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2021-02-08 23:13



YOu Can apply to SPOn SOr your spouse, COm mon-IaW Or COn jugal Part ner, Or dependent

ChiIdren to immigrate to Canada. It does not matter if they live in or OUtSide Can ada. If they live in

Can ada, they do not n eed to have legal StatUS to be spon sored.

Your family member must have medical, Crim inal and backgro Und checks. If

they have a Criminal record or are a risk to Canada


allowed to en ter Can ada.

They may have to get a police CertifiCate in their home coun try. The

guides expla in medical, Crim inal and backgro Und checks.

in StrUCti on


S security, they may not

You Can spon sor a spouse, com mon-IaW or con jugal Part ner (Part ner), or dependent

ChiIdren if you are a Canadian CitiZen or a Permanent reside nt of Can ada. To be a

spon sor, you must be 18 or older.

WhenyOU sponsor one of these relatives to becomepermanent residents of Can ada, you

must SUPPOrt them finan cially. ThiS means you have to meet Certa in in come guideli


If you have sponsored relatives to cometo Canadain the past, and they have later asked

the gover nment for finan cial help, you may not be allowed to spon sor ano ther PerS

on. Spon SOrShiP is a big COmmitme nt, so you must take it SeriOUsly.

To be a spon sor you must:


agree in Writing to give financial SUPPOrt to your relative, if they n eed it


for a SPOUSe or Partner, this lasts for three years from the date they become a

Perma nent reside nt, and


for a depe ndent child, this lasts for 10 years, or Un til the child turns 25,

WhiCheVer comes first.

Your relative must also agree to try to SUPPOrt themselves.

You may not be eligible to be a spon sor if you:


did not meet the terms of a spon SOrShiP agreeme nt in the past,


did not Pay alim ony or child SUPPOrt eve n though a court Ordered it,


get gover nment finan Cial help for reas OnS other tha n being disabled,


Were COnVicted of


an OffenCe of a SeXUaI n ature,


a viole nt crime,


an OffenCe aga inst a relative that resulted in bodily harm or


an attempt or threat to COmmit any SUCh Offen ces, depe nding On the detailss of

the case, SUCh as

the type of offen ce,

how long ago it OCCUrred and

Whether a record SUSPension WaS issued (See SponSOrShiP bar for viole nt




Were spon sored as a spouse, com mon- IaWOr COnjUgaI Part ner in the PaSt and became a

Perma nent reside nt of Can ada less tha n five years ago

(See Five-year spon SOrShiP bar below)


did not Pay back an immigrati on Ioa n, made late Payme nts or missed Payme nts,


are in PriS on or


have declared ban kruptcy and have not bee n released from it yet.

Other thi ngs not on this list may stop you from being able to spon sor a relative.

If you live in Quebec, CitiZenship and ImmigratiOn Canadamust approve you as a sponsor

first. Then you must also meet

to be a spon sor.

QUebeG S conditions

Five-year sponsorship bar for people who Were

sponsored to come to Canada as a SPOUSe or


DUe to Changes in Canada


S immigration law, if a SPOUSe or Partner spon sored you,

you now cannot spon sor a new SPOUSe or Partner With in five years of beco ming a

Perma nent reside nt.

ThiS rule applies even if you got your Canadian CitiZenship Within those five years.

Other membersof the FamiIy Class will not be affected by the rule Cha nge.

SPOUSeS and Part ners spon sored before

Date ClC got your sponSOrShiP

applicati on

Are you eligible to spon sor some one?

The five-year spon SOrShiP bar does not apply, no mat

BefOre MarCh 2, 2012

Perma nent reside nt.

On or after MarCh 2, 2012

The five- year spon SOrShiP bar applies. You CannOt spo

have bee n a Perma nent reside nt for five years.

Sponsorship bar for violent Crime

The SPOn SOrShiP bar stops people who have bee n COnVi Cted Of Certa in CrimeS from

SPOn sori ng a family member.

If you have bee n COnV icted of a Crime that CaUSed bodily harm to any of the relatives

below, you CannOtSPOn sor anyone un der the FamiIy Class.



Part ner

in CIUdeS com mon -law and con jugal Part ners.


ReIatiVeS not IiSted here may still fall Under this category.

If you are not sure, CheCk the full list of rules or con tact the OffiCe PrOCeSS

ing your applicati on.

ReIatiVeS the spon SOrShiP bar Can apply to:


your CUrre nt or ex- spouse/Part ner an d/or their ChiIdre n,


your ChiIdre n,


your Pare nt/gra ndpare nt, child/gra ndchild, sibli ng,

ni ece/nephew, aunt/un cle, or cous in, or


the CUrrent or ex-spouse/Partner and ChiIdren of the above


the Pare nt/gra ndpare nt, child/gra ndchild, sibli ng,

ni ece/nephew, aunt/un cle, or cous in of your CUrre nt or ex-spouse/Part ner or

ChiIdre n, or


the Curre nt Or ex- spouse/Part ner and Childre n Of any Of the above


your child


S spouse, Partner or ChiIdren,


your SPOUSe


s, Partner


S or child


S ex-spouse or ex-partner and ChiIdre



your Partner


S Parent/gra ndparent, child/grandchild,


ni ece/nephew, aunt/un cle, or cous in, or


the CUrre nt or ex- spouse/Part ner (and their ChiIdre n)of any of the above,


a foster child who is or WaS Cared for by




your CUrre nt or ex- spouse/Part ner or their ChiIdre n,


your Pare nt/gra ndpare nt, child/gra ndchild, sibli ng, aunt/un cle or

cous in, or


the CUrrent or ex-spouse/Partner

(and their ChiIdren)


any of the above, or


your CUrre nt or ex-boyfrie nd/girlfrie nd, their SPOUSe or com mon-IaW Part

ner, and their depe ndent ChiIdre n.

Defin iti OnS


You are a SPOUSe if you are married to your spon sor and your marriage is legal.

If you Were married in Can ada:


you must have a marriage CertifiCate issued by the PrOVinCe or territory Where the

marriage took place.

If you Were married OUtSide Can ada:


the marriage must be valid Un der the law of the COUntry Where it took place and Un der

Can adia n law, and


the marriage, if PerfOrmed in an embassy or con SUlate, must follow the law of the

COUntry Where it took place, not the COUntry the embassy or

con SUIate represe nts.

Sponsoring your Same-SeX Partner as a SPOuSe

You Can apply to SPOn sor your Same-SeX Part ner as a spouse if you:


are a CitiZe n Or Perma nent reside nt of Can ada and


Were married in Canada and issued a marriage CertifiCate by a Canadian

PrOVinCe or territory On Or after One of these dates:


BritiSh Columbia (on or after July 8, 2003),


Man itoba (on or after SePtember 16, 2004),


NeW BrUn SWiCk (on or after July 4, 2005),


Newfo Un dla nd and LabradOr (on or after DeCember 21,2004),


Nova SCOtia (on or after SePtember 24, 2004),


On tario (on or after JUne 10, 2003),


QUebeC (on or after MarCh 19, 2004),


SaSkatCheWa n (on or after NOVember 5, 2004),


Yukon (on or after July 14, 2004) or


all other PrOVin CeS or territories (on or after July 20, 2005).

If you Were married OUtSide Can ada, you may apply to spon sor your Same-SeX Part ner

as a SPOUSe as long as the marriage is legally recog ni Zed accordi ng to both the law

of the place Where the marriage OCCUrred and Un der Can adia n law.

It is your responSibiIity to PrOVide information to CIC COnfirming that your Same-SeX-

marriage WaS legally recog ni Zed Whe n and Where it occurred.

Common-law Partner

You are a com mon- IaW Partner


either of the opposite SeX or the Same SeX


* you have bee n liv ing together in a con jugal relati on ShiP for at least one year in

an ongoing 12-m onth PeriOd (you are allowed short abse nces for bus in ess travel or

family reas on s).

You will n eed proof that you and your com mon-IaW Part ner have comb ined your affairs

and Set UP a household together. ThiS Can be in the form of proof of:


joint bank accoUntS Or Credit cards.


joint ownership of a home.


joint residential leases.


joint rental receipts,


joint registration or Payment of UtiIitieS (electricity, gas, telephone),


joint management of household expenses,


joint purchases, especially of household items, or


mail addressed to either PerS on or both people at the Same address.

Conjugal Partner

ThiS CategOry is for Part ners

either of the opposite SeX or Same SeX


SitUatiOns beyond their control that keep them from living together so they would count

as com mon-IaW Part ners or spouses.

A con jugal relati on ShiP is more tha n a PhySiCaI relati on ship. It means you depe

nd on each other, there is some Perma nence to the relati on ship, and there is the

Same level of COmmitme nt as a marriage or a com mon-IaW Part nership.

You may apply as a COnjUgaI Part ner if:


you have had a COnjUgaI relati on ShiP With your spon sor for at least one year and you

could not live together or marry because of


an immigrati on barrier,


your marital StatUS (for example, you are married to some one else and Iiv ing in

a COUntry Where divorce is not POSSibIe) or


your SeXUaI orie ntatio n (for example, you are in a Same-SeX relati on ShiP and

Same-SeX marriage is not Permitted Where you live) and


you Can prove there WaS a reas on you could no t live together (for example, you Were

refused long- term StayS in each other


S country).

You should not apply as a con jugal Part ner if:


you could have lived together but chose not to, as this shows that you did not have the

level of COmmitme nt n eeded for a con jugal relati on ShiP (for example, one of you

may not have Wan ted to give UP a job or a COUrSe of study, or your relationShiP WaS

not yet at the point Where you Were ready to live together),


you CannOt prove there WaS a reas On that kept you from IiV ing together,


you are en gaged to be married (in this case, you should either apply as a SPOUSe once

the marriage has taken place or apply as a com mon-IaW Part ner if you have lived

together COntinU ously for at least 12 mon ths).

DePendent ChiIdren

A son or daughter is depe ndent Whe n the child:


is Un der age 19 and does not have a SPOUSe or com mon-IaW Part ner, or

* is 19 years of age or older and has depe nded largely on the finan cial SUPPOrt of a

Pare nt SinCe before age 19 because of a PhySiCaI or men tal con diti on.

People who CannOt be sponsored

You CannOt be spon sored as a spouse, a com mon-IaW Part ner or a con jugal Part ner



you are Un der age 16,


you (or your spon sor) Were married to some one else at the time of your marriage


you have lived apart from your sponsor for at least one year, and either you or your

spon sor are the com mon-IaW or COnjUgaI Part ner of ano ther PerS on,


your spon sor applied for Perma nent reside nce but did not in clude you on their

applicatio n as some one who should be exam ined or


your spon sor has spon sored ano ther spouse, com mon-IaW Part ner or con jugal Part

reside nt (or five years if your applicatio n WaS received on or after MarCh 2, 2012).

ner in the past, and three years have not PaSSed SinCe that PerS on became a Perma nent

Apply to SPOn SOr your spouse, Part ner or

Childre n

EffeGtiVe August 1,2014 , CitiZenship and Immigration Canada has

Changed its definition of a dependent child for its immigration

PrOgrams. A depe ndent child must be Un der 19 years of age, in Stead of the PreViOUS

limit of Un der 22 years of age. Find out more about the Change in the definition of a

dependent child . NeWaPPIiCation

USed Starting AUgUSt 1,2014. USe this

applicati on may be affected.

There are two StageS in the PrOCeSS to spon sor your spouse, Part ner or depe ndent

ChiIdre n to become Perma nent reside nts.

First: AS a CitiZe n or Perma nent reside nt of Can ada, you must apply to spon sor your

family member.

* The CaSe PrOCeSS ing Cen tre (CPC) in Can ada will PrOCeSS your

applicati on to spon sor.


Web tool to determine how your

forms and fee in formatio n are now available. TheSe

new forms must be


The CPC will Write you to tell you if CitiZenship and ImmigratiOn Can ada (CIC) has

approved your applicati on.

Second: Your spouse, Part ner, or depe ndent ChiIdre n must apply for Perma nent reside


You must Send both your spon SOrShiP applicati on and the Perma nent residence

application for your family members at the

Same time .

How to apply

There are three StePS to apply to spon sor your spouse, Part ner or ChiIdre n:


Get the application PaCkage

If your SPOUSe or Partner lives With you in Canada USe the APPIiCation for Permanent

ReSidence in Canada

SPOUSe or Common- LaWartner. Note: if a child of your SPOUSe or

Partner is also Iiving With you in Canada, they may be inCIUded on the application if

they meet the definition of dependent child .


If your spouse,

Part ner Or

depe ndent child lives OutSide Can ada, USe

the APPIiCatiOn to SPOnsor a Member of the FamiIy CIaSS


If We approve you as a SPonsor, the CPC will Send your family member

Can adia n ViSa OffiCe to be processed.



S applicatiOn to

Readthe guides for both the SPOnsor and the immigrant carefully before

you fill out the application forms. ThiS will help you make SUre you

are eligible before you apply. We will not refund the fee to PrOCeSS your forms if you

are not eligible to be a SPOnsor.

USe the inStrUCtion guide to help you fill out the application forms.

Send all the documents IiSted in the DOCUment CheCklist. MiSSing

in formati on or docume nts Can delay your applicatio n.


AS the SPansor, you will agree in Writing to SUPPart your spouse, Cammon- IaW Partner Qr

CanjUgaI Partner for three years. If you SPon Sar a depe ndent child, you will Cammit to SUPPart the

child for three to 10 years, depending on the child


S age.


YaUr spouse, Part ner and older depe ndent ChiIdre n must PramiSe to try to SUPPart themselves.


If you SPon Sar any Of your depe ndent ChiIdre n Wha will not Came With your SPaUSe Qr partner, you

will have to fill QUt a SeParate application.


The PeaPIe you SPon Sar must fill QUt the applicatio n for Perma nent reside nce.

The people you Want to SPOnsor

bee n done.

Note: The information you PrOVide in your application about your family membersand

marital StatUS must be true. You must tell CIC of any Change in your case.

You must include all of your family memberson the application. The people you spon sor

must also tell US about each of their close family members.

If you are OUtSide Canada: The people you sponsor must also tell US about each of their

close family members. TheSe family members must have a

SeCUrity and Crim in ality CheCk and a medical exam. If they do not, the

spon sored PerS on will not be able to spon sor them in the future.

must get a medical exam. Gather the

applications, SUPPOrting documents and proof that the medical examhas


Pay your application fees

You must Pay the PrOCeSSing fee in Canadian dollars.

Paying onIine is

the best and easiest Way to pay.

TO Pay your fees On Ii ne, you must:




PDF Reader




Prin ter,




valid email address,




Visa?, MaSterCard? or AmeriCa n Express? Credit card,


Print the Payme nt receipt form Whe n you are done and in elude it With your applicati on, and


Pay your fees OnIine When you are ready.

To Pay your fees at a bank or financial inStitUtion in Canada, you must:


get an Original Fee ReCeiPt form (IMM 5401), WhiCh you Can Order OnIine ,


fill in the receipt form and bring it With you Whe n you Pay your fees, and


in Clude the Payme nt receipt form With your appliCatio n.

If you live OUtSide Can ada, you can:


Pay your fees OnIine , or


Pay With an intern atio nal money order or bank draft.

If you get an intern ati Onal money order or bank draft:


make SUre it is in Can adia n fun ds,


make it PayabIe to the ReCeiVer Gen eral for Can ada,


On the front Of the money order Or draft, Write the bank


S Or financial institution

its complete address (not a post OffiCe box number) and the account number(s), and


Send the money order or draft With your applicati on.

For more detailed inStrUCtions, read the

Pay the fees SeCtion Of the



SUbmit your application

Mail your completed applicatiOn to the

Mississauga, On tario .

Find out hoW IOng it WiIl take CIC to

PrOCeSS your applicati On

CaSe PrOCeSS ing Cen tre in

You Can also Iear n about the SerViCe Sta ndard S for SPOn sori ng your family from









本文更新与2021-02-08 23:13,由作者提供,不代表本网站立场,转载请注明出处:https://www.bjmy2z.cn/gaokao/617584.html

