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2021-01-17 11:18
tags:英语学习, 外语学习


1. He is ill in bed. 他卧病在床。2. He lacks courage.他缺乏勇气。3. How's everything? 一
切还好吧? 4. I have no choice. 我别无选择。5. I'll try my best. 我尽力而为。6. I'm On
your side. 我全力支持你。7. No pain,no gain. 不劳无获。
2. You are a disgrace.你真丢人。13. Get away from me! 离我远点!14. Just look at what you’
ve done. 瞧瞧你都做了些什么。15. Who do you think you are talking to? 你以为你在跟谁
讲话?16. Don’t bother me! 别烦我!17. Don’t nag me!别跟我唠叨。’ll be sorry.
3. 【地道口语】,it depends 噢,这得看情况。're all for it. 我们全都同意。
a good deal! 真便宜! should I do? 我该怎么办? asked for it! 你自讨苦吃! 6.
You have my word. 我保证。e it or not! 信不信由你! 't count on me.别指
4. 【地道口语】1 Enjoy yourself! 祝你玩得开心! 2. Give me a hand! 帮帮我! 3. How's it
going? 怎么样? 4.I have no idea.我没有头绪。5. I just made it! 我做到了! 6. I'll see to it
我会留意的。7. I'm in a hurry! 我在赶时间! 8. It's her field.这是她的本行。

【Talk show】 should be more into this.你应该更投入一点。't be an ass.别那么讨厌。
's a good sign.这是个好兆头。4.I take back everything I said.我收回我说过的一切。5.I'm
worn out. 我已经筋疲力尽了。't goof up.别出岔子

【美国俚语】stay out of不介入;make it fast动作快一点;sleep tight晚安/睡个好觉;With all
due respect恕我直言/冒昧地说一句;out of it迷迷糊糊/神志不清醒的;make a big deal out of
something.对某事大惊小怪;get out of the mess理清头绪;being set up被陷害

【胖的不同表达】胖乎乎/胖嘟嘟 plump或chubby; 肌肉不结实flabby; 魁梧的big-boned;
人又高大又肥胖bulky; 矮胖子chunky/tubby/dumpy; 敦实的heavy- set; 粗壮结实stout;
超胖的obese。注:在美国,用''fat''形容人胖是比较不 礼貌的用法,一般用 large, big 等来

【Talk show】1. I'd rather not talk about it. 我不想谈这个。2.I'm sort of confused.我有点迷糊了。
don't mean to interrupt. 我们没想打扰你. 4. Maybe we can have coffee sometime.或许有
时间我们可以一起喝咖啡。 need to widen our circle.我们要扩大朋友圈。

【常见病症的表达】 ache all over 浑身疼; sore throat 喉咙疼; tooth ache 牙疼; chest pain
胸疼; muscle pain 肌肉疼; joint pain 关节疼; back pain 后背疼 ; headache头疼;
stomachache 胃痛; heartache心痛; aches and pains浑身不适(疼痛);

〖热点词汇〗public topic 公众话题; academic fraud学术作假; plagiarism剽窃; Literary
creation文学创作; manuscripts 手稿; lawsuit 诉讼案; clear evidence明确证据; ghostwriter
代笔人(枪手); ghostwrite for.. 替某人代笔; the bottom line底线; negative effects负面影

【地道口语】 is chaos.这简直是一团糟。2. You sick geeky bastards.你是个可恶的混蛋。
have to get out of here. 我们得离开这里。4.I'm not leaving until I'm done.做完之后我才会
离开。 don't think that crosses a line?你不觉得那太过分了吗?——《生活大爆炸》

【各种鞋的表达】帆布鞋canvas shoes;拖鞋slippers;宫廷鞋court shoes;saddle shoe马鞍
鞋;人字拖flip- flops;凉鞋sandals;厚底鞋platform shoes;木鞋clogs;平底鞋ballet flats;
露跟鞋slingbacks;裸跟鞋mules;牛津鞋oxford shoes;平头鞋plain-toe;布洛格鞋brogue shoes;

【眼镜的种类】 老花镜 Presbyopia; 太阳镜 sunglasses; 眼镜eyeglasses(spectacles or specs
非正式) ; 隐形眼镜 contact lens; 无框眼镜 rimless glasses;护目镜 goggles/safety glasses;
泳镜 swimming goggles; 滑雪眼镜 skiing goggles; 3D眼镜 3D(three dimensional) glasses

【关于工资】pay, wage, salary 工资;minimum wage 最低工资;gross/real wages 全部/实际
收入;monthly/weekly/hourly wages 月/周/时薪;wage ceiling 工资上限;premium, bonus, extra
pay 奖励;payday 付薪日;pay slip/payroll 工资单;old-age pension 退休金,养老金;

【地道口语】为什么不高兴: are you so glum?你怎么闷闷不乐呢? I'm really down
right now.我现在真的很低落。Why the long face?你怎么拉着脸啊?You're not yourself today.
你今天有点不对劲。,I lost my wallet.是啊,我把钱包弄丢了。I quarreled with my gf.

【open常用词组搭配】 open up打开; be open to对...开放的; break open砸开; bring out in
the open揭露; in the open公开的; leave open未解决; open into通往;通向 open out 展现;
打破沉默 open the door to 给...造成机会;open upon朝向; 俯瞰;open with以...开始; open
up to打开心扉

【汽车词汇】 license plate 车号牌;bumper保险杠;steering wheel方向盘;side mirror后视
镜; backup light/reversing light倒车灯;stoplight/stop lamp刹车灯;reverse倒车档;tailpipe
排气管;spare wheel备用轮胎;windshield挡风玻璃;;indicator 方向灯

【地道口语】1.I'm afraid I can't. 恐怕我不能来。2. I have things to do. 我有事情要做。3. I'm
kind of busy. Maybe later. 我有点儿忙,也许以后吧。4. I'm busy right now. Sorry. 我现在很忙,
抱歉。5. I can't come over right now. I'm sorry. 我不能马上过来,我很忙。

【地道口语】 eat very little.你吃得这么少啊。2. Wow, you eat like a horse. 哇,你真能
吃。3. I'm very hungry.我饿极了。4. Eat like a bird. 吃得极少。5. Eat like a horse. 吃得很多。
6. A big eater.食量极大的人。7. Don't be so fussy about your food.你别那么挑食。

这样来称赞一个人:excellent 卓越的、超棒的;fantastic 妙极了; brilliant 太有才气了、
赞绝了;bravo 好极了、妙啊;outstanding 不同凡响、太出众了;superb 超赞啊;impressive
令人印象深刻的;intelligent 聪明机灵的; awesome 牛啊

【各种健身运动】sit-up 仰卧起坐;push-up 俯卧撑;pull-up / chin-up 引体向上;yoga 瑜
伽;jogging 慢跑;aerobics 有氧运动;aerobics dancing 健美操;skateboarding 滑板运动;
golf 高尔夫运动;cycling 自行车运动;tennis 网球运动;swimming 游泳;skiing 滑雪;skating

1. I've had it. 我再也忍受不了了。2. I totally understand.我完全理解。3. I'd like that.(表同意
某提议)没问题。4. I'm with you.我是站在你这边的。5. I'm telling you! 我说的都是真的!
6. I appreciate it. 我很感激。7. I'm so flattered.您过奖了。

【日常口语】1)Face reality. 面对现实吧。 2)It's a deal. 一言为定 3)You'll know when the time
comes. 到时候你就知道了。 4)If I'm not mistaken. 如果我没搞错的话。 5)It's a classic. 真是
经典。6)No need to discuss! 免谈! 7)I don't buy it. 我才不相信。[问题]请翻译: 別跟我耍花招!

【地道口语】1.你算哪根葱? Who do you think you are?2. 别有样学样。 Don’t be a copycat!
(小孩子之间常常用这句话。)3.坐过去一点! Move over! 4. 眼睛睁得大点! Open your eyes!
注:叫人眼睛睁大点就是要对方再看清楚点得意思。类似的句子有open one’s heart(宽厚

【各种假期的表达】1)Annual Leave年假 2)Medical/sick Leave病假 3)Hospitalisation Leave
住院假期 4)Maternity leave产假 5)Paternity Leave陪产假(父亲的育儿假) 6)Marriage Leave
婚假 7)Childcare Leave育儿假 8)Compassionate Leave奔丧/私事假 (因家里有丧事而请的)
9)Unpaid Leave无薪假期

【地道英语语气词】表示肯定回答:uh-huh, yes, yup, yep, yeah, yea, ay, aye, sure, yah, ya,
certainly表示否定回答:no, nope, na, naw, nah, uh- uh.此外还有Oh my god、Ugh、Yuck、All

【地道口语】 are you? 你怎么样? you doin'? 你怎么样?'s it goin'? 你怎
样?4. How are things? 最近怎么样? you been? 最近怎么样?'s life? 你生活得
好吗?'s it hangin'? 怎么样?' good, how 'bout you? 还好,你呢?

.有什么关系? What does it matter?2.一切听你的。 You are the boss.3.你方便就好。
Whatever’s convenient for you. 4.我们扯平了。 We are even. 5.这才像话嘛! That’s more like

1. 你认错人了。 You got the wrong person. (person可用man或guy代替) 2. 真是受不了。 I
can’t take it (anymore) . 3你会后悔的。 You’ll be sorry. / You’ll regret it. 4. 吓我一大
跳! You scared me! 5. 你想太多了。 You think too much.

1. I've got goose bumps. 我都起鸡皮疙瘩了。2. It all happened in a flash.这一切来得太突然
了。3. It's enough when I say it's enough. 我说够了才是够了。4. It could happen to anyone.

1. What’s the gag? 这里面有什么奥妙? dead. 走开点。’s eating you? 你有









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