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2021-01-18 13:45
tags:少儿英语, 幼儿教育




-i am afraid there's no eas anser to that one
-es, that's a ver good point.
-perhaps e ould leave that point until the questions at
the end of the presentation
-i think i said that i ould anser questions at the end of
the presentation ---perhaps ou ouldn't mind aiting until then.
-i think e have time for just one more question
人才招聘会上成功的10大秘诀these items to our morning
toilette. it's alas better to err on the side of aution and
be more onservative than less and a notebook. bring to pens--
just in ase.
5. get enough rest. 休息好
get a good night's sleep so ou're rested and energized
for the fair. eat a good meal before ou go to prevent tumm
grumbles hile ou hat.
6. do our homeork. 做好应聘准备
hek out the ebsites of the partiipating panies so ou're
familiar ith them and hat the are looking for, if possible.
7. arrive earl.
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areer fairs attrat hundreds, some times thousands of
people. get there earl, grab the diretor, and plan our attak.
8. start in the bak. 反其道而行之
man people get stuk in the stampede at the front. make
our a to the bak here there are representatives aiting for
someone to appear.
9. pik up literature and a business ard. 拿宣传品和商务名

take literature ou kno ou'll read from panies ou're
interested in. otherise our arm ill ahe arring around all
that stuff. don't forget a business ard so ou an follo up ith
the reruiter later. rite don on the bak some notes about our
10. sho our interest. 表现你的兴趣
give a firm handshake and smile ith ee ontat. that's a
great first impression that shos onfidene. ask questions.
nothing is more boring than a one-sided
onversation. send a thank-ou note. to make a real
impression, send it soon after the fair to the panies that
most piqued our interest. follo up. don't ait for
panies to all--all them first. set up informational
intervies or a pan tour.
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现代 社会最大的文化迷思我们不能改变。研究证明你可以变得更
加乐观,但是如果你优先考虑眼前的幸福,你 会收获额外的好处。
some people think if ou are happ, ou are blind to realit.
but hen e researh it, happiness atuall raises ever single
business and eduational oute for the brain. ho did e miss
this? h do e have these soietal misoneptions about happiness?
beause e assumed ou ere average.
hen e stud people, sientists are often interested in hat
the average is. if e stud hat is merel average, e ill remain
merel average.
man people think happiness is geneti. that's onl half the
beause the average person does not fight their genes. hen
e stop
studing the average and begin researhing positive
outliers -- people ho are above average for a positive
dimension like optimism or intelligene -- a ildl different
piture emerges. our dail deisions and habits have a huge
impat upon both our levels of happiness and suess.
sientifiall, happiness is a hoie. it is a hoie about here
our single proessor brain ill devote its finite resoures as
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ou proess the orld. if ou san for the negative first, our
brain literall has no resoures left over to see the things ou
are grateful for or the meaning embedded in our ork. but if
ou san the orld for the positive, ou start to reap an amazing
advantagestudies proving that happiness leads to long-term
quantifiable positive hange.
in a stud i performed on 1,600 harvard students in 201X,
i found that there as a 0.7 orrelation beteen pereived soial
support and happiness. this is higher than the onnetion
beteen smoking and aner. so if in the modern orld e give up
our soial netorks to ork XX from friends and follo elebrities
on titter, e are trading off ith our happiness and health.
folloing up, i sithed around the questions and asked ho
muh soial support emploees provided . the results ere off the
harts. those high on provision of soial support are 10 times
more engaged at ork and have a 40% higher likelihood of
promotion over the next four ears. in other ords, giving at
the offie gets ou more than reeiving.
the greatest ultural mth in modern soiet is that e annot
hange. m researh proves that ou an not onl bee more positive,
but if ou
prioritize happiness in the present, ou an reap an
extraordinar advantage.
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残疾人成才成功成名,要比健康人付出的代价更大 。克服的困难
对理想执着追 求的信念,崇尚崇高思想的境界及坚忍不拔的精神,是
对量子宇宙论的发展做出了 杰出贡献,著名的“黑洞理论”及
我要 感谢上帝,如果我不是残疾人,酒巴,舞厅就会留下我的脚
步。我残疾,少了许多社会繁杂事务,可以集 中时间思考问题。一语
1、残疾人成功的至要因素--有足够 时间思考问题。残疾人有足
而且社交歌厅舞厅酒场,应酬不暇; 上网聊天玩游戏、潇洒搓麻搞文
七零八落,什么都想做,到头来 什么都没有做好。而残疾人,因为残
的欲望被牢牢地限制住了。 残疾人做事就像一滴水,老在一个点滴个
不停,时间久了,竟把顽石穿透了。这就是水滴穿石的残疾人精 神。
康人也正是因为具有太大 的行动自由,使得时间随意的流逝。残疾人
没有办法使自己像健康人那样行动自由。霍金是一个神话,一 个当代
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最杰出的理论物理学家,一个科学巨人……他只是 一个坐着轮椅,挑
宙论的发 展做出了杰出的贡献。霍金获得1988年的沃尔夫物理奖。他
的成功是水滴穿石的残疾人精神最生动的 写照。
因此残疾人,更具有 野心。要将世间的不平等,彻底颠覆。残疾人的
器官异常灵敏。要和正常人那样承担起自己的社会责任, 为社会、为
事物和快乐。老 天关上了他明亮的眼睛,但却打开了他美好的心灵,
让它能够顽强的去创造属于自己的缤纷世界。看不见 的海伦·凯勒在
那美妙的音乐。但是,他的生活依然很 美好。他用心灵去感受大自
由勋章。是美国盲聋女作家和残 障教育家。哑巴王益芬,先天不会说
话,平日父母演戏,牢记在心,虽无人教授,但他每天起早贪黑练< br>功,常年不懈。艺成后,一鸣惊人,成为戏院里有名的武花脸,被戏
手 脚不便利的人,他不能轻松自如地像健全人一样做许多运动。
在常人眼里,健康人写一个字、画一幅画、 打一件毛衣,是那样简
也许 老天对他们有些不公平,但是他们没有就此放弃。他们用比常人
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