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2021-01-16 16:52
tags:人教版八年级, 英语


八上Unit 8 How do you make a banana milk shake?

Verb. 1. shake 摇动,抖动(n) 2. peel 剥皮,去皮 3. pour 倒出,倾

4. add 添加,增加 5. dig 掘(地),凿(洞);挖(土) 6. celebrate 庆祝
7. mix 混合配料;(使)混合(n) 8. fill (使)充满,装满 9. cover 遮盖
10. serve 接待,服务,提供
Noun. 1. blender 食物搅拌器 2. yogurt 酸奶 3. honey 蜂

4. watermelon 西瓜 5. spoon 勺;调羹 6. salt 食盐

7. sugar 食糖 8. cheese 奶酪,干酪 9. corn 玉米;谷物 10. machine 机

11. hole 洞,孔,坑 12. sandwich三明治 13. butter 黄油;奶油 14. turkey 火鸡

15. piece 片;块;段 16. Thanksgiving 感恩节 17. autumn 秋天;秋季 18. traveler 游

19. England 英格兰 20. pepper胡椒粉;柿子椒 21. plate 碟子;盘子
22. cover 覆盖物,盖子 23. temperature 温度
Adj. 1. traditional传统的;惯例的
Adv. 1. finally 最后;最终

1. milk shake 奶昔 2. cut up 切碎 3. turn on 接通(电流、煤气、水);打开
4. one cup of yogurt一杯酸奶 5. a piece of 一片;一块;一段 6. few 一些;几

7. pour...into...把...倒进...里 8. give thanks for sth.因某事而感谢 9. good idea好主

10. on Saturday 在星期六 11. at this time 在这时 12. fill...with...用...把...装满
13. It’s time ( for sb.) to do sth. 到某人做某事的时候了

1. — How do you make a banana milk shake? 你怎么做香蕉奶昔?
— First... Next... Then... Finally... 首先...接下来... 然后... 最后...
2. — How many bananas do we need? 我们需要多少根香蕉?
— We need three bananas. 我们需要三个香蕉.
3. — How much yogurt do we need? 我们需要多少酸奶?
— We need one cup of yogurt. 我们需要一杯酸奶?
4. — Let’s make fruit salad! 让我们做水果沙拉吧!
— OK, good idea. 好主意。
5. Now, it’s time to enjoy the rice noodles! 现在就是享受米线美味的时刻了!

I. 根据所给的中文提示填空。
1. First, ________(切碎) the tomatoes.
2. She ________ her basket ________ eggs(装满).
3. How do you make an apple ________(奶昔)?
4. To ________(借) the book, I went to the city library in Xiamen twice.
5. How much ________(酸奶) do you need?
II. 根据所给单词的适当形式填空。
1. It’s cold outside. ________ (close) the windows and the door can keep us warm.
2. Don’t forget ________ (turn off) the lights when you leave.
3. Would you mind ________ (turn up) the radio, I can’t hear it clearly.
4. There are ________ (few) trees and ________ (much) pollution than before.
5. Would you like to have some ________ (potato) for lunch.
1. Spring is a time ________ kites.
A. to fly B. fly C. flying D. flew
2. Please ________ the TV. There is an NBA game on CCTV-5. Let’s watch it.
A. turn on B. turn off C. open D. close
3. — ________ yogurt do you want?
— Three cups.
A. How many B. How much C. How far D. How long
4. Don’t forget ________ Lin Tao about the watch when you meet him.
A. tell B. tells C. telling D. to tell
5. We need to ________ the bananas before we eat them.
A. cut B. peel C. give D. boil
6. Would you mind ________ the music? I can’t hear it clearly.
A. turning up B. turn up C. to turn up D. turned up
7. This morning I went school in such a hurry (匆忙) that I ________ my notebook at home.
A. left B. forget C. lost D. leave

8. After discussing, they ________ a good idea to work on the project.
A. mixed up with B. came up with C. caught up with D. came out with
9. — It’s hot. Would you mind my ________ the air-conditioner?
— ________, do it as you like, please!
A. turning on; Certainly not B. to turn; Not at all
C. turning on; Of course D. to turn on; Of course
10. ________ special holidays like Spring Festival and Mid-autumn Day, we always have a big
A. At B. On C. In D. With
11. — There is ________ fish in the fridge.
— Let’s go to the supermarket!
A. little B. a little C. few D. a few
12. — Would you mind my opening the door?
— ________. Do it as you like, please.
A. Of course B. Not at all C. Certainly D. Sure
13. — What do you like for breakfast, Mr. Zhang?
— I always have ________.
A. three breads and some milk B. three pieces of breads and some milk
C. three pieces of bread and some milk D. three piece of breads and some milk
14. I think Bob is the suitable person to take the job because he can do the work well with
________ money and ________ people.
A. less; less B. less; more C. more; fewer D. less; fewer
15. — Do you still remember ________ with Yao Ming in Beijing?
— Yes, of course, three years ago.
A. to meet B. meeting C. meet D. met

名词可分为可数名词和不可数名词,可数名词又分为单数和复数, 表示一个人或事物的名词
用单数;表示两个以上人或事物的名词用复数;英语名词复数形式通常是在单数 名词后面加
情况 构成 例词
一般情况 加 s fathers, books, Americans, apples, Germans
x,sh,ch,s结尾 加 es boxes, glasses, dresses, watches
辅音字母加y 去y,加ies baby — babies, family — families
元音字母加y 加s day — days, boy — boys, toy — toys, key — keys, ways
以o结尾 加s(es) heroes, tomatoes, potatoes, mangoes photos
以f或fe结尾 去f/fe加ves wife — wives, knife — knives, wolf — wolves, thief —
thieves, shelf — shelves, self — selves, life — lives, half — halves, leaf — leaves,
特殊形式 child — children, man — men, woman — women, foot — feet, tooth —
teeth, mouse — mice
deer — deer鹿 sheep — sheep绵羊 fish — fish鱼
【注意】另外,某国人单数变复数,遵循“中日同形永不变,英法同盟变a 为e,其他s加
Chinese — Chinese, Japanese — Japanese,
Englishman — Englishmen, Frenchman — Frenchmen
American — Americans Canadian — Canadians German — Germans
2. 如果是由man或woman所组成的合成词的复数则同时为复数。
man doctor/men doctors, woman teacher/women teachers
3. 不可数名词没有复数形式
milk — some milk water — some water bread — some bread rice — some rice juice
— some juice
或:a glass of milk two pieces of bread some bags of rice some bottles of juice、

祈使句表示请求、命令、 警告、劝告、禁止等意思。祈使句一般以动词原形开头,通常省略
主语you, 句末用感叹句或句号。
1. 祈使句的类型
类型 肯定形式 否定形式 例句
Do 型 实意动词+其他 Don’t + 实意动词+其他 Don’t give up.
Be 型 Be + 其他 Don’t + be + 形容词 Be quick! Don’t be shy.
Let 型 Let+宾语+动词原形+其他 Don’t + let+宾语+动词原形
Let+宾语+not+动词原形 Let us go to school!
Don’t let him go out.
Let him not go out.
No 型 No + 名词/ 动名词 No photos.
No smoking!
其他 直接用名词或副词 Help!
Hands up!

- Don’t throw rubbish everywhere, please. Building a civilized(文明的)city is our duty.
A. OK, I will B. You are joking C. Take it easy D. Sorry, I won’t

1)肯定形式的祈使句的反义疑问部分可用will you / won’t you / would you
Please keep quiet, will you? 请保持安静, 好么?
Listen to me, won’t you? 听我说, 好么?
Let me help you, would you? 让我帮你, 好么?
2)否定形式的祈使句后只能跟will you
Don’t tell it to anyone else, will you? 请不要把这件事告诉其他人, 好么?

3)以Let’s 开头的祈使句,反意疑问部分用shall we; 以Let us 开头的祈使句,反意疑问









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