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ivan少儿英语圣经故事10-Story of Moses摩西的故事

2021-01-16 06:36
tags:少儿英语, 幼儿教育


少儿英语圣经故事10:Story of Moses摩西的故事
故事是给孩子的必备 的工具,对于学习外语的孩子更是需要大量的英文故事,
这样可以帮助孩子快速成长,以下是小编给大家 整理的少儿英语圣经故事
10:Story of Moses摩西的故事,希望可以帮到大家
少儿英语圣经故事10:Story of Moses摩西的故事
Do you remember from our last lesson what message Moses and his brother
Aaron took to the king of Egypt?“The God of Israel says, Let my people
go!”Do you remember Pharaoh’s proud answer?“No!”
你还记得在我们上一次的圣经故事中,摩西和他的哥哥亚伦把什么样的 信息
记得吗 ?埃及法老骄傲地回答说:“不行。”
Would you want to have to go back again and again to give the same
message, knowing you would get the same answer?That’s what Moses and Aaron
were commanded by theLord to do.
如果你知道你每一次都得到一样的答 案,你还会不会一次又一次地,不厌其
So let’s you and I quietly follow Moses and Aaron as they once again
enter Pharaoh’s throne room in that splendid Egyptian palace. Let’s state
the message along with Aaron, for he is the speaker:“The God of Israel
says, Let my people go!”
让我们赶快跟着摩西和亚伦,当他们又一次进到埃及法老华丽的王 宫里。亚
“Show me a miracle, ”Pharaoh demanded. The Bible says, in Exodus
7:10, “and Aaron cast down his rod before Pharaoh, and before his servants,
and it became a serpent (or snake).” Imagine that snake slithering around
on the palace floor. Would you and I have run away?

及记第7章第10节说:“亚伦把杖 丢在法老和他的臣仆面前,杖就变成了蛇。”
But what is this?Pharaoh called for his wise men and magicians, and
the Bible tells us that they were also able, by the power of Satan, God’
s enemy, to bring forth snakes. So now there were many snakes on the palace
floor! But look at what is happening now! Aaron’s snake quickly swallows
up all their snakes! What does that tell us?Our God is more powerful than
Satan and all his tricks!
可是,这是什么?法老召了博士 和术士来,圣经告诉我们,这些行法术的人
靠着神的敌人撒但的能力,他们的杖也变成了蛇。现在,王宫 的地上爬了很多的
There is no God in all the earth like our powerful God! He is the One
Who created all things by the word of His power. He is the God of Israel,
and the God Who made you and loves you very much.
在世上没有别的神像我们这位大有能力的神 !他用他口中所说的话创造了宇
And He is the God Who caused Aaron’s snake to swallow those other
snakes. But Pharaoh was so proud, and still refused to let the people of
Israel go. God knew this would happen. The next morning God sent Moses
to the bank of the Nile River where He knew Pharaoh would be stranding.
Moses told Pharaoh that because he had not listened to the true and living
God, the waters of the Nile River would be turned into blood.
河边,神知道法老要到水 边去。摩西告诉法老,因为他没有听从这位又真又活的
It happened just as God said. The Bible tells us in Exodus 7:21, “And
the fish that was in the river died; and the river stank, and the Egyptians
could not drink of the water of the river; and there was blood throughout
all the land of Egypt.” In other words, wherever the people of Egypt had
a pot or jar of water, they suddenly found blood in it instead. For seven
days this plague was upon Egypt. But Pharaoh still said no to God.
事情正像神所说的发生了。圣经 在出埃及记第7章第21节说:“河里的鱼死
了,河也腥臭了,埃及人就不能吃这河里的水,埃及遍地都 有了血。”也就是说
God sent more plagues. He had a plan long before Moses went to Egypt,
and God was simply carrying out His plan. Next, God sent a plague of frogs.
There were frogs in the bread and frogs in the bed! Everyone’s bread and
everyone’s bed.
神又使更多的灾难发生在埃及。早在摩西回到埃及以前 ,神就有他的计划,
Then God sent great clouds of gnats that tormented both the people
and the animals. Pharaoh kept hardening his heart and saying no to God.
God wanted Pharaoh to see .His power and believe on Him. God could have
just taken His people of Israel out of Egypt without Pharaoh’s permission.
But what did God say
神又使虱子生出来,在人身上和牲畜身上都有了虱子,使他们 很痛苦。可是
可 以不经法老同意而把以色列人带出埃及。但神说什么?
Let’s read it in Exodus 8:22…God said He was doing all these things
so that Pharaoh“may know that I am the LORD in the midst of the earth.”
Pharaoh’s pride kept him from believing and obeying the Lord.
出埃及 记第8章第22节说:神说他做这一切,好叫法老知道我是天下的神。
而法老的骄傲使他不能相信和顺服 神。神又让成群的苍蝇败坏了埃及。
God sent swarms of flies, a terrible disease upon the cattle and horses,









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