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ppm是什么意思得心应手-非常自如 英语怎么说?

2021-01-16 17:17
tags:英语, 英语学习, 外语学习


得心应手/非常自如 英语怎么说?

Larry和李华一起吃中饭。今天我们要学两个常用语:in one's element和too many
cooks in the kitchen.
LL: Lihua, Isn't this weather gorgeous?
LH: 是啊,两个月前还是冰天雪地的,怎么好象一眨眼就进入夏天了似的。
LL: This year the weather has been really strange. First, it snowed a lot. And now it's
really warm. Maybe it's global warming.
LH: 不管是什么原因,只要阳光明媚,我就有一副好心情。坐在这里,感觉整
LL: Do you remember the other day when we were talking about Jeff?
LH: 记得啊,上次我见到Jeff, 他好象正在忙着找女朋友,还说什么这是他今年
LL: I saw him at a dance party the other night, and he looked like he was totally in his
element. He was talking to one girl after another.
LH: 这么说,他已经开始把计划落实在行动上了?不过Larry, what do you mean
when you say he was
LL: one's element,basically means that someone is in a very suitable
environment and doing something that comes very naturally. Like I could say that you
are in your element when you're teaching Chinese.
LH: 哦,我明白了,in one's element, 就是说做什么事情很自如,得心应手。那
我也可以说,You are in your element when you're playing video games.
LL: You got it. Jeff looked totally cool and in his element the other night.
LH: 这么说,Jeff在舞会上非常自如, 而且十分擅长跟女孩子搭讪。哎,我怎么
LL: Of course. He told me that he's become much more social and outgoing during
the past year and he's always going out to bars and parties.
LH: 这么说,Jeff 找女朋友的目标用不了多久就能实现了。
LL: Hey, I almost forgot. I have great news. My brother George is finally getting
married and we are invited.
LH: George终于要结婚了!真是太好了。婚礼在哪里举行?
LL: I think it's going to be in Orlando. That's where my brother's girlfriend's family is
LH: 是佛罗里达的奥兰多 吗?我正好没去过迪斯尼。这下好了,可以借着去参
加婚礼的机会,到迪斯尼去好好玩玩。 婚礼具体在哪家宾馆,办定了吗?
LL: I'm not sure. My brother and his girlfriend want to have the wedding on a beach.
But the bride's family wants to have it at a resort. Seems to me like there are too many
cooks in the kitchen.
LH: 你是说George和他未婚妻想在 沙滩上举行婚礼,可新娘的家里人却希望能
LL: No, you're misunderstanding the phrase in the 's a
metaphor, meaning that the help or involvement of too many people can do more
harm that good.









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