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2020-10-22 04:54



1.I’m in a hurry to attend an important conference, so please tell me briefly
______________________ . (happen)
2. __________________________ that Chinese tennis player Li Na has won the final champion in
Australia Open! (news)
can never imagine ________________________ when he saw us coming. (run)
4. The two brothers who got lost decided to ________________________and wait for their
mother to pick them up. (remain) 迷路的这两兄弟决定呆在原地等他们的妈妈来接他们。
5. Going abroad for sightseeing is _____________________________since childhood. (dream)
6.______________________as men has been proved by a study. (word)
Smart phones enable workers to keep in contact in__________________________impractical
before.(think) 智能手机让上班族们用他们以前认为是不现实的方式保持联系。
8.A great sense of balance is ___________________to stand on a Swiss Ball.(take)
9.I was close to being killed the other day when a car passed me at
_______________________.( dangerous)
10. If it were not for the fact ________________,she would attend tonight’s Voice of China.(fall)
11._________________________ is not winning the game but doing the right thing. (value)
the students share the view _________________________________to protect our planet
from pollution. (be) 所有的学生都赞成保护地球免受污染是我们的责任这一观点。
26th Shenzhen Summer Universidad was grandly opened on August 12th.
_________________________________ was the door to the world formed by the 365 electronic
giant LED screen. (appeal) 第26届深圳世界大学生夏季运动 会于8月12日隆重开幕,
ologists were trying to find out ___________________ contributed to bitter cold
weather in Europe at the beginning of 2012. (it)

15.______________________________ this new policy will act as a broke on inflation we are
faced with? (possibility) 这项新的政策有可能会抑制我们面临的通货膨胀吗?
dusk, we came to ____________________ a castle, where people might have a feast for the
eyes. (what) 黄昏时,我们来到了人们称之为城堡的地方,在那里认可大饱眼福。
’s a custom in China __________________________________________the education of
their children.(attach) 在中国,父母重视子女的教育是一个传统。
18. ___________________________________ has now turned into realities. (consider)
19. Honestly speaking, I have no idea _______________________the driving test at the first
attempt. (pass) 说实话,我不知道我能否在驾驶考试中一次过关。
20. My father made a bargain with me _____________________ in this Physics competition, he
would buy me a computer. (progress)
21. __________________________ is that they are both good at math but weak in English.
(common) 他们的共同点是他俩都擅长数学但英语薄弱。
22. _________________is to do good all one’s life and never do anything bad. (hard)
23. I was about to give up when an idea ________________________I could work with my
roommate Tim. (occur) 正打算放弃时,我突然想到我可以和我的室友Tim一块干。
24. Stop dreaming up getting________________________and get down to your work, (belong)
25. .Nowadays young people just can’t live without the Internet; they depend on it
for__________________________ (need)
26. After ________________an endless wait, it was her turn to step into the doctor's office.(seem)
27._________________________ something improper at the meeting surprised all of us. (say)
28. Modern science has given clear evidence__________________________many diseases. (lead)
现代科技已经给出明确证据: 抽烟能够导致许多疾病。
29. As many as five courses are provided, and you are free to choose_____________________
___________. (suit) 多达5门课程被提供, 你可以自由地选择最适合你的任何一门课程。
30. __________________________from the others is that it offers more personal services. (make)
31. Could I speak to_____________________________International Sales please? (charge n.)

32. The last time we had great fun was________________________the Water Park. (visit)
33. There is much chance______________________from his injury for the race. (recover)
很可能比尔将身体恢复健康, 他是在比赛中受的伤。
34. Regulations are already in place_____________________________school buses in
accordance with qualified vehicle types to ensure safety. (purchase)
法规已经颁布, 所有学校应该按照合格的车辆类型购买学校巴士, 以确保安全。
35. The child was told to remain_________________________so that he could be found easily.
(lose) 那个孩子被告知呆在他迷路的地方, 这样就可以很容易找到他了。
36. Jerry did not regret giving the comment but felt ________________ differently. (express)
Jerry对他所做的评论不后悔, 但他感到本来能够以不同的方式表达它。
37. The newcomer went to the library yesterday and searched for ______________________
about Mark Twain. (find)
38. Modern science has given clear evidence__________________________many diseases. (lead)
现代科技已经给出明确证据: 抽烟能够导致许多疾病。
39. We’ve offered her the job, but I don’t know___________________________. (accept)
我们已为她提供了这份工作, 但我不知道她是否将接受它。
40.______________________in the game worried his coach.(make)
will make a difference if we realize ________________to live life to the fullest.(important)
42. You are saying that everyone should be equal, and this is _____________________ . (disagree)
43. All finished, we sat down to enjoy _____________________.(think)
44. Students should be brought up to know that love, happiness and success are
_______________________.(buy) 学生受到教育,应该知道爱、幸福和成功是金钱买不到的。
45. The captain gave the order _____________________ the village before dawn. (reach)
46. Nobody can explain the mystery _____________________ suddenly in the sea.(disappear)
47. It is a new trend __________________________________________ . (purchase)
report came into the office ____________________________ forty-five miles south of
the city, they did not take it seriously. (spot)
当有人在办公室报告说那个失踪的男 孩在这个城市以南45英里处被人发现的时候,他们

49. Tom, don’t you realize that is ____________________ ?(be)
, which seems so simple and common is ________________________.(make)
recommend, which has been proved to be right, is______________________.(read)
52. He asked _____________________ for the violin.(pay)
53. Choosing the right dictionary depends on _____________________ . (with)
54. __________________________was that more than half of her students had been admitted to
key universities. 使老师自豪的是她的学生超过半数都被重点大学录取了。(proud)
55. These wild flowers are so special that I will do _______________ . (save)
56. Jerry did not regret giving the comment but felt _____________________________
differently.(express) Jerry对他所做的评论不后悔, 但他感到本来能够以不同的方式表达它。
57. I had neither a raincoat nor an umbrella. That is ___________________________ through.
(get) 我既没有雨衣,也没有雨伞。这就是为什么我全身被淋湿的原因。
58. ____________________________ the open ceremony gave the students much
encouragement.(attend) 校长亲自参加开幕式,这给学生带来了极大的鼓舞。
59. I_____________________________that I went through the hard time after I lost my job. (owe)
在失去工作后, 多亏了我的父母, 我才度过了艰难时光
60. Frank insisted that _______________ although I had great difficulty in waking him up. (fall)
the survivor came to life, he was eager to know _______________________ saved him
from the burning house. (it)
tions are already in place_____________________________school buses in accordance
with qualified vehicle types to ensure safety. (purchase)
法规已经颁布, 所有学校应该按照合格的车辆类型购买学校巴士, 以确保安全。
63. _____________________________in the exam should be punished and given help to get rid
of the bad habit. (cheat )
64. _________________________was that the young boy who had lost both arms in an accident
could handle a pen with his foot. (amaze)
最令我惊讶的是, 这个在车祸中失去双臂的小男孩能够用脚使用钢笔。

has happened to you
exciting news it was
fast the thief ran
where they were
he has dreamed of
women use twice as many words
they thought was
it takes
I thought (was) a dangerous speed
10. that she falls ill
11. what he values
12. that it is our dutyresponsibility
13. what appealed to us
14. what it was that
15. Is there any possibility that
16. what was called
17. that parents attach great importance to
18. what used to be considered impossibe
19. whether I will pass
20. that if I made a little progress
21. what they have in common
22. what is hard
23. occurred to me that
24. what doesn’t belong to you
25. whatever information they need
26. what seemed
27. That he said
28. that smoking can lead to
29. whichever (course) suits you best
30. what makes the shop different
31. whoever is in charge of
32. when we were visiting
33. that Bill will soon recover
34. that all schools should purchase
35. where he wasgot lost
36. that he could have expressed it
37. whatever he could find

38. that smoking can lead to
39. whether she’ll accept it
40. That the athlete might make mistakes
41. how important it is
42. where I disagree
43. what we thought the most delicious dinner
44. what money can’t buy what can’t be bought with money
45. that all the soldiers should reach
46. why those shipsdisappeared
47. that more and more customers purchase online
48. that the missing boy was spotted
49. where you are wrong
50. what makes life possible
51. that we should read the book
52. how much I paid
53. what you want to do with it
54. what the teacher was proud of
55. whatever I can to save them
56. that he could have expressed it
57. why I got wet
58. That the principalheadmaster himself attemded
59. owe(d) it to my parents
60. he didn’t fall asleep
61. who it was that
62. that all schools should purchase
63. Anyone whoWhoever is caught cheating
64. What amazed me most









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