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2021-01-19 04:53
tags:考研英语写作, 研究生入学考试, 高等教育


也重要) do so many Americans distrust what they read in their newspapers? The
American Society of Newspaper Editors is trying to answer this painful
question.(看来不是那么容易回答的,那下文就有内容可写了)The organization is
deep into a long self-analysis known as the journalism credibility project.(引
主题依然是要回答 开头的问题。)

Sad to say,(有份量的用语)this project has turned out to be mostly low-level
findings about factual errors and spelling and grammar mistakes, combined with
lots of head- scratching puzzlement about what in the world those readers really

But(要谈实质了)the sources of distrust(不信任的根源)go way deeper(注意比
较级的含义:不信任的根源远不是上面那么肤浅,而是更深,到底怎么样 呢?作者要谈
自己的分析了). Most journalists learn to see the world through a set of standard
templates (patterns) into which they plug each day’s events. In other words,(因
为前面内容重要,怕你理解不了,或者没有说透,所以才变着花样 再说一遍)there is a
conventional story line in the newsroom culture that provides a backbone and
a ready-made narrative structure for otherwise confusing news.(先谈了standard

There exists a social and cultural disconnect between journalists and their
readers, which helps explain why the ‘standard templates’ of the newsroom seem
alien to many readers.(围绕standard templates进一步展开)In a recent survey,
questionnaires were sent to reporters in five middle-size cities around the
country, plus one large metropolitan area. Then residents in these communities
were phoned at random and asked the same questions.(注意把握论证过程)

Replies show that compared with other Americans, journalists are more likely
to live in upscale neighborhoods, have maids, own Mercedeses, and trade stocks,
and they’re less likely to go to church, do volunteer work, or put down roots(能
推测出意思吗?)in a community.(上一段提出问卷调查,本段展示结果)

Reporters tend to be part of a broadly defined social and cultural elite,
so their work tends to reflect the conventional values of this elite. The
astonishing distrust of the news media isn’t rooted in inaccuracy or poor
reportorial skills but in the daily clash of world views between reporters and
their readers.(这便是问卷调查的结论)

This(不可小看这个代词,它承上启下)is an explosive situation for any
industry, particularly(重点词)a declining one. Here is a troubled business that
keeps hiring employees whose attitudes vastly annoy the customers. Then (什
么作用?)it sponsors lots of symposiums and a credibility project dedicated to
wondering why customers are annoyed and fleeing in large numbers. But(重要处)it
never seems to get around to noticing the cultural and class biases that so many
former buyers are complaining about. If it did,(虚拟语气的作用)it would open
up its diversity program, now focused narrowly on race and gender, and look for
reporters who differ broadly by outlook, values, education, and class.(有总

1.我一下船就让一个人给缠住了,他向我兜销一枚钻戒。(I had no sooner got off
the ship than I was assailed by a man who wanted to sell me a diamond ring.)

2.我无意要买钻戒,但我无法掩饰自己还是被钻石的个头给吸引住了。(I had no
intention of buying one, but I could not conceal the fact that I was impressed
by the size of the diamond.)

3.我们走经一家路边的商店时,他拿起 一块钻石,紧紧地按在窗户上,在玻璃上划
出了一道很深的印痕。(As we were walking past a shop, he held a diamond firmly
against the window and made a deep impression in the glass.)

4.下一个走向我的人是卖贵重钢笔和手表的。(The next man to approach me was
selling expensive pens and watches.)

5.我仔细查看了其中的一支钢笔,看起来的确 像是真的。在金笔帽的底部整齐地刻
着“美国造”字样。(I examined one of the pens closely. It certainly looked genuine.
At the base of the gold cap, the words ‘Made in USA’ were neatly inscribed.)

6.这人讲这支笔值50英镑,但算我面子大,只需30镑便可拿走。(The man said that
the pen was worth 50 pounds, but as a special favor, he would let me have it
for 30 pounds.)

7.我摇了摇头,伸出了五个手指,意思是我只愿意付5英镑。(I shook my head and
held up five fingers indicating that I was willing to pay 5 pounds.)

一般。但他最终还是把价格降到了10英镑。(Gesticulating wildly, the man acted as
if he found my offer outrageous, but he eventually reduced the price to 10

笔塞到了我的手里面。(Shrugging my shoulders, I began to walk away when, a moment
later, he ran after me and thrust the pen into my hands.)

10.虽然他绝望地 不停地向空中甩着胳膊,然而还是很欣然地接过了我给他的那5
英镑。(Though he kept throwing up his arms in despair, he readily accepted the
5 pounds that I gave him.)

了。无论我 怎么摆弄,就是没办法将这支漂亮的笔灌上墨水。时至今日,它还没写出过
一个字呢。(I was especially pleased with my wonderful bargain—until I got back
to the ship. No matter how hard I tried, it was impossible to fill this beautiful
pen with ink and to this day, it has never written a single word! )

12.首先,沉湎于过去是无意义的。(First of all, it is futile to dwell on the

Passage 1:
French are elegant people.(此话非常概括,是“帅才”,所以会统领一只队伍) They are
artists in everyday life, having a very good taste in everything. They don’t like
American tourists wearing jeans to go into their luxurious and exquisite five-star
restaurants, so one of the restaurants put a notice outside its front door. It read
‘No trousers, please!’(读完了,感觉是个很具体的例子,对吗?)

A gourmet coffee was sold in Tokyo as an antidote to stress. Its name supposedly
meant to people that it would soothe the troubled breast, yet when it was printed
in English, it turned out to be ‘Ease Your Bosoms.’(又是一个例子,我们开始揣摩:

Swedes started a promotion stunt to promote the sales of their vacuum cleaner named
Electro. Their original ad slogan was translated as ‘Nothing sucks like Electro.’

The selling of Chevrolet was very bad in South America. And the reason? The
translation of this brand sounds like ‘no va’—which means ‘It doesn’t go’ in

When Pepsi- cola invaded the huge Chinese and German markets, the efforts initially
fizzled. The product’s slogan, ‘Come alive with the Pepsi generation’, was
rendered into German as ‘come out of the grave with Pepsi’. Coca-Cola also
discovered something had gone wrong in Taiwan. The Chinese characters chosen for
the world-famous product sound like its name means ‘Bite the Wax Tadpole.’(依

A pliers company’s slogan ‘Turn it loose’ became, in Spanish, equivalent to
‘suffer from diarrhea.’ A company translated its sticky tape slogan into Japanese
and came up with a sticky problem. The slogan ‘Sticks like crazy’ became literally
‘it sticks foolishly’ in Japanese.(更多的例子!如果没有目的,那是不可能的!)

A tonic product in China is made of royal jelly and is supposed to be very effective
for some chronic diseases. Yet it was translated as ‘oral liquid’, which means
‘saliva’ in English. In the brochure, it was described in this way: ‘it tastes
like medicine’, when the language in the original meant to use it as a food

Even the wrong nonverbal cue can bring havoc to a product.(此话也是“帅才”) A baby
food company initially packaged their African products just the same as in the US
—with a cute baby picture on the jar. They didn’t realize that because so many
Africans cannot read, nearly all packaged products sold in Africa carry pictures
of what is inside. Pureed baby! How horrible!(例子越举越厉害了,看来是要举到头了!)

In an Asian city, where traffic is really very bad, to secure people’s safety, the
municipal government has built underground passageways. Pedestrians are asked to
use them whenever they need to cross the main street. A sign was posted once on the
roadside, pointing to the entrance to an underground passageway, intending to notify
English-speaking passengers, ‘Go Und erground’.(眼睛的余光已经看到全篇的结束了,
所以,这肯定是最后一个例子啦!同时,马 上也就要看到作者想说明什么问题啦!)

We chuckled at such clumsy translations.(比较概括,“帅才”,那为什么忍不住要笑呢?
下面的解 释就必然是作者的写作意图了)Is there anything wrong in the language? We must
be aware that few words and idioms can be literally translated. It’s best to hire
the best for translation. Don’t take it for granted that as long as one speaks a
little English, he is autonomously able to do the translation. It takes a while to
learn to be a good translator.(就是它!千呼万唤使出来!)


在句、段、篇三者中, 句型结构是学生平时接触最多的,几乎中学教学的每一堂课,每
一项练习都或多或少接触到句型的运用和 理解,但是在英语写作过程中,学生往往只考虑意
思,对语言本身却顾不过来,小错误比比皆是。因此在 写作教学中,首先应当加强英语句型
运用的练习。可以采用连词成句和简单句合并复合句的训练,来强化 学生运用各类句型的能

短文写作中,段落可以 分成两种类型,一种是描述性的,另一种则是议论性的。描述性
段落是根据题目所给出的内容,包括图画 、图表等,发挥自己的想象力,对某一现象或事件
进行一定的描写。写好这种段落的前提是要对所提供的 材料进行仔细观察,抓住其中的重点
和必要的细节,将这些内容用适当的语法和句型表达出来。在表达过 程中,应当注意事件发
生的时间先后或者某一现象的发展趋势。议论性的段落几乎在每篇作文中都要碰到 ,即使在
展开这一 主题。最常见的段落结构是一个中心句和数个支撑句,这种结构在英语阅读理解的
练习中也往往可以见到 。中心句通常出现在段首,有时也可放在段落末尾或中间,但对于英
语写作能力尚不完善的高中学生来说 ,将中心句放在段落开始的方法比较容易把握。有了中
心句,再加上几个支撑句就构成了一个段落,写支 撑句时,要注意在句与句之间运用恰当的

语篇的结构就是一篇文章的框架,合理构思和合理安排每一段落,既要使每 一段落都服
务于文章的中心,维护文章的整体性,又要使每一段落分别阐述一个问题,保持相对的独立< br>性。在每次短文写作之前,第一步就应当确定整个篇章的结构。高考(Q吧)的作文一般需要
考生 先将某一事件或现象表达清楚,然后对此发表自己的观点和看法,近来又出现了纯粹要
求考生表达观点的 文章,如2001年全国高考中要求考生谈论轿车进入家庭的影响。对于前
一类文章,可将其分为两个部 分,其一是描述性部分,主要对所提供的内容加以叙述,其二
是议论部分,对前一部分的内容发表自己的 观点;对于后一类文章可以把整篇文章分成三个
部分,即开端,主体和结尾。一开头立刻提出自己的观点 ,并简单扼要地列出支持观点的两
到三个理由。这样,在主体部分里,每一段落就是每个理由的进一步阐 述。最后在结尾部分
中,再总结一下整篇文章的观点,同文章开头呼应。但应当注意的是,结尾部分不应 当是机

1.频繁争执不利于婚姻幸福。(Constant arguing doesn’t make for a happy marriage.)
2.文化交流有助于相互了解。(Cultural exchanges make for/are beneficial to/are
conducive to mutual understanding.)
3.我认为我们可以和他们做生意,但在做出任何举动之前我们需 要派个人去进一步摸摸情况。
(I think we can do business with them, but we need to send someone to spy out the
land before any further step is taken.)
4.银行结算单使你清楚你的钱是怎么花的。(Bank statements help you keep track of where
your money is going.)
5.我可以听到他们在压低了声音说话,但听不清他们在说些什么。(I could hear them
talking in very low voice, but I can’t make out what they are talking.)
6.他颇带讽刺地冲我笑了一下,这使我真的很不舒服。(He cast me a sarcastic smile which
made me really uncomfortable.)
7.‘你认为我们的电脑在夜里这么晚了还喜欢工作吗?就我所知 ,它想睡觉了。’我讽刺地
对还在打电脑游戏的儿子说道。(‘Do you think our computer enjoys working at such a
late hour of the night? I think, to the best of my knowledge, it wants to go to bed’
I said sarcastically to my son who was still playing computer games.)
自由的象 征。(Ever since then, the great monument has been a symbol of liberty for
the millions of people who have passed through New York Harbor to make their homes
in America.)
9.他跟别人说话总喜欢带一种教训人的语气。(He likes to speak to others in an
instructive tone.)
10.全世界都屏息而待,看哪个城市会赢得2010年世博会的承办权。(All the world held its
breath to see which city would win the right to host the 2010 World Exposition.)
11.赛跑运动员们脚尖抵着起跑线准备起跑。(The runners toed the line, ready to start.)
12.建议漂亮女性与自己的男性上司保持一定距离。(It is suggested that beautiful
females should keep their male bosses at arm’s length.)
13.我想提醒我们中那些说的多做的少的人,你们的职位不可能永远为你们保留着。(I want
to remind those among us who say a lot but do very little that your positions cannot
be kept for you forever.)
14.映入眼帘的景象使我不禁倒吸一口凉气。(I gasped with shock at the scene coming into
my eyes.)
15.哨声响起时我们的足球队正在做最后的挣扎//拼搏。(Our football team are at their
last gasp when the whistle went.)
16.她听到那消息后大惊失色。(She paled with shock at the news.)
17.那个问题比较起我们正在讨论的这一个来就显得无足轻重了。(That issue pales into
insignificance beside the one we are discussing now.)
18.我现在心绪烦乱如麻。(I’m in a confused state of mind.)
19.多好的机会呀,可让我给搞砸了。(It was such a good opportunity, but I messed it
20.一丝淡淡的笑容从她脸上掠过。(A faint smile drifted across her face.)


Passage 1:
It is common knowledge that forecasting is an attempt by meteorologists to determine
what weather will be like in the future. Hindcasting is the opposite of forecasting,
an attempt to determine what weather was like in the past. Meteorologists wish that
records of weather had been kept in full for at least a few millennia, but it has
been only in the last century that detailed records of the weather have been kept.
Thus, meteorologists need to hindcast the weather, and they do so by using all sorts
of information from other fields as diverse as archeology, botany, geology,
literature, and art. These pieces of information from other fields that are used
as a basis for drawing conclusions about what the weather must have been like at
some point in the past are called proxies.

Passage 2:
The Sahara is a massive desert, the world’s largest, in fact. It is approximately
equal in size to the United States and covers more than 9 million square kilometers.
It is more than 5,500 kilometers from east to west and 2,000 kilometers from north
to south.

The Sahara has a very dry climate. The average annual rainfall is not even 10
centimeters, and may areas receive less that 2 centimeters per year. In the very









本文更新与2021-01-19 04:53,由作者提供,不代表本网站立场,转载请注明出处:https://www.bjmy2z.cn/gaokao/530603.html
