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arrival美语怎么说How to say it(1~77讲精简完整版)

2021-01-16 11:43
tags:精品文档, 英语学习, 外语学习


he has a sunny personality.积极向上,阳光型的
He's a Debbie downer.特消极,老说丧气话打击别人
Eat, drink and be merry. 吃,喝,快快乐乐,及时行乐

travel tips 旅行攻略
tourist trap旅游陷阱
whirlwind tour旋风旅行,很短的时间内去很多地方走马观花

inspirational show励志节目
inspirational movies励志电影
She was crushed.深受打击
It's their loss.形容有人选择错误,有眼无珠

someone has a silver tongue, or someone is silver-tongued
pay lip service 就是用空话安抚别人
talk the talk, but not walk the walk. 说一套,做一套

I think being shy is my weak point(shortcoming).缺点短板
You should stick to your strengths by showing your
co-workers what you're good at. 扬长避短
someone is a poor fit in a team.一个团队里有个人不合群

have a dry sense of humor冷幽默,不靠夸张的表情和动作
off-color jokes荤段子, 除情色内容,也可是别的有冒犯性的话题
Standup comedian 单口相声演员

Milk normally has a shelf life(保质期) of a week.
I think this milk is past-date.过了保质期
Top shelf product高档货
bottom shelf product便宜货

put oneself in someone else's shoes换位思考
I guess I should be more considerate. 善解人意
Your friend's situation strikes a chord with me! 感同身受

authentic Chinese food 地道的中餐
authentic American English地道美语
My friend is totally a foodie. 会吃的食客,老饕,专门能发现一
to pig out大吃大喝,甩开腮帮子狂吃
eyes are bigger than stomach. 眼大肚子小 you want to eat
a lot, but your belly can't take all the food.

best friend forever,闺蜜 也就是BFF
we are tight! Tight是关系紧密,也就是说你们特别铁
This girl is a frenemy.亦敌亦友friend and enemy
a love-hate relationship爱恨交加

You're so tired of your friend's excuses that you are
speechless(无语). 厌恶或者吃惊而无语
I bet you also roll your eyes! 不相信或者不耐烦而翻白眼
That would blow me away! 使人大吃一惊

mean mug someone冲某人摆臭脸
Give someone an evil eye就是恨恨地瞪着别人
give someone those puppy- dog eyes.睁大眼睛卖萌装可怜

You don't need a beauty sleep.美容觉
catch up on some Zs, 或者get some shut-eye补觉
toss and turn. 辗转反侧
I've been tossing and turning all night lately

Word on the street is you've got a new boyfriend! 坊间传言,
I heard it through the grapevine(葡萄藤). 道听途说
A little bird told me. 大家对消息来源都心知肚明,只是故意不说

Sounds like a lady killer(大众情人) to me!
your boyfriend is a high-maintenance guy. 形容某人难伺候
A is out of B's league. 意思就是A配不上B

night owl夜猫子
Hit the hay is a common way of saying ”睡觉
a sound sleeper睡得沉的人
a light sleeper觉轻的人

pull an all-nighter开夜车,通宵学习工作
have a cram session 考试前的突击复习
open-book test开卷考试
You won't bomb the test.考砸了
I don't want to flunk my exam。考试不及格

形容对家长严重依赖的孩子,男孩可以用 mama's boy
乖乖女可以叫 daddy's little girl
helicopter parents过份关心孩子的直升机父母
tiger mom管教严厉的母亲

Don't freak out yet. 崩溃
you are at the end of someone's rope走投无路,无计可施
being on thin ice is definitely not the best feeling in the
world. 如履薄冰

异地恋是long-distance relationship;.
形容男人质朴老实,可以用a blue-collar kind of guy;
亲切可爱的邻家女孩是the girl next door.

To make eyes at someone 是冲某人抛媚眼;.
to hit it off是一见如故。
I bet he also uses lame pickup lines(和女孩儿搭讪时所说的话)
to those women.

炒作叫 a publicity stunt;
票房叫 box office;
形容吹嘘过头,可以用 overhyped.

The movie star's performance in this comedy was
overhyped. --这个明星在这部喜剧中的表演被吹过头了

steal someone's thunder抢风头
15 minutes of fame短暂出名
ride on someone's coattails趋炎附势,巴结Anna would not get
a role in the drama without riding on the leading man's

Spoilers(剧透)can really ruin the fun of watching a movie!
Good writers use plot twists(出乎意料的故事情节) to keep
viewers interested. 电影或电视结尾时的悬念是 a cliffhanger.

There are a lot of movie stars in this blockbuster(大片).
not all star-studded(众星云集)movies have good stories.
催人泪下的哭片则是 tearjerker.

something sells like hotcakes or something is flying off the
shelf. 形容一件东西抢手The new iPhone 4S sold like hotcakes!
the new iPhone 4S is flying off the shelf!
You camped out last night! 为买东西通宵露营
My boyfriend is such a tech- head!

skinny jeans are a must- have(必备单品) in today's fashion.
buy one get one free买一送一
you can buy one and get one 50% off. 买一件,第二件打5折
many stores are having end of season sales! 换季大甩卖

pull someone over, 警察示意司机把车停靠在路边
To have a tough break 就是倒霉
the designated driver. 专门负责开车送朋友们回家的人
drunk driving酒驾

Group buying (团购)is a marketing gimmick(花招,噱头)
group buying is just another form of price war(价格站)

petty ,It means narrow-minded and mean. 形容某人小心眼
hold a grudge against someone; 记仇
get over it; 不计较了

this address is showing too much skin.
someone is scantily clad形容衣着暴露
I was dressed to kill for my interview. 穿得正式、抢眼
Let me put on this pencil skirt(西服裙 )and this shirt.

push sb over the edge使某人抓狂
that's the final straw警告说这是最后一次
You and I are in the same boat. 处境相同

Brainstorm (头脑风暴)basically means to put your heads
together (集思广益)in order to come up with good ideas.
Think outside the box创造性思维

It's too good to be true! 哪有那么好的事
What's the catch? 就是“有什么附加条件”?
false advertising! 挂羊头卖狗肉
I can't believe I almost got bamboozled(忽悠)!
There is no such thing as a free lunch. 天下没有免费的午餐嘛!

I have no sense of direction. 形容路痴
know somewhere like the back of one's hand; 也可以说
know every nook and cranny of a place. 对一个地方了如直掌

you mean the extras or the walk-ons跑龙套的/群众演员?
大腕儿是 big shot.
替身是 stunt-double

You don't want to be the third wheel电灯泡.
you wouldn't want to bother any love birds(如胶似漆的情侣).
they are a match made in heaven. 天生一对









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