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2021-01-19 03:50
tags:颜色词, 文化差异, 其它语言学习


The cultural differences of color words between English and ChineseTranslation

Abstract: Red, white, black three color words have similarities in associative meaning,
Chinese culture and Western culture in the symbolic meaning and semantics, and there
are also differences, with the common, confusing phrases and idioms translation, let
people know the importance of color words in English and Chinese in two cultures.
Keywords: color words; symbolic meaning; cultural difference; idiom
Color is closely related with human life, we every hour and moment is not in dealing
with color. Represents various color words embody national cultural features of English
and Chinese culture is different, the performance of different national
significant cultural stigma. The same color words often contain different symbolic
significance. Therefore, correctly grasp the deep meaning of color words in the two
languages and the correct translation, master the vocabulary and idioms in the English
language, has a role can not be ignored in cross-cultural communication.
This paper focuses on three color words: red (red), white (white), black (black), it is in
the two languages of English and Chinese language and culture differences be explained,
and some common translation and confusable vocabulary and idioms, for English
Whether in China or in western countries, often live with festive red Move on, but in China
the symbolic meanings of red more strongly. Red symbolizes celebration, successful,
thriving, warm, such as
in red, the bride wearing red clothes, cover red hijab, a red candle, with red hi word, a
faction be bursting with happiness.
In the Anglo-American countries, the bride
dressed in white wedding dress, wearing a white wedding dress.

for in British and American culture,

bloodshed. Red in China is also a symbol of revolution, such as
beltactivitiesChinese also refers to people who favor or boss, such as
A joint- stock enterprises at the end of the year profits distributed to
shareholders in economic terms, such as While in English refers to
economic or business often have
Red refers to the color, has the same meaning in English and Chinese, refer to the

traffic, with
1. And
1) 红白喜事———weddings and funerals
China known as the wedding for weddings, funerals for the funeral, and
Anglo-American countries marriage funeral custom is different, So it should not be directly
translated into
2) 红娘———go- between/match- maker
Yuan drama West Chamberheroine. Yingying's maid, she
contributed to urge YingYing and Zhang Sheng binding, then folk is known as

3) 红粉; 红颜———a young beauty
Both the beauty, corresponding to the English
often have
translation, avoid direct translation of color. For example,

红颜薄命译为“a beautiful girl
has an unfortunate life”。
4)《红楼梦》———The Story of the Stone

dream of Red Mansionsalso known as A dream of Red Mansions in
Chinese refers to the magnificent buildings, the old often refers to a rich woman. Many
people directly translated into British translator
David Hawks in translation is not to take the literal translation, but taking into account the


5)红本———memorials to the throne read and written in red by Chinese emperors
The Ming Dynasty eunuch Liu Jin dictatorship, the memorial has two copies, a name
for the emperor's white, a fine-sounding name red this to Liu Jin, but later until the Qing
Dynasty, almost by Emperor Zhupi is red. Such as take the words too literally, directly
translated into
cover for the red book, and misunderstand the meaning.
6) 红尘———the world of mortals; human society
Buddhism, Taoism and other known world to red, so in the translation should be the
translation of the true meaning of.
7) 红豆———love pea
Wang Wei
Take home an armful, for my sake, as a symbol of our love. In China, red is used to
symbolize love or love, so in the translation should adopt free translation can play a vivid
8)满堂红———all- round victory; success in every field
In the translation of this phrase should adopt free translation, translation of red in
Chinese means
9) 红榜———honour roll
In the translation of

10) 红利———extra dividend; bonus
Chinese in the

11) 红运———good luck

12) 红糖———brown sugar
Here the
and Chinese color misalignment.
13) 红茶———black tea
14) 红得发紫———extremely popular
The word
literal translation and free translation, color, in order to reach to a proper extent to express the true
meaning of the word.
15) 又红又专———both socialist- minded and vocationally proficient

should be the translation of the Chinese characteristics.

2. And
1) be in the red———亏损; 赤字
In English not only means color, with in terms of economic or
translator should grasp the correct meaning of the word, in order to avoid mistranslation.
2) red- ball———(美俚)货运快车;铁路特快货车
ballnot a Chinese but namely the express freight train;
railway express freight.
3) red ink———赤字; 亏损; 亏空状态

red ink balance, interpreted as

The company went
into red ink last year.

( 去年那家公司处于亏空状态。)
4) red- blooded———精力充沛的; 健壮的; (作品)充满紧张情节的
Although the
bleeding. For example: Tom is a red- blooded American boy.(汤姆是个精力充沛的美国男

5) roll out the red carpet———表示热忱而隆重的欢迎和接待
The English
extension of the said warmly and grand welcome and reception. For example:

We rolled
out the carpet for the President of the United States when he visited our country.( 美国总
统访问我国时, 我们以隆重的礼仪欢迎他。)
6) see red———火冒三丈; 气得要命
The translation must not take the words too literally understanding of
word is derived from the Spanish Matador with red cloth provoke bulls to madness, we
used an analogy to

I see red whenever I hear that man' s name.(我一听到那人的名字, 便火冒三丈。)
7) red eye———廉价、质劣的威士忌

poor quality of the source whiskey, whisky on the people, the eyes will be redness. For

We drank a lot of red eye when I was in college.(在大学念书的时候, 我们喝了许
8) red- handed———在犯罪现场被捕
Whether in English or Chinese, red has the meaning of
murderer bloodstained hands called
red- handed, the gun still in his hand.(杀人犯当场被捕了, 枪还抓在他手里。)
9) red- letter day———值得纪念的/有特殊意义的/喜庆的日子
Whether in China or in western countries, holiday or Sunday, calendar the date on are
printed on the red, a happy happy day.

It was one of the red- letter days of my life.(这
10) red- pencil———修改; 校订; 检查; 删除
Much of the truth about the massacre was red- pencilled.
( 关于屠杀的真相大部分经审查删剪了。)
11) paint the town red———( 俚语) 饮酒作乐; 狂欢庆祝
They decided they would paint the town red after winning so much money by gambing on
the horses.
( 赌马赢得了那么多钱, 他们决定狂欢庆祝一下。)
12) red tape———繁文缛节; 拖拉费时的繁琐手续

red tape.( 他能避开官僚的繁文缛节把事情迅速办好。)
13) red flag———(用作危险信号或停止信号的)示警红旗; 易爆危险品旗; 激怒因素; 引人
In Chinese,
advanced, but
means. For example: When your mother raises her voice, remember it is always a red flag
and you' d better shut your mouth.(当你妈妈提高嗓门时, 记得那是危险信号, 你最好少说
14) red herring———转移注意力的东西或话题
Mentioning adult education in a discussion on decolonization is a complete red
(在讨论非殖民化时谈成人教育, 这全是转移注意力的闲扯。)
15) red cap———红帽子; 搬运工

railway station

When I arrived at the airport, a red cap helped me with my
heavy luggage.(当我到达机场时, 一名搬运工来帮我提沉重的行李。)


Chinese traditional culture is heavy red bogey white, white and death, the funeral
linked, such as The traditional funeral in
white tone, with white to mourn. And in the Anglo-American culture, stands for
meaning. As Chinese
traditional heavy red, British and American wedding in white color, the bride wore a white









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