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soniaPETS 四级考试由笔试试卷和口试试卷组成

2021-01-15 00:35
tags:四级考试, 英语学习, 外语学习



PETS 四级考试由笔试试卷和口试试卷组成




(一)听力 该部分由A、B、C节组成,考查考生理解英语口语的能力。

A节(5题):考查考生理解详细信息的能力。要求考生根据所听到的一段180 - 220词的对话或

B节 (5题):考查考生理解总体和特定信息的能力。要求考生根据所听到的一段280-320词的
对话或 独白,回答5道简答题。录音材料播放两遍。

C节(10题):考查考生获取特定信息,理解 主旨要义和详细信息,猜测词义、判断演讲者态度、
意图的能力。要求考生根据所听到的三段对话或独白 (每段200-300词),从每题所给的4个选择
项中选出最佳选项。每段录音材料只播放一遍。问题 不在录音中播放,仅在试卷上印出。

考试进行时,考生将答案写或划在试卷上;听力部分结束 前,考生有5分钟的时间将试卷上的答
案誊写或涂到答题卡1上。该部分所需时间约为30分钟(含誊写 和转涂时间)。


该部分不仅考查考生对诸如连贯 性和一致性等语段特征的辨识能力,还考查考生对用于一定语境
中的语言规范成分的掌握,这些语言规范 成分包括广泛的词汇、表达方式和结构。

共20小题。在一篇240-280词的文章中留出 20个空白,要求考生从每题所给的4个选择项中
选出最佳选项,使补足后的文章意思通顺、前后连贯、 结构完整。其中有12-15道题考查词汇,5
-8道题题考查语法和篇章结构。该部分所需时间约为1 5分钟。考生在答题卡1上作答。



A节(20题):考查考 生理解具体信息,抓文章大意,猜测生词并且进行推断等的能力。要求考
生根据所提供的4篇文章的内容 (总长度约为1,600词),从每题所给的4个选择项中选出最佳选项。

B节:考查考生准 确理解文章的能力。要求考生阅读1篇约400词的文章,将其中5个划线部分
(约150词)翻译成中 文。




考生根据提示 信息(中/英文)写出一篇160-200词的短文。提示信息的形式有主题句、写作提
纲、规定情景、 图、表等。




主持 口试的教师所给分数的权重占考生口试成绩的三分之一。

A节:考查考生作自我介绍的能力。 此节中两考生无需相互交流(如需要,也可)。该节约需2

B节:考查考 生就信息卡上的图片讨论并解决相关问题的能力。本节的形式有解决问题、排序、
讨论、决策、或就两个 完全相反的观点阐述自己的观点等。该节约需3分钟时间。



II 英语
部分 节
考查要点 题型
采分点 权重(%) (分
英语 详细信息
5 5
英语 总体或特定信息 简答题
5 10
30 30
英语 推断词义
英语 猜测词义
10 10
20 20 10 15
20 20 25
英语 英译中
5 15 10
英语 书面表达 (160-200
1 20 25 35
100 100 140
* 问题不在录音中播放,仅在试卷上印出。


节 时间(分钟) 形式
考查要点 考生需提供的信息
* 提供个人信息
* 谈论过去及现在的经历
* 谈论将来的打算
* 交换信息
* 表达个人观点
A 2
B 3
C 7
连续表达 连续表达个人观点并论证

* 问题不在录音中播放,仅在试卷上印出。

Nowadays many people enjoy playing computer games .what are the advantages and disadvantages of playing
computers,especially to teenagers? Write a composition in 160-200 words to cover following aspects:
ages of playing computer games;
antages of playing computer games;
point of view on playing computer games.

With the development of the computer technology, people in increasing numbers
have accesss to compuer. The computer is very useful because it is not only a
powerful tool for study but also a vehicle to communication and a good means to
relax. According to a latest investigation ,there is a growing tendency that more and
more people ,involving million of teenagers ,are interested in playing computer
games. It has been becoming a serious social problem and has been coused public
Educational experts as well as many parents claim that playing computer games will
bring negative impact on the people ,espicially the teenagers. Many people are addict
to the computer games and waste lots of time and money, consequently
they ,especially for the teenagers,cannot focus on their work and study. For the
students ,they even cannot pass their examinations.
Every stick has two ends. Many computer games are exciting. It is a good way to
relax ourselves. By playing computer games sometimes can cultivate group spitit and
can make many friends all over the world.
As far as I am concern , playing computer games has its advantages and
disadvantages. We should consider this problem reasonablly. We should launch a
project to improve the public awareness of the impact of playing computer games.
Juvenile must be monitored by the parents when they are playing computer games.
The net bar should not be addmit teenagers to get in. if all the things have been done,

I think people will enjoy the computer games and not indulge in it .
[9:15:25] plando 说: morning!
[9:15:52] plando 说: what are you up to ?
[9:15:53] mary 说: hello
[9:16:14] mary 说: want to chat in english !
[9:16:24] mary 说: looking for a person when you came
[9:16:31] plando 说: pleasant to see you again
[9:16:36] mary 说: me too
[9:16:43] mary 说: no work today ??
[9:16:45] plando 说: really?
[9:16:57] mary 说: exactly !
[9:17:28] plando 说: it is my honour!
[9:17:53] mary 说: why does it say you are offline , what trick do you use?
[9:18:01] mary 说: tell me , it is funny !
[9:18:02] plando 说: weekends is not my work day!
[9:18:21] mary 说: wonderful
[9:18:53] mary 说: turn to the question above !
[9:19:41] plando 说: there is something wrong with my net and it is off and on
[9:20:03] mary 说: oh, is that true (rofl)
[9:20:20] plando 说: can you notice that i am online now?
[9:20:38] mary 说: no still gray !
[9:20:44] plando 说: what so funny?
[9:20:46] mary 说: check it again
[9:21:02] plando 说: that is terrible.
[9:21:05] mary 说: you are offline but you can talk with me!!!
[9:21:42] plando 说: that's amazing ,isnt it ?
[9:22:05] mary 说: yeah, and i want to become one like that
[9:22:14] plando 说: are you at home or in school?
[9:23:06] mary 说: oh you are really offline
[9:23:18] mary 说: hello there?/
[9:23:30] mary 说: but i am sure you will appear soon
[9:23:39] mary 说: give you five minutes!
[9:24:53] plando 说: yes
[9:25:02] plando 说: it is easy
[9:25:19] mary 说: easy ??
[9:25:25] plando 说: it is one of the function of this tool
[9:25:46] mary 说: oh
[9:25:50] mary 说: i have found it
[9:25:57] mary 说: let me have a try
[9:26:03] mary 说: so now can you see me ?
[9:26:10] mary 说: am i green ??
[9:26:41] plando 说: yes,maybe you are not a old you see the sign under the
[9:26:55] plando 说: 对话框
[9:27:13] mary 说: wait
[9:27:20] plando 说: if you want you can change the status of your

[9:27:48] plando 说: do you use the English version?
[9:28:12] mary 说: no chinese version
[9:28:28] mary 说: so can you see me now ?
[9:28:40] plando 说: that is not a problem.
[9:28:47] plando 说: no
[9:28:48] mary 说: am i gray or green ??
[9:28:58] mary 说: i am gray , right ??
[9:29:03] plando 说: yes
[9:29:05] plando 说: ha
[9:29:35] mary 说: yeah, easy and functional
[9:29:41] plando 说: why do you want to 隐身
[9:29:56] mary 说: you were teaching me ?
[9:30:29] mary 说: so what state are you in if not HIDDEN ?
[9:30:44] plando 说: it is an important function.
[9:31:23] mary 说: am i green now??
[9:31:31] plando 说: if i want to chat and there is no one on line or no one would chat with me
[9:31:50] plando 说: i will be
[9:32:14] mary 说: yeah, i have tried on skype me!
[9:32:31] plando 说: then all the person who are online can find me
[9:33:04] plando 说: if they want to chat with me ,they will sent me a message
[9:33:34] mary 说: whenver i search online , i only get several persons listed on the screen , but i think there
must be a lot more
[9:34:10] mary 说: are u often on skype me???
[9:34:18] plando 说: it is difficult to find a friend online
[9:35:04] mary 说: yeah, i couldn't agree more with you
[9:35:13] mary 说: am i green now???
[9:35:21] plando 说: sometimes,as you know,i am usually busy
[9:35:34] mary 说: yeah i know
[9:35:49] plando 说: yes ,you are green is magic!ha
[9:36:16] plando 说: you are a lovely lady!
[9:36:25] plando 说: it is easy!
[9:36:49] mary 说: and you are still hidden ???
[9:36:58] plando 说: have you ever used the chatting tool like QQ?MSN?
[9:37:20] plando 说: it is not my faulty!
[9:37:40] mary 说: i have a qq , which my husband gave to me , but i have o time to be there
[9:38:17] mary 说: i asked you if you were in HIDDEN statue?/ :)
[9:38:39] mary 说: i would rather chat here in english !
[9:38:46] plando 说: i have two and one waw stolen and the other's password was forgetten
[9:39:06] plando 说: now i try my best to find the password
[9:39:24] plando 说: no.i am online
[9:40:06] plando 说: but there are few people who are interested in chatting in english
[9:40:21] mary 说: hehe , so you aretrying to contact your old friends there?
[9:40:43] plando 说: no.
[9:41:06] mary 说: but you are gray , why ??
[9:41:13] mary 说: tell me that ?
[9:41:26] plando 说: the hope is slim!

[9:41:55] plando 说: I dont know either
[9:42:28] mary 说: a long time since you last logged in ?
[9:42:55] plando 说: i registered that number in 1998
[9:44:39] mary 说: wow so long !
[9:44:43] plando 说: no.
[9:45:20] mary 说: did you get into trouble when you were online chatting
[9:45:45] plando 说: i changed the password frequently because the system warned me that someone logged in
in the other city
[9:46:50] plando 说: after i had a trip for Yunnan province i could remenber the password
[9:46:58] plando 说: couldnot
[9:47:16] mary 说: so frequently the password was changed that you forgot it yourseld
[9:47:36] plando 说: what's trouble?
[9:48:31] mary 说: (chuckle)
[9:48:36] plando 说: do you mean that someone disturbs me?
[9:48:46] mary 说: no !
[9:50:26] plando 说: what is your meaning?
[9:50:40] mary 说: hehe , just a joke
[9:51:09] mary 说: it will make no sense if i make it very clear in plain words
[9:51:25] plando 说: ha
[9:51:36] mary 说: my husband likes chatting on qq,
[9:51:44] plando 说: abscure makes beauty?
[9:52:21] mary 说: your distance makes beauty !@
[9:53:24] plando 说: i forgot the word :模糊不清:
[9:53:57] plando 说: dim ,faint or obscure
[9:54:07] mary 说: dizzy maybe
[9:55:16] plando 说: oh ,i remember it obscure
[9:55:29] mary 说: why do you choose chatting in english here?
[9:55:40] mary 说: good , obscure
[9:56:40] plando 说: obscure is more exact
[9:57:59] mary 说: does your wife allow you to chat on qq?
[9:58:19] plando 说: yes
[9:58:47] mary 说: really ??
[9:59:07] plando 说: but i seldom chat on qq you know ,i forgot the password!
[9:59:43] mary 说: why do you write english so well
[9:59:56] mary 说: did you major in english as well ?
[10:00:09] mary 说: do you speak english at work?
[10:00:26] plando 说: really ?maybe i often practise it
[10:01:01] plando 说: i did i were crazy
[10:01:04] mary 说: what's your major?
[10:01:26] plando 说: fire engineering .
[10:01:32] plando 说: and you?
[10:02:07] mary 说: now engish , on the way of getting further study
[10:03:28] plando 说: oh,you are learning for a master degree or doctorate degree/
[10:03:37] plando 说: arent you?
[10:04:18] mary 说: my major was politics

[10:05:00] plando 说: really? it is not a hot major
[10:05:02] mary 说: bachelar's degree ,i think it is this word
[10:05:25] mary 说: so i changed it
[10:05:49] plando 说: bachelor
[10:06:13] mary 说: oh bachelor
[10:07:06] plando 说: i am behind you and applause for you
[10:07:20] mary 说: learning english at such an age !
[10:07:26] mary 说: thank you
[10:07:30] plando 说: it is never too late to learn
[10:07:37] mary 说: i think so
[10:08:18] plando 说: i believe you will success and a bright future waits for you
[10:08:20] mary 说: after all, it is a living language , there is some beauty hidden on the process of learning new
thing s
[10:10:12] plando 说: a successful person must be aggressive .it is right for men and women
[10:13:49] plando 说: i appreciated industrious and intellgent girl when i was a student
[10:20:17] mary 说: oh you didn't appear !
[10:20:34] plando 说: here i am
[10:20:49] mary 说: warmly welcome back
[10:20:54] plando 说: ha
[10:21:33] mary 说: i treasure the days when i was studying in senior middle school
[10:22:10] plando 说: it must be more than ten years befor
[10:22:58] mary 说: yeah, gratuated in 1992
[10:23:10] mary 说: i was brought up in the countryside
[10:23:25] mary 说: i have two brothers and two sisters
[10:23:38] mary 说: i am teh youngest in my family
[10:23:48] mary 说: my father died when i was 8
[10:23:58] mary 说: so life was hard at that time
[10:24:02] plando 说: it is a miserable life.
[10:24:24] mary 说: but after all those miserabe days made me what i am
[10:24:39] plando 说: yes.
[10:24:54] mary 说: so i value friendship and family relations
[10:25:15] plando 说: i can feel you are a 坚强的 girl
[10:26:10] mary 说: hehe
[10:26:13] mary 说: i am
[10:26:28] mary 说: and i am caring and helpful
[10:26:30] plando 说: thank you for telling me your story
[10:28:56] plando 说: i was born and brought up in rural area too.
[10:33:04] plando 说: though the life was tough then,i lived a happy air is fresh and the sky is bright .I
had a gran who was very mercy and loved me very much
[10:34:02] mary 说: i have never lost my heart to seek sincerity and love
[10:36:39] mary 说: until now i always like return to my hometown whenever i am free
[10:37:06] plando 说: it is so 抽象的 and heavy topic
[10:37:20] mary 说: abstract ,
[10:37:34] plando 说: thanks
[10:37:37] plando 说: ha
[10:37:58] mary 说: no i don;t think it is heavy

[10:38:37] plando 说: ha
[10:39:08] plando 说: what changes have taken place in your hometown?
[10:39:28] mary 说: and i am sure i can get higher step by step
[10:40:00] plando 说: compare to your childhood ,do you think there are any changes in your hometown?
[10:40:10] mary 说: people are living a richer life and more college students are admitted to university
[10:40:42] plando 说: that is good
[10:41:04] mary 说: they will call me my small name when they meet me in the street , which makes my hubby
and son laugh
[10:41:27] plando 说: ha,
[10:42:06] plando 说: do you mind tell me you 乳名 ?
[10:42:55] mary 说: mei hua
[10:43:13] plando 说: ha,thank you,
[10:43:23] mary 说: you are most welcome
[10:43:34] mary 说: like to call them back !
[10:43:37] plando 说: it is a common infant name
[10:43:59] mary 说: really , i am the only one called in my town
[10:44:07] mary 说: so yours ??
[10:44:13] plando 说: ha
[10:44:52] plando 说: but i did metion my infant name in our conversation!
[10:44:58] plando 说: didnot
[10:45:30] mary 说: good to keep it to yourself
[10:45:39] mary 说: and feel funny to think of that
[10:45:41] plando 说: it is a common infant name and a unique girl
[10:45:54] mary 说: thank you
[10:45:56] plando 说: ha,
[10:46:12] plando 说: mine is weisheng
[10:46:28] plando 说: ha,
[10:46:45] mary 说: also your first name
[10:47:02] plando 说: please be not indignant
[10:47:27] mary 说: sorry ?/
[10:47:30] plando 说: the surname?
[10:47:41] mary 说: hehe if you like
[10:48:04] plando 说: i will tell you next time
[10:48:13] plando 说: ha
[10:48:43] mary 说: there were many girls called zhao di or mang zhuo !
[10:48:49] mary 说: ok
[10:49:06] plando 说: yes
[10:49:20] mary 说: do you have any brothers or sisters?
[10:49:24] plando 说: many people want to have a boy
[10:50:02] plando 说: i have ar brother he is two years younger than me
[10:50:33] mary 说: yeah , so you knew the life then
[10:50:43] plando 说: why do people want to have a boy in the family?
[10:50:49] mary 说: oh
[10:51:35] mary 说: the work in the field is heavy
[10:51:57] mary 说: and they need a son to pass on their last name as well
[10:51:58] plando 说: yes

[10:52:12] mary 说: but i like daughters
[10:52:24] plando 说: really?
[10:52:40] plando 说: why?
[10:52:42] mary 说: yeah, after dressing up , very beautiful
[10:52:49] mary 说: good to eyse
[10:53:19] plando 说: a boy will be handsome
[10:53:52] plando 说: and robust
[10:55:31] mary 说: and a son-in- law is sure to be kind to his mother-in -law
[10:55:42] mary 说: just kidding
[10:55:58] plando 说: experts point that many people are still influenced by the feudalism
[10:56:52] plando 说: people want to have a son to carry on the family line.
[10:58:02] plando 说: and many family want to have a son to do the laborious work .it is very common in rural
[10:58:58] plando 说: i am crazy a boy and the god grant me one
[10:59:08] mary 说: waiting !again
[10:59:21] mary 说: so is it time to say good bye ?
[10:59:44] plando 说: it is time for lunch
[10:59:53] plando 说: have you cook you lunch?
[11:00:20] plando 说: yes
[11:00:53] mary 说: so the singal is bad today ,right ?
[11:00:59] plando 说: maybe it is a superficial phenomenon and
[11:01:31] plando 说: it is bad for you but it is common for me
[11:01:48] mary 说: yeah, most fathers want to have his another version
[11:02:05] mary 说: so it is always like this there?
[11:02:19] plando 说: maybe
[11:02:40] mary 说: can you figure out the reason ??
[11:02:47] plando 说: distance makes beauty and kind to his mother in law
[11:03:38] mary 说: i have seven nieces
[11:03:43] plando 说: how will you spend your noon?
[11:03:52] plando 说: oh
[11:03:53] mary 说: they all come to my home when holidays come
[11:03:56] plando 说: that'
[11:04:05] plando 说: that
[11:04:13] plando 说: that's amazing
[11:04:24] plando 说: just holiday
[11:04:52] mary 说: yeah, and two entered college this year in our school
[11:06:22] mary 说: that is the best reward for me
[11:06:55] plando 说: that's great .congratulationa
[11:06:56] plando 说: s
[11:07:06] mary 说: you know, my brothers and sisters helped me go throug h my education
[11:07:58] mary 说: thank you
[11:08:22] mary 说: oh how time flies. it is noon before i know it
[11:08:29] plando 说: yes
[11:08:31] mary 说: so nice talking with you
[11:08:43] plando 说: me too.
[11:08:46] mary 说: so let's call it a day

[11:08:55] mary 说: see you next time
[11:08:59] plando 说: your english is very well
[11:09:04] mary 说: thank you
[11:09:15] mary 说: i will try to keep pace with you
[11:09:23] mary 说: (wave)
[11:09:28] plando 说: take to see you next time
[13:23:43] plando 说: hi
[13:24:16] mary 说: hi
[13:24:30] mary 说: i am watching an old film online
[13:24:45] plando 说: did you have your lunch?
[13:25:00] mary 说: no i am losing weight
[13:25:14] plando 说: what is the film's name?
[13:25:42] mary 说: hehe it is hard to translate it into english
[13:26:05] plando 说: you can name it in chinese
[13:26:22] mary 说: 窗外
[13:26:37] plando 说: out of the windows
[13:26:39] plando 说: ha
[13:26:53] mary 说: have you seen it ?
[13:26:58] plando 说: no
[13:27:12] mary 说: did you ever read the novel
[13:27:28] mary 说: don't tell me you don't know who wrote it!
[13:27:29] plando 说: is it a romatic film?
[13:27:37] mary 说: ha
[13:27:45] plando 说: romantic
[13:27:52] mary 说: so you really don't know it !
[13:27:59] mary 说: give you a hint
[13:28:10] mary 说: written by qiongyao
[13:28:12] plando 说: please
[13:28:13] plando 说: ha
[13:28:15] plando 说: i see
[13:28:34] mary 说: just forgot it for the moment!
[13:29:13] mary 说: are you at home ?
[13:29:27] plando 说: it is a romantic of Qingyao's works are ridiculous love story
[13:29:35] plando 说: yes
[13:30:08] mary 说: yeah it means a lot to a youngster
[13:30:42] plando 说: but i never read a story written by qingyao
[13:31:16] mary 说: haha, really
[13:31:30] plando 说: to be frankly,i dont like read book
[13:31:39] mary 说: but you were a boy , so no surprise
[13:31:54] mary 说: hehe, so you should make up for that
[13:32:42] plando 说: i dont believe the love and i think it is far away form me
[13:32:43] mary 说: reading can fresh your spare time
[13:33:03] mary 说: you are right in some sense
[13:33:27] plando 说: g can broaden you perspective but not reading qingyao's works
[13:33:41] mary 说: but we do desire some feelings nice in heart
[13:34:02] mary 说: though we are wearing another face in real life

[13:34:15] mary 说: heeh, making fun of me
[13:34:18] plando 说: you are right
[13:34:39] plando 说: life is more like a play
[13:34:53] plando 说: and we are the actor and actress
[13:34:58] mary 说: in fact , i like 三毛 best
[13:36:40] plando 说: sometimes we dont know who we are and when we are ourselves
[13:37:45] mary 说: all the actors will leave the stage when our short play is over one by one
[13:38:11] plando 说: you are so young in psycology attitude
[13:38:53] plando 说: yes
[13:39:06] mary 说: i have never enjoying my young age when i flashed to the middle age
[13:39:31] plando 说: please look the bright and be positive
[13:40:06] mary 说: look forward
[13:40:12] mary 说: be positive to life
[13:40:14] mary 说: hehe
[13:40:18] plando 说: yes
[13:40:40] plando 说: maybe you are finding a love
[13:40:45] mary 说: i am and i have been doing it like this
[13:40:51] mary 说: no no , you are mistaken
[13:40:59] mary 说: love is abstract
[13:41:01] plando 说: but it is difficult for you in really life
[13:41:19] mary 说: i like keeping it in my memory to keep it fresh
[13:41:35] mary 说: it will lose its clour once you get it
[13:41:58] mary 说: i never want to rearch out my hands for love
[13:42:19] plando 说: but you know it is vain
[13:42:30] mary 说: i would rather treat me as an outsider even to my own story
[13:42:32] plando 说: we cannot hold the pace of the time
[13:43:12] plando 说: you are a sober lady!
[13:43:27] plando 说: how alike we are!
[13:43:46] mary 说: every period of life has different contents to deal with
[13:44:05] plando 说: you are absolutely right
[13:44:53] mary 说: sober means what ?
[13:45:04] plando 说: no one steps the same river at the same time
[13:45:21] mary 说: yeah so let bygones be bygones !
[13:46:08] plando 说: sober means reasonable
[13:46:27] plando 说: rationable
[13:46:28] mary 说: oh i thought it was spritual
[13:46:57] mary 说: hehe tell me when did you begin to chat here in english
[13:47:11] mary 说: do you think it can improve english a lot
[13:47:47] plando 说: when you attend a party,most of people are drunk and you have little acohol ,then you are
[13:48:33] plando 说: it is a good means to improve our english
[13:48:41] mary 说: oh i am clear in mind
[13:48:54] mary 说: good
[13:49:24] plando 说: three monthes ago
[13:49:47] mary 说: oh longer than you
[13:50:03] plando 说: i inquiry a tutor how to improve my english

[13:50:17] mary 说: before the new year , a friend recommended me here
[13:50:35] mary 说: do you get a tutor?
[13:50:41] plando 说: she suggested me to chat online by skype
[13:50:59] mary 说: does it work well ?
[13:51:05] plando 说: no
[13:51:23] plando 说: just so so
[13:51:34] plando 说: it is difficult to find a partner
[13:51:36] mary 说: (rofl)
[13:52:06] mary 说: first i just chatted with english native speakers
[13:53:45] plando 说: most people are not interested in improving the english and their english are not very
well ,including me ,more worse the time is not guarantee
[13:55:06] plando 说: do you have a partner?do you think it is a good way to improve your english?
[13:55:17] mary 说: i felt down when i told him i was to improve english here, some told me he would never
teach me english...
[13:55:29] plando 说: ha
[13:56:01] plando 说: yes ,just practice not teaching .
[13:56:08] mary 说: my friends or parters came and went
[13:56:36] plando 说: yes,many of them are salemen
[13:56:58] plando 说: they want to promot the products
[13:57:16] mary 说: yeah it is annoying
[13:58:32] mary 说: en , the film is not as good as i expected
[13:59:13] plando 说: maybe they think it is annoying too because you dont want to buy their goods
[13:59:45] mary 说: also a lot want to introduce their websites
[13:59:57] plando 说: do you often watch film online?
[14:00:20] mary 说: yeah, i do
[14:00:30] mary 说: if i have time
[14:01:03] plando 说: yes,many of them concern sextual
[14:02:02] plando 说: why dont you watch films in english version which contribute your english learning
[14:02:17] mary 说: oh fortunately that kind has dirtied my eyes
[14:02:43] mary 说: this is the first chinese film i have seen so far
[14:03:19] mary 说: most of time i watch english films , but i have difficulty in understanding it
[14:03:29] plando 说: on the contary ,sometimes i am interested in them
[14:03:41] mary 说: in what ??
[14:04:17] plando 说: but i cannot get anything except the bank account or phone numbers
[14:05:32] mary 说: sorry i can't catch up with you at this point
[14:05:37] plando 说: yes,it is not a easy thing to watch english version moives
[14:06:06] plando 说: sometimes i am interested in the sextual websites
[14:06:20] mary 说: what ??
[14:07:04] plando 说: as the salesman,they are a promotation too
[14:08:36] plando 说: do you think it is a good way to learn english?
[14:08:43] plando 说: chatting online
[14:09:24] mary 说: yeah, if i found a nice chatter
[14:09:32] mary 说: in fact i met some
[14:09:59] mary 说: an english man corrected english when i make mistakes
[14:10:03] plando 说: it is a effective way but not the 唯一 的 way
[14:10:14] mary 说: quite right

[14:10:32] mary 说: any other ways to suggest?
[14:11:17] plando 说: read english newspaper
[14:11:48] plando 说: to write composition and listen english radio
[14:11:54] mary 说: good
[14:12:26] plando 说: i have several kind of disks
[14:12:34] mary 说: i will feel sleepy when i am listening to radio
[14:12:55] mary 说: so are u really crazy about learning english
[14:13:18] plando 说: i like listening redio as well as Mp3 very much
[14:13:59] plando 说: sometimes i think i am
[14:14:09] mary 说: i like watching tv meanwhile keeping a book at hand
[14:14:27] mary 说: i can't fall asleep without a book or tv
[14:14:50] plando 说: mastering english enable me to fit the harsh competition
[14:14:56] mary 说: so i should learn from you and improve english sooner
[14:17:44] plando 说: ha
[14:18:02] mary 说: so you have been reward !
[14:18:39] plando 说: there is a popular series ,namely ,friends
[14:19:20] mary 说: then ...
[14:19:26] plando 说: it is very humor and
[14:20:15] plando 说: many english learner enjoy it very much
[14:20:25] mary 说: i know nothing about it
[14:20:30] mary 说: what is it ??
[14:20:43] plando 说: i think it must fit you because you like watching movie
[14:20:55] plando 说: really?
[14:20:59] mary 说: yeah is it a tv programs
[14:21:16] mary 说: yeah tell me a little about it
[14:22:00] plando 说: it is a story among six friends who are young people
[14:22:26] mary 说: oh an english film called friends!
[14:22:59] plando 说: yes ,you got it .they look for job ,marry ,
[14:23:12] plando 说: and so on
[14:23:38] mary 说: oh i will have a look at it another time
[14:23:41] plando 说: you can search online to know more about it
[14:24:00] mary 说: ok , now i know how to search films online
[14:24:20] mary 说: the film is coming to an end !
[14:24:57] mary 说: some are fit to read rather than watch
[14:25:18] plando 说: there are many many of 集
[14:25:45] mary 说: hehe have you watched manymany ???
[14:26:09] plando 说: about a third
[14:27:03] mary 说: :)
[14:27:09] plando 说: it can provide you a english environment though you cannot understand each words they
[14:27:34] mary 说: that is what i need !
[14:28:54] plando 说: you can buy it from the website like taobao
[14:29:24] mary 说: i am searching for it on 土豆
[14:30:05] plando 说: /?source=wisdo_001001
[14:30:41] plando 说: potato?
[14:31:09] mary 说: tudou .com

[14:32:01] plando 说: have you found it ?
[14:32:16] mary 说: yeah
[14:32:35] mary 说: but it was lost again
[14:34:14] mary 说: hehe 老友记
[14:34:33] plando 说: there are many movies that are suitable for you ,such as ,the desperated wife
[14:35:01] mary 说: so you are treating me as that ?
[14:35:06] plando 说: yes ,it is the Chinese name
[14:35:47] mary 说: very good , sounds rather clear
[14:36:00] plando 说: donot get me wrong
[14:36:37] mary 说: :)
[14:36:44] plando 说: are you watching it online?
[14:36:49] mary 说: yeah
[14:36:57] mary 说: but it 卡
[14:37:07] plando 说: yes
[14:37:15] mary 说: is being struck
[14:38:30] plando 说: the shortage of watching online is the sign is not very stable
[14:38:52] mary 说: 第十记 means ?
[14:39:02] plando 说: sometimes you cannot get clear picture
[14:39:39] plando 说: maybe it is a mistake
[14:39:46] plando 说: 第十季
[14:39:47] mary 说: oh
[14:40:21] mary 说: sorry i made a spelling mistake
[14:40:56] mary 说: 第十季 means ??
[14:41:15] plando 说: there are ten
[14:41:21] plando 说: 季
[14:41:51] plando 说: and the are three section in every 季
[14:42:05] mary 说: why is it counted in 季
[14:42:06] plando 说: oh
[14:42:24] plando 说: maybe it is a season
[14:42:25] plando 说: ha
[14:42:34] plando 说: like winter
[14:42:40] plando 说: summer spring and fall
[14:42:52] mary 说: are you sure???
[14:42:55] mary 说: :)
[14:42:57] plando 说: it is too complicated
[14:43:30] plando 说: and i cannot explain it very well
[14:43:40] plando 说: just kidding
[14:43:47] mary 说: good !
[14:44:35] mary 说: any plan for the rest of time ?
[14:44:53] mary 说: walking or jumping along the beach?
[14:44:56] plando 说: do you know :let's talk in english?
[14:45:04] mary 说: sorry i don't
[14:45:19] mary 说: i am a frog in the deep well :(
[14:45:32] plando 说: ha
[14:45:33] mary 说: how about it?
[14:45:39] plando 说: dont be so modest

[14:45:47] plando 说: you are a noble teacher
[14:46:00] mary 说: (y)
[14:46:17] plando 说: and as a teacher ,you need a wide range of knowledge
[14:46:39] mary 说: yeah, so i need to be charged
[14:47:26] plando 说: it is a program concernin g english study ,there three degrees o f the
[14:47:40] plando 说: program
[14:48:38] mary 说: got it !
[14:49:06] plando 说: Let's Talk in English is the easiest degree
[14:49:59] mary 说: yeah have found it online
[14:50:21] plando 说: in the program there are three or four teachers teach you english
[14:51:05] plando 说: oh ,i remember that the publish locates in Jilin
[14:52:25] mary 说: > Let's Talk in English...
[14:52:41] plando 说: yes
[14:52:43] plando 说: ha
[14:53:12] plando 说: (devil)
[14:53:16] mary 说: haha ,thank u for all
[14:53:37] plando 说: that's all righ
[14:53:39] mary 说: why such an angry face
[14:53:50] mary 说: like a devil
[14:53:52] plando 说: anr
[14:54:02] mary 说: yeah , that is it
[14:54:07] plando 说: angry?shy or embarrass
[14:56:29] plando 说: oh
[14:56:32] mary 说: your net ?
[14:56:56] plando 说: how do you spent this day?
[14:56:57] mary 说: bad connection
[14:57:11] plando 说: just chat online
[14:57:25] plando 说: you will be uesed to it
[14:57:27] mary 说: hehe, of course not
[14:57:41] mary 说: yeah i like learning
[14:58:13] plando 说: your spiritation encourages me
[14:58:16] mary 说: i will leave here at 3;00
[14:58:31] mary 说: who encourages who
[14:58:36] plando 说: where will you go?
[14:58:37] mary 说: (rofl)
[14:58:50] mary 说: just have a good rest first
[14:58:58] mary 说: my son is coming back
[14:59:08] plando 说: you are a teacher and i am a student
[14:59:11] mary 说: he went to learn handwriting
[14:59:23] plando 说: oh,i see
[14:59:37] mary 说: feel honoured to have you my student
[14:59:48] plando 说: let's discuss the boy next time
[14:59:56] mary 说: ok
[15:00:05] mary 说: so good bye for now
[15:00:18] plando 说: how to educate them

[15:00:21] plando 说: ok
[15:00:27] mary 说: and continue your talk here with your bad net signal
[15:00:34] plando 说: ha
[15:00:42] plando 说: i will leave too
[15:00:48] mary 说: i am tired of that
[15:00:49] mary 说: (rofl)
[15:00:54] mary 说: (wave)
[15:01:17] plando 说: you should be used to it
[15:01:25] plando 说: ha
[15:01:31] plando 说: have a good noon
[21:48:52] plando 说: hi mei hua ,i wonder if you are interested in writing a t i wrote a
composition about playing computer games.
[21:49:45] plando 说:
Nowadays many people enjoy playing computer games .what are the advantages and disadvantages of playing
computers,especially to teenagers? Write a composition in 160-200 words to cover following aspects:
ages of playing computer games;
antages of playing computer games;
point of view on playing computer games.
[21:50:29] plando 说: here is my composition which be finished in thiry five minutes
[21:50:40] plando 说:
With the development of the computer technology, people in increasing numbers have accesss to compuer. The
computer is very useful because it is not only a powerful tool for study but also a vehicle to communication and a
good means to relax. According to a latest investigation ,there is a growing tendency that more and more
people ,involving million of teenagers ,are interested in playing computer games. It has been becoming a serious
social problem and has been coused public concern.
Educational experts as well as many parents claim that playing computer games will bring negative impact on
the people ,espicially the teenagers. Many people are addict to the computer games and waste lots of time and
money, consequently they ,especially for the teenagers,cannot focus on their work and study. For the
students ,they even cannot pass their examinations.
Every stick has two ends. Many computer games are exciting. It is a good way to relax ourselves. By playing
computer games sometimes can cultivate group spitit and can make many friends all over the world.
As far as I am concern , playing computer games has its advantages and disadvantages. We should consider this
problem reasonablly. We should launch a project to improve the public awareness of the impact of playing
computer games. Juvenile must be monitored by the parents when they are playing computer games. The net bar
should not be addmit teenagers to get in. if all the things have been done, I think people will enjoy the computer
games and not indulge in it .

部分 节

II 英语
考查要点 题型
得分 时间
采分点 权重(%) (分
英语 详细信息
5 5
英语 总体或特定信息 简答题
5 10
30 30
英语 推断词义
英语 猜测词义
10 10
20 20 10 15
20 20 25
5 15 10
英语 书面表达 (160-200
1 20 25 35
100 100 25 140




II 英语

考查要点 题型
得分 时间
采分点 权重(%) (分
5 5
部分 节
英语 详细信息
英语 总体或特定信息 简答题
5 10
30 30
英语 推断词义
英语 猜测词义
10 10
20 20 10 15
20 20 25
5 15 10
英语 书面表达 (160-200
1 20 25 35
100 100 140

部分 节
英语 总体或特定信息
英语 详细信息
考查要点 题型
得分 时间
采分点 权重(%) (分
5 5
5 10









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