reorganization of nucleosomes that occurs in conjunction with activation of genes for
? 染色质重建(Chromatin remodeling):指发生在基因的转录活化时核小体的一种能
? The C-value is the total amount of DNA in the genome (per haploid set of
? C值(C-value):单倍体基因组中DNA的总量。
? The C-value paradox describes the lack of relationship between the DNA content
(C-value) of an organism and its coding potential.
? C值矛盾(C-value paradox):一个有机体的C值与它的编码能力缺乏相关性。
? 名词解释:
? DNA polymerase; RNA polymerases; DNAase; RNAase.


? Exonucleases; Endonucleases.
? mutation hotspot; recombination hotspot.
? loss-of- function mutation; gain-of-function mutation.
? reading frame; open reading frame (ORF).
? exon; intron.
? Transcription; transcript; transcription unit; ribosome-binding site
? Southern blot; zoo blot
? Housekeeping genes; Luxury genes
? Microsatellite DNAs; Minisatellite DNAs
? coding strand; antisense strand
? Antitermination; Readthrough
? repressor; corepressor;
? activator; Coactivator
? Positive control; Negtive control
? inducer; Gratuitous inducers
? operator; operon
? cis-acting site; trans-acting factor
? enhancer; enhanceosome
? promoter; core promoter; response element
? RNA splicing; spliceosome
? hnRNP; snRNA
? Contig; BAC library chromosome walking
? RNA interference (RNAi); RNA silencing;Cosuppression
? licensing factor;replicon;rolling circle
? Ti plasmid;T-DNA
? basal factor;
? RNA editing
? RNA splicing;Autosplicing;Alternative splicing;trans- splicing
? ribosome-binding site










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