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openstack 所有命令

2021-02-24 15:18




cinder absolute-limits:

Lists absolute limits for a user.

cinder availability-zone- list:

Lists all availability zones.

cinder backup-create:

Creates a volume backup.

cinder backup- delete:

Removes a backup.

cinder backup-list

cinder backup-restore:


cinder backup-show:

Show backup details.

cinder create:

Creates a volume.

usage: cinder create [--snapshot-id ]

[--source-volid ] [--image-id ]

[--display-name ]

[--display-description ]

[--volume-type ]

[--availability-zone ]

[--metadata [ [ ...]]]

cinder credentials:

Shows user credentials returned from auth


cinder delete:


cinder encryption-type-create:

Creates encryption type for a volume type.

Admin only.







cinder encryption-type-delete

Admin only.

cinder encryption-type- list

Admin only.

cinder encryption-type- show

Admin only.

cinder endpoints

Discovers endpoints registered by authentication service.

cinder extend

Attempts to extend size of an existing volume.

cinder extra-specs-list

Lists current volume types and extra specs.


cinder force- delete

Attempts force-delete of volume, regardless of state.



cinder list

Lists all volumes.

cinder list-extensions:

Lists all available os-api extensions.

cinder metadata:

Sets or deletes volume metadata.

cinder metadata-show:

cinder metadata-update- all:

Updates volume metadata.

cinder migrate:



Migrates volume to a new host.

cinder qos- associate

Associates qos specs with specified volume type.





cinder qos-create

cinder qos-delete

cinder qos-disassociate

cinder qos- disassociate-all

cinder qos-get- association:

Gets all associations for specified qos specs.

cinder qos- key:

Sets or unsets specifications for a qos spec.

cinder qos-list

cinder qos-show

cinder quota-class-show:

Lists quotas for a quota class.

cinder quota-class-update

cinder quota-defaults

cinder quota-delete

cinder quota-show

cinder quota-update

cinder quota-usage

cinder rate- limits:

Lists rate limits for a user.

cinder readonly-mode-update:

Updates volume read-only access-mode flag.

cinder rename:

Renames a volume.

cinder reset-state:

Explicitly updates the volume state.

cinder service-enable:

Enables the service.

cinder service-list:

Lists all services. Filter by host and service binary.

cinder snapshot-show

cinder transfer- accept

Accepts a volume transfer.

cinder type- create

cinder upload-to- image

Uploads volume to Image Service as an image.

Block Storage API v2 commands




Nova absolute-limits

nova add-fixed-ip

nova add-secgroup

nova agent-create

nova agent-delete

nova agent-modify

nova agent-list

nova aggregate-add-host

nova aggregate-create

nova aggregate-delete

nova aggregate-details

nova aggregate-list







nova baremetal-interface-add

nova baremetal-interface-remove

nova baremetal-node-create


Print a list of absolute limits for a user

Add new IP address on a network to


Add a Security Group to a server.

Create new agent build.

Add the host to the specified aggregate(


Update the metadata associated with the


List all the availability zones.

Backup a server by creating a 'backup' type


Boot a new server.

Add a network interface to a baremetal


nova baremetal-node-delete

nova baremetal-node-list

nova baremetal-node-show

nova boot

nova cell- capacities

nova cell-show

nova clear-password

nova cloudpipe-configure

nova cloudpipe- create

nova cloudpipe-list

nova console-log

nova credentials

nova delete

nova diagnostics

nova dns-create

nova dns-create-private-domain

nova dns-create-public-domain

nova dns-delete

nova dns- delete-domain

nova dns-domains

nova dns-list

nova endpoints

Boot a new server.

Get console log output of a server.

Show user credentials returned from auth.



) server diagnostics



nova evacuate

nova fixed-ip- get

nova fixed-ip-reserve

nova fixed-ip-unreserve

nova flavor-access-add

nova flavor-access- list

nova flavor-access-remove

nova flavor-create

nova flavor-delete

nova flavor-key

nova flavor-list

nova flavor-show

nova floating-ip-associate

nova floating-ip-bulk-create

nova floating-ip-bulk-delete

nova floating-ip-bulk-list

nova floating-ip-create

nova floating-ip-delete

nova floating-ip- disassociate

nova floating-ip-list

nova floating-ip-pool-list

nova force-delete



server from failed host.






create floating IPs

by range.

List all floating IPs.

nova get-password

nova get-rdp-console

nova get-serial-console

nova get-spice- console

nova get-vnc-console

nova host-action

nova host- describe

nova host-evacuate

nova host-evacuate-live

nova host-list

nova host-meta

nova host-servers-migrate

nova host-update

nova hypervisor-list

nova hypervisor-servers

nova hypervisor-show

nova hypervisor-stats

nova hypervisor-uptime

nova image-create

nova image-delete

nova image-list

nova image-meta

Evacuate all instances from failed host.

Display the uptime of the specified


nova image-show

nova instance-action

nova instance-action-list

nova interface- attach

nova interface-detach

nova interface-list

nova keypair-add

nova keypair-delete

nova keypair-list

nova keypair-show

nova list

nova list-extensions

nova list-secgroup

nova live-migration

nova lock

List active servers.

Lock a server. A normal (non-admin) user

will not be able to execute actions on a



Set or Delete metadata on a server.


nova meta

nova migrate

nova migration-list

nova net

nova network-associate-host

nova network-associate-project

nova network-create

nova network-delete

nova network- disassociate

nova network-list

nova network-show

nova pause

nova quota-class-show

nova quota-class-update

nova quota-defaults

nova quota-delete

nova quota-show

nova quota-update

nova rate-limits

nova reboot

nova rebuild

nova refresh- network

nova remove-fixed-ip

nova remove-secgroup

nova rename

nova rescue

nova reset-network

nova reset-state

List the quotas


for a quota class.

Rename a server.

nova resize

nova resize-confirm

nova resize-revert

nova restore

nova resume

nova root- password

nova scrub

nova secgroup-add-default-rule

nova secgroup-add-group-rule

nova secgroup- add-rule

nova secgroup-create

nova secgroup-delete

nova secgroup-delete-default-rule

nova secgroup-delete-group-rule

nova secgroup-delete-rule

nova secgroup-list

nova secgroup-list-default-rules

nova secgroup-list-rules

nova secgroup-update

nova server-group-create

nova server-group- delete

nova server-group-get

nova service- delete

nova service-disable

nova service-enable

nova service-list

nova shelve

nova shelve-offload

nova show

nova ssh

nova start

nova stop

nova suspend

nova tenant-network-create

nova tenant-network-delete

nova tenant-network-list

nova tenant-network-show

nova unlock

nova unpause

nova unrescue

nova unshelve

nova usage

nova usage-list

nova version-list



Remove a shelved server from the

compute node.

Show details about the given server.

SSH into a server.

nova volume-attach

nova volume-create

nova volume-delete

nova volume-detach

nova volume-list

nova volume-show

nova volume-snapshot-create

nova volume-snapshot-delete

nova volume-snapshot-list

nova volume-snapshot-show

nova volume-type-create

nova volume-type-delete

nova volume-type- list

nova volume-update

nova x509-create-cert

nova x509-get-root- cert

keystone bootstrap

keystone catalog

keystone discover

keystone ec2-credentials- create

keystone ec2-credentials-delete

keystone ec2-credentials-get

keystone ec2-credentials-list

keystone endpoint-create

keystone endpoint-delete

keystone endpoint-get

keystone endpoint-list

keystone password-update

keystone role-create

keystone role-delete

keystone role-get

keystone role-list

keystone service-create

keystone service-delete

keystone service-get

keystone service-list

keystone tenant-create

keystone tenant-delete

Grants a new role to a new user on a new

tenant, after creating each.

Create EC2-compatible credentials for user

per tenant.

keystone tenant-get

keystone tenant-list

keystone tenant-update

keystone token-get

keystone user-create

keystone user-delete

keystone user-get

keystone user-list

keystone user-password-update

keystone user-role-add

keystone user-role-list

keystone user-role-remove

keystone user-update

glance image- create

glance image-delete

glance image-list

glance image-show

glance image-update

glance member-create

glance member-delete

glance member-list

glance explain (v2)

You can select an API version to use by

adding the

--os-image-api- version



by setting the corresponding environment


glance image- create (v2)

glance image-delete (v2)

glance image-download (v2)

glance image-list (v2)

glance image-show (v2)

glance image-tag-delete (v2)

glance image-tag-update (v2)

glance image-update (v2)

glance image-upload (v2)

glance location-add (v2)

glance location-delete (v2)

glance location-update (v2)

glance md-namespace-create (v2)

glance md-namespace-delete (v2)

glance md-namespace-import (v2)

glance md-namespace-list (v2)

glance md-namespace-objects-delete



md- namespace-properties-delete (v2)


md-namespace-resource-type-list (v2)

glance md-namespace-show (v2)

glance md-namespace-update (v2)

glance md-object-create (v2)

glance md-object-delete (v2)

glance md-object-list (v2)

glance md-object-property-show (v2)

glance md-object-show (v2)

glance md-object-update (v2)

glance md-property-create (v2)

glance md-property-delete (v2)

glance md-property-list (v2)

Create a new metadata definitions


glance md-property-show (v2)

glance md-property-update (v2)

glance md-resource-type-associate (v2)

glance md-resource-type-deassociate


glance md-resource- type-list (v2)

glance member-create (v2)

glance member-delete (v2)

glance member-list (v2)

glance member-update (v2)

Associate resource type with a metadata

definitions namespace.









本文更新与2021-02-24 15:18,由作者提供,不代表本网站立场,转载请注明出处:https://www.bjmy2z.cn/gaokao/670352.html

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