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2021-02-09 19:26



I think

后面的否定是要前移的,在紧 张的考试环境中,常常会疏忽这一点。


ew, …

point of view, …

ote, …

ly, …



important< /p>



Education is very important.


Education is of much/vital/great importance.


The work he does is very important.


The work he does is absolutely vital.


A balanced diet is very important for us.


A balanced diet is absolutely essential for everyone.



oney is the only thing that’s important to him.


Money is the only thing that matters to him.


First impressions are very important.


First impressions really do count.


Parents are important in children’s learning


Parents play an importa

nt role/part in children’s learning.

m concerned, …

e, …

I see it, …

ng to me, …

art, …


Children’s education is very important for Chinese parents.


Chinese parents attach much importance to children’s education.


It’s very important for parents to be honest with their children.


It’s very v

ital/essential for parents to be honest with their children.






He is a good football player.


He is an amazing football player.


This is a very good place.


This is a fantastic place, really beautiful.


The view from my bedroom window was very good.


The view from my bedroom window was absolutely breathtaking


This is a very good opportunity to learn about American culture.


This is a unique opportunity to learn about American culture.


The school's examination results were very good.


The school's examination results were very impressive.


The food was very good and we had a wonderful night.


The food was superb/awesome and we had a wonderful night.


The staff are doing a good job.


The staff are doing a splendid job.


I can't stand him, but my wife thinks he’s very good.


I can't stand him, but my wife thinks he’s marvelous.


You look very good in that dress.


You look absolutely gorgeous in that dress!






His actions could make him lose his job.


His actions could lead to him losing his job.


The accident caused two passengers to die.


The accident resulted in the death of two passengers.


There are several reasons for the strange phenomenon.


Several reasons may account for the strange phenomenon.


The floods caused the deaths of over a hundred people.


The floods were responsible for the deaths of over a hundred people.


Daily shaving can cause a number of skin problems.


Daily shaving can give rise to a number of skin problems.









本文更新与2021-02-09 19:26,由作者提供,不代表本网站立场,转载请注明出处:https://www.bjmy2z.cn/gaokao/623332.html
