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2021-01-18 05:38
tags:英语口语, 英语学习, 外语学习


1、“玩弄某人于鼓掌之间”英语怎么说? twist/wind someone around
one's little finger, means to control someone, to get someone to do pretty
much anything,也就是可以让某人做任何事,能够影响控制一个人的
言行,如:Terry really fell for her. She can twist him around her little finger.
2、“心理阴影”英语怎么说? 心理阴影是指一个人因为惊吓、受伤
伤,个人觉得跟psych ological trauma 很接近。例如:How could I get over
psychological trauma from my last relationship. 我怎样才能从上次恋爱
3、“打小报告”“告状”英语怎么说? 地道口语:tell (sb.) on
someone,即告某人的状,打某人的小报告,例如:l broke the TV, please
don't tell Dad on me. 我把电视机弄坏了,拜托别向老爸揭发我。 You
gotta make it up to me, or I will tell your boss on you. 你得补偿我,不然
4、“装纯/装无知”“装无辜”英语怎么说? 我们可以用俚语:play
innocent, means to pretend to be innocent and not concerned;例如:
There's no need to play innocent. I know you broke my iPhone!不要装无
辜了,我知道你弄坏了我的iPhone。 Terry's playing innocent and he
knows everything.
我们可以这么说:1. What goes around comes around. 出来混迟早要还
的。2. Whatever you do has consequences/Everything you do has
consequences! 无论你做什么,都是有后果(报应)的。即:出来混总
6、“死胡同”英语怎么说? 地道表达:dead end,例如:My life has
hit a dead end. 我的生活进入了一个“死胡同”。I can't go on. I'm at a
dead end. 我无法继续下去了,我已经到了一个“死胡同”里了。
7、“拉肚子”英语怎么说? 口语中常用表达有:1. I've got the runs.
我拉肚子。 get the runs 或者have the runs都表示“拉肚子”;2. I've
had loose bowels for a week. 我拉肚子已经持续一周了。have loose
bowel即表示拉肚子; 3. I have/get diarrhea. 我拉肚子。
8、“我们渐行渐远”英语怎么说? We're drifting apart. 我们渐行渐
远。其中,drift apart, means to lose personal contact over time,也就是
我们常说的“疏远”,那么用进行时be drifting apart表示一种“渐行
9、“感同身受”英语怎么说? 我觉得可以这样说:1. I've been there
before. 我也有过类似经历。也就是对于你的感受,我感同身受。 2. I
know exactly how you feel. 我感同身受/我完完全全明白你什么感受。
10、【“拖后腿”英语怎么说?】我们可以这样说:drag someone/sth.
down或者pull someone/sth. down意思就是:拖某人/某事的后腿。例
如:That last test pulled my grade down. 最后一门考试拖了我成绩的后
腿。If you're not careful he'll end up dragging you down. 你若不小心点,
11、口语里超高频的一个词:lame,它的意思常用的有:1. boring, dull,
uninspired无聊的、无趣的、没劲的,例如: The party was so lame. 派
对真是无聊。He is lame. 他很无趣。2. unconvincing 站不住脚、没有
说服力,如:That is the lamest excuse I've ever heard. 这是我听到过的
12、“把某人拴在裤腰带上 ”是形容对某人管得很严,看得很紧,给
予某人很少的自由,用英语可以这么说:keep somebody on a tight/short
leash,例如:Terry can't go out with us much because his girlfriend keeps
him on a tight leash. Terry不能经常跟我们出去玩了因为他女朋友管得
13、【勾引调情吃豆腐】1. make a move是展开攻势,采取行动追求某
人;2. make a pass (at)是挑逗、勾引他人,也表示眉目传情;3. pick up
a girl是去猎艳,钓妹子;4. hit on someone是勾引或挑逗某人;5. come
on to对某人轻薄、吃某人豆腐;6. flirt with sb. 和某人调情、打情骂
14、“追某人”英语到底怎么说? 我们这么说:go after somebody或
chase after somebody;例如:I want to go after a girl I met in a bar. 我想
追一个在酒吧认识的女孩。He's chasing after my EX. 他在追我的前女
友。如果表示对某人展开攻势,开始采取行动追求某人则用make a
move on someone。
15、What? She said she loves me? It sounds too good to be true. 神马?她
说她爱我?听起来太不真实了/听起来几乎难以置信。 这里的俚语
too good to be true意思是so good as to be unbelievable; almost
者难以置信 。
男生很会说话, 嘴巴很甜,很会讨女生的欢心,这种人称之为smooth
talker/operator,例如:You're the most beautiful thing I've ever seen! --
That's smooth. 嘴巴挺甜的嘛。Terry's really a smooth talker. Terry真是
17、【食物中毒】名词,不可缩写(千万不要说 food
poison,人家会误会食物下了什么毒)。通常用 got,I got food poisoning
我食物中毒了。Did you get food poisoning? 或 gave,The curry gave me
food poisoning 咖喱食物中毒。Lots of street food will give you food
18、中文里的“更不用说...”有几种常见表达方式:1. not to speak of
sth.(非正式);2. not to mention;3. let alone someone or sth.;4. never
mind sth., means without considering sth.;5. to say nothing of someone or
sth., means not to even mention the importance of someone or sth.
19、【you too VS me too】有人搞不清楚这两者的区别,其实很简单:
1. you too=the same to you,you too是比较随意、比较口语化的表达,
当他人向你表达祝愿,你回敬他们可以直接说you too;2. me too=same
Same difference在口语里相当于it's the same thing; no difference at all,
也就是:还不都一样嘛!半斤对八两。如:Hey, what does it matter? Same
difference. 有什么关系嘛?还不都一样啊。They were married for forty
years, or was it thirty? Same difference - it was a long time anyway.
20、party pooper, a person whose behavior or personality spoils other
people's enjoyment,这个俚语就是形容那种“扫兴”的人,破坏气氛
的人;例如:He kept talking about the exams while we were having fun.
What a party pooper! 我们正玩得高兴呢他一个劲儿地说考试的事情,
21、【时尚口语】have been meaning to意思是have been wanting to do sth.
but still haven't done it即一直想做某事,但尚未行动,例如:I've been
meaning to call her. 我一直准备打电话给她的(但一直都还没打)。I've
been meaning to tell you about it. 我一直准备告诉你来着(但还未告诉
22、数学表达:加法:1) One and/plus two is(equal to) three. 2) If we add
two to/and three, we get five. 减法:1) Ten minus six is four. 2) Six (taken)
from ten is four.乘法:1) Three times four is twelve.2) Multiply 3 by 4 to
get 12. 除法:Four divided by two is/equals/makes two.
23、【关于数学的基本表达】1. no less than 大于等于;2. no more than
小于等于;3. is equal to 等于;4. round to/to the nearest 四舍五入;5. A
divided into B 即B/A,A divided by B 即A/B;6. The ratio of A to B
is ...A比B的比例是 ;7. be parallel to 平行于;8. be perpendicular to 垂
如何形容俩人吵架时“翻陈年旧帐”? 我们这么说:Bring up old
stuff. 翻陈年旧账,拿过去的事情来说事。例如:Why do girls always
bring up old stuff? 为毛女生老是翻陈年旧账啊? She always brings up
old stuff whenever we have a fight. 无论什么时候我们吵架,她都会拿陈
24、情感上的“将就”一般用settle for,例如:Would u ever settle for
someone you're not in love with but loves u? 你会不会迁就自己勉强选
择你不爱但是爱你的人?--Personally, I don't think I could ever settle for
someone I'm not in love with.
25、恋爱上的“主动”英语怎么说?一个词:forward,You should ask
him out. --Well, that seems kinda forward, don't u think? 这样似乎有点太
Why did I have to learn this stuff? It has never come in handy. 我为毛要
学这些玩意儿? 从来就没有派上过用场。
26、【各种企业】Co.=company 公司 ;Inc( 有限)公司 ;
corp.=corporation 公司; state-owned enterprise 国有企业; private
enterprise 私营企业; joint-venture 合资企业; multinational enterprise
跨国企业; joint- stock company股份制企业;foreign-invested enterprise
27、freeload蹭吃蹭喝占小便宜;freeloader 蹭吃蹭喝的人;例如:Why
don't you get a job and stop freeloading off your mom? 你干嘛不找个工
作别再向你老妈蹭吃蹭喝的了? Stop being a Freeloader, you piece of
shit! 另外,mooch也表示蹭吃蹭喝的人,mooch off of someone向某
28、“匆匆瞥了一眼”英语怎么说?我们可以这样来表达:throw a
glance at ( someone or something ), means to take a quick peek at
someone/something. 例如:I threw a glance at that beautiful girl to see
what she was going to do. 我匆匆瞥了一眼那个美女,看她准备干什么。
29、说自己不上相是: I don't look good in pictures. 或者: I'm not that
photogenic. 我不上相哇。 2. 说别人不上相是: The picture doesn't do
you justice. 或者: You're not that photogenic. 你不怎么上相哦亲。
30、“黔驴技穷”我们可以这么说:at one's wit's end, means at the limits
of one's mental resources,这个俚语的意思就是没有头绪了,没辙了,
不知所措,黔驴技穷了;例如:I'm at my wit's end with this problem. I
cannot figure it out. 对这个问题我已经黔驴技穷了,想不出解决办法
31、“吊胃口”英语怎么说?1. 表示故意勾起某人的兴趣、让人产生
得到的欲望,但却不让其得到:tantalize;2. 表示让他人焦急地等待
某事、某结果/答案:keep someone in (a state of) suspense或leave/keep
someone hanging;3. 用在情感关系中表示类似“欲擒故纵”,故意吊
着某人胃口:play hard to get
32、“不在状态”英语怎么说?1. not oneself,如:You're not yourself
today. 2. not feeling oneself/not feel like oneself,如:I made a lot of
mistakes. I'm not feeling myself today. 3. not one's usual self 不像往常的









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