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沛沛英语 完整版 1-253课

2021-02-15 13:16



Unit 01


















Unit 1

What about a Wednesday

1 What about a Wednesday

2 What about another song, children

3 What about sitting by the window

4 How about your exam last week

5 What about a cup of tea

6 What about you

7 How about you

8 How about having dinner together after work tonight



你买了辆新车,自己很得意。但是你还要问朋友,他觉得 你的新车如何。


演讲对你来 说是头一次。你悄声地问朋友,他觉得你的演讲怎么样。




朋友预料,这个项目最大的问题是资金问题。你说,这正 是你需要考虑的问




朋友问你那人的为人怎么样。你说,他总是为自己考虑的 太多了。





Unit 2

What do you think of my new car

1 What do you think of my new car

2 What do you think of my speech

3 What do you think of my new dress

4 That's what I have to think about.

5 You must be thinking about your childhood.

6 He thinks too much about himself.

7 I'm thinking about emigrating to Canada.

8 You must not think about it any more.







客人在你家里出了洋相,父亲问你和妹妹谁先笑的。你说 ,当时你俩都忍不





物理课上老师在讲解物质的概念。他说,物质不会自生, 也不会自灭。






父亲说,大哥二哥谁来了都可以帮上忙。你说,他们俩都 不能来。



Unit 3

Neither can I.

1 Neither can I.

2 Neither will I.

3 Neither of us can help laughing.

4 I had neither money nor house.

5 Matter can be neither created nor destroyed.

6 I'll neither listen to nor speak of it.

7 The result was satisfactory to neither side.

8 Neither of them will be able to come.

9 He neither takes nor gives.





朋友见饭不太充足,就要离去。你说,这些东西五个人也 够吃了。






弟弟说那个女孩就是邻居家的女儿。你说,真奇怪,你从 来没有见过。






朋友提醒你,邻居家生了小孩应该送礼物去。你说,你怎 么傻到连这一点儿


Unit 4

I haven't enough confidence.

1 I haven't enough confidence.

2 It'll be enough for five people.

3 The situation is serious enough.

4 I've talked quite enough for today.

5 Curiously enough, I've never seen her before.

6 That's fair enough.

7 Enthusiasm alone is not enough.

8 I was enough of a fool not to think of that.




















Unit 5

Would you mind waiting a few minutes

1 Would you mind waiting a few minutes

2 Would you mind speaking a little more slowly

3 Would you mind not smoking here

4 Would you mind doing me a favour

5 No, I don't mind. I'd love to help you.

6 Would you mind my sitting here

7 Yes, I do mind. But you can sit over there.

8 I don't mind. It's of no importance.

9 Never mind.


















Unit 6

I'm only here on a visit.

1 I'm only here on a visit.

2 We'll go to the countryside on a visit.

3 You're here on a short visit

4 I'll pay a visit to London this winter.

5 I paid a visit to America last year.

6 How about a regular visit each week

7 I'm going on a six week visit.

8 This afternoon, I'm going to visit a friend in the hospital.


1 Ruth







你把他的朋友都气走了,还说没有关系吧。他说,当然很 有关系。









Unit 7

What's the matter, Ruth

1 What's the matter, Ruth

2 What's the matter with your foot

3 What's the matter with my report

4 Of course it does matter.

5 It doesn't matter how you're dressed.

6 It doesn't matter.

7 Does it matter if I go first

8 It doesn't matter whether you get there early or not.





老师让每个人练习编一段故事,又补充了一句,尽量编得 有意思一点。


同学不明白你 为什么把所有的零花钱全部用来买邮票。






作者亲笔签名送给你一本书。你说,你会带着浓厚的兴趣 去读的。




他是一位很有声望的领导人。你说,他总是能为大家的利 益着想。

Unit 8

It's interesting, isn't it

1 It's interesting, isn't it

2 Try to make it more interesting.

3 I'm interested in it.

4 I'll try to interest you in it.

5 I'll read it with great interest.

6 Is there anything of interest in the newspaper

7 He always considers the interest of all people.

Unit 9

There's nothing like swimming for exercise.

< /p>



< p>

There's nothing like swimming for exercise.


、疲倦之极回到家,妻子忙 为你做吃的。你说,对于你来讲,现在什么都不如


There's nothing like a hot bath for me now.


、同事说老板要是发加班补贴就好了。你说,什 么都不如放假又发薪水的好:

There's nothing like a vacation with salary.



< p>

When you're interested, you work like anything.

5< /p>


< br>

We love you like anything.



It's nothing of the kind.




There's nothing else but to wait.


、你的自行车丢了,找也没找到。你说,没办法只好再买一辆 新的了:

There's nothing else but to a new one.


nothing like



nothing like of the kind


like anything


nothing for it


think nothing of it


to say nothing of it



Unit 10

I'll copy it at my leisure.



I'll copy it at my leisure.



Take it home and read it at your leisure.


、你提出申请去开发一个新项目。老板 说,他得慢慢考虑:

I'll consider it at my leisure.


、你同朋友说,你不想尽 快地还书。你说,你要从容一点读:

I'll read it at my leisure.


、朋友最近放了长 假。他说,他有余暇来读书和听音乐:

I spend my leisure time reading and listening to music. < /p>


、母亲问你怎么不经常打电话回家。你说,很少有闲暇时间:< /p>

I have little leisure time.


、参观工厂后,你认为那里井然有序。你说,工人们不慌不忙 ,一声不响地工


The workers are working leisurely and silently.

< p>



He always does everything in a leisure way.





at leisure







Unit 11

What have you been doing lately

< br>1


what have you been doing lately




、他取出 一叠图纸来给你看,说,这是他的最新设计


Lately've taken to making clothes by myself.


、同事告诉你一些公司的内幕。他说,这 是最新消息


This is my latest design.


、他回忆当时的情景。他说,不会儿在那 就发生了爆炸


AN instant late, the explosion occurred there.



I'll be back at the finish it on Friday at the latest.


、老师布置了作业,又说 ,最迟星期五完成:

You'll have to finish it on Friday at the last.



Sooner or later you'll have to face it.









till late


of late


later on


sooner or later


latest (late



lately adv.



Lesson 2

Unit 16

Don't think so little of yourself.



Don't think so little of yourself.


、朋友愿出 力,你却觉得一件小事不好意思求人。你说,这么点小事不麻烦他:

I can't bother you with my little affairs.



Was there a little stream with willows on both sides


、朋友问你喜不喜欢加拿大。你说 ,喜欢这个国家,但很少有机会去:

I like the country, but I have little opportunity to go there.

5< /p>


There is still a little.


、他说这次只能借给你一百元钱。 你说,那太少了:

That's too little.


、朋友 说这辆车子折了半价,你怎么都不买。你说,你没有钱:

I have little money.



I know little of the political situation.


< p>


最近在干什么,总是见不到 。你说,你很少见他:

I see very little lf him.

Unit 17

How long does it take you to get there

< /p>



How long does it take you to get there


、路程有点儿远。你说,但是开车 只需要十多分钟:

But it takes ten minutes' drive to get there.


、客人问要等多久。你说,用电脑 只需要几秒钟就可以确认他的预定票了:

It takes the computer only a few seconds to confirm the reservation.



It won't take more than a year to finish it.



< br>

It took him ten years to become a famous pianist.



< br>

The flight will take you more than ten hours.

7< /p>


Will it take long for you to repair the machine


、他决定离开自己从事多年的老师 职业去经商。他说,他用了很长时间才打定主意:

It took me a ling time to make up my mind.


在这 里



< p>


也 表示花费时间,它们的


< /p>




spe nd



< br>

It took me an hour to find you. (



She spends 10 hours playing the piano. (






It took her ten hours to play the piano

则意为 :






reservation n.



famous adj.


< br>这个词相对意义的词为





Unit 18

I'm afraid I can't stay.



I'm afraid I can't stay.


、有个坏消息,你要婉转地告诉他 。你说,恐怕你给他带来一个坏消息:

I'm afraid I've got bad news for you.


、你看了医生,医生认为你病得不 轻。他说,恐怕得卧床一周:

I'm afraid you have to stay in bed for a week.


、你与同事之间 产生了分歧。有一天你主动和解,你说,恐怕有某种误会:

I'm afraid there's some sort of misunderstanding.


< br>、讲了半天他还是不明白。你说,恐怕他是不得要领:

I'm afraid you don't see my point.


、与小姐共舞时候不小心踩了人家 的脚。你不好意思地说,恐怕跳舞你不是内行:

I'm afraid I'm not much of a dancer.


、你婉转地谢绝了朋友的邀请。你 说,恐怕你不能同去:

I'm afraid I can't go together with you.

< /p>


、你怕朋友再继续没完没了地谈下去。就打断他说,恐怕要误火 车了:

I'm afraid we'll miss the train.


afraid adj.

I'm afraid





I'm afraid not

I'm afraid so


Most of us are afraid to eat snake.

多数人不敢吃蛇(意味相当于因害 怕而不敢,不乐意


John is afraid of losing his job. John


Unit 19

Take the medicine again at five.


< br>、医生来看望他。临走时嘱咐说,


点钟再吃一次药:< /p>

Take the medicine again at five.



Make up your mind not to do it again.



I'm glad to meet you again.


、哥哥临走的时候要你照看他的房 子。最后说,另外,还有一件事要告诉你:

And again, I've another thing to tell you.


、朋友吃了一份比萨饼 。你说,不算多,你可以再吃那么多:

That isn't much

I could eat as much again.

6< /p>


He read the letter through again an again.



Let's try again.


、儿子不知道推敲是什么意思。你 说,就是把同样的问题反复地想:

Time and time again, you think about the same question.


again: adv.



again and again


as much again


now and again


once again


over and over again


time and time again



I shall never do it again


I shall not do it again forever


Unit 20

The car takes a lot of oil.



The car takes a lot of oil.


、他写东西写得不耐烦了。你说, 写一本书肯定是会耗时的:

Writing a book will surely take a lot of time.


、给他做说服 工作真是太难了。你说,花费很大的力气才能说服他:

It takes a lot of convincing.





It takes some believing.


、你以为主编是来向你催稿子的, 可主编说,不用急:

Take you time.


、你问空姐 这飞机能容下多少旅客。她说,这飞机能容下



The airplane takes two hundred people.



Take things as they come.


、你为不能得到家人的谅解面担忧 。哥哥说,别把事情看得太重:

Let's not take anything too seriously.


、这是一个原则问题,不能忽视。 你说,你是认真的,不开玩笑:

I take the seriously. I'm not kidding.







It takes two to quarrel



I won't be taken for a ride.


Taken by itself


You 're kidding

美 语中用于关系比较亲近的朋友间,当你对所说的话不赞同,不认可时说,

相当于汉语的: 我才不相信!别开玩笑了。

Unit 21

We're looking forward to it too.


、跟友人分手。他说, 希望再见到你。你说,你也一样


I'm looking forward it too.


、在与商务伙伴的首次接洽中,你对他们说,你们盼望能与他 们建立合作关系:

We're looking forward to being to cooperate with you.


、对方认为与你们合作很有前途。 他们说,希望扩大贸易关系:

I'm looking forward to the expansion of the trade relationship.



I'm looking forward to spending the holiday at home.

< br>5


We're looking forward go seeing him as soon as possible.



We look forward to the cooperation between us in the future.


、为了晚会,准备了充足的礼物。 你说,孩子们一直在盼望着这个晚会


The children had been looking forward to the party.


、 你把请求向上司说明以后,你说,大家,正盼着早点答复:

The people are looking forward to an early reply.


look forward to


expansion n.


Unit 22

Do you mind if I call you later

Do you mind if we don't dance

Would you mind if I stay up late

Do you mind if I smoke here

Would you mind if I keep you waiting here

Do you mind mailing the letter for me

Do you mind if I use you bike

Unit 23

The Jacksons are sweet people.

Tom is always sweet to all of us.

It's sweet of you.

You look so sweet in the picture.

She has a sweet voice.

How sweet the music sounds!

The fruit is sweet and tender.

I want to have a walk and smell the fragrance of flowers.

Unit 24

Your brothers look very much alike.

All the houses in this project are alike.

All these men are alike in the world.

I belive they are alike in character.

All music is alike to me.

He treats everyone alike.

The ways you walk is very much alike.

The sun shines over all alike.

Unit 25

The sooner the better.

The more the better.

The sooner he leaves here the better.

The more I think about it, the less I like it.

The less witty a man is, the less he knows what he wants.

The more you laugh; the less you eat, the better you'll be.

The more he gets, the more he wants.

The more he reads, the less he understands.

Unit 26

You don't have to worry about money.

You don't have to worry about money.

What we're worrying about is her innocence.

Why worry abort the future.

Your father is really worried.

I'm awfully worried.

Don't worry; I've got a good idea.

Don't be worried about me; I'm all right.

Will it worry you if I play the piano

Unit 27

It's my pleasure.

It's a pleasure to work with you.

Your visit will be my pleasure.

It's my greatest pleasure in my life.

I'll do it with pleasure.

May I have the pleasure of seeing you later

May I have the pleasure of your company for lunch

It gave me much pleasure to hear of your success.

Unit 28

Will you join us for dinner

I'll join you in a few minutes.

Will you join us at lunch

I'll join you shortly.

May I join in the game

Will you join us in a game of bridge

Who said you could join in

I hope you'll all join in the chorus.

Unit 29

I'm just killing time.

I'm just killing time.

Are you just killing time by coming here

To kill time we may walk around here.

Let's play cards to kill time.

How shall we kill the rest of the time

Is it a good way to kill time by talking

It's a stupid way to kill time by talking.

They're just killing time.

Unit 30

World you kindly give me her address

Would you kindly close the door

Kindly remove those from the desk, world you

Would you kindly stop that horrible noise

Would you kindly write down her address

Will you kindly help me in this difficulty

Would you kindly help me in this difficulty

Kindly come this way please.

Lesson 3

Unit 31

There're at least two hours.

There were at least a hundred people present.

The repairs will cost at least five thousand dollars.

At least three hours slipped away.

You may try it at least.

You should at least have warned him.

You might at least have told me.

You should pay half of it at least.

Unit 32

Would you go through the contract

I can't go through these letters in an hour.

Go through the account.

Go through the paper for the last time.

Let's go through the discussion we're just talked about.

I'd like you to go through the book.

Let's go through the plan all together.

I'm sorry. I haven't gone through it.

Unit 33

Bad habits aren't easily given up.

I gave up cigarettes.

I give up, darling.

I gave up playing football after I was hurt.

I'll have to give up going for walks.

That's too difficult, I give it up.

I've given up the idea ling ago.

I gave up the journey.

Unit 34

I can hardly get out of the house.

I hardly expected to find you still here.

The questions you raised are hardly to the point.

He hardly spoke a word the whole time.

This is hardly the time for buying expensive clothes.

You can hardly expect me to lend you something again.

That's hardly the way to greet a friend.

I can hardly believe that.

Unit 35

I can give you some advice.

Can you give me more information

Only poetry and painting give me pleasure.

I'm sorry for giving you so much trouble.

The invitation gives me particular joy.

Only hard work gives good results.

This is why I gave them the invitation.

Unit 36

I'll come along as often as possible.

I'll write as soon as possible.

I'll be there as early as possible.

I'll have to pack up as quickly as possible.

I'll do it as much as possible.

I've tried as hard as possible.

You haven't worked as hard as possible.

Will you help me as soon as possible

Unit 37

I'll explain the matter to you in my letter.

Would you explain the question again

Would you explain it in English

I've got to think if a way to explain.

I hope you can explain yourself.

When you know you're wrong, never explain.

Would you explain how to use it

I'll explain that in detail.

Unit 38

I go there every day expect Sunday.

I liked everywhere except under the bed.

He would do anything except lending me money.

I did nothing except work.

I can do every thing except cooking.

Your composition is good except for some misspelling s.

He is prefect except that he smokes too much.

Unit 39

We knew each other since we were children.

You may have misunderstood each other.

You probably influence each other.

Our rooms are next to each other.

Please tell the story to each other.

We can help each other.

Let's talk about our study plan with each other.

You can sit done opposite to each other and talk.

Unit 40

You must be tired, I assume.

I assume that he has gone for a walk.

I assume that there is no animal life on Mars.

I assume he will come as soon as possible.

I assume they don't want to see each other.

This is what I have assumed.

I assume you will be able to go home tomorrow.

There must be something important, I assume.

Unit 41

I've almost finished it.

I almost ran all the way.

It's almost eleven o'clock.

She calls you almost every day.

I agree with almost every word of yours.

There is almost no snow this year.

I almost didn't recognize you.

I almost didn't pass the English exam.

Unit 42

Have you ever been abroad

Have you ever been to the summer palace

Have you ever been to Mongolia

I've never been there.

I've never been out of shanghai.

I've been to many places in China.

I've been there two or three times.

Tibet is the only place I've never been to.

Unit 43

It looks like rain.

The rain looks like it's lasting.

It looks like we'll have a white Christmas.

It doesn't look like it to me.

It looks like he is the right person.

It looks like the economy is turning around.

It looks like the price of gold will go up.

It looks like the market here is limited.

Unit 44

Perhaps you're asking for too much.

We have too much in common.

Do you have much interest in it

There's nothing much I can do.

So much for today, good-bye.

Since you started working you didn't come as much as you used to.

I don't have much time to go.

So much the better, it 'll be cooler.

Unit 45

What do you feel like

Does anybody feel like drinking something

I don't feel like eating anything.

I feel like lying on a bed and worrying about nothing now.

I feel like another cup of milk.

I don't feel like beer tonight.

Do you feel like a swim

Lesson 4

Unit 46

I have just received a letter.

The hotel receives guests form all over the would.

I hope to receive an instant reply.

I'm to receive intensive training in school.

The matter will receive proper attention.

I haven't received what I desired.

They received me with a complete lack of enthusiasm.

We promise that you'll receive the best treatment.

Unit 47

You can trust me anyway.

We trust each other.

I don't trust my old clock.

Don't trust your memory-put it down.

Trust my judgments.

Do you trust your daughter to go abroad alone

I don't trust my son going outside the house.

How can you trust a stranger to be in your room

Unit 48

Whose turn is it next

I feel it's my turn to speak.

Please wait till it's your turn.

It'll soon be my turn.

My turn will come.

Everybody will have a turn to try it.

I'll hear you all but in turn.

You help people, and in turn people will help you.

Unit 49

I haven't decided what to do.

We can't decide anything now.

It hasn't been decided.

Have you decided yet

It's difficult for me to decide between the two.

Then I'll decide myself.

I've decided to take actions at once.

I've decided that I'll go with you.

Unit 50

How I envy you!

I envy your good fortune.

He said such things out of envy.

My success feeds his envy.

She is the envy of her classmates in her school.

Won't it be the envy of every boy

It will be envied by the whole neighborhood.

He is filled with envy due to my success.

Unit 51

Let's eat out of a change.

Let's go to the countryside for a change.

Let's go to a movie for a change.

For a change, I'd like to have a Coke.

You really need a change.

I wish I'd see the sun for a change.

Many great changes have taken place since I left.

There's only one change to be made.

Unit 52

I'm rather disappointed.

I'm disappointed she was not at home.

I was disappointed that you didn't come.

This is very disappointing!

The holidays are so disappointing!

I'm sorry to disappoint you, but I can't come after all.

Dad will never disappoint me.

Unit 53

We've met.

I'd like you to meet a friend of mine, Susan.

Haven't I met you somewhere before

Come to the party. You'll meet some interesting people.

My income is hardly enough to meet even my basic needs.

This mew car meets my requirement.

Does the hotel meet your expectation

I've never met someone so charming.

Unit 54

Do you understand this sentence

I understand how you feel.

You don't understand my position.

A good teacher should understand children.

I don't understand why she did that.

You're getting to understand me better.

I don't understand these things.

I don't understand people better than you.

Unit 55

I've never been abroad.

Ill never stay at that hotel again.

Lost me is never found again.

I've never read his works, and I will never read them.

You seem never to think of yourself.

That will never do.

I never believe in doctors.

Never mind, I'll buy it myself tomorrow.

Unit 56

I hope you'll keep it in mind.

But I can keep in mind what you said.

Keep it in mind!

I'll keep that in mind.

Have you got something on your mind

I know there's something on his mind.

If you have anything on your mind, just tell me.

Unit 57

Just one more year to go.

Only one more mile to go.

We have aborted three more hours to go.

How much more do you have to read

I've only seven more pages to go.

I'll have one more week to go.

We won't have two or three more days to go.

It won't last for one more days.

Unit 58

Do a good job of it!

Do a good job of mowing the lawn.

The designers have done a good job of it.

God has done a good job of it!

I hope you'll do a good in the company.

You've done a pretty good job of it.

Waxing a car is quite a job.

That's quite a job!

Unit 59

Do you have anything particular in mind

Do you have any particular restaurant in mind

Do you have any particular in mind

Do you have anything in particular in mind

What do you have in mind

Do you have anyone in mind

I don't know what kind of person he has in mind.

I had no one in particular in mind when I said so.

Unit 60

How ling will you be staying

How long will you be staying with us

How long will you be staying in China

How long will you be staying in Canada

How much longer will you be working on my car

How much longer will you be practicing on the piano

How much longer will you be studying this evening

How much longer will you be driving

Lesson 5

Unit 61

It's up to you.

It's up to you whether you'll learn or not.

It's up to you whether we go or not.

It's up to you entirely.

It'll do as much as I can. It's up to you.

I'm gong to leave it up to you.

It's up to you to give it a good name.

It's up to parents to teach their children manner.

Unit 62

I can't help it. I was born a beauty.

I can help it; my folks are all good at business.

I can't help it. It's an impulse.

I can't help it, I didn't sleep last night.

I can't help it. I was in a traffic jam.

It can't be helped; it's no use to complain.

It can't be helped. I'm in dire need of money.

It can't be helped, I'm a teacher.

Unit 63

He's something of a liar.

You're something of a book collector.

I'm something of a musician.

I'm something of a carpenter.

He's something of a photographer.

You're something of an artist.

You're something of a politician.

It's something of a dinner!

Unit 64

When are you going to clean your apartment

What color are you going go paint your kitchen

Where are you going to spend your vacation

How are you going to have your cases tomorrow

Why are you going to quit your job

What are you going to be when you grow up

How long are you going to stay

There's going to be a thunderstorm.

Unit 65

It's a piece of cake.

The exam is a piece of cake.

It's a piece of cake, the bedroom window is open.

Absolutely it's a piece of cake for me.

I think it's a piece of cake for me.

Won't it be a piece of cake

That's a piece of cake; I told them I'm your fiancé


That's a piece of cake; just tell her you have been expecting to dine with her.

Unit 66

I'm working on it.

Don't worry, I'm still working on it.

I'm working on a new design.

That is what we've been working on.

I stayed up far into the night working on the documents.

I'm going to work on a document.

I'm going to work on a new book in my office.

I'll work on a report.

Unit 67

I can't stand it.

I can't stand the life as a salesman.

Nobody can stand the long speech.

She can't stand criticism.

I can't stand his talking to me like that.

The work will hardly stand a close examination.

I have to stand through these troubles.

He can't stand the smallest discomfort.

Unit 68

Who knows the answer

Give me a definite answer.

I can't answer you now.

I'll answer the telephone.

Go and answer the door.

It's not a good one but it will answer my needs.

That doesn't answer the description you gave.

You'll have to answer to me if any harm comes to the child.

Unit 69

Give me a hand and clean up this room, will you

Give me a hand with the washing up, will you

Can you give me a hand with this chair

Let me give you a hand with that trunk.

Lend me a hand, please.

Give me a hand in moving the piano.

I'm willing to give you a hand at preparing the meal.

Will you give me a hand/

Unit 70

Will it be convenient for you

Will it be convenient for you to come downstairs at four

Will it be convenient for you to get the document to me

Will it be convenient for you to call after 3'oclock

Will it be convenient for you to reserve me a ticket

When would it be convenient for you to come

If convenient for you, I'll come round.

Come whenever it's convenient for you.

Unit 71

There's no seat available.

There're no goods available.

Is there a doctor available

The money will be available next week.

Are the statistics available right now

The dress is available in all sizes here.

There's no ticket available for Friday.

There are some natural resources available in the region.

Unit 72

Good night, Thomas. Sleep well.

Don't wake him; let him sleep on.

I didn't sleep a wink last night.

Otherwise you'll sleep away the first day of the new year.

Don't worry, you may have a night to sleep it off.

We can sleep on it and go on discussing it tomorrow.

She is in a sound sleep.

Unit 73

If only I could pass the exam.

If only I had more courage.

If only I had enough of a sense of humor.

If only I had not driven so fast.

If I had only known.

If only could know who sent the flower.

If only it would stop raining.

If only they could see me now.

Unit 74

I can speak only in general.

The designing has been generally accepted.

Generally speaking, women live longer than men.

The flight is generally smooth.

I'll make a general introduction.

He in a satisfactory student in genial.

It's general knowledge. Why do you bother to ask

It's generally known that I've already had it done.

Lesson 6

Unit 75

He wears simples clothing and eats simple food.

The furniture in his house is simple.

His simple speech moved us deeply.

The language is simple, but the truth is profound.

Are you so simple-minded and na

ve as to believe these words

Father is a simple person and a great scholar.

The simple truth is that the boss is hard to deal with.

The question is simple. Everyone can understand.

Unit 76

Do you go along with me

I don't go along with your idea.

I go along with that.

I go along with your suggestion.

Nobody goes along with that.

Mother goes along with me.

I'll not go along with anything he said.

I go along with your opinion.

Unit 77

Do you follow what I'm saying

I can't follow your reasoning.

The children followed me around all day long.

You go first. I'll follow you.

The storm was followed by the flood.

It doesn't follow that he is good.

It doesn't follow that he will agree with your proposal.

It doesn't follow that he loves you.

Unit 78

The coat fits me nicely.

It'll be a week before you're fit for work.

He is not fit to decide what to do.

You look more fit than ever before.

We must do plenty of exercise to keep fit.

You may do it as you see fit.

My experience fits me for the job.

Your behavior must fit your important position.

Unit 79

Would you do me a favor and open the door/

We've never received any special favors from the state.

I hate asking favors of people.

May I ask a favor of you

Would you Pease do me a favor

I'm not in favor of a woman taking part in politics.

The situation is not in our favor.

I'll not in favor of a woman taking part in politics.

The situation is not in our favor.

I'll never forget the favors you have done for me.

Father favored his youngest son.

Unit 80

I'm fed up waiting for you.

I'm fed up about all of this.

I'm very fed up with this rainy weather.

I'm really fed up with the life here.

I'm fed up with talking to you.

I'm fed up with what you're doing.

I'm fed up.

I really don't see why you're not fed up with it.

Unit 81 Sam is doing fine in his business.

Sam is doing fine in his business.

All your fine words are nothing to me.

You've grown up to a fine lady.

They have only a fine distinction between them.

He can write a fine poetry.

The compliment gives me a fine feeling.

That was the finest time I have.

What a fine view!

Walking into the water, your shoes were little fine.

U82 What's your favorite sport

What's your favorite sport

My favorite song is:

It's my favorite passage.

My favorite way of learning is to discuss

That's my favorite.

Your soft voice and gentle manner make me a favorite.

A favorite has no true friend.

The spot was the favorite haunt of mine.

U83 I have something particular to ask you.

There must be something behind it.

There seems something missing.

I'll be able to do something for you.

There is something in your words.

I'll tell you something of my own experience.

Something must be done.

That's really something.

U84 How's everything going, Marting

Everything is going well with me.

I 'm interested for everything settled.

Money is not everything.

I've forgotten everything I learned.

That's everything, I think.

What you said is everything to me.

To know everything is to know nothing.


Don't be nervous.

I'm a bit nervous. It's too dark.

I'm nervous of going near the animals.

I wonder why I was not a bit nervous.

I'm nervous about talking of exam.

I'm nervous when I'm speaking to foreigners.

I'll be nervous about speaking in your presence.

The foreigners are too nervous to speak Chinese.

Don't make me so nervous.


He'll be here at any moment.

You don't need to remind me every moment.

I'll be back in a few moments.

I can't think of it at the moment.

I've nothing to do for the moment

You not for the moment be deceived by his sweet words.

I wound 't for a moment consider lending him money.

The moment he spoke I recognized his voice.


I engaged in a conversation.

I engage the local politics, how can I go home so often.

I engage myself in making clothes for the neighbor's children.

I've been engaged in answering the letters.

I'm afraid of being engaged tomorrow.

All my time is fully engaged with the business affairs.

I'll be engaged with a client this evening.


Water is essential to the growth of crops.

Railways are essential to the economy prosperity the region.

A tape recorder is essential the students of English.

Exercise, fresh air and sleep are always essential for health.

The essential purpose of vacation is to relax.

Respect is essential in friendship.

This is the essential difference between you and me.

Industry growth is essential to the national economy.

Lesson 7


It didn't occur to me.

Why didn't it occur to me

It never occurred to me to adopt at home a child.

It suddenly occurred to me that the door was not locked.

Did it occur to you to shut the window

It occurred to me just now.

It didn't occur to me to mention it.

Nothing occurred to me, I was too nervous.


It'll always remind me of you.

All these remind me of these old days.

You remind me of my old father.

Your story reminds me of the experience I had.

Does it remind you of something

Remind me to take medicine.

It reminds me that I should write to my family.

Music often reminds us of the events of the past.


There is little money, but we can manage.

Don't worry, I'll manage somehow.

It's more than I can manage.

Can you manage it on you own

How would you manage it without a job

Can you manage to get me a passport

I can't manage a big dinner like this.

Can really manage another a slice of cake


She wants her own way too often , she is spoiled .

She always cry if she doesn't get her own way.

I have my own way in every situation.

Let him go with his own way.

You can't always have your own way.

Have your own way only let me alone.

He'll make his way in the future.

Then you can make your way in the world.


It's just as well to be careful.

It's just as well I don't go, we may talk

It's just as well to telephone before you go.

Just it's as well I won't go there.

It'll be just as well to take an umbrella.

It'll just as well to go by train, the road is icy.

I can ride horse and shoot as well.

It's a political as well economic question.


What will you take up to study in college

I drop math and take up computers.

I took up writing when I was in middle school

What've you taken up to study lately

He took up the piano when he is five.

When did he take up basketball

He must take up it before five.

Why didn't he take up painting


It's very thoughtful of you.

It's thoughtful of you to bring me the flowers.

He always behaves in a thoughtful way.

She is a thoughtful girl.

You're very thoughtful to others.

It's not very thoughtful of him to do this.

He is so thoughtless considering the future.

He's so thoughtless when it comes the others' needs.


Let's keep in touch.

How can I get in touch with you

We've been out of touch for years.

That's a serious matter that touches your future.

I was really touched.

I've been trying to get in touch with you the whole afternoon.

What you said didn't touch the issue.

I haven't touch the piano for days.


It has an unpleasant taste.

Have a taste and see if you like it.

I'd like a small taste of it.

I can't taste anything, I've a cold.

I have no taste for sweet things.

I'll furnish the room according to my own taste.

I admire your taste in the arts.

She always dresses simply but in good taste.

Pop music is not to everyone' taste.


It's too good to be true.

I'm too ill to go anywhere.

You are never too old to learn

You can't be too careful

The issue can't be stressed too strongly.

It's not at all too small for you

The day passed all too quickly

The vacation is all too short.


I'll thank you to leave me alone.

I'll thank you to be quiet for a moment

I'll thank you to mind your own business.

I have myself to thank for that.

We've got Willson to thank for it.

I've got you to thank for my cold.

We've got nobody to thank but ourselves

I've got the sky to thank for it.


In view of that I won't go there.

In view of the facts there seems useless to continue the business.

In view of the achievement the step is advisable.

In my view the plan is not workable.

In my view the school vacation is too long.

The magician did a wonderful magic in full view of people.

The book will give you a view of world II

You give it a view of countryside.

Unit 101

What's your purpose of calling so early

I have no ill will purpose.

I didn't accomplish the purpose desired.

I didn't do that on purpose.

That 's not my original purpose.

My purpose is to upgrade my spoken English.

I don't have any definite purpose.

I have a purpose in making a trip in Europe.


Try to put it clearly.

Why don't you put it in a simple way

Feelings sometimes can not be put into some words.

Well, let me put it this way

I might as well put it into writing

It can be put more clearly

I don't know how to put it into English.


I like the work in a way.

In a way you are not complete well.

In a way I agree with your estimate of the situation.

Can I help you in any way

My behavior is perfect in any way.

I can't no ways are allowed to continue.

You're no way to do this.

Next week must we have it done one way or another.

Lesson 8


As a matter of fact I finished it yesterday

As a matter of fact I just came to chat with you.

As a matter of fact it weighs a bit more than it should.

As a matter of fact I do have another question to ask.

As a matter of fact Rodra is correct.

As a matter of fact we were talking about you just now.

As a matter of fact it's a present for your classmate's birthday.

As a matter of fact I'm fond of house work..


The economic condition is getting better

The general condition is going to be improved

What's the condition like in your hometown now

They need to improve the working condition.

Respect and trust are basics conditions of happy marriages.

Similar conditions are found in other nearby cities.

I'm at the peak of my condition.

I'll lend you money under the condition you must pay it back.


She deserves the compliment.

He doesn't deserve such a fortune.

A man like that deserves careful looking after.

What I've done to deserve it.

He received a just punishment which he deserved.

He deserves to succeed

The bad behavior deserves a spanking.

This is a problem deserving studying.


I have no objection to that.

I'm sure she'll have no objection

I have a strong objection

I'll make no objection if you insist on it

My only objection is that it's too expensive.

My objection is that it's too late

I'll have no objection to your doing it

Is there any objection


It'll be included in the bill.

It includes two chapters of grammar

The tour will include visits to Hong Kong.

The list includes many new member names.

Will you include my suggestions in tomorrow discussion

I can't include all my ideas in it

It possesses many mineral deposits including gold.

My family including me is all very happy.


For all his wealth, he is unhappy.

For all his city ways, he is a country boy at heart.

For all his good sense of balances, he could not dance well.

He is a decent guy for all that.

He might have left for Europe for all I know

I would not move for all the world.

For all efforts we didn't succeed.

For all I have I still want more.


Why don't you inquire by telephone

I came here to inquire about the products.

A man has been inquiring for you in the lobby.

I've been inquiring for you.

I made an enquiry concerning him.

Will you make an enquiry what happened

The whole matter has been inquired into.

A colleague inquires after you.


Let's have some light music.

Then let's have a light topic for a change.

Thus I'll go back with a light heart.

A light dinner is recommended for digest.

The room wall should be a light yellow.

Please turn on the light so the room is brighter.

Her face lit up with the news.

I don't see the matter in the same light as you do.


I learned English when I was young.

I learned patience from my mother.

You learn to hide your feelings.

You'll soon learn it.

Don't forget learning the text by heart.

I learned your success in the newspaper.

The more learned a man is, the more modest he learns to be.

I always have a great enthusiasm in new learning.


Are you keeping up with me

He must study hard to keep up with the class.

It's too difficult to keep up.

The situation changes so rapidly that I can't keep up with it.

I'm trying to keep up.

They're my classmates I've been kept up with after graduation.

Then you won't keep up with the latest developments in China.

Growing so fast, trying to keep up.


Do you mean to make me mad

Do you mean to say you don't trust me

Do you mean that I did it

I didn't mean to offend you.

He certainly means what he said.

I mean it.

I understand what you mean.

I'm just kidding, I don't mean it.


I haven't a reason to doubt his words.

Besides this he hasn't any reason for feeling proud.

This is the reason I asked him to come.

He would not do this without a good reason.

I'm retiring for reasons of health.

People differ from animals because they possess the abilities to reason.

It's wise to settle the dispute for reason.

That's the only reason for feeling superior.


Why didn't you select a better subject

Why not try to train your character









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