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2021-01-15 10:08
tags:四六级, 评分标准




1. CET是检查考生是否达到大学英语教学大纲规定的六级教学要
2. CET作文题采用总体评分作文评分标准
1. 本题满分为15分。
2. 阅卷标准共分五等: 2分、5分、8分、11分及14分。各有标
3. 阅卷人员根据阅卷标准,对照样卷评分,若认为与某一分数
1. 当今社会上存在着很多不诚实的现象。
2. 诚实利人利己,做人应该诚实。
It Pas to Be Honest
①In our modern soial life, there are man examples around
us sho man people are heated. Advertisements heat people,
salesmen heat people, even one's losest friends heat him or
her. So man heartbreaks are heard everda that e annot help
asking: here is our honest exist? Everbod is taught honest in
the primar shool or even in the kindergarten. Honest does
good not onl to ourselves, but to others as ell. If e are
honest to others. We ill be happier and be in a better mood.
Otherise, e'll feel guilt at last. To a pan and its
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advertisement, honest ill bring it more onsumer and more
profit. If e heat others, friends ill never believe ou and
the ill leave ou alone. To a pan, no onsumer ill bu our
produt again. So, as the above is said, it pas to be honest.
Let's reate a morall outstanding soial.
②Although honest is believed to be a virtue, there are
still dishonest people in our soiet. For example, some
businessmen sell fake produt to their onsumers; some students
heat in the exams. Dishonest people are short- sighted. Those
ho sell fake produts ma make mone at first, but onsumers on't
bu their produts an more. As a result, the ill lose their
fortune or even be sent to prison. B ontrast, honest people
gain a lot. Those ho alas tell truth or keep to their promise
not onl let others trust them but gain respet from other
people as ell. Suh persons are sure to have a lot of good
friends. Beause the are trustable and respetable, everone is
eager to make friends ith them. Besides, it is easier for a
person ith a good reord to get a good job. Generall speaking,
ever emploer ants his emploees to be honest. So e an sa that
anone ho is honest ill be paid bak later. In a ord, honest
ins trust, respet and honor. So it is important that e should
be honest.
③With the development of modern eonomi and industr,
petitive is being more and more obvious. At the same time,
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the performane of dishonest is being more and more learl.
Noadas, there are man dishonest performane in our soiet. For
example, some people found that he saled goods had past the
preservation date. Not thro them XX, the revised the
perservation date, and saled them again after several das.
Another ase in the point, a pair of shoes as made from goat.
Hoever, in order to sale at a high prie, the salers ould sa
the ere made from o hih has good qualit. From the foregoing,
e an see that dishonest dose not onl harm to ourselves but
also harm to others. And it is no use onl realise the
harmneof dishonest. We should be honest from no on and be
honest in our dail life. It is onl that people all over the
orld are honest them our ountr ill be beautiful and ealth.
④No in our soiet, man people are not honest in doing
soming. We often an meet ith soming happened ause b people ho
are not honest. For example, No e take the bus need arr ents
on, and hen ou upstairs the bus, ou should put the ent into
the mone box. Ever people do that, but some of the people put
the other things instead the ents. For another example, it is
more normal that in the exams e an alas find some students
see others. I onsider that ever people should be honest. As a
people, honest should be first, beause it an make us to be
inrease and make our soit develop. In doing ever thing e
should be honest all, stud, ord, life and so on. If ou are
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honest, ever people ill be friend to ou, and ho ill regard ou
are good people.
But if ou don't be honest, people must unilling to trath
ith ou. So if ou are ant to be a good people, remember honest
⑤Noadas, man people hoose not to be honest in our modern
soiet. We almost an find suh things ever da of our life: some
students heat in the exam for higher marks; some orporations
tell rong data to the publi in order to get more investment;
and some dotors treat their patients ith unneessar and
expensive mediines in order to make mone, sometimes damaged
the patients' health, even their life. Seeing this situation.
I think it must be hanged. Being honest ill benefit not onl
others, but also ourselves. First, our honest ill make others
illing to trust ou. Seond, being honest an lead ou to fae our
problem bravel, hih helps to solve it. And the last, honest
surel helps to make the soiet more harmon. So, I think
everone should start to be honest and everone should have the
idea that our soiet an not do ithout honest.



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根据中央和省委的要求,这次党的群众路线教育实践活 动的主要
靡之风这四风问题 ,并明确提出照镜子、正衣冠、洗洗澡、治治病的
总要求。重点剖析存在的四风问题及根源,做到查摆问 题准、原因分
点查找自己存 在的问题和不足,并对个人存在问题的原因进行了更深
层次的剖析,达到了自我教育、自我提高、自我完 善、修正缺点、增
1、理论功底不高,运用理 论指导实践不够。一是学习的自觉性不
高。存在以干代学的现象,特别是当工作与学习发生矛盾时,往往 认
且学习的系统性不强,学 习效果不佳。二是学习制度坚持的不好。客
观上强调工作忙、压力大和事务性工作较多,缺乏持之以恒自 觉学习
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政治理论的精神。三是学用结合的关系没有处理好 。在理论体系把握
理论对实 际工作的指导作用,导致理论学习与实际工作脱节,对待理
论学习,只满足于片面地引用个别原理,而不 能有效地与实际工作紧
2、工作作风不实,求真务实的精神不够。一是接到工作 任务,有
多、压力大的时候更 是如此,有时存在着应付以求过关的想法,影响
了工作效果,没有时刻以高标准严格要求自己。二是欠缺 创新意识,
新想法也只是停 留于心动而无行动的状态。三是对有关的政策法规研
究不够,工作方法较简单,同志间的思想交流不多, 深入基层和村组
调研,但主动性不强、不够深 入,只注重了解自己想要了解的问题,
未能做到从群众中来,到群众中去,没有关心群众想什么、盼什么 、
务的宗旨意识。如,我市 农民增收渠道不多,企业没有形成规模,结
构不合理现象突出。二是在工作上对基层情况的了解主要靠听 汇报和
接听取基层群众意见 不及时不全面,对干部思想状况和基层干部生活
情况了解不全面,帮助干部职工解决实际困难不多。这些 都是宗旨观
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