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2021-01-13 23:21
tags:翻译, 英语, 教程




and with infinite precaution made a mark about
as big as a bean on the snow-white field. At that
moment I heard the sound of a motorcar in the
drive and threw down my brush in a panic. I
was even more alarmed when I saw who stepped
from the car: the wife of Sir John Lavery, the
celebrated painter who lived nearby.“我迟疑不
的底子上的画上蚕 豆般大小的一笔。就在这时,
我听到车道上传来一辆汽车的声音,于是 一份
耕耘,一份收获 答案只是参考,请大家努力自
学 惊恐地丢下我的画笔。当我看清是谁从汽车
里走出来时,更是惊慌失措。 来者正是住在附

are you waiting for? Let me have the brush —
the big one.' She plunged into the paints and
before I knew it, she had swept several fierce
strokes and slashes of blue on the absolutely
terrified canvas. Anyone could see it could not
hit back. I hesitated no more. I seized the largest
brush and fell upon my wretched victim with
wild fury. I have never felt any fear of a canvas
since.‘在画画呢!’她大声说道。 ‘多么有趣。
可你还在等什么呢? 把画 笔给我---大的那
支。 ’她猛地用笔蘸起颜料,还没等我缓过神
来,她已经 挥笔泼墨在惊恐不已的画布上画下

了有力的几道蓝色。谁都看得出画布 无法回击。
地向我可怜 的牺牲品扑了过去。自那以后,我
再也不曾害怕过画布。 ”

This belief in hard work is the first of three
main factors contributing to Asian students'
outstanding performance. It springs from
Asians' common heritage of Confucianism, the
philosophy of the 5th-century-BC Chinese sage
whose teachings have had a profound influence
on Chinese society. One of Confucius's primary
teachings is that through effort, people can
perfect themselves.
够完善 自我。
Confucianism provides another important
ingredient in the Asians' success as well. In
Confucian philosophy, the family plays a central
role — an orientation that leads people to work
for the honor of the family, not just for

themselves. One can never repay one's parents,
and there's a sense of obligation or even guilt
that is as strong a force among Asians as
Protestant philosophy is in the West.
夫子的哲学中家庭起着最重要的作用----这 种
仅仅是为了他们自己。一个人永远无法报答他的< br>父母而且在亚洲人中间还有一种责任感、乃至

The first cultural translator I ever met was an
installation engineer, George by name, who
worked for an American company where I was
the director of international operations. The
company had just started a joint venture with a
Japanese firm, and the American management
needed someone to train the Japanese employees
in its unique technology. George's solid
understanding of the equipment, its installation
and use made him the best-qualified employee
for the job, so everyone was happy when George
accepted a two-year contract for temporary
transfer to Japan.

师名叫乔治他在一家我 担任国际业务部主
任的美国公司里工作。 这家公司刚同一家日本
商社开办了一家合资企业美方 管理部门需要
设备及其安装和使用的透彻了解使 他成为最能
胜任这项工作的雇员 所以当乔治接受了暂时
From the start, George was well accepted by all
the Japanese employees. Japanese managers
often distrust anyone sent to represent US
owners, but George was so naturally
nonassertive that no one could see him as a
threat to their careers. So they felt comfortable
asking his advice on a wide range of matters,
including the odd behavior of their partners
across the ocean. Engineers throughout the
company appreciated George's expertise and his
friendly and capable help, and they got into the
habit of turning to him whenever they had a
problem — any problem. And the secretaries in
the office were eager to help this nice bachelor
learn Japanese.
从一开始乔治就被所有的日本雇员欣然 接受。
的人但乔治生性随和没有人把他看作是对< br>自己职业的一种威胁。所以他们喜欢就广泛的各









本文更新与2021-01-13 23:21,由作者提供,不代表本网站立场,转载请注明出处:https://www.bjmy2z.cn/gaokao/515217.html

