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sink里根在复旦的演讲稿 英汉对照版 全

2021-01-28 21:03




Remarks at Fudan University in Shanghai, China

April 30, 1984

We've been in your country only 5 days, but already we've seen the wonders of a

lifetime -- the Great Wall of China, a structure so huge and marvelous that it can be

seen from space; the ancient city of Xi'an; and the Tomb of the Great Emperor and the

buried army that guards him still. These are the wonders of ages past. But today I

want to talk to you, the young people of a great university, about the future, about our

future together and how we can transform human life on this planet if we bring as

much wisdom and curiosity to each other as we bring to our scholarly pursuits.

I want to begin, though, with some greetings. I bring you greetings not only from my

countrymen but from one of your countrymen. Some of you know Ye Yang, who was

a student here. He graduated from Fudan and became a teacher of English at this

university. Now he is at Harvard University in the United States, where he is studying

for a doctorate in comparative literature.

My staff spoke to him before we left. Mr. Ye wants you to know he's doing fine. He's

working hard on his spring term papers, and his thoughts turn to you often. He asked

me to deliver a message to his former students, colleagues, friends, and family.


asked me to say for him, and I hope I can, ``Wo xiang nian da jia'' [I am thinking

of all of you].

He wants you to know that he looks forward to returning to Fudan to teach. And

President Xie, he said to tell you he misses your friendship and encouragement. And

Mr. Ye says you are a very great woman and a great educator. You will be proud to

know that he received straight A's last term.

And when we congratulated him, he

said, ``I have nothing to be proud of myself; I am so proud of my university.''

I'd like to say a few words about our China-U.S. educational exchange programs. It's

not entirely new, this exchanging of students. Your President Xie earned a degree

from Smith College in the United States. Smith is also my wife Nancy's alma mater.

And President Xie also attended MIT, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, one of

our greatest universities of science, engineering, and technology.

But in the past few years, our two countries have enjoyed an explosion in the number

of student exchanges. Five years ago you numbered your students studying abroad in

the hundreds. Since then, 20,000 Chinese scholars have studied throughout the world,

and more than half of them have come to American schools. More than 100 American

colleges and universities now have educational exchanges with nearly as many

Chinese institutions.

We have committed more resources to our Fulbright program in China than in any

other country. Two of the American professors teaching here at Fudan are Fulbright

professors. And there are 20 American students studying with you, and we're very

proud of them.

American students come to China to learn many things -- how you monitor and

predict earthquakes, how you've made such strides in researching the cause and

treatment of cancer. We have much to learn from you in neurosurgery and in your use

of herbs in medicine. And we welcome the chance to study your language, your

history, and your society.

You, in turn, have shown that you're eager to learn, to come to American schools and

study electronics and computer sciences, math and engineering, physics, management,

and the humanities. We have much to share in these fields, and we're eager to benefit

from your curiosity. Much of this sharing is recent, only 5 years old. But the areas of

our mutual cooperation continue to expand. We've already agreed to cooperate more

closely in trade, technology, investment, and exchanges of scientific and managerial

expertise. And we have just concluded an important agreement to help advance our

technological and economic development through the peaceful use of nuclear energy.

That term ``peaceful use of nuclear energy'' is key. Our agreement rests upon

important principles of nonproliferation. Neither of our countries will encourage

nuclear proliferation nor assist any other country to acquire or develop any nuclear

explosive device.

We live in a troubled world, and the United States and China, as two great nations,

share a special responsibility to help reduce the risks of war. We both agree that there

can be only one sane policy to preserve our precious civilization in this modern age:

A nuclear war cannot be won and must never be fought. And no matter how great the

obstacles may seem, we must never stop our efforts to reduce the weapons of war. We

must never stop at all until we see the day when nuclear arms have been banished

from the face of this Earth.

With peaceful cooperation as our guide, the possibilities for future progress are great.

For example, we look forward to exploring with China the possibilities of cooperating

in the development of space on behalf of our fellow citizens.

Our astronauts have found that by working in the zero gravity environment of space,

we will be able to manufacture life-saving medicines with far greater purity and

efficiency, medicines that will treat diseases of heart attack and stroke that afflict

millions of us. We will learn how to manufacture Factor 8, a rare and expensive

medicine used to treat hemophiliacs. We can research the Beta Cell, which produces

insulin, and which could provide mankind's first permanent cure for diabetes.

New satellites can be launched for use in navigation, weather forecasting,

broadcasting, and computer technology. We already have the technology to make the

extraordinary commonplace. We hope to see the day when a Chinese scientist

working out an engineering problem in Fudan will be able to hook into the help of a

scientist at a computer at MIT. And the scientist in Boston will be able to call on the

expertise of the scientist in Shanghai, and all of it in a matter of seconds.

My young friends, this is the way of the future. By pooling our talents and resources,

we can make space a new frontier of peace.

Your government's policy of forging closer ties in the free exchange of knowledge has

not only enlivened your economy, it has opened the way to a new convergence of

Chinese and American interests. You have opened the door, and let me assure you

that ours is also open.

Now, all of this is particularly exciting in light of the recent history of our two

countries. For many years, there was no closeness between us. The silence took its toll.

A dozen years ago, it began to change. Together, we made it change. And now in the

past 5 years, your policy of opening to the outside world has helped us begin to know

each other better than we ever had before.

But that process has just begun. To many Americans, China is still a faraway place,

unknown, unseen, and fascinating. And we are fascinated. [Laughter]

I wonder if you're aware of the many ways China has touched American life? The

signs of your influence and success abound. If I were spending this afternoon in

Washington, I might look out the window and see a man and woman strolling along

Pennsylvania Avenue wearing Chinese silk. They might be on their way to our

National Portrait Gallery to see the Chinese art exhibit. And from there, perhaps they

would stroll to our National Gallery to see the new building designed by the Chinese

American architect, I.M. Pei. After that, they might end their day dining in a

restaurant that serves Chinese cuisine. [Laughter]

We associate China with vitality, enormous vitality, and something that doesn't

always go along with that -- subtlety, the subtlety of discerning and intelligent minds.

Premier Zhao saw something of the American attitude toward China when he visited

us in January.

He said after a few days in our country that he never expected such

profound feelings of friendship among the American people for the Chinese


Well, let me say, I'm happy to return the compliment. I have found the people of

China to be just as warm and friendly toward us, and it's made us very glad.

But meeting you and talking to you has only made me want to know more. And I

sense that you feel the same way about Americans. You, too, wish to know more.

I would like to tell you something about us, and also share something of my own


First of all, America is really many Americas. We call ourselves a nation of

immigrants, and that's truly what we are. We have drawn people from every corner of

the Earth. We're composed of virtually every race and religion, and not in small

numbers, but large. We have a statue in New York Harbor that speaks of this, a statue

of a woman holding a torch of welcome to those who enter our country to become

Americans. She has greeted millions upon millions of immigrants to our country. She

welcomes them still. She represents our open door.

All of the immigrants who came to us brought their own music, literature, customs,

and ideas. And the marvelous thing, a thing of which we're proud, is they did not have

to relinquish these things in order to fit in. In fact, what they brought to America

became American. And this diversity has more than enriched us; it has literally

shaped us.

This tradition -- the tradition of new immigrants adding to the sum total of what we

are -- is not a thing of the past. New immigrants are still bringing their talents and

improving the quality of American life. Let me name a few -- I think you'll know their


In America, Wang computers have become a fixture in offices throughout the country.

They are the product of the energy and brilliance of Mr. An Wang, who himself is the

product of a Shanghai university.

The faces of our cities shine with the gleaming buildings of

Mr. I.M. Pei,

who first

became interested in architecture as a student here in Shanghai.

What we know of the universe and the fundamental nature of matter has been

expanded by t

he Nobel Prize winning scientist, Dr. Lee Tsung- Dao,

who was born

in Shanghai.

We admire these men; we honor them; and we salute you for what you gave them that

helped make them great.

Sometimes in America, some of our people may disagree with each other. We are

often a highly disputatious nation. We rather like to argue. We are free to disagree

among ourselves, and we do. But we always hold together as a society. We've held

together for more than 200 years, because we're united by certain things in which we

all believe, things to which we've quietly pledged our deepest loyalties. I draw your

special attention to what I'm about to say, because it's so important to an

understanding of my country.

We believe in the dignity of each man, woman, and child. Our entire system is

founded on an appreciation of the special genius of each individual, and of his special

right to make his own decisions and lead his own life.

We believe -- and we believe it so deeply that Americans know these words by heart

-- we believe ``that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator

with certain unalienable Rights, that among those are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of

Happiness.'' Take an American student or teacher aside later today and ask if he or she

hasn't committed those words to memory. They are from the document by which we

created our nation, the Declaration of Independence.

We elect our government by the vote of the people. That is how we choose our

Congress and our President.

We say of our country, ``Here the People Rule,''

and it

is so.

Let me tell you something of the American character. You might think that with such

a varied nation there couldn't be one character, but in many fundamental ways there


We are a fair-minded people. We're taught not to take what belongs to others. Many

of us, as I said, are the children and grandchildren and great-grandchildren of

immigrants, and from them we learned something of hard labor. As a nation we toiled

up from poverty, and no people on Earth are more worthy to be trusted than those

who have worked hard for what they have. None is less inclined to take what is not


We're idealists. Americans love freedom, and we've fought and died to protect the

freedom of others. When the armies of fascism swept Europe four decades ago, the

American people fought at great cost to defend the countries under assault.

When the armies of fascism swept Asia, we fought with you to stop them. And some

of you listening today remember those days, remember when our General Jimmy

Doolittle and his squadron came halfway around the world to help. Some of those

pilots landed in China. You remember those brave young men. You hid them and

cared for them and bound up their wounds. You saved many of their lives.

When the Second World War was won, the United States voluntarily withdrew from

the faraway places in which we had fought. We kept no permanent armies of

occupation. We didn't take an inch of territory, nor do we occupy one today. Our

record of respect for the freedom and independence of others is clear.

We're a compassionate people. When the war ended we helped rebuild our allies --

and our enemies as well. We did this because we wanted to help the innocent victims

of bad governments and bad policies, and because, if they prospered, peace would be

more secure.

We're an optimistic people. Like you, we inherited a vast land of endless skies, tall

mountains, rich fields, and open prairies. It made us see the possibilities in everything.

It made us hopeful. And we devised an economic system that rewarded individual

effort, that gave us good reason for hope.

We love peace. We hate war. We think -- and always have -- that war is a great sin, a

woeful waste. We wish to be at peace with our neighbors. We want to live in harmony

with friends.

There is one other part of our national character I wish to speak of. Religion and faith

are very important to us. We're a nation of many religions. But most Americans

derive their religious belief from the Bible of Moses, who delivered a people from


the Bible of Jesus Christ, who told us to love thy neighbor as thyself, to

do unto your neighbor as you would have him do unto you.

And this, too, has formed us. It's why we wish well for others. It's why it grieves us

when we hear of people who cannot live up to their full potential and who cannot live

in peace.

We invite you to know us. That is the beginning of friendship between people. And

friendship between people is the basis for friendship between governments.

The silence between our governments has ended. In the past 12 years, our people have

become reacquainted, and now our relationship is maturing. And we're at the point

where we can build the basis for a lasting friendship.

Now, you know, as I do, that there's much that naturally divides us: time and space,

different languages and values, different cultures and histories, and political systems

that are fundamentally different. It would be foolish not to acknowledge these

differences. There's no point in hiding the truth for the sake of a friendship, for a

friendship based on fiction will not long withstand the rigors of this world.

But let us, for a moment, put aside the words that name our differences and think what

we have in common. We are two great and huge nations on opposite sides of the

globe. We are both countries of great vitality and strength. You are the most populous

country on Earth; we are the most technologically developed. Each of us holds a

special weight in our respective sides of the world.

There exists between us a kind of equipoise. Those of you who are engineering

students will perhaps appreciate that term. It speaks of a fine and special balance.

Already there are some political concerns that align us, and there are some important

questions on which we both agree. Both the United States and China oppose the brutal

and illegal occupation of Kampuchea. Both the United States and China have stood

together in condemning the evil and unlawful invasion of Afghanistan. Both the

United States and China now share a stake in preserving peace on the Korean

Peninsula, and we share a stake in preserving peace in this area of the world.

Neither of us is an expansionist power. We do not desire your land, nor you ours. We

do not challenge your borders. We do not provoke your anxieties. In fact, both the

United States and China are forced to arm themselves against those who do.

The United States is now undertaking a major strengthening of our defenses. It's an

expensive effort, but we make it to protect the peace, knowing that a strong America

is a safeguard for the independece and peace of others.

Both the United States and China are rich in human resources and human talent. What

wonders lie before us if we practice the advice,

Tong Li He Zuo -- Connect strength,

and work together.

Over the past 12 years, American and Chinese leaders have met frequently to discuss

a host of issues. Often we have found agreement, but even when we have not, we've

gained insight into each other, and we've learned to appreciate the other's perspectives

on the world.

This process will continue, and it will flourish if we remember certain things. We

must neither ignore our problems nor overstate them. We must never exaggerate our

difficulties or send alarms for small reasons. We must remember that it is a delicate

thing to oppose the wishes of a friend, and when we're forced to do so, we must be

understanding with each other.

I hope that when history looks back upon this new chapter in our relationship, these

will be remembered as days when America and China accepted the challenge to

strengthen the ties that bind us, to cooperate for greater prosperity among our people,

and to strive for a more secure and just peace in the world.

You, the students at Fudan University, and the scholars at all the universities in China

and America have a great role to play in both our countries' futures. From your ranks

will come the understanding and skill the world will require in decades to come.

Today's leaders can pave the way of the future. That is our responsibility. But it is

always the younger generation who will make the future. It is you who will decide if a

continuing, personal friendship can span the generations and the differences that

divide us. In such friendship lies the hope of the world.

When he was a very young man, Zhou Enlai wrote a poem for a schoolmate who was

leaving to study abroad. Zhou appreciated the responsibilities that separated them, but









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