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2021-01-17 09:38
tags:上海浦东新区, 英语, 高中教育




A study showed that the experiences children have in their first few years are important. These
experiences affect the development of the brain. When children receive more attention, they
often have higher IQs. Babies receive information when they see, hear and feel things, which
makes connections between different parts of the brain. There are a hundred trillion(万
亿)connections in the brain of a three-year-old child.

Researcher Judit Gervain tested how good newborns are at distinguishing different sound
patterns. Her researchers produced images of the brains of babies as they heard different sound
patterns. For example, one order was mu-ba-ba. This is the pattern
mu-ba-ge. This is the pattern “A-B-C”. The images showed that the part of the brain responsible
for speech was more active during theA-B-Bpattern. This shows that babies can tell the
difference between different patterns. They also were sensitive to where it occurred in the order.

Gervain is excited by these findings because the order of sounds is the building block of words
and grammar.
end, it makes a big difference: John caught the bear.' is very different from 'The bear caught

Researchers led by scientist Patricia Kuhl have found that language delivered by televisions,
audio books, the Internet, or smartphones-no matter how educational-doesn't appear to be
enough for children's brain development. They carried out a study of nine-month-old American
babies. They expected the first group who'd watched videos in Chinese to show the same kind of
learning as the second group who were brought face-to-face with the same sounds. Instead they
found a huge difference. The babies in the second group were able to distinguish between similar
Chinese sounds as well as native listeners. But the other babies-regardless of whether they had
watched the video or listened to the audio-learned nothing.

(1)What makes connections in a baby's brain?

A. Having a higher IQ. B. Experiencing new information.

C. The baby' early age. D. The connection with other babies.

(2)What did Judit Gervain and her team find in the experiment?

A. Babies identify different sound patterns.

B. Word order is relevant to meaning.

C. Babies can well understand different words.

D. A certain brain region processes language.

(3)What does the underlined sentence mean in Paragraph 3?

A. Grammar is important in learning languages.

B. Different orders have different meanings.

C. Different languages have different grammar.

D. Words have different sounds.

(4)What is the main conclusion from the study led by Patricia Kuhl?

A. Babies shouldn't watch a lot of television.

B. Listening to different languages develops babies' brain.

C. Foreign languages help babies' brain develop.

D. Social communication improves babies' brain development.

【答案】 (1)B




【解析】【分析】本文属于科普文章, 介绍小孩最初几年的经历对大脑发育很重要,而媒
介输入对孩子大脑发育效果不明显,最有效的是面对面 语言输入。

(1)细节理解题。根据第一段Babies receive information when they see, hear and feel things,
which makes connections between different parts of the brain.可知,婴儿接收到不同信息,可

(2)推理判断题。根据第二段The images showed that the part of the brain responsible for
speech was more active during the
between different patterns.可知,实验表明婴儿可以区别不同的声音模式,故选A。

difference: 'John caught the bear.' is very different from 'The bear caught Joh n.'”可知,有些东西
放在句首和句尾,会有很大的不同,比如John抓住了熊,和熊抓住了Joh n,意思是不一
(4)推理判断题。根据最后一段Researchers led by scientist Patricia Kuhl have found that
language delivered by televisions, audio books, the Internet, or smartphones-no matter how
educational-doesn't appear to be enough for children's brain development.可知,通过电视、
网络等媒介的语言教 学,对于婴儿大脑发展是不够的,并且后面的实验表明,面对面的语

读, 要求考生先从问题中抓住关键性词语(题眼),然后以此为线索,运用略读及查读的
技巧快速在文章中寻 找与此问题相关的:段落、语句,仔细品味,同时根据上下文进行分
析,推理,概括和归纳,从而选出正 确答案。


The Outdoor City Adventure Book Festival

For one week in July, Sheffield Central Library becomes the center of adventure in the Outdoor
City. Check out some of the events. Most of them are free but early booking is recommended.

July 10

Bee Quest - A Hunt for the World's Most Elusive (难以捕捉的) Bees Central library Carpenter
Room, 7:00-8:30pm.

A hunt for the world's most elusive bees leads Professor Dave Goulson from Poland to
Patagonia, deep into the Ecuadorian Jungle. He also explores closer to home.

Among secret places hidden right under our noses and through his scientific expertise (专业知
识), shows us that beauty hides in the most surprising places.

July 11

Clarion Call: A Heartfelt Tribute to Sheffield's Access Pioneers

Central library Carpenter Room, 10:30-11:30am.

Well-known walker, activist and campaigner, Terry Howard takes us back a hundred years and
shares the story of the role Sheffielders played in the first fights for our right to freely walk on the
Peak District moors (旷野). The Clarion Ramblers is thought to be the first working class walking
club. This is the story of their important role in gaining us the access we all enjoy today.

July 12

The Wainwrights in Color Central Library Carpenter Room, 1:30-2:30pm.

Inspired by the work of the great Alfred Wainwright, over 10 years Andy Beck has reproduced
in watercolor all 1, 500 pictures drawn in A Pictorial Guide to the Lakeland Fells. Andy speaks
about how the scenes in the Lake District have changed during the last 50 years.

July 13

Craft (制作) Your Own Adventure Journal-A Workshop Central Library Reading Room, 2:00-3:00

Learn paper craft techniques to make your own beautiful travel journal. Get advice from our
expert tutor on using old photos adventures and holidays.

Collecting stories and memories from your.

(1)Which event should you choose if you're interested in bees?

A. Bee Quest. B. Clarion Call.

C. The Wainwrights in Color. D. Craft Your Own Adventure Journal.

(2)What day is the right time to share the story of Sheffielders?

A. July 10. B. July 11. C. July 12. D. July 13.

(3)What is special about Craft Your Own Adventure Journal?

A. It lasts the longest. B. It needs reservation.

C. It calls for admission charges. D. It offers the most interesting stories.

【答案】 (1)A



【解析】【分析】 本文是一篇应用文,介绍了几个户外城市探险书展。在七月的一个星期
里,谢菲尔德中央图书馆成为户外 城市的冒险中心。这些事件,大部分都是免费的,但建

(1)考查细节理解。根据 July 10部分中 的”Bee Quest - A Hunt for the World's Most Elusive
(难以捕捉的) Bees Central library Carpenter Room“,可知,Bee Quest中可寻找世界上最难以
捉摸的蜜蜂,如果你对蜜蜂感兴趣,可以到Bee Quest,故选A。

(2)考查细节理解。根据July 11 部分中的”Central library Carpenter Room,... This is the
story of their important role in gaining us the access we all enjoy today可知,在7月11日的
Clarion Call是分享谢菲尔德故事的最佳时机。故选B。

(3)考查细节理解。根据July 13部分中的个(制作) Your Own Adventure Journal-A
Workshop Central Library Reading Room, 2:00-3:00pm, £5.可知,在这个活动中,要收取费
用5英镑。而上文其他的活动中都不 收取费用,这是这个活动与其他不同之处,故选C。

【点评】本题考点涉及细节理解题型的 考查,是一篇介绍类阅读,考生需要准确捕捉细节


More than great drinks, great rewards

Enjoy all the benefits and more with your membership to our Loyalty Program!

Whenever you pay with your membership account, you'll earn a Star.

Collect more Stars, earn more rewards.

Three ways to join us

Buy a Starbucks Card handy to create an account

Track your Stars online or through the mobile app, and we'll send an email when you've earned
a reward.

You can also join from your phone.

Download the Starbucks App.

One of the most exciting benefits of being a member is using our mobile app to: pay for
purchases; view your Stars and rewards; access iTunes Pick of the Week; see current offers.

Or you can join with specially marked coffee purchased at the grocery store.

Enter your Starcode (limit: 2 per day)

Look for the Starcode symbol on specially marked Starbucks products where you buy groceries.

Three levels with increasingly greater rewards

To reach each level in our Loyalty Program, you need to collect more Stars. (Remember: to earn
a Star, you must pay with a registered Starbucks Card.)

Welcome level

To earn your first rewards, just register a Starbucks Card.

Birthday drink or treat on us, birthday coupon (优惠券) for 15% off a purchase at

Green level

Collect 5 Stars within 12 months and you'll be in the Green level.

What is included in the Welcome level plus

Free in-store refills (续杯) on hot or iced brewed coffee or tea

Gold level

Collect 30 Stars within 12 months and you'll be at the Gold level.

What is included in the Green level plus

A free food or drink item after another 12 Stars earned

Personalized Gold Card

(1)Which of the following is a way you can apply for membership?

A. To update the Starbucks App.

B. To collect 5 stars within 12 month.

C. To send an email to .

D. To enter a Starcode from specially marked Starbucks products.

(2)With a Starbucks Card of Green level, you will get ________.

A. a free drink item B. free in-store refills

C. personalized Gold Card D. all purchases 15% off

(3)Which of the following statements is TRUE?

earn a Star, you must pay by credit card.

can enter your Starcode three times a day.

the Starbucks App, you can view current offers.

Welcome level, you can refill iced brewed coffee or tea.

【答案】 (1)D



【解析】【分析】本文是一篇应用文, 是星巴克做的一个广告宣传。主要介绍了银星级会
员、绿色会员和金星级会员等供人们选择,并鼓励人们 成为会员。

(1)考查细节理解。文章第二个黑色小标题“Three ways to join us”三种方式加入我们,下
列出了可以申请星巴克会员的三种方式,分别是:买张会员卡开 个账户;通过手机上的
APP申请加入;在便利店买带有星巴克标志的产品,找到星巴克密码标志。所以 通过输入

(2)考查细节理解。根据Green level部分中的“Free in- store refills (续杯) on hot or iced
brewed coffee or tea”可以在店内免费续杯热的、冰的煮好的咖啡或茶,可知,成为星巴克
绿色 会员,就可以免费续杯。故选B。

(3)考查细节理解。根据“One of the most exciting benefits of being a member is using our
mobile app to: pay for purchases; view your Stars and rewards; access iTunes Pick of the Week;
see current offers.”可知,通过手机APP申请会员有以下几大好 处:手机支付、查看你的星


I visited Elba last June, joining Mary and John on a bicycling vacation. They made the
arrangements for the car, hotel and bicycles. I studied the history of the island, which of course
particularly features Napoleon.

Napoleon (now I know) picked Elba as a place for peace when he was forced to give up the
throne (王权) as Emperor of France in 1814. Far from being a prison island, Elba is beautiful with
towering mountains, thick forests and sweeping bays and beaches.

It is also an island filled with treasure. Very early on this island, locals discovered rich deposits
of iron. Soon outsiders, too, discovered the iron and 150 other valuable minerals on this little
piece of land. Long before Etruscans and other Greeks set foot on it, Dorians had moved in by the
tenth century B. C. and were mining the island. The Romans ruled next, obtaining the minerals
and building grand houses overlooking the sea. From the twelfth century until the nineteenth,
the island was traded back and forth and was passed to France in 1802. Then came Napoleon, the
new ruler of Elba.

I was eager to visit his house in Portoferraio. The Emperor lived with his court and his mother,
but his wife, Marie Louise had ensconced herself in the splendid Viennese palace of her father,
Emperor of Austria. She lived safely there and showed little interest in visiting her husband in his
mini- kingdom. Apparently, Napoleon wasn't troubled much by this. He was too busy riding
everywhere on horseback, building roads, modernizing agriculture and, above all, sharpening his
tiny army and navy into readiness for his escape.

In the formal gardens behind the house it seemed to me that I could imagine the exiled (流放
的) conqueror's anxious thoughts. He might gaze over where I stood now, toward the lighthouse
of the Stella fort, the sandy bay, and across it, the green mountains of the Tuscan coast. Napoleon
spent only ten months here before making his victorious return to France and the throne.

(1)What did the author do for the visit to Elba?

A. He did research on its past. B. He arranged transportation.

C. He planned bicycling routes. D. He booked accommodation.

(2)Who might be the earliest outsiders to Elba according to the text?

A. Napoleon and his army. B. Etruscans and other Greeks. C. Dorians. D. Romans.

(3)What does the underlined word





(4)What came to the author's mind during his visit to Napoleon's gardens?

ful views on Elba.

le living conditions on Elba.

on's ambition to regain power.

ip of Napoleon's return to France.

【答案】 (1)A




【解析】【分析】本文是一篇记叙文, 作者讲述了对拿破仑曾经流放地Elba岛的参观之
旅,作者介绍了Elba岛的历史背景与拿破仑在岛 上的生活事迹。

(1)考查细节理解。根据第一段中的“I studied the history of the island, which of course
particularly features Napoleon.”可知作者为了Elba的此次拜 访对它过去的历史做了一些学习

(2)考查细节理解。根据第三段中的“Long before Etruscans and other Greeks set foot on it,
Dorians had moved in by the tenth century B. C. and were mining the island .”可知早在伊特鲁里
亚人和其他希腊人踏足该岛之前,多里安人在公元前10世纪就已迁入该岛,并在 岛上采

(3)考查词义猜测。根据第三段中的“She lived safely there and showed little interest in
visiting her husband in his mini-kingdom.”可知Marie Louise住在Viennese很安全,对 去她丈
夫的小王国探视毫无兴趣。live对应上文的ensconce,意思为“定居;安置”,故选 A。

(4)考查推理判断。根据最后一段中的“In the formal gardens behind the house it seemed to
me that I could imagine the exiled (流放的) conqueror's anxious thoughts.”可知在房子后面的花
园里,作者仿佛能想象出那个被流放的征服 者的焦虑的思想。即作者在参观拿破仑的花园

读, 考生需要准确掌握细节信息,同时根据上下文的逻辑关系,进行分析,推理,而选出


China and India are leaders in improving global(全球的) tree cover, a new study based on NASA
research showed.

They took a 31.8% part together of the total global new leaf area between 2000 and 2017.
China played a major role, adding 25% to this increase, and India added 6.8%, followed by Canada
and Russia. The study in the Nature Sustainability journal shows that more than 5.5 million
square kilometers of green leaf area was added globally. Since 2000, there has been a five-
percent increase in global green cover, it said.

which is as large as the area of the entire Amazon rainforest,Chi Chen, a Boston University
researcher and lead of the study told Nature Sustainability. Large plantation activities to protect
forests in China contributed nearly 42% to the country's green cover, and agriculture added
another 32%. In India, 82% of the increase in leaf area was because of agriculture.

land area covered in green plants,
finding, considering the land degradation(退化) in countries with large populations.

Boston University's research team first detected an increase in global green cover in the 1990s
but were unsure about what contributed to the increase. Finally, with the help of NASA's Terra
and Aqua satellites research, they managed to find out the increase in leaf cover from different
areas and places.

(1)Which country increased the largest part of the new leaf area?

A. India B. China C. Canada D. Russia

(2)For what purpose did the author mention the Amazon rainforest?

A. To show how great the achievement was. B. To show the importance of rainforest.

C. To explain what difficulties we have now. D. To explain the reason for increasing forests.

(3)According to paragraph four, the following statements are true EXCEPT_______.

A. China and India have large populations and land degradation problem

B. about 9% of the planet's greening is in China and India

C. China and India are leading in the global green cover increase

D. the leaf cover area in China and India is still limited if viewed globally

【答案】 (1)B



【解析】【分析】本文是一篇说明文,一项新研究显示,中国和印度 在改善全球树木覆盖
方面处于领先地位。同时中国和印度占了地球绿化面积的三分之一,但却只占地球陆 地面

(1)考查细节理解。根据第二段中的“China played a major role, adding 25% to this increase,
and India added 6.8%, followed by Canada and Russia.”中国扮演了主要的角色,增加 了25%,
印度增加了6.8%,加拿大和俄罗斯紧随其后。可知中国新增的森林面积最大。故选B。< br>
(2)考查推理判断。根据第三段中的greening over the last twenty years shows an
increase in leaf area on plants and trees which is as large as the area of the entire Amazon
rainforest,’ Chi Chen, a Boston University researcher and lead of the study told Nature
Sustainability.“过去20年的绿化表明,植物和树木的叶 子面积增加了,相当于整个亚马逊雨
林的面积,波士顿大学研究员、该研究的负责人陈驰告诉《自然·可 持续性》杂志。可知

(3)考查细节理解。根据第四段中的-third of the greening, but
hold only nine percent of the planet's land area covered in green plants,’ Chi Chen told NASA
Earth Observatory.”陈驰告诉美国国家航空航天局地球观测站:中国和印度占了地 球绿化面

【点评】本题考点涉及细节理解和推理判断两个题型的考查,是 一篇环保类阅读,考生需


Scientists at the University of Oxford have developed new artificial intelligence(AI) software to
recognize and follow up the faces of chimpanzees(黑猩猩)in the wild. The new software will
allow researchers and wildlife conservationists to significantly cut back on time spent analyzing
videos, according to the new paper published in Science Advances.

For species(物种)like chimpanzees which have complex social lives and live for many years,
getting photos of their behavior taken from short-term field research can only tell us so much,
says Dan Schofield, researcher and DPhil student at Oxford University's Private Models Lab,
School of Anthropology.
video files, it makes it possible to measure behavior over the long term.

The computer model was trained using over 10 million images(影像):from Kyoto University s
Primate Research Institute(PRI) video files of wild chimpanzees in Guinea, West Africa. The new
software is the first to continuously track and recognize individual a wide range of poses,
performing with high accuracy in difficult conditions such as low lighting and poor image quality.

degree that was previously not possible,
student at the Department of Engineer Science, University of onally, our new
software differs from previous primate face recognition software in that it can be applied to
videos with limited manual intervention(人工干预), saving hours of time.

The technology can be potentially used to monitor species for conservation Although the
present application focuses on chimpanzees, the AI software provided will be applied to other
species, and help drive the adoption of AI systems to solve(解决)a range of problems in the
wildlife sciences.

(1)What is the purpose of developing the new soft?

save wildlife researchers' time spent in the labs.

keep track of wildlife conservationists' behaviors.

protect chimpanzees and help them to live longer.

recognize and track the faces of wild chimpanzees.

(2)What does the underlined word

g photos.

ing videos.

C.A powerful machine

new AI software.

(3)What does paragraph 4 mainly talk about?

working principle of the new software.

limitations of using the new software.

unique advantages of the new software.

versial attitudes to the new software.

(4)What can be known from the last paragraph?

logy advance is the final goal of science

new software won't just be applied to chimpanzees.

systems are widely used in the wildlife sciences.

application of the new technology isn't easy.

【答案】 (1)D




【解析】 【分析】本文是一篇说明文,介绍了一种新的人工智能软件,这种软件可以识别
和追踪黑猩猩的面孔,大 大节省了研究者和野生动物保护者的时间,而且它还可以应用到其

(1)考查细节理解。根据第一段中的”Scientists at the University of Oxford have developed
new artificial intelligence(AI) software to recognize and follow up the faces of chimpanzees(黑猩
猩)in the wild. ”可知,新软件的开发是为了识别和追踪野外黑猩猩的面孔。故选D。

(2)考查代词指代。根据第一段的叙述及第二段中的“By taking advantage of the power of
machine learning to unlock large video files…”可推断it指代第一段中提到的新的人工智能软

具有 的独特的优势。故选C。

(4)考查细节理解。根据最后一段中的“The technology can be potentially used to monitor
species for conservation Although the present application focuses on chimpanzees, the AI
software provided will be applied to other species. 可知,新的软件不仅被用在黑猩猩身上,

读, 要求考生在捕捉细节信息的基础上,进一步根据上下文的逻辑关系,进行分析,推
理,概括和归纳,从而 选出正确答案。


A video of a three-year-old girl being kicked by her own mother during a photo shot went viral
(疯狂传播) on Thursday, indicating China's under per forma nee in regulating the emerging child
modeling industry.

The girl, known as Niu Niu, was physically abused by her mother in several videos. The videos
have annoyed Chinese media and Internet users alike. Many netizens and scholars call for local
authorities to carry out further investigations into possible child abuse.

In response to the public outcry (强烈抗议), Niu Niu's mother issued an apology via Sina Wei
bo on Thursday, condemning accusations of abuse. She noted that she was merely guiding her
daughter for better shots and the girl is well looked after.

Despite her apology, many E-shops which used Niu Niu's images for brand promotion have
canceled their cooperation with the mother, while over 110 well-known child garment shops on
Taobao have signed up for a campaign to provide better protection for child models.

is necessary to adopt comprehensive laws and regulations to further protect the kids,
preventing their parents and companies from exploiting (利用) them,
child protection expert, said.

Niu Niu is not alone. In Zhili, a small town in Zhejiang province, thousands of children from
across China are taken here by their parents to seize the chance of fame. With a population of
450,000. Zhili has over 13,000 manufacturers of child clothing. In 2017, the town earned over 7
billion yuan by selling do thing for children online, thus providing opportunities for child models.

current advertisement law isn't workable when it comes to the industry of child
modeling, as it lacks clear supervision measures and clear legal punishment.
important to issue new laws which regulate child modeling.

(1)What caused the public outcry?

A. Videos showing how child models work.

B. Problems in Chinese advertising industry.

C. Several cases of child abuse in recent China.

D. A girl being physically abused by her mother.

(2)What happened after the public outcry?

A. Taobao canceled the account of Niu Niu.

B. The local police charged Niu Niu's mother.

C. Niu Niu's mother admitted abusing her daughter.

D. Shops stopped their cooperation with the mother.

(3)What provided chances for Chinese child models?

A. The appearance of online shopping. B. The huge online sales of child clothing.

C. The fast development of manufacturing. D. The change of parents' ideas about success.

(4)Which opinion may Fang Zhiqing agree with?

A. China should regulate child modeling.

B. There are too many child models in China.

C. New economic laws should be issued in Chinch.

D. China s current advertisement law isn't workable.

【答案】 (1)D




【解析】【分析】本文是一篇新闻报道,报道了一个叫妞妞的儿童模 特遭到了母亲的身体

(1)考查推理判断。根据第二段中的“The girl, known as Niu Niu, was physically abused by
her mother in several videos have annoyed Chinese media and Internet users alike.”可
知,视频中,一个叫妞妞的女孩遭到了母亲的身体虐待引起了公众的强烈 抗议,故选D。

(2)考查细节理解。根据第四段中的“Despite her apology, many E-shops which used Niu
Niu's images for brand promotion have canceled their cooperation with the mother,”可知,在公

(3)考查推理判断。根据最后一段中的“In 2017, the town earned over 7 billion yuan by
selling do thing for children online, thus providing opportunities for child models.”可知,2017
年,这个浙江的小镇通过在网上销售童装赚了70多亿元 ,这为儿童模特提供了机会,可
(4)考查推理判断。根据最后一段中的“It is important to issue new laws which regulate
child modeling.”可推断,方志清会同意中国应颁布新的法律来规范儿童模特行业,故选A。

准确 捕捉细节信息,并根据上下文进行逻辑推理,从而选出正确答案。


A great number of species make their home in the vast waters of the Atlantic Ocean. Although
the entire ocean makes up an ecosystem, many smaller habitats are found within, including an
open-water habitat off the coast of the Northern Atlantic Ocean known as the Sargasso Sea.
Sargassum is an alga(海藻) that floats in masses that can continue for miles. The waters of the
Gulf Stream push the water in a northward move into this area. This constant move and varying
temperature support the accumulation of the brown-colored seaweed.

The Sargasso Sea is so enormous that one method of information collection has not been
enough for scientists to obtain an accurate picture of what takes place within this ecosystem.
Researchers have needed to employ several methods of sampling. Methods such as dragging nets
over the surface of the water and videotaping beneath areas of sargassum have served scientists
well. Information collected has shown that the Gulf Stream pushes brown algae from open water
into the Sargasso Sea area, creating a diverse floating habitat in an area that would otherwise not
support that wildlife.

In the most recent study of the sargassum community off the shores of North Carolina, eighty-
one fish species were documented as using the area as a microhabitat. This is an increase from
previous studies. The types of fish found here are both commercially and environmentally
important. The South Atlantic Fishery Management Council is working to regulate the harvesting
of sargassum. The Council hopes to have the area classified as an Essential Fish Habitat. Which
would afford it certain protections.

Further research needs to be done before scientists understand how to best protect the
Sargasso Sea as well as understand how it goes about supporting so many important types of

(1)The author uses

A. the Atlantic Ocean is really amazing in terms of its size and area

B. what the researchers do is highly respected by scientific community

C. the research work is complex because a large area must be covered

D. a large amount of money for the Sargasso Sea research is needed

(2)It can be inferred from the phrase to be donein paragraph 4 that the author
thinks .

Sargasso ecosystem is worth our attention and needs more study

scientific community has ignored this complex ecosystem

Sargasso Sea is becoming a problem and needs removing

methods for researching the ecosystem must be found instantly

(3)The text is mainly about .

ity of wildlife in the Atlantic Ocean

ent habitats of sea animals

s of information collection

Sargasso Sea as an entire ecosystem

【答案】 (1)C



【解析】【分析】本文是一篇说明文,介绍了马尾藻海这个完整的生 态系统,非常巨大以
至于一种信息收集方法不足以让科学家准确了解这个生态系统中发生的情况,这里发 现的
捞 。这将为马尾藻海提供一定的保护。

(1)考查句义猜测。根据第二段中的“one method of information collection has not been
enough for scientists to obtain an accurate picture of what takes place within this ecosystem” 一
第2 段中使用了“enormous”一词,是为了强调研究工作很复杂,因为必须覆盖很大的区
域。故选C 。

(2)考查句义猜测。根据第四段中的“before scientists understand how to best protect the
Sargasso Sea as well as understand how it goes about supporting so many important types of
wildlife ”在科学家们了解如何最好地保护马尾藻海以及如何救助这么多重要的野生动物之
前,还需要做进一步的 研究。可知从第4段“need to be done”一词可以推断,作者认为马尾

(3)考查主旨大意。根据第一段中的“Although the entire ocean makes up an ecosystem,
many smaller habitats are found within, including an open-water habitat off the coast of the
Northern Atlantic Ocean known as the Sargasso Sea.”虽然整个海洋构成了一个生态系统,但在
其 中发现了许多较小的栖息地,包括北大西洋沿岸的一个被称为马尾藻海的开放水域栖息
地。以及文章内容 为关于马尾藻海的一些研究说明,可知文本主要是关于作为一个完整的
生态系统的马尾藻海。故选D。< br>


Cassandra Feeley finds it hard to manage on her husband's income. So this year she did
something more than a hobby. She planted vegetables in her yard. For her first garden, Ms.
Feeley has put in 15 tomato plants, and five rows of a variety of vegetables. The family's old farm
house has become a chicken house, its residents arriving next month. Last year, Ms. Rita Gartin
kept a small garden. This year she has made it much larger because, she said, cost of
everything is going up and I was looking to lose a few pounds too; so it's a win-win situation all

They are among the growing number of Americans who, driven by higher living costs and a
falling economy, have taken up vegetable gardening for the first time. Others have increased the
size of their existing gardens. Seed companies and garden shops say that not since the 1970s has
there been such an increase in interest in growing food at home. Now many gardens across the
country have been sold out for several months. In Austin, Tex, some of the gardens have a three-
year waiting list.

George C Ball Jr. owner of a company, said sales of vegetable seeds and plants are up by 40%,
over last year, double the average growth of last five years. Mr. Ball argues that some of the
reasons have been building for the last few years. The big one is striking rise in the cost on food
like bread and milk, together with the increases in the price of fruit and vegetables. Food prices
have increase of higher oil price. People are driving less, taking fewer vacations, so there is more
time to garden.

(1)What does the word

A. chickens B. tomatoes C. gardens D. people

(2)Why is vegetable gardening becoming increasingly popular?









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