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2021-02-13 17:53







日 托福阅读真题解析





:宇 宙的两个理论,一个说物质会变化但总量不变,一个是会膨胀,最后说一个

遥远的恒星的 发现说明后一个理论更正确;

< /p>




universe expanding






new creation

补充变大 的空间,然后发现了一种



< br>论更可信。


big-bang model

widely held theory of the evolution of the universe. Its essential feature is the

emergence of the universe from a state of extremely high temperature and density- the

so-called big bang that occurred at least 10,000,000,000 years ago. Although this type of

universe was proposed by Alexander Friedmann and Abbé

Georges Lema?tre in the

1920s, the modern version was developed by George Gamow and colleagues in the


The big-bang model is based on two assumptions. The first is that Albert Einstein's

general theory of relativity correctly describes the gravitational interaction of all matter.

The second assumption, called the cosmological principle, states that an observer's view

of the universe depends neither on the direction in which he looks nor on his location. This

principle applies only to the large-scale properties of the universe, but it does imply that

the universe has no edge, so that the big-bang origin occurred not at a particular point in

space but rather throughout space at the same time. These two assumptions make it

possible to calculate the history of the cosmos after a certain epoch called the Planck time.

Scientists have yet to determine what prevailed before Planck time.

According to the big-bang model, the universe expanded rapidly from a highly

compressed primordial state, which resulted in a significant decrease in density and

temperature. Soon afterward, the dominance of matter over antimatter (as observed today)

may have been established by processes that also predict proton decay. During this stage

many types of elementary particles may have been present. After a few seconds, the

universe cooled enough to allow the formation of certain nuclei. The theory predicts that




definite amounts of hydrogen, helium, and lithium were produced. Their abundances

agree with what is observed today. About 1,000,000 years later the universe was

sufficiently cool for atoms to form. The radiation that also filled the universe was then free

to travel through space. This remnant of the early universe is the microwave background

radiation (three degree background radiation) discovered in 1965 by Arno A. Penzias and

Robert W. Wilson.

In addition to accounting for the presence of ordinary matter and radiation, the model

predicts that the present universe should also be filled with neutrinos, fundamental

particles with no mass or electric charge. The possibility exists that other relics from the

early universe may eventually be discovered.

expanding universe

dynamic state of the extragalactic realm, the discovery of which has transformed

20th-century cosmology. The development of general relativity and its application to

cosmology by Albert Einstein, Wilhelm de Sitter, and other theoreticians, along with the

detection of extragalactic redshift (a shift to the longer wavelengths of light from galaxies

beyond the Milky Way) by VestoSlipher, led to the realization in the 1920s that all galaxies

are receding. Edwin Hubble correlated these observations in mathematical form to

provide evidence that the universe is expanding. The discovery of the 2.7 K background

radiation in 1965 by Arno A. Penzias and Robert W. Wilson is regarded as convincing

evidence that the universe originated approximately 15 billion years ago in a very dense

and hot state referred to as the big bang (seebig-bang model).

Observations so far have not succeeded in determining whether the universe is open

(of infinite extent in space) or closed (of finite extent) and whether the universe in the

future will continue to expand indefinitely or will eventually collapse back into an extremely

dense, congested state. See also cosmology.





:草 原上的三种食草动物,斑马羊,还有一个


。他们吃草的不同的 部分。把草的各




养题目问你为 什么。然后讲过渡放牧,他们之间没有竞争,相处的较和谐。羊反而会










营养 的最多,斑马的营养最少,但是斑马靠一个大的胃储存的多。








Feeding Habits of East African Herbivores

Buffalo, zebras, wildebeests, topi, and Thomson's gazelles live in huge groups that

together make up some 90 percent of the total weight of mammals living on the Serengeti

Plain of East Africa. They are all herbivores (plant-eating animals), and they all appear to be

living on the same diet of grasses, herbs, and small bushes. This appearance, however, is

illusory. When biologist Richard Bell and his colleagues analyzed the stomach contents of four

of the five species (they did not study buffalo), they found that each species was living on a

different part of the vegetation. The different vegetational parts differ in their food qualities:

lower down, there are succulent, nutritious leaves; higher up are the harder stems. There are

also sparsely distributed, highly nutritious fruits, and Bell found that only the Thomson's

gazelles eat much of these. The other three species differ in the proportion of lower leaves and

higher stems that they eat: zebras eat the most stem matter, wildebeests eat the most leaves,

and topi are intermediate.

How are we to understand their different feeding preferences? The answer lies in two

associated differences among the species, in their digestive systems and body sizes.

According to their digestive systems, these herbivores can be divided into two categories: the

nonruminants (such as the zebra, which has a digestive system like a horse) and the

ruminants (such as the wildebeest, topi, and gazelle, which are like the cow). Nonruminants

cannot extract much energy from the hard parts of a plant; however, this is more than made up

for by the fast speed at which food passes throughtheir guts. Thus, when there is only a short

supply of poor- quality food, the wildebeest, topi, and gazelle enjoy an advantage. They are

ruminants and have a special structure (the rumen) in their stomachs, which contains

microorganisms that can break down the hard parts of plants. Food passes only slowly through

the ruminant's gut because ruminating-digesting the hard parts-takes time. The ruminant

continually regurgitates food from its stomach back to its mouth to chew it up further (that is

what a cow is doing when

almost to a liquid can the food pass through the rumen and on through the gut. Larger particles

cannot pass through until they have been chewed down to size. Therefore, when food is in

short supply, a ruminant can last longer than a nonruminant because it can derive more

energy out of the same food. The difference can partially explain the eating habits of the

Serengeti herbivores. The zebra chooses areas where there is more low-quality food. It

migrates first to unexploited areas and chomps the abundant low-quality stems before moving

on. It is a fast-in/fast-out feeder, relying on a high output of incompletely digested food. By the

time the wildebeests (and other ruminants) arrive, the grazing and trampling of the zebras will

have worn the vegetation down. As the ruminants then set to work, they eat down to the lower,

leafier parts of the vegetation. All of this fits in with the differences in stomach contents with

which we began.











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