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2021-01-16 09:26
tags:测试题, 高中英语阅读, 英语




A dog spent the last four years of his life waiting a crossroad in the Thai city of Khon Kaen as if
waiting for someone. People originally thought the dog had been abandoned, but then realized
that he looked healthy, so people asked around about him. It turned out that the dog had indeed
been spending most of his time around that crossroad, but a woman had been coming -.round
regularly to bring him food and water.

One day, while photographing the dog everyone called Leo, a reporter met the woman who
had been taking care of him. She had come to drop off some food. After learning the story about
the dog and the woman, the reporter decided to share the story on social media. The post soon
went viral and the photos of Leo got shared hundreds of times. And the photos reached the eyes
of Leo^ former old owner.

Nang Noi Sittisarn, a 64-year- old woman from Thailand's Roi Et Province, almost had a heart
attack when her daughter showed her a photo of the beloved dog named BonBon she had lost
during a car trip. When she learned that he had been waiting for her in the same spot for the last
four years,her heart melted(融化).

Auntie Noi told her daughter to drive her to where the dog was waiting. When she got there
and called his name. BonBon, the poor dog started wiggling(扭动)his tail and came to her,but
when she tried to take him home with her, he was unwilling to follow. She didn't want to force
the dog to come with her so she agreed to leave him with his new master. However, she and her
daughter will come to visit him regularly.

(1)Why did the dog look healthy after separation from his former owner?

walked around the crossroad constantly.

was kept at a woman's home all the time.

C.A local reporter brought him food and water.

D.A woman looked after him on a regular basis.

(2)What does the underlined phrase

d surprisingly.


ed gradually.


(3)How did Nang Noi Sittisam feel about the dog's waiting for her?




(4)What can we mainly learn from the story about the dog?

evable success is worth waiting for.

should adjust ourselves to environments.

need to learn to be faithful and thankful.

one knows the result until the last minute.

【答案】 (1)D




【解析】【分析】本文是一篇记叙文。NangNo Stiam四年前不小心丢了一条狗。这条忠诚< br>的狗在走丢的地方等了四年,四年期间他得到了一位好心女士的悉心照料,最后在记者的
帮助下与 主人重聚。作为回报,他留下来陪伴这位女士。

(1)细节理解题。根据第一段“… but then realized that he looked healthy, so some people
asked around about him. It turned out that the dog had indeed been spending most of his time
around that crossroad, but a woman had been coming around regularly to bring him food and
water. ”可知,那条狗看起来健康是因为一位女士定期照料他。故选D项。

(2)词义猜测题。根据画线短语所在句的句意“那个帖子很快就, Leo的照片被分享了成百
上千次。”可推断,画线短语意为“迅速传播”,与Spread quickly意思最为接近。故选B

(3)推理判断题。根据第三段“When she learned that he had been waiting for her in the
same spot for the last four years,her heart melted(融化).”可推断,NangNoi Sittisarn得知她的

(4)推 理判断题。这条狗能够等自己的主人四年,说明了他很忠诚;根据最后一段的叙述
可知,这条狗找到主人 后还要留下来陪伴自己的恩人,说明他知道感恩。由此可推断,我
们通过这条狗的故事应该学会忠诚与感 恩。故选C项。

【点评】本题考点涉及细节理解,推理判断和词义猜测三个题型的考查,是 一篇记叙文,
要求考生在捕捉细节信息的基础上,进一步根据上下文的逻辑关系,进行分析,推理,概< br>括和归纳,从而选出正确答案。


During your four years in the college, you'll have many exciting choices to make, the first of
which will be your course selection for your first semester. The beauty of this choice is that you
can't go wrong! No matter which one of our First-Year Options you select to apply for, you will
create a rich intellectual experience to begin your college career.

Option 1: Liberal Arts Seminar

The Liberal Arts Seminar is a multidisciplinary(多学科的)course that explores the cultural
history of the Mediterranean through fictional and nonfictional books.

Fall schedule: When Registration opens, you will select between one and four additional courses
to complete your schedule.

Option 2: FLL Hager Scholars Program

The FLL Hager Scholars Program is designed with our most ambitious students of languages and
linguistics in mind, and is designed to create for them both a sense of community and
opportunities for intellectual growth.

Fall schedule: When Registration opens, you will select between one and three additional
courses to complete your schedule.

Option 3: Ignatius Seminars

Offered only in the first semester, Ignatius Seminars introduce students to the depth and
diversity of Georgetown's dynamic intellectual community.

Fall schedule: When Registration opens, you will select three or four additional courses to
complete your schedule.

Option 4: Traditional First-Year Academic Program

With this program, you'll take your first step into the college's rich and varied core courses and
explore your fields of interest in free optional coursework.

Fall schedule: When Registration opens, you will build a schedule of four or five additional
courses from the full college curriculum.

(1)How do students learn the cultural history of the Mediterranean?

A. By completing the schedule. B. By writing fictional books.

C. By selecting l or 4 courses. D. By reading materials of this area.

(2)Which program is suitable for a student interested in languages?

A. Option 1. B. Option 2. C. Option 3. D. Option 4.

(3)What's a possible reason for choosing Option 4?

A. It is designed for language learners. B. It provides various courses for free.

C. It introduces you to areas of interest. D. It is only offered in the first semester.

【答案】 (1)D



第一个是你第 一学期的课程选择。这个选择的美妙之处在于你不会出错!无论你选择申请
哪一个,你都将为你的大学生 涯创造一个丰富的智力体验。作者介绍了大学生对课程的四

(1)考查细节理解。根据Option 1:Liberal Arts Seminar部分中的“The Liberal Arts Seminar is
a multidisciplinary(多学科的)course that explores the cultural history of the Mediterranean
through fictional and nonfictional books. ”人文学科研讨会是一门多学科课程 ,通过虚构和非

(2)考查细节理解。根据Option 2:FLL Hager Scholars Program部分中的“The FLL Hager
Scholars Program is designed with our most ambitious students of languages and linguistics in
mind, and is designed to create for them both a sense of community and opportunities for
intellectual growth.”FLL Hager Scholars Program的设计初衷是为我们最具雄心的语言 和语言
学学生服务,旨在为他们创造一种社区感和智力成长的机会,可知,Option 2的设计初衷
2:FLL Hager Scholars Program。故选B。

(3)考查推理判断。根据Option 4: Traditional First-Year Academic Program部分中的“With
this program, you'll take your first step into the college's rich and varied core courses and explore
your fields of interest in free optional coursework.”有了这个项目,你将迈出你 的第一步,进
入大学丰富多样的核心课程,在自由选修课程中探索你感兴趣的领域。可知,Option 4在
自由选修课程中探索你感兴趣的领域。可推知,Option 4能把你领进你感兴趣的领域,这
应该是学生选择Option 4的原因。故选C。

要准 确捕捉细节信息,并根据上下文进行逻辑推理,从而选出正确答案。


More than great drinks, great rewards

Enjoy all the benefits and more with your membership to our Loyalty Program!

Whenever you pay with your membership account, you'll earn a Star.

Collect more Stars, earn more rewards.

Three ways to join us

Buy a Starbucks Card handy to create an account

Track your Stars online or through the mobile app, and we'll send an email when you've earned
a reward.

You can also join from your phone.

Download the Starbucks App.

One of the most exciting benefits of being a member is using our mobile app to: pay for
purchases; view your Stars and rewards; access iTunes Pick of the Week; see current offers.

Or you can join with specially marked coffee purchased at the grocery store.

Enter your Starcode (limit: 2 per day)

Look for the Starcode symbol on specially marked Starbucks products where you buy groceries.

Three levels with increasingly greater rewards

To reach each level in our Loyalty Program, you need to collect more Stars. (Remember: to earn
a Star, you must pay with a registered Starbucks Card.)

Welcome level

To earn your first rewards, just register a Starbucks Card.

Birthday drink or treat on us, birthday coupon (优惠券) for 15% off a purchase at

Green level

Collect 5 Stars within 12 months and you'll be in the Green level.

What is included in the Welcome level plus

Free in-store refills (续杯) on hot or iced brewed coffee or tea

Gold level

Collect 30 Stars within 12 months and you'll be at the Gold level.

What is included in the Green level plus

A free food or drink item after another 12 Stars earned

Personalized Gold Card

(1)Which of the following is a way you can apply for membership?

A. To update the Starbucks App.

B. To collect 5 stars within 12 month.

C. To send an email to .

D. To enter a Starcode from specially marked Starbucks products.

(2)With a Starbucks Card of Green level, you will get ________.

A. a free drink item B. free in-store refills

C. personalized Gold Card D. all purchases 15% off

(3)Which of the following statements is TRUE?

earn a Star, you must pay by credit card.

can enter your Starcode three times a day.

the Starbucks App, you can view current offers.

Welcome level, you can refill iced brewed coffee or tea.

【答案】 (1)D



【解析】【分析】本文是一篇应用文, 是星巴克做的一个广告宣传。主要介绍了银星级会
员、绿色会员和金星级会员等供人们选择,并鼓励人们 成为会员。

(1)考查细节理解。文章第二个黑色小标题“Three ways to join us”三种方式加入我们,下
列出了可以申请星巴克会员的三种方式,分别是:买张会员卡开 个账户;通过手机上的
APP申请加入;在便利店买带有星巴克标志的产品,找到星巴克密码标志。所以 通过输入

(2)考查细节理解。根据Green level部分中的“Free in- store refills (续杯) on hot or iced
brewed coffee or tea”可以在店内免费续杯热的、冰的煮好的咖啡或茶,可知,成为星巴克
绿色 会员,就可以免费续杯。故选B。

(3)考查细节理解。根据“One of the most exciting benefits of being a member is using our
mobile app to: pay for purchases; view your Stars and rewards; access iTunes Pick of the Week;
see current offers.”可知,通过手机APP申请会员有以下几大好 处:手机支付、查看你的星


People speak English in different parts of the world. The same words can be used in different
ways, depending on where you live. People can also have completely different ways of saying the
same thing.

The Oxford English Dictionary (OED) is asking the public to help it add new words. Editors want
to find the regional differences in English around the world. They want to expand its record of the

Last year, the OED, BBC Radio and the Forward Arts Foundation teamed up to find local words
in the United Kingdom. It resulted in more than 100 regional words and phrases being added to
the dictionary. One was

Now, the OED is widening its search to English speakers around the world. Eleanor Maier, an
editor at OED, said the response has been great. Editors are listing a bunch of suggestions to
include in the dictionary.

These include Hawaii's
for a swimming costume,

The OED also might include the word
downpour of rain. Another possibility is
New York City.

The dictionary has already found that, depending on location, a picture hanging off center
might be described as

and regional language. Maier also said that it can be difficult for the OED's editors to identify
regional words. The terms are more often spoken than written down.

The appeal is called Words Where You Are. It is looking for more suggestions. were
surprised and pleased by the number of regional words we were able to include,

(1)Which local word of the following most likely comes from one region of the United

A. Hammajang. B. Dookers. C. Catawampous. D. Frog- drowner.

(2)What can be inferred from the passage?

A. It is challenging to create a complete collection of regional words.

B. People are not enthusiastic about the appeal for regional words.

C. Regional words are more used orally than in written form.

D. Understanding regional words can be helpful when communicating.

(3)Which of the following can best summarize the main idea of the passage?

A. It's time to track where the local words come from.

B. The same English words can be used to say different things.

C. OED aims to expand its collection to attract locals.

D. OED will include more regional words from around the globe.

(4)Which part of a newspaper does this passage probably come from?





【答案】 (1)B




【解析】 【分析】本文是一篇说明文,通过举例,说明了不同的地方有很多地方性的语
言,牛津词典正致力于将这 些地方性的语言包含在它的字典之内。

(1)考查细节理解。根据第五段中的“Another is the word for a swimming costume, ‘dookers’
or ‘duckers’. It is used in Scotland.”dookers 或duckers这个词用来指一种泳衣,主要 在苏格兰

(2)考查推理判断。根据第八段中的“Maier also said that it can be difficult for the OED's
editors to identify regional words. The terms are more often spoken than written down”Maier说
没有被记录下来 ,可以推知搜集各地的地方性语言是一项比较困难的事情。故选A。

(3)考查主旨大意。根据最后一段中的“The appeal is called Words Where You Are. It is
looking for more suggesti ons.”和全文可知,本篇文章主要讲述了牛津字典收集地方性词汇的
意义以及进展情况,向大家介绍 了这一个项目。故选D。

(4)考查推理判断。纵观全文可知,本文的话题是牛津字典收集 地方性词汇,是与文化
中的语言相关的,所以我们可以推知这篇文章可能来源于报纸上的文化专栏部分。 故选

【点评】本题考点涉及细节理解,推理判断和主旨大意三个题型的考查, 是一篇文化类阅
读,要求考生在捕捉细节信息的基础上,进一步根据上下文的逻辑关系,进行分析,推< br>理,概括和归纳,从而选出正确答案。


I'm a storyteller. And I would like to tell you a few personal stories.

I grew up reading British and American children's books. When I began to write, I wrote exactly
the kinds of stories I was reading: All my characters were white and blue-eyed, they ate apples
and talked a lot about the weather, despite the fact that I lived in Nigeria. We ate mangoes, and
we never talked about the weather. Because all I had read were books in which characters were
foreign, I had become convinced that books by their very nature had to have foreigners in them.
Things changed when I discovered African books. Because of writers like Chinua Achebe and
Camara Laye, I went through a mental shift in my idea of literature. I realized that people like me,
girls with skin the color of chocolate, could also exist in literature. I started to write about things I
recognized. So what the discovery of African writers did for me was this: It saved me from having
a single story of what books are. The year I turned eight, we got a new house boy Fide from a
nearby rural village. The only thing my mother told us about him was that his family was very
poor. And when I didn't finish my dinner, my mother would say,
know? People like Fide's family have nothing.
Saturday, we went to his village to visit, and his mother showed us a beautifully patterned basket
that his brother had made. I was astonished. It had not occurred to me that anybody in his family
could actually make something. Their poverty was my single story of them.

Years later, when I left Nigeria to go to university in the United States, my American roommate
asked where I had learned to speak English so well, and was confused when I said that Nigeria
happened to have English as its official language. What struck me was this: She had felt sorry for
me even before she saw me. My roommate had a single story of Africa: a single story of

Of course, Africa is a continent full of catastrophes. But there are other stories that are not
about catastrophe, and it is very important, it is just as important, to talk about them. The
consequence of the single story is this: It robs people of dignity. It makes our recognition of our
equal humanity difficult. It emphasizes how we are different rather than how we are similar.

So what if my mother had told us that Fide's family was poor and hardworking? What if we had
an African television network that broadcast diverse African stories all over the world? What if my
roommate knew about my Nigerian publisher, Muhtar Bakare, a remarkable man who left his job
in a bank to follow his dream and start a publishing house? What if my roommate knew about my
friend Funmi Iyanda, a fearless woman who hosts a TV show, and is determined to tell the stories
that we prefer to forget?

My Nigerian publisher and I have just started a non-profit called Farafina Trust, and we have big
dreams of building libraries and providing books for state schools, and also of organizing lots of
workshops in reading and writing, for all the people who are eager to tell our many stories.

Stories matter. Many stories matter. Stories can break the dignity of a people, but stories can
also repair that broken dignity. When we realize that there is never a single story about any place,
we regain a kind of paradise.

(1)What is probably people's first impression of the writer when it comes to her nationality?

A. She mainly eats apples and mangoes.

B. She may not speak fluent English.

C. She comes from a place free of catastrophes.

D. She prefers stories based on foreign characters.

(2)The underlined phrase

A. discovery of African books with characters of her skin color

B. acquaintance with local African writers like Chinua Achebe

C. realization that not only foreign characters exist in literature

D. change that she started to write about things she recognized

(3)How many personal stories has the writer mentioned in the passage?

A. Two. B. Three. C. Four. D. Five.

(4)The writer uses several single stories in the passage to illustrate that the single story____.

A. matters in keeping listeners well informed

B. tends to convey a prejudiced idea to listeners

C. gets increasingly popular among story tellers

D. fails to produce a lasting effect on listeners

(5)The writer lists many

A. emphasize our differences rather than similarities

B. indicate the way that stories are used to break dignity

C. show the hardship of recognizing our equal humanity

D. stress the importance of telling diverse, balanced stories

(6)Which of the following can be the best title for the passage?

A. The danger of the single story B. The importance of telling stories

C. The single stories that matter D. Stories that can repair broken dignity

【答案】 (1)B






【解析】 【分析】本文是一篇记叙文,作者讲了几个关于个人的故事,通过故事告诫我
们:如果我们只去聆听关于 一个人、一个国家的单一故事,将会导致非常严重的误解。

(1)考查推理判断。根据第二 段可知,作者实际上来自尼日利亚,经常吃芒果,不讨论
天气,有着巧克力肤色。可知至少不是说英语的 欧洲人;再根据第四段,作者的美国舍友
对她能说一口流利英语表示疑惑可知,因此可以推断出人们对尼 日利亚的人第一印象可能

(2)考查词义猜测。根据第二段中的”I realized that people like me, girls with skin the color
of chocolate, could also exist in literature.“可知作者的思想转变是她意识到像她这样有着巧克力肤色的女生也是可以在文学作品中有一席之地的。即不仅仅外国人物才存在文学作品

(3)考查细节理解。第二段、第三段、第四段分别讲了作者自己意识到文学作品中人物< br>不限英美,作者发现Fide一家贫穷却努力,作者的室友对尼日利亚的刻板印象。即一共三
个她 的个人经历。故选B。

(4)考查推理判断。纵观全文可知,不论是作者、作者妈妈、作者 的室友,不同的人们
有着不同的single story,实际上可以理解为“一面之词”“刻板印象 ”,但其实又不符合事实,

(5)考查推 理判断。作者的一系列假设,其实是更好的做法。兼听则明偏信则暗。我们
不应该听信一面之词,应该去 多角度的均衡的了解。故选D。

(6)考查主旨大意。全文讲述了作者、作者妈妈、作者的 室友的偏见,以及作者对此的
看法。认为一面之词实际上是很不好的。在并没有亲自去观察探索也没有去 多方面了解之
前,人们就接受了single story。但其实往往并不符合事实。因此最好的标题是一面之词的

篇故 事类阅读,要求考生在捕捉细节信息的基础上,进一步根据上下文的逻辑关系,进行
分析,推理,概括和 归纳,从而选出正确答案。


Even if you've never been to Phoenix, you know this about the place It's hot. From June to
September, the temperature can easily surpass the century mark. But that doesn't stop hikers
from attempting the 1.3-mile hiking to the top of the city's famed Camelback Mountain. Signs
warn that the trail is
liter of water per person. And if you're still not stopped, another sign farther up declares:
you're halfway through your water, turn around!

Unfortunately, many people to not take the warnings seriously. Fortunate y, Scott Cullymore
does. The 53-year-old Cullymore can be found hiking up and down Camelback a couple of times a
day, giving out cold bottles of water to worn- out hikers. He has helped hydrate so many hikers
that he has earned a heavenly nickname: the Water Angel.

Cullymore was on Camelback Mountain one day in 2015 when a British tourist died after being
lost for nearly six hours in the July heat. That experience inspired him to start helping people
caught unaware by the cruelty of Mother Nature.
overestimate what they can do, and they get themselves in trouble.

One hiker who was offered water agrees.
here in the desert and it surrounds you like a blanket,
high school friend. They were lucky, he said pointing to Cullymore. ran into this Good
Samaritan here.

(1)What is the first paragraph mainly about?

A. The risks involved in the hiking. B. The seriousness of the warnings.

C. The distribution of signs that warn hikers. D. The influence of the temperature on hikers.

(2)Why did some hikers on Camelback Mountain get in trouble?

A. They were not well trained in hiking.

B. They forgot to take enough water with them.

C. They were too optimistic about the situation.

D. They were not fit enough to hike the mountain.

(3)What can we know about Austin Hill?

A. He agreed to help others. B. He was saved by Cullymore.

C. He hiked alone in the desert. D. He regretted taking a blanket.

(4)What is the best title for the text?

A. The Camelback Mountain B. Surviving the Heat

C. Hikers in Need D. The Water Angel

【答案】 (1)A




【解析】【分析】本文是一篇记叙文,远足者低估夏日的Camelback Mountain 同时 高估自
己的能力,所以在远足途中遇到麻烦,Cullymore了解情况后决定帮助他们。Cully more通

(1)考查段落大意。根据第一段中的”From June to September, the temperature can easily
surpass the century mark“;”Signs warn that the trail is ‘extremely difficult’“;”If you continue,
a posted checklist suggests at least a liter of water per person. “和“If you're halfway through your
water, turn around!”可知在夏天去Camelback Mountain远足是非常艰难的,原因有两个:一
个是温度很高,另一个是水。 故选A。

(2)考查细节理解。根据第三段中的”They underestimate the mountain, and they
overestimate what they can do, and they get themselves in trouble.“可知人们低估了这座山 ,
选C 。

(3)考查推理判断。根据最后一段中的”They were lucky, he said pointing to Cullymore. ‘We
ran into this Good Samaritan here.’”可知Austin Hill说他们很幸运,因为他们遇到了< br>Cullymore这个乐善好施的人,故推测Cullymore救了他。故选B。

(4)考查主旨大意。根据第二段中的“He has helped hydrate so many hikers that he has
earned a heavenly nickname: the Water Angel.”和最后一段中的“And with that, the Water Angel
goes in search of another hiker in need. ”以及文章主要内容可知,本文主要叙述了Cullymore
通过在山上给登山者发水来帮助他们,从 而得到“水天使”的昵称,即本文主要讲述“水天

【点评】 本题考点涉及细节理解,推理判断,段落大意和主旨大意四个题型的考查,是一
篇故事类阅读,要求考生 在捕捉细节信息的基础上,进一步根据上下文的逻辑关系,进行
分析,推理,概括和归纳,从而选出正确 答案。


Water is a necessity of life. Rain, especially, helps plants grow and stay green. But too much rain,
especially in cities, can lead to flooding. That can cause waste water systems to overflow and
send pollutants into rivers and other waterways. To fight the problem, several cities in the United
States are starting programs like rooftop gardens.

A team at the University of the District of Columbia in the nation's capital has created a garden
on the top of one school building. The garden holds many kinds of plants to help absorb
rainwater and grow food at the same time. Architect David Bell has designed five
for the university. He says he is excited about the project because meant doing something
more than just dealing with storm water management. It took advantage of a resource above the
city and these flat roofs that aren't doing anything really became something that was about
urban ter is collected in large containers and sent through a system that
waters the rooftop garden. The roof is filled with green life that appeals to insects.

In cities,
space,says Caitlin Arlotta. She is a student in the school's Urban Agriculture program. The
project is part of a research program to see which plants do well on rooftops. The researchers are
looking at plants including strawberries, tomatoes and sweet potatoes. The university also has
other green spaces. also have our own farm experiments,Arlotta said. each of
those growing systems, we want to be able to tell people which sorts of these crops grow the

Sandy Farber Bandier helps run UDC's Master Gardener program. It seeks to improve cities and
make them beautiful by training people to become Master Gardeners. She says she's been
surprised by the garden's output.
produce the first year and was able to spread that to people in need.
show people who live in D. C. and others beyond the nation's capital what and how food can be
grown on a rooftop.
kitchen, you distribute through farmers markets, food trucks, and then you recycle.

(1)What do we know about the rooftop gardens?

A. Rooftop gardens are very common in average neighborhoods.

B. There are many sorts of plants there which help take in rainwater.

C. They're playing an important role in the city's food supply.

D. Rooftop gardens are no more than containers to collect rainwater.

(2)What can we infer from Paragraph 3?

A. Rooftops can offer enough space to plant crops.

B. Many plants like strawberries can grow well on rooftops.

C. Some university students are participating in the Urban Agriculture program.

D. The plants in rooftop gardens are attractive to many insects.

(3)How does Sandy Farber Bandier feel about the future of rooftop gardens?

A. Confident. B. Doubtful. C. Worried. D. Ambiguous.

(4)What is the best title for the text?

A. Rainwater Necessity for Plant Life B. Green Roofs-The Future of Urban Agriculture

C. The United States' Agriculture Program D. Rooftop Gardens-Food Paradise

【答案】 (1)B




美国由 于雨水过多,为了避免浪费,美国的几个城市正在启动屋顶花园等项目。在大学校
舍的顶部建造花园,种 植多种植物吸收雨水,利用城市上空的一种资源,成为了城市农业

rainwater and grow food at the same time.可知,花园里有多种植物,可以帮助吸收雨水,

(2)考查推理判断。根据第三段中的“ She is a student in the school's Urban Agriculture
program... The researchers are looking at plants including strawberries, tomatoes and sweet
potatoes. The university also has other green spaces. ‘We also have our own farm
experiments’。”可知,凯特琳·阿洛塔是该校都 市农业计划的学生。研究人员正在研究包括
草莓、西红柿和甘薯在内的植物。这所大学还有其他绿地。, 我们也有自己的农场实验

(3)考查推理判断。根据最后一段中的“She also likes being able to show people who live in
D. C. and others beyond the nation's capital what and how food can be grown on a rooftop.
‘This is the future for food. You grow it here, you prepare it in a commercial kitchen, you
distribute through farmers markets, food trucks, and then you recycle. ’Bandier 喜
欢向住在华盛顿特区和首都以外地区的人们展示在屋顶上可以 种植什么以及如何种植食
物。她认为这是食品的未来。你在这里种植,在商业厨房里准备,通过农贸市场 分发。食

启动 屋顶花园等项目。接着下文进行了详细介绍了在大学校舍的顶部建造花园,种植多种
植物吸收雨水,利用 城市上空的一种资源,成为了城市农业的一部分,有人认为这是未来
的食物。由此可知,本文主要叙述了 绿色屋顶城市农业的未来。综观全文可知,文中
green roofs(绿色屋顶)贯穿全文,第一段最后一句green roofs(绿色屋顶)是建在城市的
农业(Urban Agriculture),故选B。

【点评】本题考点涉及细节理解,推理判断和主旨大 意三个题型的考查,是一篇介绍类阅
读,要求考生在捕捉细节信息的基础上,进一步根据上下文的逻辑关 系,进行分析,推


Effective Friday, Screen Actors Guild-American Federation of Television and Radio Artists (SAG-
AFTRA) has declared a strike against 11 video game publishers over games that went into
production after Feb. 17, 2015. The companies include some of the heavyweights of the industry,
like Electronic Arts Productions, Insomniac Games, Activision and Disney.

The strike comes in light of an unsuccessful 19 months of negotiations after the existing labor
contract known as the Interactive Media Agreement expired in late 2014. Overall, the strike is an
effort to provide more secondary compensation along with other concerns, such as transparency
upon hiring talent and on-set (制作中) safety precautions.

The video gaming industry has ballooned in recent years. The Los Angeles Times reports that
the industry is in the midst of an intense increase in cash flow. In 2015, gaming produced $$23.5
billion in domestic revenue.

But SAG-AFTRA says voice actors don't receive residuals (追加酬金) for their gaming work.
Instead, they receive a fixed rate, which is typically about $$825 for a standard four-hour vocal
session. So the voice actors are pushing for the idea of secondary compensation—a performance
bonus every time a game sells 2 million copies or downloads, or reaches 2 million subscribers,
with a cap at 8 million.

voice actor Crispin Freeman, who's a member of the union's negotiating committee.
important aspect of what it means to be a freelance (从事自由职业的) performer, who isn't
regularly enjoyed every single day working on projects.

Another major complaint from the actors is the secrecy of the industry. can't imagine if
there's any other acting job in the world where you don't know what show you're in, when you're

conference Friday.
never knew that I was doing vocal recording for that game throughout the year and a half.

Scott Witlin, the lawyer representing the video game companies, says voice actors
less than one tenth of l percent of the work that goes into making a video
though they're the top craftsmen in their field,Witlin says, we pay them under a vastly
different system than the people who do the 99.9 percent of the work, that's going to create far
more problems for the video game companies.

(1)Why did SAG-AFTRA declare a strike against some video game publishers?

A. It had been cheated repeatedly in the 19 months of talks.

B. The labor contract between them had been violated.

C. The negotiations between them had broken down.

D. Its appeal to renegotiate the contract had been rejected.

(2)What do we learn from the passage about the video gaming industry?

A. It has invested a lot in its domestic market. B. It has attracted many famous voice actors.

C. It has become more open and transparent. D. It has gained huge profits in recent years.

(3)What are the voice actors demanding?

A. Extra pay based on sales revenues. B. A non- discriminatory contract.

C. A limit on the maximum work hours. D. More regular employment.

(4)What does Keythe Farley say about voice actors?

A. They are not paid on a regular basis.

B. They are kept in the dark about many details of their job.

C. They are discriminated against in the gaming industry.

D. They are not employed full-time.

(5)What is the argument of lawyer Scott Witlin?

A. Changing the pay system would cause the industry more problems.

B. Paying voice actors on an hourly basis is in fine with the law.

C. Voice actors should have a pay raise if they prove to be top craftsmen.

D. Voice actors are mere craftsmen, not professional performers.

【答案】 (1)C





劳却一直维 持不变,故他们希望可以按照游戏销售量获得额外的报酬。但律师认为如果改
变声音演员的报酬系统,游 戏公司将会面临更多的问题,因为他们只做了其中少之又少的

(1)考查细节理解。根据第二段中的”The strike comes in light of an unsuccessful 19 months
of negotiations after the existing labor contract known as the Interactive Media Agreement
expired in late 2014.“可知,由于为期19个月的谈判没有成功,SAG- AFTRA决定采取罢工来

(2)考查细节理解。根据第三段中的”The video gaming industry has ballooned in recent
years. In 2015, gaming produced $$23.5 billion in domestic revenue.“可知,近几年 游戏行业发展

(3)考查细节理解。根据第四段中的”So the voice actors are pushing for the idea of
secondary compensation ---a performance bonus every time a game sells 2 million copies or
downloads, or reaches 2 million subscribers, with a cap at 8 million.“可知,配音演员要求得到









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