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2021-01-17 10:40
tags:英语, 英语学习




Hey there, I'm Daniel, an English teacher and the founder of 王霸胆. One of the biggest
complaints I hear from my students is that they want to start learning English, but don't know where
to begin. Another problem I see is students who have learned English for many years, but have
many bad habits. In our last open course, I introduced you to my 王霸胆 English Learning 19 Step
Form. Today, we're going to dive deep into the form and learn how to use it.
大家好,我是丹尼尔,一名英语老师 ,也是《王霸胆》的创始人。我听过我的学生们关于英语
最多的抱怨是,他们想学英语,但不知道从哪里 开始;还有一个问题是,有些学生已经学了很多年
的英语,但有很多不好的学习习惯。我们上一次的公开 课中,给大家介绍到了我的《王氏英语19式

Let's start by reviewing the form one more time!

How're you today?
Where are you from?
I'm Chinese.
What about you?
What do you think of China?
What's your favorite food?
What food do you want to eat?
Do you like to play sports?
10 I think basketball is really fun.
11 How many pets do you have?
12 Have you ever been to the zoo?
13 I used to ride trains, but now I fly in planes.
14 What are you gonna do today?
15 Tomorrow I'm gonna wake up early.
16 Can you help me?

17 When do you usually eat lunch?
18 How do you say 苹果 in English?
19 Bye!

Now that I've introduced you to the form, let's start dissecting each pattern, one by one.

1) Hi. 嗨~

If you've seen my previous videos, you know that I'm not a big fan of the word
time I hear someone in China say 哈喽
说“哈喽 ”,我都好怕啊。

Even for folks living abroad, I still recommend you say hi, and here's why. Hi is casual without
being informal, polite without being stuffy. It's the simplest word you can use to strike up a
conversation with a stranger. Just say
即使是你住在国外,我依然 建议你说“嗨”,原因是,“嗨“这个词,随和却不随便,礼貌却又不会
显得无趣。这是你可以用来和陌 生人开启对话的,最简单的词,说”嗨“就可以了。

2) How're you today? 你今天怎么样?

You've started a conversation by saying,
follow up with,
all lame. A native speaker would never begin a conversation like this, so you shouldn't either.
Instead, I recommend you ask them,
你已经用“嗨”开始了一段对话了,那接下来呢?大多数的中国 人接下来会说:“你来自哪里?”、
“很高兴认识你”,或者“我能和你交个朋友吗?”一个英语母语人 士是绝不会在对话开头说这些的,所

以,你也应该避免用这些句子。取而代之的, 你可要这样问:你今天怎么样?或者是更加随意点的
方式:”最近怎样呢?“这个可以帮你快速地和他人 建立一个融洽的交谈氛围。

3) Where are you from? 你来自哪里?

You shouldn't start a conversation by asking,
established a little rapport with the person, then it's okay to ask.
不要用“你来自哪里?” 来开始一段对话,当然如果你们之间已经建立起了一个良好的谈话氛围

I've noticed that Chinese people frequently ask,
you from?你来自哪里? is
gonna be using this one a lot, so MEMORIZE IT.
我发现中国人特别喜欢问:“where are you come from”或者是“where do you
from”,这是错误的,正确的语法是:“where are you from”

Now, this is where the form starts to get interesting,Many of the following sentences contain
underlined words. These underlined words are the secret sauce of the 王霸胆 form. Why? Because
with just a tiny tweak, you can turn one sentence into a million sentences. Let's find out how.
现在开始关于这些“招式”的精彩部分,接下来会有很多有下划线 的单词,这些单词都是《王氏
英语》的“精华秘方”喔~为什么呢?因为你只需要一个细微的调整,就可 以把这一个句子变成成千上

4) I'm Chinese. 我是中国人。

You can answer the question
understand that you're from China. But did you know that Chinese is an adjective? What would
happen if we switched Chinese out for another word?

你可以用“我是中国人”来回答:“Where are you
from?” 这个问题,大家都会 听懂你是中国人。但“Chinese”不仅是名词,还是一个形容词。如果我们
把“Chinese” 换成其他的单词会怎么样呢?

I'm American! 我是美国人。
Wow, we just created a whole new sentence. Cool!

What else can we say?
I'm hungry. 我很饿
I'm sleepy. 我很困
I'm angry. 我生气了

So by learning just ONE pattern, we have discovered a way to make unlimited sentences.

This is the power of the WBD form. I'm not teaching you sentences. I'm teaching you patterns.
Once you learn a pattern, you can start substituting words to create new sentences.
这就是《王氏英语》的魅力所在。我不是在教你句子,而是在教你句型。一旦你掌握了 句型,

5) What about you? 你呢?

Just like number 2,
conversation with a native speaker.
母语人 士的对话。

But we can also switch out the underlined pronoun you.

What about him? 他呢?
What about her? 她呢?
What about me? 我呢?

Are you starting to see the power of this form?

6) What do you think of China? 你觉得中国怎么样?

Chinese people ask me 你喜欢中国吗? on a daily basis. Yes, of course I like China! But I
hate that question. It's almost as bad as “老公,我穿这个裙子显得胖嘛?” The reason it's
annoying is because it's an emotionally charged question.
中国人喜欢问: 你喜欢中国吗?我的日常基础问答题。喜欢啊,我当然喜欢中国了。但我很不
喜欢这个问题,这就和你们 问“老公,我穿这个裙子显得胖嘛?”是一样样儿的,它让人觉得烦的点
在于它就是一个有情感诱导的问 题。

Listen, there are things I don't like about China, just as there are things I don't like about
America. If you want someone's true opinion about something, then you should ask,
think of XXX?
其实,我不是喜 欢中国每一样东西,就好像我也不可能喜欢美国的每一样东西一样。如果你想
问一个人关于某些东西的真 实意见,那你应该问:你觉得XXX怎么样?这才是更客观地问一个问题

Did you notice that the word China is underlined in this pattern? This means that you can
substitute China for any other noun, with a few caveats. If it's a proper noun, such as China,

America, Lady Gaga, Wang Ba Dan, etc. then just substitute the noun. But if it's just a common
noun, we should use the plural form.
你注意到了吗?刚才的句型中的“China”是加了下划线的喔~也就 是说你可以把China换成其他的
名词,小提示:如果你要替换的是一个专有名词,比如中国、美国、 雷滴嘎嘎、王霸胆等等,那你

Wrong: What do you think of cat?
错:What do you think of cat?(没加复数)
Right: What do you think of cats?
对:What do you think of cat?(加了复数)

7) What's your favorite food? 你最喜欢吃什么?

Whenever I start learning a new language, I always learn this phrase. It's a quick way to jump-
start a dying conversation, and very versatile. You can switch out food for any common noun, as
long as it's not a person, in which case you'd switch out
无论何时,当我开始学习一门新的语 言,我总是先学这个短语。这是用来跳过一段无聊的谈话
的方法,非常的万能!你可以把“food”这 个词换成任意一个一般名词,只要不是人就好了,哈哈。那
么什么情况下你可以把“what”换成“w ho”呢:

What's your favorite band?
Who's your favorite singer?
What's your favorite position?
你最喜欢什么姿势? (p_-)

8) What food do you want to eat? 你想吃什么食物?

This pattern is most commonly used when asking the opinions or preferences of others. If you
go on a date with an English speaker, you can ask him/her,
当询问别人的意见或者是偏好的时候,这个句型是为广泛使用地。 如果你和一个说英语的人约

In this pattern, food and eat can both be substituted out. Food is a common noun, and eat is a
verb. You could say:




9) Do you like to play sports? 你喜欢运动吗?
This pattern teaches you how to ask if someone enjoys doing something. Play sports can be
substituted for other verbs, such as:
这个句型是教你,如何询问他人是否喜欢做某事。“Play sports ”可以换成其他的动词,比如:

Do you like to go swimming?
Do you like to eat bacon?
Do you like to watch romantic sunsets on the beach?









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