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2021-01-17 10:16
tags:英语学习, 外语学习



1. Library
Gosh, it's always number 1, isn't it? Yes, it is. For those of you
scared of the library and the nerd persona consequences, consider
this: It's quiet – those hardcore librarians accept nothing less.
It's comfortable – you can find any number of cozy chairs, table
arrangements, and nooks to set up shop. It has great information
access. HELLO? Books, the Internet, and people who specialize in
answering your tough questions. What's not to love? The library is
definitely top of the food chain in best places to study.
方以及书呆子,你应该考 虑到这些点:它很安静——那些中坚的图书管理员们
来者不拒。它很舒适——你可以找到许多舒服的座椅 、桌子和角落来学习。它
也具备良好的信息获取渠道。不是吗?书籍、网络以及可以对你的难题进行专< br>业解答的人。谁会不喜欢呢?图书馆确实是最适合学习的好地方。
2. Your Room
Studying in your room passes most of the qualifications of a good
study place, unless you happen to have roommates, in which case, you
may need to vacate. If you sleep solo, then your room is a great
place to study. It's quiet if it's just you, you can be as
comfortable as you like (studying in jammies has it's upside), and if
you're plugged into the Net, then your info access is top notch.
在 你的房间里学习也能够满足许多适合学习场所的条件。除非你有室友,那你
就得换个地方了。如果你是一 个人住的话,你的房间就是一个学习的好地方。
如果只有你一人,就会很安静,你可以怎么舒服怎么来( 穿着睡衣也不错),
3. A Coffee Shop
Coffee while studying? How many ways can you spell bliss? A coffee
shop is perfect for studying, unless ambient noise is a distraction
for you, like it could be for auditory learners. Most coffee shops
have WIFI, so you can access info with your laptop. Bonus? The
baristas' music choices are almost always perfect for cramming some
info into the old noggin.
咖啡店里都有wi fi,所以你可以用笔记本电脑获取信息。好处吗?咖啡师选的
音乐总是能够完美地将信息融入你的大脑 。
4. A Bookstore
Info access is at its best at a bookstore. Thousands of perfectly
organized books and magazines are available to you if you're looking
for a quick answer. Most big bookstores also offer a café, so you can
pump yourself full of caffeine or panini for some brain food while
studying. Plus, bookstores in general aren't large crowd gatherers,
so you should have some relative peace and quiet when you pull out
the old textbook.
或者吃点烤面包。另外 ,书店里一般不会有太多人,所以你可以找个僻静的地
5. The Park
Vitamin D and your perfectly organized notes from class. Ahhhh.
Nothing more relaxing, right? Perhaps not, but if you've been cooped
up in a classroom and you need to see some green, consider taking
yourself to the park for a study session. You could probably find an
available signal for your laptop, and nothing says ambience like
chirping birds, wind rustling through leaves, and sun on your
维他命D加上你课堂上精心做好的笔记。啊,没有什么比这些更让人愉 悦了,
了,你可以 考虑去公园学习。你可以找一个电脑信号好的地方,没有什么比唧
6. A Classroom
If you're worried about distractions from friends in the library,
then consider taking yourself into an empty classroom to study. Sure,
it's not as comfortable as some of the other places to study, but
information access is prime, especially if you find a teacher popping
in and out. Plus, if you need 100% quiet during your study time, then
this is a great option for you.
如果你担心 在图书馆学习会被朋友分心,可以考虑去一间空教室学习。当然,
它没有一些其他的地方舒适,但获取信 息才是主要的,尤其是当你发现有老师
进出的时候。另外,如果你需要一个100%安静的地方学习,这 将会是一个不错









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