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2021-02-13 14:44





use of a word to govern two or more words though agreeing in number or

case etc. with only one.


Syllepsis, also known as semantic zeugma, is a particular type of zeugma in which the

clauses disagree in either meaning or grammar. The governing word may change

meaning with respect to the other words it modifies. This creates a semantic

incongruity that is often humorous. Alternatively, a syllepsis may contain a governing

word or phrase that does not agree grammatically with one or more of its distributed

terms. This is an intentional construction in which rules of grammar are bent for

stylistic effect.

Distributed term changes meaning

The governing term can change meaning in its distribution, sometimes to comical



alter cum res gestas tum etiam studium atque auris adhibere posset. Cicero, Pro

Archia Poeta (The other was able to lend not only his achievements, but also his

support and ears.)

Here Thou, great Anna! whom three Realms obey,

Dost sometimes Counsel take - and sometimes Tea. Alexander Pope, The Rape of

the Lock (Pope was speaking of Queen Anne and Kensington Palace)

He carried a strobe light and the responsibility for the lives of his men. Tim O'Brien,

The Things They Carried

And he said, as he hastened to put out the cat,

The wine, his cigar and the lamps:

She lowered her standards by raising her glass,

Her courage, her eyes and his hopes. Ibid.

When he asked

Up her mind, and a dash for the door Ibid.

I notice with some relief, that the Icelandic group staying on my floor have either

checked or passed out. Agent Cooper on the television series Twin Peaks

Syllepsis can be used with idiomatic phrases to achieve a similar result:

You held your breath and the door for me. Alanis Morissette,

I got a part-time job at my father's carpet store, laying tackless stripping and

housewives by the score. Warren Zevon,

I took her hand and then an aspirin in the morning, Eve 6,

Wilde, The Importance of Being Earnest (Cecily is making a catty remark to Miss

Fairfax, a Londoner, by using

Thomas Babington Macaulay

television program Star Trek: The Next Generation

I Married an Axe Murderer


[edit] Syllepsis with figures and schemes of grammar

A syllepsis may employ a scheme of grammatical construction or figure of grammar

to manipulate discourse as part of a rhetorical strategy.

and my hopes

is falling.

As written, the sentence employs syllepsis with the scheme of grammar, parenthesis,

and the phrase

require a change to the plural verb

intentional solecism.

The syllepsis employs an implied

bright thunder shook the temple walls.

example of hypallage. The syllepsis also employs catachresis by attributing the effect

of shaking and loudness to the lightning, a purely visual effect. Use of the

unconventional grammatical construction is intentional so as to create alliteration


[edit] Examples of syllepsis

[She] went straight home in a flood of tears, and a sedan chair. - Charles Dickens

Just a dissipated creep who wears a Rolex on his wrist/On her nerves, too much

cologne, and down her power to resist.

Did she turn down the wrong hallway, his advances, or the sheet? - Bob Kanefsky,

... and covered themselves with dust and glory. - Mark Twain, The Adventures of

Tom Sawyer









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