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2021-01-30 10:43





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Describe an activity you and your family enjoy most.

The activity that popular with my family is the basketball.

First, whenever each family member is available, we would bring the ball to a

park near to my house. You know why we all like to play basketball? We c

an work in a team, cooperate with each other and have some fun. That’s a rar

e and valuable chance to enhance our relationship.

Second, it would be beneficial for our health. Last summer, my mother and I

were both a little bit overweight, so we decided to lose weight by playing bas

ketball. As a result, every morning we would play in the park. When the new

semester began, we both lost 10kg! That’s why my family all prefer the bask


2. What can u do to improve our environment?

I am afraid, if we wanted to improve our environment, we would slow down the


First, dramatically development of industrialization creates a lot of exhausts that

pollute the air and the water. For example, noxious water released from a chemical

plant would kill fish of many species in the sea. If human being ate the toxic fish, they

would get infected as well.

Second, industrialization demands a lot of scarce resource; therefore, some of them

are extinct and unrecoverable. Since the industrial revolution happened in 19



a lot of trees had been cut down for modern development, so that many forests

disappeared from the planet. What a pity!

Therefore, if our industrialization would slow down a little bit, it would give the

environment enough time to recover from devastate.

3. Describe an artist, musician or popular singer you do not like. Give spe

cific reasons.

Personally, the popular singer I dislike most is … for the following reasons.

First, she’s not as

benevolent as other celebrities. For example, many famous persons

have donated thousands of dollars to WenChuang, where the catastrophe happened.

But she, the mean woman, had no such action at all.

Second, this woman is arrogant and haughty. Sometimes she shouts at her fans and

drives them away. You know, if her fans gave up their favor on her, she would


nobody. Worse, she always brags that she is the top singer in our country and slanders

other singers.

Therefore, she is the one I dislike most.

4. Describe a special job you had or would like to have.

Personally speaking, the special job I like to do is being an international tourist guide

for the following reasons.

First, being an international tourist guide means I have to deal with foreigners, which

is the best chance for me to practice my spoken English. From communicating with

them, I can learn native accent and foreign cultures from them. At the same time, I

can introduce them with our Chinese traditions and beautiful sceneries and give them

a deeper and better understanding about China.

Second, leading foreign visitors to travel around is also wonderful opportunities for

me to relax. You know, enjoying magnificent landscape all over the world can help

me forget anything troublesome and have a peace of mind, release the pressure from

my life.

5. Please describe a tool or an object that is important in your daily life.

Personally speaking, the important tool for me is my laptop for the following reasons.

First, it’s pretty useful when I am boring. Y

ou know, I can watch latest movies, listen

to beautiful music and even play computer games to relax myself. Especially after

school, I am tired of studying, so I always turn to my laptop to have some fun, which

will release the great pressure from my whole

day’s study and have a peace of mind.

Second, my laptop is the most crucial tool to communicate with my friends. Just like

my best friend Jason, who is studying in America. It’s a long distance between him

and me. But with the computer I can contact with him any time anywhere. It seems

like we still hang together without separation. So I don’t worry that the distance will

damage our valuable friendship.

6. Describe one way of life in your country has been changed and why it is


Personally, the way of life changed a lot in my country is the technology


which benefits me so much.

First, because of such development, laptops are becoming more and more popular

with human beings, which are the best tool for us to communicate with each other.

Just like my best friend Jason, he’s studying in America, which is far away from me.

But with the computer, I can talk with him any time I want, it seems that we’re still

close without separation.

Second, such development introduces subway to us. You know, subway is the most

efficient transportation in my country. Especially, there’re a lot of heavy traffic jams.

So if I go to school by car, it gonna takes me more than one hour in rush hours, but if


take subway instead, which can avoid jams, only cost me 20 minutes. Therefore,

subway saves me a lot time, I really like it.

7. Describe a piece of news or a story that you are interested in recently. And

explain why you think it was interesting. Include reasons and details in your


Personally, the news I am interested in is that my favorite actor Tom Hanks gonna

work on his new movie.

First, you know, his new movie is a comedy. His performance is so amazing and

historical that had already made a lot of classical characters, so I really look forward

to his new comedy movie, which must be funny and attractive.

Second, it’s said that his new movie will invite another super star, Nicole Kidman!

They haven’t worked in the same movie before, but Oscar prizes were conferred on

both of them, which means

they’re the best artistic in the world! So there cooperation

in this movie will be definitely gorgeous.

8. Please describe one of your happiest time in your life.

The happiest time for me is that traveled to US with my best friend Jason last month.

First, you know, it was the best chance for me to practice my spoken English. As an

English major, this trip helped me put the knowledge I learnt into practice. I was so

excited to talk with local Americans there and imitate their native accent, which was

valuable experience.

Second, Jason and I have visited so many tourist attractions in America, like the statue

of liberty, the symbol of US, Yellow Stone Park, renowned universities, Hollywood,

even shopping in the Fifth Avenue. Therefore, such trip broadened my horizon and

enriched my knowledge.

9. Describe a person that you’d like to know more. Why is this person. Examples

and details.

The person I like to know more is Nicole Kidman for the following reasons.

First, Nicole is a really incredible actress in the world. Her famous movie Moulin

Rouge imposes me great impression. I want to know how she acted so wild and sexy

in this movie, which is a totally different figure from her in reality.

Second, you know, Nicole was betrayed by her beloved ex-husband, Tom cruise, they

divorced after 10-years marriage. But only 3 years later she won her first Oscar prize !

what a great achievement! So I want to know how she overcame such devastate and

rebuilt herself both mentally and physically in such short time.

That’s why I

want to know more about her.

10. Describe a personality have changed since you were a child .Explain how you

changed this personality .Please include specific reasons and details in your


Personally speaking, since I was a child, I learnt to change myself from introvert and

shy into humorous and outgoing.

First, when I was young, I was afraid of talking in the public and wasn’t brave enough

to communicate with my classmates and teachers. Therefore, I was always lonely

without friends. Whenever some school activities were held, nobody wanna group up

with me. I was so upset and frustrated about that.

Then, my mum noticed my melancholy and began to encourage me and took me

outdoors to make friends with neighborhood kids. I was so tired of such lonely life

that I tried to smile and said hi to everybody, because I needed friends.

Therefore, many years later, I have already become a very humorous and outgoing

girl, all of my friends like spending their time staying with me.

11. Please describe steps of learning a new subject.

Personally, the subject I wanna describe is English.

First, you know, the most fundamental step is to memorize vocabularies. It really

drove me crazy! Everyday, I woke up at 6 o’clock to open the vocabulary book. Also,

I accumulated words from American movies and TV series, which means I spent a lot

time in watching them. But because of great efforts I have paid, now I can totally

understand what foreigners speaking.

Second, another difficult part for me is spoken English. So whenever I had spare time,

I always went to English corner to practice my oral English with foreigners. I

intentionally imitated their accent and intonation, also we exchanged information

about our different cultures. Surprisingly, only several months later, I won an English

speech competition.

12. Describe a person who always makes you laugh. Explain why the person is

funny. Include details and examples in your explanation.

Personally speaking, the person that makes me laugh is my best friend Jason.

First, Jason has a special dressing sense that always makes me burst into laugh. For

example, in summer, other boys always wear T-shirts and shorts, while he dresses

with a skirt! What’s more, his skirts always contain bright colors, like red and yellow,

so, it looks so weird!

Second, Jason’s facial expression is really attractive and funny. Especially when he is

telling us a joke or saying something excited, his face is contorting, voice is trembling

and even spit saliva as rain drops.

Therefore, I really appreciate his company with me

13. Describe the most important development in your country in the past 20


Personally the most development occurred in my country in the last 20ys is the

technology development.

First, such development brings us a new form of transportation, subway. Subway can

save us a lot of time. Especially in a big city, there’re a lot of traffic jams. If I drive

my car to school, sometimes it takes me more than one hour, while 20m is enough to

get there by subway.

Second, the development also introduces computers to all of Chinese families, which

really help us a lot. For example, one day I should deal with my historical paper, but I

was lack of such materials. I turned to the computer, within seconds, I have found a

lot of relevant information. Therefore, I have finished my paper so rapidly.

14. Describe the most disappointed experience and why.

The disappointed experience for me is that I haven’t made the trip to America in this


You know, I am dreaming of America, because I have been told that there are a lot of

magnificent sceneries there, like Yellow Stone Park, The Statue of Liberty and

Hollywood! And those beautiful landscapes would definitely relax myself, releasing

the pressure from my whole semester’s study.

I have already bought the tickets, booked the restaurant and even made a well-detailed

plan about this trip, anything had been done. However, my university demands us to

participate in voluntary services in communities. I really want to have a try and offer

assistances for

the people who need. But it’s not the time, I have my schedule during

the summer vacation.

So, unfortunately, I can’t go for my trip due to such requirement because I don’t want

to be deducted points from my credits.

15. What new skill would you like to learn? Explain why this skill would be good

for you to have.

Personally, the new skill I wanna learn is playing piano for the following reasons.

First, I believe that being exposed to magnificent melody would enable me to relax

myself especially after school every day. You know, I would be definitely stressed out

when I go back from school, so what I am willing to do is to play piano and devote

myself to those classical music, which would relieve my pressure from my study and

have a peace of mind.

Second, playing piano would broaden horizon and enrich my knowledge. I am

studying academic stuff at school all the time, sometimes I need something different.

And playing piano would offer me the great chance to learn much more knowledge

about music and art than math, Chinese or English.

16. Which kind of music you like most and why?

Classical music is my favorite for the following reasons.

First, my mom is a pianist. She is good at playing classical music, especially

bethophin and Mozart’s music. Since I was young,

she liked to play one of those

masterpieces after dinner and asked me to imitate her gesture on the keyboard.

Therefore, classical music accompanied me in childhood.

Second, classical music is the best tool to make me relax. You know, as a student, I

have to spend a whole day staying at school and study all the time. So after school

when I am back to home, I am always stressed out. I like to listen to Mozart’s music,

which helps me calm down and brings my refreshed mind back.

17. Describe your study methods

of learning that are different from others’ and


Personally, the way I study is different from others

First, take English as an example. Most of my classmates only focus on reading or

writing part, but ignore their spoken English. However, it’s what I

pay great attention

to. I deliberately go to English Corner, in order to practice my English with those

foreigners, imitating their accent and intonation. Therefore, I can speak like a native


Second, I prefer to study in a group, rather than depending on myself. Sometimes

when I come across something confused, I would discuss it with my classmates. You

know, everyone has a different opinion from others’. Therefore, at last we can always

figure this problem out in a quick way.

18. Please describe your goals in your life and why.

Personally, I want to work as an international tourist guide for the following reasons.

First, being an international tourist guide means I have to deal with foreigners, which

is the best chance for me to practice my spoken English. From communicating with

them, I can learn native accent and foreign cultures from them. At the same time, I

can introduce them with our Chinese traditions and beautiful sceneries and give them

a deeper and better understanding about China.

Second, leading foreign visitors to travel around is also wonderful opportunities for

me to relax. You know, enjoying magnificent landscape all over the world can help

me forget anything troublesome and have a peace of mind, release the pressure from

my life.


Describe an activity you and your family enjoy most.

The activity that popular with my family is the basketball.

First, whenever each family member is available, we would bring the ball to a

park near to my house. You know why we all like to play basketball? We c

an work in a team, cooperate with each other and have some fun. That’s a rar

e and valuable chance to enhance our relationship.

Second, it would be beneficial for our health. Last summer, my mother and I were

both a little bit overweight, so we decided to lose weight by playing basketball. As a

result, every morning we would play in the park. When the new semester began, we

both lost 10kg! that’s why my family all prefer the basketball.


Mystery, science fiction

biography, which type of book you dislike most and


Personally, biography is the type of book that I dislike most.

First, I am afraid that such books are full of brags and exaggerations, so that most of

contents would convey fake impressions to readers. For example, some biography

books would make up some brilliant experiences for the celebrity, which is a little bit


Second, biography books are boring and tedious without interesting plots or

adventures. I prefer books depicting excited events or characters with charisma.

Therefore, biography book can’t make me satisfied.

be your favorite subject when you were in primary school. Explain why

you like it. Include reasons and examples to support your response.

Personally, my favorite subject was English in primary school

First, my English teacher Daniel attracted my whole attention. He was humorous and

encouraging, so that I never felt bored on his classes. His funny expressions and

illustrations magically made all of students focus on him. I always got the highest

school on English.

Second, English itself was absolutely attractive and charming; especially I liked to

talk with foreigner friends. There was a foreign boy lived in my neighbor, I always

went to chat with him in English, which enabled me to imitate his accent and

intonation. Therefore, English was my favorite course in my primary school

22. Describe one way of life in your country has been changed and why it is


Personally, the way of life changed a lot in my country is the technology


which benefits me so much.

First, because of such development, laptops are becoming more and more popular

with human beings, which are the best tool for us to communicate with each other.

Just like my best friend Jason, he’s studying in America, which is

far away from me.

But with the computer, I can talk with him any time I want, it seems that we’re still

close without separation.

Second, such development introduces subway to us. You know, subway is the most

efficient transportation in my country. Especia

lly, there’re a lot of heavy traffic jams.

So if I go to school by car , it gonna takes me more than one hour in rush hours, but if

I take subway instead, which can avoid jams, only cost me 20 minutes. Therefore,

subway saves me a lot time, I really like it.

23. Describe a kind of music that you dislike most and why

Personally, the music I dislike is the rock music.

First, this kind of music drives me nuts. I prefer the light music, like classical music

and blue, because it can help me calm down when I am anxious or angry. But rock

music would worsen my feeling, so that I can’t express my negative emotions.

Second, the reason why I dislike rock music mainly lie on the rock singers. Their

dress-up are weird and sometimes scary. And the way they sing is too drastic to bear,

so that their shows would never attract my attention.

Therefore, I am afraid I can’t appreciate rock music.

24. Your friend want to drop out of university or college , agree or disagree

Yeah, I agree with his decision.

First, not evey body likes to studying in university. Just like my best Jason, he is a

very intelligent and talented boy. He has already learned through all of subjects that

required in university by himself when he was a freshman. Therefore, it’s ok to quit

from the university under such circumstance. What he needs is the practical

experiences in society, rather than the knowledge in university.

Second, if Jason was forced to remain in university, I am afraid it would do no good


his development. He has already set up his aims and targets, so that he has a clear

realization that what he wants and what he ‘s dreaming of. Staying at university


restrict his ambitions and potentials, so that I support his decision without question.

25. Where would you like to live, Mountain, forest, beach, or desert?

Personally speaking, the place I’d like to go much is the forest. I prefer it for the

following reasons.

First of all, the air in the forest is much fresher than that in the city. And I know

doctors will suggest people to go there to breathe in more oxygen. I have a cousin,

Jimmy, who used to have problems with his lungs and his doctor told him to go to the

forest as much as he could. Now he is well again.

Also, we can hike or even have picnics in the forest as long as we do not get lost. It

must be such a nice experience to feel the breeze and watch the green trees sitting on

the grass with your friends while you can enjoy your delicious food.

Anyway I’d like to go the forest if I can.

26. Describe your favorite room. Explain why you like this room most.

My favorite room at my place is my bedroom.

You see, out of my window, the blue sea is lying there. Every morning when I get up,

I open the window to let the fresh sea breeze ventilates the room and enjoy the

magnificent view.

Also I can do homework and study more efficiently in my bedroom. Because it’s a

private room, so I can focus on my study here without any distractions. Homework

that I have to spend 2 hours in library only takes me 1 hour in my bedroom.

27. In your opinion, What qualities should a leader have? Give specific reasons


support your opinion.

Well, first of all, I think, a good leader should be encouraging enough.

For example, I had a boss, Jason, who used to say,

know yo

u can do it well” whenever I was not confident enough with my job. With his

encouragement I was so successful in my job and became a team leader in 6 months.

Also, I believe a good leader should set good examples for all team-members. I

remember my boss Jason used to work harder than any of us who were working with

him in a team, even though he was the boss. We were so moved by what he did, and

everybody followed his suit. So we were the most efficient team.

28. When choosing a friend which of the following qualities you value most:

honesty, loyalty, or sense of humor?

In my point of view, I like to stay with an loyal friend. Loyalty means always being

honest with their friends and staying right beside them when they fail down.

I’d love to talk about Tom, we’d been good friends since we were kids. Once I was

supposed to bring my lunch to school, Tom immediately took out his lunch and gave

it to me.

Besides he is always the first one to point out my weaknesses directly. Thanks for his

straight forwardness, I made quite a progress. I really appreciate his loyalty and treat

him like my lifelong friend.

29 Which do you like to read, magazines, novels or poems? And why?

I like reading novels better than magazine, poetry or anything else for the following


First of all,

novels are always interesting, taking Harry Potter as an example.

Whenever I read it I can’t help but laughing all the time, releasing the pressure from

my study and have a peace of mind.

Also I believe this novel has opened a new world to me. The writer of Harry Potter

Joanne Rowling is such a good writer that her imagination has broadened my


Previously I knew very little about the world of wizards but now I have joined a group

of Harry Potter fans with whom I can have lots of discussions about Harry Potter

from time to time.

30. Describe a book that you think is the most useful and explain why it is the

most useful. Include reasons and examples to support your response.

I’m gonna talk about Harry Potter

First of all, I have learned tons of vocabularies and sentence structures of English

from it. Especially in the course of my preparation of TOEFL, I really use it as a

helpful tool to review those complicated words.

Also, sometimes I feel depressed and wanna give up, I turn to the story and gain some

courage. Yeah, the hero in the story protected the people he loved and reached the

final destination by great efforts.

In addition, I get used to reading a chapter of Harry Potter before go to bed, and it









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