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2021-01-15 17:18
tags:英语考试, 外语学习


Day 1
Adhere(黏附, 附着; 坚持, 支持)
China will adhere to an independent and peaceful foreign policy in dealing with international
Cherish(珍爱, 珍视, 爱护)
I will cherish my visit here in memory, as long as I live!
The agency ascribed the temperature climb mainly to increased greenhouse gases emissions,
cyclical temperature fluctuations and less cold air generated from the Arctic.
Her taste in music coincides with her husband’s.
Overwhelm(压倒, 制服; 打败)
Our team overwhelmed the visitors by 40 points.
Beijing took an overwhelming majority of votes and won the Olympic bid.
Pursuit(追赶, 追捕)
We’ve simply reaffirmed an old truth: the pursuit of affluence does not always end with happiness.
Comply(遵从, 依从, 服从)
China will strictly comply with the universally acknowledged market rules.
Conspicuous(显眼的, 明显的)
The house standing on the island is very conspicuous.
Despite our best endeavors, we couldn’t get the machine started.
Homogeneous(同性质的, 同类的)
Milk and cream are homogeneous foods, and they are both dairy products.
Immerse (使浸入)
She was so deeply immersed in reading that she forgot the supper.
Indulge(放纵, 容许)
Will you indulge my curiosity and tell me how much it cost?
Persistent(持续的; 不断的)
She eventually married the most persistent of her admirers.
Retrieve(寻回, 找回,收回)
The shopkeeper went to the window and retrieved Reuben’s treasure.
Revive(恢复, 苏醒, 复活)
Peter tried to revive the frozen robin; but it was stone-dead.
Suppress(压制; 镇压)
All these movement were suppressed by the government.
Testify(证明; 证实)
This excellent book testifies to the author’s ability.
The hunter is trying to accustom his hunting dog to the noise of a gun.
Ambiguous(引起歧义的; 模棱两可的, 含糊不清的)
That’s a rather ambiguous answer-what exactly do you mean?
Ascend(上升, 攀登)
Step by step the ladder is ascended.
The billionaire is campaigning for political reform.
Brisk(轻快的, 活泼的)
Taking a brisk walk can often induce a feeling of well-being.
Certify(证明, 证实)
You are basically asking people to certify, with big penalties, that nobody has lied on their expense
Conceive(想出, 构想, 设想)
The coach conceived the strategy that won the game for us.
Contemplate(注视, 凝视)
She stood contemplating the painting.
Disable(使无能力; 使残废)
An accident disabled him from playing football.
Eccentric(古怪的, 怪癖的; 异乎寻常的)
A few weeks later I began saving again. Was I becoming an eccentric hoarder? Not at all.
Day 2
Essence(本质, 实质, 要素)
Senior citizen discounts are the essence of the very thing older Americans are fighting
against—discrimination by age.
Extravagant(奢侈的, 铺张的)
When asked to use three words to describe society's rich, the top responses were “extravagant” ,
“greedy” and “corrupt”(堕落的, 腐败的).
Flush (面红耳赤; (使)脸红)
The child's cheeks were flushed with fever.
Even Hilton Hotels has shown interest in the space tourism industry and the possibility of building
or co-funding a space hotel.
Granted, some amount of delusion (错觉)is probably part of the human condition.
Haunt (经常出没于)
He was haunted by memories of his unhappy childhood well into his adult life.
Initiate (开始, 着手)
The concept of a “non-smoking” Olympics, Initiated in 1988, has been put into practice since
the 1992 Barcelona Games.
Intrinsic(固有的, 内在的, 本质的)
The intrinsic value of a coin is the value of the metal it is made of.
Nobody told me where to find you. It was sheer intuition.
Irritate(使发怒, 使急躁)
The boy's foolish question irritated his mother.
Manifest (清楚表示; 显露)
She manifested little interest in her studies.
Mingle(混合, 混入)
Security men mingled with the crowd.
Obscure(模糊不清的; 不易看清的, 暗淡的)
I received a letter of complaint from them; but the letters of the sign were made obscure by rain.
“More haste, less speed” is a paradox.
With seven people squashed (挤进)in one house, you don't get much privacy.
The sun radiates both light and heat.
Refrain(抑制; 克制; 戒除)
You must be able to refrain yourself in some matters in order to accomplish others.
The supervisor didn't have time so far to go into it at length, but he gave us an idea about his plan.

The doctors and nurses had surgical masks on.
Suspicious(猜疑的, 疑心的)
I am always suspicious of anyone who wants to sell me something on the cheap.
Terminate(结束; 使终结)
They terminated their agreement (协定, 协议, 契约) and renewed another one according to the
Terrorists hijacked an airplane with 260 people on board.
I tumbled several times when learning to skate for the first time.
Absurd(荒谬的, 荒唐的)
She said to herself that the idea was absurd.
Allege(断言, 宣称, 辩解)
You alleged that the accused man was seen at the scene of the crime, didn’t you?
Analogy(类似, 相似)
My theory applies to you and by analogy to others like you.
Array (展示, 陈列, 一系列)
The royal(国王的, 女王的) couple appeared in splendid array.
It is believed that girls are usually more articulate than boys.
Ascertain(弄清, 确定, 查明)
The researcher ascertained that he had discovered a new element which led to the SARS.
Assertive (断言的,肯定的)
Katsue Reynolds has argued that girls nowadays are using more assertive language strategies in
order to be able to compete with boys in schools and out.
Human population growth and technological development result in dramatic reductions and
alterations in quality and availability of wildlife habitat.
Baffle(使困难, 使为难)
She was completely baffled by his strange behavior.
Barren(贫瘠的, 不孕的, 不生育的; 不结果的)
There are about 98% thick continental ice sheet and 2% barren rock in Antarctica.
Bewilder(使迷惑, 使难住)
The child was bewildered by the noise and the crowds.
Coincidence(符合, 一致)
Is there any coincidence between your statistics and your friends'?
Conform(顺应, 一致)
Nowadays, it is commonly observed that young women are not conforming to the feminine
linguistic ideal.
Day 3
Conscientious(认真的, 勤奋的)
This essay is a most conscientious piece of work.
Consolidate((使)巩固; (使)加强)
As we all know, too many countries lapse back into violence when efforts to consolidate peace or
create stability are weak.
Software, consultancy and mobile telephones use far less oil than steel or car production.
Contrive(谋划或策划(某事), 设计, 发明)
After much difficulty,I contrived to pull the boat onto the beach.
Converge(会于一点, 向一点会合)
Capitalism and socialism will not eventually converge.
Your English proficiency is the decisive factor in getting the job.
Deduce(推论, 演绎)
You will notice water rising in the tube; now what do you deduce from that?
Deem(认为, 相信)
He deemed that it was his duty to help.
Deprive(剥夺, 夺去, 使丧失)
It is absolutely unfair that these children are deprived of the rights to receive education.
Deteriorate(恶化, 变坏)
Leather quickly deteriorates in hot, damp climate.
Diminish ((使)减少; 缩小)
The amount of water in the pond will diminish as the dry season comes.
The inventiveness of the early Americans shed light on disciplined school management.
Disperse((使)散开, 驱散)
A thunderstorm came up and dispersed the picnickers.
Divert(使转移[向]; 使得到消遣)
Once young offenders embark on a life of crime, prison does little to divert them.
Eject(弹出, 喷出, 排出)
The fire ejected yellow flames into the night sky.
Elapse((时间)消逝, 过去)
Three years have elapsed since we last met.
Elevate(举起, 提高)
A special device elevated the stage for the finale(终曲,末乐章).
Elicit(引出, 探出)
At last we've elicited the truth from him.
Eligible(有资格当选的, 有条件被选中的)
Only native-born citizens who are over 18 are eligible to the office of president.
The emission of radio signals was interrupted by a power failure.
Endanger(危及, 使遭受危险)
Drunk drivers endanger the lives of others.
Endow(捐钱, 捐赠, 资助)
She endowed the new hospital with a large sum of money.
Erase(擦掉, 抹去, 清除)
The vision of that big black car hitting the sidewalk a few feet from us will never be erased from
my memory.
The exhaustion of the army's ammunition caused its defeat.
Exquisite(精致的, 精美的)
He has an exquisite ear for music.
Extract(拔出, 抽出)
The newspaper extracted several passages from the speech and printed them on the front page.
Flaw(缺点, 瑕疵, 缺陷)
There is a flaw in the marble near the base of the statue.
Fraud(欺诈, 欺骗行为)
Bend the law for personal gain and engage in fraud.
Hamper(妨碍, 束缚, 限制)
Our progress was hampered by the bad weather. Impart A good teacher should impart wisdom to
his pupils.
His words gave me incentive, and I worked twice as hard.
Incidentally, your letter came only this morning.
Indignant(愤怒的, 愤慨的, 义愤的)
He was most indignant with me when I asked for a day's leave.
Infectious(传染的, 有传染性的)
An infectious disease is one that can be passed from one person to another.
Day 4
So you fitted that wire through that little hole there: that's very ingenious!
Instantaneous(瞬间发生的, 即刻的)
She accidentally swallowed the poison and death was instantaneous.
The form, the sound and the grammar rules are integral parts of a language.
Intelligible(可理解的, 明白易懂的, 清楚的)
He used so many archaisms in his speech that half of it was barely intelligible.
Jeopardize(危及, 损害)
The security of the whole operation has been jeopardized by one careless person.
A bad compromise is better than a good lawsuit.
Linger(逗留, 徘徊)
She lingered after the concert, hoping to meet the star.
Magnify(放大; 扩大)
The microscope magnified the object one hundred times.
This highly polite style is no doubt something that young women have been expected to “grow
into”-after all, it is a sign not simply of femininity, but of maturity and refinement.
Migrate(迁移; 移往)
Wealthy people often migrate in winter to warmer, sunnier countries.
Misfortune(不幸, 厄运, 逆境)
Think about the misfortune of others that you may be satisfied with your own lot.
Negligible(可忽略的, 无足轻重的)
The damage to my car is negligible.
Notorious(臭名昭著的, 声名狼藉的)
Maradona , a most famous football star,
is a notorious drug addict.
More companies are learning the importance of destructive technologies -innovations that hold the
potential to make a product line, or even an entire business segment, virtually outdated.
Outflow(流出, 外流)
We watched the heavy outflow of the tide.
Permeate(渗入, 渗透)
On a spring moonlit night, birds are singing, the air is permeated with the fragrance of flowers.
A porch is a covered entrance to a building.
Predominant(占主导地位的, 显著的)
Her predominant characteristic is her friendliness.
Prescription(处方, 药方)
She feels fine now that the doctor has made fine adjustments to her prescription.
Prevalent(普遍的, 盛行的, 流行的)
Traveling by motor car is becoming more and more prevalent in the country.
Profound(深度的; 深切的; 深远的)
The doctor's discovery will have a profound influence on mankind.
Prolong(延长; 拉长; 拖延)
I do not want to prolong our talk;it is time to go home.
Reassure(消除恐惧或疑虑; 恢复信心)
What reassures executives does not always reward shareholders.
Rectify(改正, 矫正)
Once we get to know our mistakes, we should rectify them as soon as possible.
Refute(驳斥, 驳倒)
You can easily refute his argument.
Repel(击退, 抵制)
The soldiers repelled the attacking enemy.
She reproached him for forgetting their anniversary.
I could not keep my anger down when I was roughly treated.
Sensational(轰动的, 群情激动的)
After a sensational trial, the football player was cleared off the killing.
Simulate(模仿, 模拟)
The computer simulates conditions on the sea bed.
“Music expressed its times, “says sociologist Irving Horowitz.
I want to live in a spacious house.
Subscribe(订购, 预订;捐助)
I subscribe to Newsweek.
Subsidiary(附属事物, 附属机构, 子公司)
The question of finance is subsidiary to the question of whether the project will be approved.
Surpass(超过; 优于; 多于; 非…所能办到)
Though we thought that we might lose in the first round, the result surpassed our hopes.
Money and beauty tempted him to commit crime.
Bush said both countries love freedom
and together they will fight against terrorism.
Tow(拖, 拉, 拽)
If you park your car here the police may tow it away.
Transition(过渡; 转变; 变迁)
The transition from planned economy to share system is certainly a painstaking course.
Day 5
Underlying(根本的, 基础的; 含蓄的, 潜在的)
It's the economist's mission to try to find out the underlying causes of the depression.
Unprecedented(前所未有的, 无前例的)
People's living standards have been rising steadily and China's comprehensive (综合的)strength
has been clearly enhanced. This is an unprecedented miracle(奇迹) in China's history.
The queen unveiled a statue of Prince Albert
Void(空的, 空虚的)
The desert stretching away before the traveler(旅游者) seemed frighteningly void.
The couple exchanged vows in a romantic Labor Day sunset ceremony on Maui.
Vulgar(庸俗的, 粗俗的, 低级的)
The houses and cars of the newly rich are huge but vulgar.
Wasteful(庸俗的, 粗俗的, 低级的)
His wife was wasteful and he had to keep his nose to the grindstone(持续辛勤地工作).
Abort(中止, 夭折)
The rescue mission(使命, 任务) had to be aborted.
Accessory(附件, 配件)
The accessories for a car include the heater and the radio.
Her adherence to her principles cost (付出(代价), 失去)her job
Administer (管理, 支配)
She had a huge department to administer
Aerospace (航空航天学)
The Challenger shuttle(航天飞机) crew, of seven astronauts-including the specialties of pilot,
aerospace engineers, and scientists died tragically in the explosion.
Affiliate(使隶属于, 接纳…为成员)
The college is affiliated to the university.
Alien(外国的, 外国人的; 陌生的)
We should not ignore others' opinions just because they are alien to our own ideas.
Alleviate(减轻, 缓解, 缓和)
The medicine is administered to alleviate the pain.
Alternate(轮流的, 交替的)
Mary and her sister will alternate in setting the table.
There is a degree of ambiguity in her answer.
Amend(改良; 修改, 修订)
The government has amended the law twice to accord with the changing situation
Sotheby's apprised (告知,通知)Donald of the fact that his “Rembrandt” was appraised as
Appropriation(拨付,拨发; 占用,挪用,盗用)
The mayor approved the appropriation of the new school.
Apt(易于…的, 有…倾向的; 恰当的, 适宜的)
Everyone at present was very excited at his apt remark.
Arrogance(傲慢的, 自大的)-----arrogant
I would on no account(绝不, 切莫) authorize in my child the smallest degree of arrogance.
Assurance(保证, 担保, 确信)
The only complete defense is the elimination of nuclear weapons and assurance that they will
never be produced again.
He is taking part in an athletic meeting.
Attendant(服务人员, 侍者, 随从)
Sally is too flighty (轻浮的,朝三暮四的,反复无常的)to be a flight attendant(飞行服务员).
authorize/ise(授权, 批准; 委托)
I have authorized him to act for(代表(某人), 代替(某人)执行某公务) me while I am away.
Avail(效用, 利益)
They made great efforts, but it was all to no avail.
Bald (秃头的, 秃的)
Too much knowledge makes the head bald.
The company is reported to be on the brink of bankruptcy.
The behavioral sciences have been slow to change partly because the explanatory items often
seem to be directly observed and partly because other kinds of explanations have been hard to
The police blundered badly by arresting the wrong man.
The new carpet (地毯)brightened the room.
The capsule failed to separate from the earth satellite.
How wonderful it would be to be young and carefree again!
Is your disease chronic or acute?
Circulation(流通, 循环)
Police say a number of forged banknotes are in circulation.
This is the unorthodox(非正统的, 非传统的, 非正规的) view of a German soil scientist who has
shown that burnt (没有先见之明而蒙受损失)clearings in the Amazon, dating back more than 1
000 years, helped create patches of rich, fertile (多产的, 富饶的)soil that farmers still benefit
from today.
Day 6
Collaboration(合作, 协作)
Garment((一件)衣服) making typically calls for a collaboration among yarn (纱, 纱线, 纺
线)spinners(纺纱工), fabric weavers (织工;编织者)and sewing factories.
Collide(相撞, 碰撞)---- collision
The government collided with parliament over its industrial plans.
Commemorate(纪念, 庆祝)
The Nobel Prize is awarded to commemorate Nobel, the great chemist.
Commentary(评论; 评注; 实况报道, 解说词)
It affords a striking commentary on the limitations of our present knowledge.
Commonplace(普通的, 平庸的)
When leaving the house, she was heard to make some commonplace remark to her husband.
A flaming dessert complemented the dinner.
Compliment (赞美(话), 恭维(话))
Your presence is a great compliment.
Compulsory(必须做的, 强制性的)
English is a compulsory subject in this course; Art is optional.
His letter was concise, omitting (省略, 遗漏; 删掉) everything not pertinent(有关的;恰当的) to
the job for which he was applying.
Through his spokesman he expressed his condolences on the victims of the accident.
Confidential(秘密的, 机密的)
You are probably on much more confidential terms with Kitty than I am.
Configuration(构造, 形状, 外貌, 轮廓)
We know little about the configuration of the star's surface.
Conformity(依照, 遵从; 符合, 一致)
Young people today do not care so much about conformity- they do what they like.
Confrontation(对抗, 对抗的事物)
She wanted to avoid another confrontation with her father.
There's not much prospect of Mr. Smith's being elected as Congressman.
Constrain(强迫, 强使; 限制, 约束)
People with poor motives will always exist,” he says.“Sometimes environments constrain those
people and sometimes environments give those people opportunity.”
We must pay much attention to the contamination of the water supply.
People believe that there is a correlation between smoking and lung cancer.
Credible(可信的, 可靠的)
A will must be attested by two or more credible witnesses.
Criterion(标准, 准则)
Only social practice can be the criterion of truth. Cumulative it was a cumulative process.
Decentralize(权力下放; 分散)
The two major U.S. political parties are vast, sprawling, decentralized conglomerations of varied
ideological positions whose members do not feel obliged to vote the way the party leaders tell
them to do.
Dedicate(奉献; 贡献)
Dedicated to helping Beijing 2008 spread its theme of One World, One Dream to every continent,
Fuwa reflect the deep desire of the Chinese people to reach out to the world in friendship through
the Games.
May I return this machine if it's defective?
Our knowledge of the matter is deficient.
Degrade(使降级, 使降低身份)
I felt degraded by having to ask for money.
Delicacy(精美的食物; 对…感到棘手)
Try this dish. It's a local delicacy.
Liberalization and deregulation opened the way to the creation of broad, deep and liquid capital
markets, and established the right environment to attract foreign firms and inward investment.
Destiny(命运; 天命; 天数)
I don't know if we each have a destiny or if we're all just floating around accidentally like on a
breeze but I think that maybe it's both.
Deviate(偏离; 越轨)
The teacher deviated from her custom and gave out no homework.
Diffuse(四散的, 漫射的)
The clowns (丑角, 小丑) in the play are mainly to diffuse a feeling of happiness.
To Galbraith ,materialism had gone mad and would breed discontent.
Diversion(转移, 转向)
Strangers and travelers were welcome sources of diversion, and brought news of the outside
Doubtless(无疑地, 肯定地)
Doubtless he'll be bringing his guitar, as usual.
Drawback(缺点, 不利条件; 障碍)
This is a good car; its only drawback is that it uses a lot of petrol.
Duplicate(复制; 完全一样的东西, 复制品)
If you lose your key, I can give you a duplicate.
Day 7
Dwell(住, 住)
Those two young men dwell on an island and live on fishing.
Embark(乘船, 装载)
Peru embarked on (着手, 开始做某事) a massive programme of reform.
Science studies are empirical researches in most cases.
The new law needs strict enforcement.
Enthusiastic(满腔热情的, 热心的; 极感兴趣的)
The diplomat(外交官) received enthusiastic praise.
Do you know Liu Hua, a famous female entrepreneur?
Evoke(产生, 引起, 唤起)
The music evoked memories of her youth. Exceptional (优越的, 杰出的)
This warm weather is exceptional for January.
Babies today have a longer life expectancy than those born a hundred years ago.
Expedition(远征; 探险; 考察)
The Arctic expedition reached the North Pole.
Expenditure(花费, 使用)
The research is very important, but the expenditure of time and money is also considerable.
Expire(期满, (期限)终止)
In the play the heroine expired of a broken heart.
Extinct(灭绝的, 绝种的)
The woolly elephant has been extinct for a long time.
Fabricate(编造, 捏造, 虚构; 伪造)
The story about his life abroad is completely fabricated.
Fabulous(寓言般的, 难以置信的, 巨大的)
During the two world wars, the monopoly capitalists amassed fabulous wealth.
Facet(小平面, 面)
There are many facets to this question.
The girl's father punished her for falsehood.
Feast(盛会, 宴会)
A good conscience is a continual feast; a good conscience is a soft pillow.
Feeble(虚弱的, 衰弱的, 无力的)
The old woman is too feeble to do her own shopping.
Flap(轻拍, 拍打, 拍击)
Everything was working smoothly, there was no flap.
Flip(发疯, 失去理智)
She flipped through the pages of a magazine, not really concentrating on them.
Fragile(易碎的, 脆的)
This old glass dish is very fragile.
Friction(摩擦; 摩擦力)
Friction between two sticks can create a fire.
Fuse(保险丝, 熔丝; 导火线; 引信)
Their common interests fuse the two companies.
Galaxy(星系; 银河系, 银河)
Astronomers at the University of California discovered one of the most distant galaxies.
generalize/ise(概括, 归纳, 推论)
You cannot generalize about the effects of the drug from one or two cases.
Generosity(慷慨, 大方, 宽容)
They aim to appeal to people's generosity.
Glare(怒视, 瞪眼)
The teacher glared at the impertinent boy.
Glide(滑行, 滑动, 滑翔)
The skier glided skillfully down the snow-covered slope.
Gloomy(黑暗的, 阴暗的)
There was a gloomy outlook over roof and chimneys.
Gossip(流言, 闲话)
You shouldn't listen to gossip.
Grieve(感到悲痛, 伤心)
It grieves me to have to say it, but you have only yourself to blame.
Grope(暗中摸, 摸索)
I groped my way to a seat in the dark movie theater.
Do you have absolute proof of her guilt?
We heard the harmonious sounds of a choir.
Hatch(孵出, 破壳而出)
Count one's chickens before they are hatched.
Day 8
Hazardous(冒险的,有危险的)------ Hazard
The journey to the palace was hazardous. Heighten((使)变高, (使)增大)
If you want to succeed, you must heighten your confidence.
Hoist(把…吊起, 升起)
Do you believe that an adult elephant can hoist the weight of a ton?
Hospitality(殷勤, 好客)
People tend to refer to hospitality industry as “window” industry just as they call tourism
“smokeless” industry.
Humane(仁爱的,慈善的)------- Human
She works for humane treatment of prisoners.
Hurl(猛投, 用力掷, 大声叫骂)
He hurled curses at the man who had hurled a stone at his window.
Hypothesis(假说, 假设, 前提)
The researcher made three hypotheses before his experiment, but only proved one.
Ignite(点燃; 引发)
He approached the explosive(爆炸物, 炸药) to ignite it.
About half the population in the country is still illiterate.
Illuminate(使明亮; 照亮)
As darkness fell, lights from the war vehicles illuminated the stage, and the drilling ground
became a sea of joy.
Imaginative(富于想像力的; 运用想像力的)
Artists have to be very imaginative.
Imperative(富于想像力的; 运用想像力的)
It is absolutely imperative that the whole international community work together to stop polluting
the earth.
Impractical(不切实际的, 无用的, 不现实的)
When the committee got down to details, the proposed plan seemed impractical.
Incompatible(合不来的, 不能和谐相处的;不协调的)
His plan is incompatible with my intentions.
Indicative(标示的, 指示的, 象征的)
Fever may be indicative of cold.
Indignation(愤怒, 愤慨, 气愤)
To my deep indignation, he has cheated me.
You have infringed your contract.
They were paying for their house in installments of$ 2 000 a month for three years.
The old man is in need of institutional care.
Intent(意图, 意向, 目的)
The court has to decide if he entered the building with intent to steal.
Intervene(干涉, 干预; 调解)
The government had to intervene in the strike.
The whole case is very intricate. The lawyers have to handle it very carefully.
Invalid(无用的, 无效的)
Your ticket has passed its expiry date, so it is now invalid.
The security guards are invariably ex-service men.
The investigators recessed for lunch.
Some investors will take losses, some organizations will fail-but the overall economy and the
market are healthy enough to absorb all this negative effects.
She was prey to irrational fears.
He jerked out the knife that was stuck in the wood.
Junction(联结点, 会合点, 枢纽)
The hydro- power station stands at the junction of two rivers.
Leaflet(传单, 散页印刷品)
He was standing at the door of the theatre handing out leaflets.
Most of the legislators followed the lead of the governor.
Liability(责任, 义务; 倾向)
If your liabilities exceed your assets, you may go bankrupt.
The linear equation is so difficult that few pupils have worked it out.
Literal(照字面的, 原义的)
The literal meaning of “ponder” is to “weight”.
Luminous(发光的, 发亮的; 光明的)
The hands on my alarm clock are luminous.
Malpractice(玩忽职守, 渎职, 不法行为)
Various malpractices by police officer are brought to light by the enquiry.
Her mastery of the piano was quite exceptional for a child of her age.
The Medicare cost is estimated to be one billion dollars.
Merge((使)混合, (使)合并)
The two marching columns moved closer and finally merged together.
The intent of the new Harvard Center on Media and Child Health to collect and standardize
studies of media violence in order to compare their methodologies, assumptions and conclusions is
an important step in the right direction.
Miniature(小型的, 微小的; 微型复制品, 微小模型)
In the museum there is a miniature of the ship Mayflower.
The explorers tried their best to minimize the dangers of their trip.
The plane flew over mountainous country.
The whole nation mourned the death of a much-loved king.
This country has previously witnessed two great struggles to achieve a truly multicultural
Naive(幼稚的; 无经验的; 单纯的)
You weren't so naive as to believe him, were you?
Notable(值得注意的, 显著的; 著名的)
The novelist's first book was a notable achievement.
Instant noodles do not have enough nutrition, so people just consider them as junk food.
Obedient(顺从的; 服从的)
He is an obedient and well behaved child.
A diet that is high in fat and sugar can lead to obesity.
Oppress(使烦恼; 压迫, 压制)
The rich oppress the masses by their control of the political and judicial system.
IBM has produced electro- optic modulators 100 to 1,000 times smaller than comparable silicon
photonics modulators.
Day 9
Originate(起源于, 来自, 产生; 创造, 创始, 开创; 发明)
The quarrel(争吵, 争辩; 抱怨) originated from a misunderstanding.
One feather overlaps another on a bird's wing.
The trouble comes when researchers downplay(减轻…的重要性,贬低,轻视) uncertainties in their
studies or overstate the case for causality(因果关系).
He has lost the parental love even since he was very young.
Pastime(消遣, 娱乐)
It is my favorite pastime.
Pathetic(凄惨的; 可怜的)
His tears were pathetic to witness.
Patriotic(爱国的, 有爱国心的)------ patriot
In his speech, Professor Li spoke highly of the Chinese Democratic(民主的) League's role in
supporting the Communist Party and in uniting patriotic democratic personages(人;(尤指)要人,名
Patrol(巡逻; 巡查)
Warships (军舰, 战舰)are on patrol in the territorial(土地的;领地的;属地的) waters of the
country to watch for any foreign vessels(船, 舰).
Perpetual(永久的; 终身的)
Do you believe in perpetual love in this secular(现世的, 俗界的) world?
Perplex(使迷惑; 使混乱)
I was perplexed by so many intricate(错综复杂的) questions.
Beyond the realm(领域; 范围) of information technology, the accelerated (加速的)pace of
technological change in virtually every industry has created entirely new businesses, wiped out
(精疲力竭的; 彻底摧毁, 消灭)others, and produced a pervasive demand for continuous
innovation(改革, 革新, 创新).
We will further promote energy and resources saving and reduction of pollutant discharge (排
放)to make economic growth sustainable(可持续的).
Ponder(考虑; 深思熟虑)
This set me pondering the obvious question: “How can it be so hard for kids to find something to
do when there's never been such a range of stimulating (刺激的, 有刺激性的)entertainment
available to them?”
Precede(在…之前, 先于)
The motorcar was preceded by motorcycles.
Preclude(阻止; 排除; 妨碍; 使…行不通)
Their move does not preclude others from investing.
Predecessor(前任, 前辈)
The decision was made by my predecessor.
He made a prediction that the government would be defeated at the general election.
Advice to investors was based on the premise that interest rates would continue to fall.
preside(主持; 主管)
The manager presides over the business of the store.
prestige(威信, 威望, 声望)----- prestigious
He suffered a loss of prestige when the scandal was publicized.
prey(捕食, 掠食)
He trusts people too much. Naturally he becomes an easy prey sometimes.
Proficient(精通的, 熟练的)
She is very proficient at operating a computer terminal.
Prone(易于…的; 很可能…的)
He is prone to lose his temper when people disagree with him.
Propel(推进; 推动)
His addiction to drugs propelled him towards a life of crime.
Provocative(煽动性的, 刺激性的, 挑衅的)
His provocative remarks about unemployed people being lazy provoked them.
Quantitative(数量(上)的)----- quantity
Quantitative chemical analysis shows that water has two atoms of hydrogen to one of oxygen.
Radiant(放热的; 发光的; 辐射的)
She was radiant with joy at her wedding.
Random(任意的; 无计划的)
The experiment cannot be satisfactory, because he has to use the random selection of
specimens(样品, 标本).
The official statistics (统计资料) on productivity growth exclude(排除; 不包括在内) the usual
rebound in a business cycle.
Recipe(烹饪法; 食谱)
What is your recipe for success?
Refreshment(茶点; 点心)
Refreshments can be bought on the train.
Regime(政治制度, 政权, 政体)
The changes made under the present regime are very large in our work.
His resignation is only a gesture.
Respectable(可敬的,值得尊敬的; 相当大的,可观的)
He's a bit too respectable for my taste.
He enjoyed a mutually respectful relationship with us.
Retort(反驳, 回嘴)
He retorted that it was my fault as much as his.
Retrospect(回顾, 回想)
In retrospect, however, Dr Venter sees that all the publicity about the “race to the genome(基因
组)” has brought benefits, too.
Revelation(显露, 泄露, 透露, 揭露)---reveal
His Hamlet was a revelation to the critics.
Revenge(报仇, 报复)
Revenge is a dessert better served cold.
He was guilty of attempted robbery.
Scientists in Canada announced over the weekend that they had broken the genetic code of the
virus suspected of causing Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS).
Scar(伤痕, 伤疤; 精神上的创伤)
Will the cut leave a scar?
The old writer shaped the folktale into a film scenario.
Scorn(鄙视; 轻蔑)
You've no right to scorn a poor girl.
Scrutiny(细看, 细查; 监视)
His actions do not bear scrutiny.
The diplomat was sent on a mission of great secrecy.
This pattern of human rights violations against enslaved African- Americans continued under racial
segregation for nearly another century.
Should promotion be through merit(功勋, 功劳; 价值; 长处, 优点) or seniority?
One of the side effects of the drug is increased sensitivity to sunlight.
Day 10
Sentiment(柔情; 态度或意见)
Every man feels instinctively(凭本能的,天生的,直觉的) that all the beautiful sentiments in the
world weigh less than a single lovely action.
Setback(挫折; 阻碍)
This is the major setback to our hopes of reaching an agreement.
Shrewd(机灵的, 精明的)
They believe the shrewd boy will win the math’s contest.
Signify(表示…的意思, 意味)
Do dark clouds signify rain?
Sizable(相当大的, 颇大的)
A sizable portion of the world is only just emerging(露出, 浮现) from economic decline.
Snatch(抢; 夺; 攫取)
The policeman seized the thief who snatched the girl's purse.
Sparkle(发火花, 闪耀)
You can see the diamonds sparkling under the bright lights.
Specification(说明书, 详细的计划书)
This is a specification for building a garage.
But last week the New Zealand Life Sciences Network accused Ingham of “presenting inaccurate,
careless and exaggerated information” and “generating speculative doomsday scenarios(世界末
日的局面) that are not scientifically supportable”.
The letter was stapled to the other documents in the file.
Stationary(不动的; 静止的)
He remained stationary so as not to be seen.
Stern(苛刻的, 严格的)
The workers held a strike to protest (抗议; 反对) the boss' stern request.
The stockholders of Phoenix TV are optimistic about the company's future.
Subordinate(级别或职位较低的, 下级的)
In her book, she subordinates this issue to more general problems.
Subsidy(补贴, 津贴, 补助金)
Can I apply for the unemployment subsidy when I have no job?
Summon(传唤; 召集)
I was summoned by my boss to explain my actions yesterday.
Superiority(优越(性), 优等)
No one doubts the superiority of modern ways of traveling over those of old times.
Symmetrical(对称的;匀称的)---- symmetry
The human face is more or less symmetrical.
Symposium(讨论会, 专题报告)
The symposium on language teaching will be held next Sunday.
Tangle(乱糟糟的一堆, 混乱)
He got into an awful tangle with his homework, and had to ask me to help.
Temperament(性格, 性情, 气质)
Actors often display a lot of temperament. Tentative (试探性的; 试验的; 尝试性的) the
conservative (保守的, 守旧的)researcher only made a tentative conclusion for his study.
She stood on the threshold for a minute then rang the door bell.
The tragic accident caused by gas leak (泄露) took the whole family lives.
Trivial(琐碎的, 没有价值的, 没有意义的)
The development of e-insurance in China's insurance market is similar to that of Europe: both are
in the infant stage and the on-line business takes only a trivial market share.
I have only one question to ask you, and I want a truthful answer.
Turbulent(骚动的; 骚乱的; 汹涌的)
This story happened in a turbulent period.
Underway(骚动的; 骚乱的; 汹涌的)
Newark has still not completely rebuilt the stores and neighborhoods destroyed in that
conflagration(大火(灾)), but efforts to do so are well underway.
Unfold(显露, 展现)
She opened the envelope and then unfolded the letter.
Uphold(支持, 维护)
If the teacher makes a rule I can be sure that my dad will uphold it.
Verbal(口头的; 动词的)
Is it true that girls' verbal ability is greater than that of boys?
Versatile(有多种学问、技能或职业的; 多才多艺的)
Have you seen this versatile new kitchen gadget?
Vicinity(近, 接近, 密切)
There is not a good school in the vicinity.
Vulnerable(近, 接近, 密切)
Companies have made themselves vulnerable to activist(积极分子, 活动家) hedge(回避, 避免)
funds by playing safe in the past three years.
Warehouse(仓库, 货栈)
A warehouse is a building for storing large quantities of goods.
Day 11
economic 经济
China's market is becoming more and more active with the rapid economic development.
concern 关心
I don't know who my grandfather was.
I'm much more concerned to know what his grandson will be.
potential 潜力
The product has even more potential in export markets.
opportunity 时机
I had no opportunity to discuss it with her.
likely 可能的
If Madeline goes skating, she's liable to fall, and not likely to try it again.
claim 索取
The earthquake claimed thousands of lives.
consider 考虑
Cadres and Party members should consider it of prime importance to build a clean government.
The standard of education has declined in this country.
maintain 维持
Arthur was discreet about his bigamy. He managed to maintain two discrete households.
prevent 预防
Nothing but doubts can prevent you from succeeding.
In three separate studies published last month, researchers report not only that light therapy works
better than a placebo but that treatment is usually more effective in the early morning than in the
Mary received a strange gift, but she did not accept it.
If we could afford it, we'd like to go abroad for our holidays.
My grandfather was a career teacher; it's the only job he'd ever done.
No one can degrade us except ourselves; that if we are worthy, no influence can defeat us.
There's no question that the risk of a slowdown has increased due to the hit to business confidence
and the wider credit spreads.
The travel industry is a highly competitive business.
Rubber does not conduct electricity.
contribute贡献 投稿
She has contributed several poems to literary magazines.
CCTV for the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games set by the current system of reporting, and
organization structure has been designed by all.
The workmen want to decrease the number of working hours and increase pay.
fashion 方式
She paints in the fashion of Picasso.
promote促进 提高
Because of his good work, John was promoted to a higher class.
boom叫喊声 发展
Business is booming.
The Chancellor of the Exchequer is expected to announce tax cuts in this year’s budget.
I cancelled many unnecessary words in my manuscript.
I can’t concentrate on my studies with all that noise going on.
But the quest for growth lets loose new anxieties and economic conflicts that disturb the social
During his five years living in Beijing, the city's terrible traffic impresses him as much as its rich
cultural and historical legacies.
Day 12
He depends on you to help him.
The introduction of flexible work time has greatly enhanced the work efficiency in that press.
I fitted a new lock to ensure that the bicycle would not be stolen.
Another critical function that the school perform is the sorting of people into different
occupational roles.
He was faithful in the performance of his duties.
People regard job stability as part of their standard of living.
In response, the alarmists accuse critics and news reporters of being deceived by the entertainment
Has the house been properly surveyed?
Those wealthy persons are not necessarily happy.
We must alter those rules and practices which have outlived their usefulness.
Have you got an alternative suggestion?
What is your attitude to abortion?
It is a breakthrough in negotiations.
Never challenge a fool to do wrong.
display陈列 展示
Her writing displays natural talent.
The famous economist gave us a speech.
He always exaggerates to make his stories more amusing.
A few local authorities adopted local protectionism to guarantee the sale of their unmarketable
Do you identify beauty with wisdom?
She'd never think of imposing herself.
Some stores would put the inferior products on sale.
He has a notion that I'm cheating him.
Many of those doctors who job-hopped for other jobs several years ago are now gradually
returning to their medical profession.
I can't promise, but I'll try my best.
Faulty construction was responsible for the crash.
The revenues of the City Council are now uncovered.
A sensitive nerve in a tooth can cause great pain.
The shift of surplus farm labour to rural enterprises stimulated industrial development.
Resorting to violence is not the best solution to an argument.
A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.
abandon 丢弃
I have long since abandoned the notion that higher education is essential to either success or
His disappointment was acute.
attach系 连接
A young man attached himself to me at the party and I couldn't get rid of him.
Day 13
attribute把什么 。。归功于
She attributes her success to hard work and a bit of luck.
Don't always blame your own failure on others.
Sometimes you yourself are to blame.
combine theory with practice
I have a number of complaints about the hotel room you've given me.
This metaphor is beyond all comprehension.
The recent airplane crash confirms my belief that stronger safety regulations are needed.
She is the boss that can be considerate towards her employees.
How can I convince you of her honesty?
My computer program crashed this morning, and I lost my entire document.
A nuclear disaster,
spread by wind and water and fear, could well engulf the great and the small, the rich and the poor,
the committed and the uncommitted alike.
She is the dominant child in the group.
The use of deferential (敬重的) language is symbolic of the Confucian ideal of the woman, which
dominates conservative gender norms in Japan.
Don't stand in the way when the police enforce the law.
It is estimated that more than four billion viewers and listeners will enjoy the Olympic
competition through TV and radio broadcasts.
Everybody must study, not excepting those who have a better grasp of British Literature. There is
no exception.
The headmaster extended our holiday by four days.
You can get a grant to repair your house.
The word “friend” could be of either sex and doesn't necessarily imply an intimate relationship.
From the top of the hill there's a beautiful prospect over the city.
It's said that a person's handwriting can reflect his/her character.
The mortgage is a drain on our financial resources.
The International Olympic Committee asked for the protection of intellectual property rights very
wide scope.
It is just a routine medical examination, nothing to get worried about.
The Bush administration seems bent on satisfying the small but vocal group of Americans who
oppose stem cell research under any conditions.
Scientists measure wind forces on a standard scale.
This phenomenon has created serious concern solver the role of smaller economic firms, of
national businessmen and over the ultimate stability of the world economy.
China's contributions on the field of play have served to strengthen the Olympic Movement and
global sport.
Before going abroad she has to finish the transaction of business in the company.
Would all transfer passengers please report to the airport transfer desk.
It makes a tremendous difference to me.
He virtually promised me the job.
Day 14
My account is now empty.
I would be grateful if you could acknowledge my letter.
Some people go back for their education to acquire another degree or diploma to impress the
We anticipate the pleasure of hearing from you again.
In Britain, a collision with the Parliament could ruin the government's plans.
Compensation of injured workers has cost the company a lot.
Don't always complain; remember this: no pains, no gains.
I consulted a doctor about my pains.
The nation's consumption of oil is increasing every year.
The research runs contrary to widespread expectations that falls in technology stocks will
disproportionately affect the north American and UK economies.
Careful contrast of the two plans shows up some key differences.
After several nuclear disasters, a controversy has raged over the safety of nuclear energy.
It is often a critical factor in sustaining a peace process, and in revitalizing economic activity.
She was delivered of a healthy boy.
The thought of going back to work tomorrow depressed me!
The elevator descended rapidly to the bottom floor.
All hopes of a peaceful settlement were destroyed by his violent speech.
Fame and the exhilarating celebrity that accompanies it, force the famous person to anticipate in
his own destruction.
The capital is calm, but continuing disorder has been reported elsewhere.
She had the distinction of being the first woman to swim the Channel.
This article is about the economics of publishing.
One of the aims of economic reform is to improve efficiency.
In an emergency, please call 110.
This dining room is for the distinguished guests' exclusive use.
How extraordinary that you should have never heard of the matter!
We can visit your company on Monday or Tuesday; our plans are fairly flexible.
The machine generates electricity.
It is never easy to realize a lofty ideal.
He hoped his work at the university would give him insight into how questions of morality could
be applied to places where self-interest flourished.
The Lake District scenery inspired Wordsworth to write his greatest poetry.
Day 15
APEC must build on these successes and give a new dimension to its intensified cooperation in the
Poetry helps us to interpret life.
Traditionally, it is what the language means, but not what people mean by the language, that
The plane arrivals and departures are shown on large monitors.
You can never expect to master the heart that persists in leaving.
The news plunged us into despair.
Western music is steadily gaining in popularity.
He's got a good position with an oil company.
Aren't you rather previous in assuming I am going to pay?
I have priority over you in my claim.
Age has its privileges in America, and one of the more prominent of them is the senior citizen
Karaoke is many young people's favorite recreation.
I protested, but she carried on regardless.
These seats are reserved for old and sick people.
He resolved on an early start.
Writing is reversed in a mirror.
The sacrifice of time is the costliest of all sacrifices.
Computers engineers in IBM have very good salaries.
The secretary made a note of the proceedings.
You become a prisoner in a sense when you become addicted to any substance, including caffeine.
Markets are flourishing and prices are stable.
Do we have any of these items in stock?
The optimism that helped sustain Iraqis during the first few years of the war has dissolved into
widespread fear, anger and distress.
There is an undesirable trend nowadays to make films showing violence.
They do not think such an abnormal phenomenon will last long.
Abraham Lincoln abolished slavery in the United States.
Does your heartbeat accelerate when you see the person of your heart?
The accommodations at this hotel are first-class.
Accordance Russia president Putin stressed that the energy tariffs should be raised gradually and
in accordance with the growth in people's income.
The question of salary increase is high on the agenda.
Although he's over eighty his mind is still remarkably alert.
When he was young, Liu Bang filled himself with ambition to become powerful.
China launched its second manned space mission, sending two astronauts into orbit as it opened a
new chapter in its ambitious drive to become a global space power.
He is making his first appearance at a local theatre.
Day 16
We have a kitchen full of electrical appliances.









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