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1. at table 在进餐时 at the table 坐在桌旁
2. a knife and fork 刀叉 a knife and a fork 一把刀子和一把叉子
3. by hand 手工做的 by the hand 挽着手
4. by day 在白天 by the day 按天计算
5. by sea 乘船 by the sea在海滨
6. in hospital 住院 in the hospital 在医院
7. in front of 在??的前面 in the front of 在??的前部
8. in secret 秘密地,暗地里 in the secret 知道内情
9. in place of 代替 in the place of 在??的地方
10. in red 身穿 in the red 赤字,亏损
11. in case of 万一 in the case of 就??来说,至于
12. in word 口头上,表面上 in a word 总之
13. have words with 与??争吵 have a word with 与??说句话
14. make beds 造床 make the bed 整理床铺
15. keep house 管理家务 keep the house 守在家里,居家不外出
16. in sight of 看得见 in the sight of 从??的观点来看
17. in charge of 负责 in the charge of 由??负责
18. take place 发生 take the place 取代
19. of age 成年 of the age 同龄
20. out of question 不成问题 out of the question 根本不可能

1. advice 劝告 advices 消息
2. age 年龄 ages 很久
3. arm 手臂 arms 武器
4. brain 大脑 brains 智力
5. cloth 布料 clothes 衣服
6. condition 条件 conditions 环境
7. color 颜色 colors 旗帜
8. content 内容 contents 目录
9. custom 风俗 customs 海关
10. force 力量 forces 军队
11. feeling 感觉 feelings 感情,心情
12. glass 玻璃 glasses 眼睛
13. good 利益 goods 商品,货物
14. green 绿色 greens 蔬菜
15. letter 字母 letters 文学
16. look 看 looks 外表
17. manner 方式 manners 礼貌
18. pain 痛苦 pains 辛苦
19. paper 纸 papers 论文,文章,文件
20. return 归还 returns 长寿
21. regard 尊重 regards问候
22. sand 沙子 sands 沙滩
23. spirit 精神 spirits 情绪
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24. short 短,短片 shorts 短裤
25. time 时间 times 时代
26. work 工作 works 作品,工厂
27. water 水 waters 水域
28. wood 木头 woods 树林

附八: 含介词to的常用短语:
look forward to 盼望 belong to 属于
refer to 指的是 prefer ? to 宁愿??而不是
give way to 对??让步 find one’s way to 设法到达
be equal to 等于 devote oneself to 致力于
get down to 着手做 see to 照料,处理
be opposed to 反对 lead to 导致
object to 反对 be open to 愿意接受
stick to 坚持 be sentenced to 被判刑
be used to 习惯于 turn to 求助于
give rise to 引起 reduce to 减少到
pay attention to 注意 help oneself to 自顾,随便吃

附九 部分英汉短语词序置比较

1. 同汉语位置相同的短语
aches and pains痛苦 affable and kind和善
ancient and modern古今 arts and science文理
bag and baggage提包和行李 black and white黑白
brothers and sisters兄妹 bow and arrow弓和箭,
crack and roar咆哮 cup and saucer杯子碟子
fair and square公正 far and away远离
far and near远近 first and foremost首先
first and last先后 fish and chips炸鱼和薯条
free and easy轻松自在 friend and foe朋友和敌人
forward and backward 前后 fun and pleasure娱乐
wife and children妻子和儿童 good or ill好歹(善恶)
great and small大小 hale and hearty健壮
hand an foot手脚 head and shoulder头与肩
heart and soul心灵 heaven and earth天地
heavy and light重轻 high and low高低
hill and dale山谷 home and abroad 国内外
horse and cart马车 house and home家居
hue and cry喊叫 husband and wife夫妻
in and out进出 whole and all全体
import and export进出口 internal and external内外
judge and jury法官与陪审团, king and queen国王与皇后
ladies and gentlemen女士与先生 knife and pork刀叉
kith and kin亲戚 land and sea陆海
law and order治安 lean and lanky瘦长
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leaps and bounds跳跃 light and shade光阴
long and short长短 lord and lady贵族与小姐
male and female男女 man and woman男女
sweet and sour糖醋 more or less或多或少
mother and child母子 null and void无效
odds and ends零碎 officers and soldiers官与兵
old and trial久经考验 Oxford and Cambridge牛津剑桥
out and away出走 past and present过去与现在
weight and measures重量与尺寸 pick and choose选择
pots and pans坛坛罐罐 profit and loss盈亏
pros and cons正反 right and wrong正误
rough and tumble杂乱 rules and regulations规章制度
true or false真假 safe and sound安全
short and sweet少而精 skin and bone皮包骨
slow and sure慢而准 sooner and later早晚
sports and games运动与游戏 stocks and shares股票
stuff and nonsense胡说八道 tea and coffee清茶和咖啡
then and there当时当地 thick and thin厚薄
this and that这那 thunder and light雷电
time and tide岁月 to and fro来回
town and country乡村 twists and turns曲折
up and down上下 ups and downs盛衰
come and go 来去 poems and essays 诗文

2. 同汉语的位置不相同的短语
back and forth前后 bed and breakfast食宿
cap and gown(coat)衣帽 fire and water水火
flesh and blood骨肉 heat and cold冷热
heavy and light轻重 iron and steel钢铁
land and water水陆 love and money金钱与爱情
might and main主力 night and day白昼
north and south南北 off and on开关
old and grey苍老 old and new新旧
one and only唯一 pen and paper纸和笔
rain or shine阴晴 rich and poor,穷富
right and left左右 sword and shield剑与盾
twos and threes三三两两 you and I你我
young and old老少 pin and needle针毯
part and parcel重要部分 give and take合作与让步
mock and satire 讽刺嘲笑 rain and wind 风雨

附十 主要国家及其相关信息

国家 country Capital person
阿富汗 Afghanistan Kabul Afghan
阿尔及利亚 Algeria Algiers Algerian
related adjectives
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Argentina Buenos Aires Argentinean Argentinean
Australia Canbera Australian Australian
Austria Vienna Austrian Austrian
Belgium Brussels Belgian Belgian
Brazil Brazilia Brazilian Brazilian
BritainU.K. London British British
Canada Ottawa Canadian Canadian
China Beijing Chinese Chinese
Colombia Bogota Colombian Colombian
Cuba Havana Cuban Cuban
Denmark Copenhagen Dane Danish
Egypt Cairo Egyptian Egyptian
Finland Helsinki Finn Finnish
France Paris French French
Germany Berlin German German
Greece Athens Greek Greek
Holland Amsterdam Dutch Dutch
Hungary Budapest Hungarian Hungarian
India New Deli Indian Indian
Indonesia Jakarta Indonesian Indonesian
Iran Teheran Iranian Iranian
Iraq Baghdad Iraqi Iraqi
Ireland Dublin Irish Irish
Israel Jerusalem Israeli Israeli
Italy Rome Italian Italian
Japan Tokyo Japanese Japanese
Jordan Amman Jordanian Jordanian
Kenya Nairobi Kenyan Kenyan
Pyongyang Korean Korean
Kuwait Kuwait Kuwaiti Kuwaiti
Lebanon Beirut Lebanese Lebanese
Luxembourg Luxembourg Luxembourgian Luxembourgish
Malaysia Kuala Lumpur Malaysian Malaysian
Mexico Mexico City Mexican Mexican
Netherland Amsterdam Dutch Dutch
New Zealand Wellington New Zealander Zealanian
Norway Oslo Norwegian Norwegian
Pakistan Islambad Pakistani Pakistani
Panama Panama City Panamanian Panamanian
Philippines Manila Filipino Philippine
Poland Warsaw Polish Polish
Portugal Lisbon Portuguese Portuguese
Russia Mosco Russian Russian
Singapore Singapore City Singaporean Singaporean
South Africa Cape Town South African South African
South Korean Soule Korean Korean
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西班牙 Spain Madrid
瑞典 Sweden Stockholm
瑞士 Switzerland Bern
泰国 Thailand Bankok
土耳其 Turkey Ankara
美国 USA Washington
越南 Vietnam Hanoi


agree 同意 arrange 安排
ask 请求 beg 祈求
choose 选择 dare 敢于
decide 决定 demand 要求
design 设计 expect 期待
fail 未能 hope 希望
intend 打算 learn 学会
manage 设法 offer 提供
plan 计划 prepare 准备
pretend 假装 promise 许诺
refuse 拒绝 wish 希望

advise 建议,劝告 allow 允许
admit 承认 avoid 避免
consider 考虑 delay 推迟
doubt 怀疑 dislike 讨厌
enjoy 喜欢 escape 逃避
excuse 原谅 finish 完成
imagine 想象 include 包括
keep 保持 mind 介意
miss 错过 practice 练习
prevent 防止 resist 抵制
risk 冒险 suggest 建议
give up 放弃 insist on 坚持
put off 推迟 feel like 想要
be worth 值得 be busy 忙于
动词后用“(should)+ 动词原形”的宾语从句的动词
demand 要求 desire 想要
require 要求 request 请求
propose 提议 suggest 建议
advise 劝告 insist 坚持要求
command 命令 order 命令

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United Nations Secretary General Kofi Annan联合国秘书长 安南
General Assembly:联合国大会
Security Council:安理会
The Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries =OPEC石油输出国家组织
International Atomic Energy Agency=IAEA 国际原子能组织
North Atlantic Treaty Organization=NATO北大西洋公约组织
International Monetary Fund=IMF 国际货币基金组织
Secretary of State国务卿
vice President副总统
Defense Secretary 国防部长
National Security adviser 国家安全顾问
the Senete 参议院
the House of Representative 众议院
Federal Bureau of Investigation联邦调查局
Central Intelligence Agency美国中央情报局
Al-QaedaAl-Qaida 基地组织
Tamil Tiger:泰米尔猛虎组织
Chechnya 车臣
Indian Kashmir印控克什米尔地区
Al-Jazeera station 半岛电视台
AA制 Dutch treatment; go Dutch
艾滋病(获得性免疫缺损综合征) AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome)
爱丽舍宫 Elysée Palace
安居工程 Housing Project for low- income families
按揭贷款 mortgage loan
按劳分配 distribution according to one's performance
白马王子 Prince Charming
白色农业 white agriculture (also called engineering agricultureItrefers to microbiological
agriculture and biological cell agriculture.)
白手起家 starting from scratch
白条 IOU note, IOU:债款、债务,由I owe you 的读音缩略转义而来
摆架子 put on airs
摆谱儿 put on airs; show off; keep up appearances
拜把兄弟 sworn brothers
拜年 pay New Year call
搬迁户 relocated families
傍大款 (of a girl) find a sugar daddy; be a mistress for a rich man; lean on a moneybags
保持国民经济发展的良好势头 maintain a good momentum of growth in thenational economy
保健食品 health-care food
保护性关税 protective tariffs
本命年 one's year of birth considered in relation to the 12 Terrestrial Branches
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奔小康 strive for a relatively comfortable life
笨鸟先飞 A slow sparrow should make an early start.
蹦极 bungee, bungee jumping
比较经济学 comparative economics
比上不足,比下有余 worse off than some, better off than many; to fall short of the best, but be better than
the worst
闭门羹 given cold-shoulder
边缘科学 boundary science
变相涨价 disguised inflation
不败记录 clean record, spotless record
不承诺放弃使用武器 not undertake to renounce the use of force
不打不成交 No discord, no concord.
不到长城非好汉 He who has never been to the Great Wall is not a true man.
不可再生资源 non- renewable resources
不良贷款 non- performing loan
不夜城 sleepless city, ever-bright city
不正之风 bad (harmful) practice; unhealthy tendency
擦边球 edge ball, touch ball
采取市场多元化战略 adopt the strategy of a multi-outlet market
“菜篮子”工程 the
参政、议政 participate in the management of State affairs
拆东墙补西墙 rob Peter to pay Paul
长江三角洲 Yangtze River delta
长期共存、互相监督、肝胆相照、荣辱与共 long-term coexistence, mutual supervision, sincere treatment
with each other and the sharing of weal or woe
唱高调 mouth high-sounding words
超前消费 overconsuming, excessive consumption
城市规划 city's landscaping plan; urban planning
城乡信用社 credit corroborative in both urban and rural areas
吃大锅饭 egalitarian practice of
吃皇粮 receive salaries, subsidies, or other supported from the government
筹备委员会 preparatory committee
出风头 show off;in the limelight
传销 multi level marketing
创建卫生城市:build a nationally advanced clean city
创业园 high-tech business incubator; pioneer park
吹风会 (advanced) briefing
春蕾计划 Spring Buds Program
春运 (passenger) transport during the Spring Festival
刺激内需 stimulate domestic demand
促进全球经济一体化 foster integration with the global economy
达到或接近国际先进水平 reach or approach advanced international standards
第一第二第三产业 the primarysecondarytertiary industry (the service sector)
“豆腐渣”工程 a jerry-built project
毒品走私 drug trafficking
厄尔尼诺 El Nino
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恶性循环 vicious circle
反倾销 anti-dumping
防暴警察 riot police
高举邓小平理论的伟大旗帜 hold high the greater banner of Deng Xiaoping Theory
个体户 self-employed households people
个人所得税 individual income tax
presidentpremiervice premierstate councilorministergovernorbureau directorcounty magistrate,
county headdepartment head section chief head of the township chairman of the village committee
国家公务员制度 the system of public services
国内生产总值国民生产总值 GDP (Gross Domestic Product) GNP (Gross National Product)
国事访问 a state visit
宏观调控 macro-control
红包 (中)red paper containing money as a gift, (贬) bribe, kickback
黄金时段 prime time
火炬计划 Torch Program (a plan to develop new and high technology)
计划生育 family planning (birth control)
减轻农民负担 lighten the burden on the peasants (farmers)
建设性战略伙伴关系 a constructive strategic partnership
科技是第一生产力 Science and technology constitute the primary productive force.
科教兴国战略 the strategy of revitalizing (invigorating) China through science and education
派出所 local police station
泡沫经济 bubble economy
票贩子 scalper, ticket tout
票房 box office
普选制 general election system
全球变暖 global warming
人才 competent people; trained personnel; experts; specialists
人才市场 the personnel market
售后服务 after sale service
私人企业 private enterprises (foreign-funded, foreign financed foreign- owned) enterprises
投诉 lodge a complaint, register a beef
白宫 White House
与国际接轨 be geared to international standards; be brought in line
with international practice (norms)
中共十五大 the 15th National Congress of the CPC
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  • 爱心与尊严的高中作文题库

    1.关于爱心和尊严的作文八百字 我们不必怀疑富翁的捐助,毕竟普施爱心,善莫大焉,它是一 种美;我们也不必指责苛求受捐者的冷漠的拒绝,因为人总是有尊 严的,这也是一种美。

  • 爱心与尊严高中作文题库

    1.关于爱心和尊严的作文八百字 我们不必怀疑富翁的捐助,毕竟普施爱心,善莫大焉,它是一 种美;我们也不必指责苛求受捐者的冷漠的拒绝,因为人总是有尊 严的,这也是一种美。

  • 爱心与尊重的作文题库

    1.作文关爱与尊重议论文 如果说没有爱就没有教育的话,那么离开了尊重同样也谈不上教育。 因为每一位孩子都渴望得到他人的尊重,尤其是教师的尊重。可是在现实生活中,不时会有

  • 爱心责任100字作文题库

    1.有关爱心,坚持,责任的作文题库各三个 一则150字左右 (要事例) “胜不骄,败不馁”这句话我常听外婆说起。 这句名言的意思是说胜利了抄不骄傲,失败了不气馁。我真正体会到它

  • 爱心责任心的作文题库

    1.有关爱心,坚持,责任的作文题库各三个 一则150字左右 (要事例) “胜不骄,败不馁”这句话我常听外婆说起。 这句名言的意思是说胜利了抄不骄傲,失败了不气馁。我真正体会到它

  • 爱心责任作文题库

    1.有关爱心,坚持,责任的作文题库各三个 一则150字左右 (要事例) “胜不骄,败不馁”这句话我常听外婆说起。 这句名言的意思是说胜利了抄不骄傲,失败了不气馁。我真正体会到它
