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2021-01-12 21:36


2021年1月12日发(作者:凌惟一)u3000u3000Some are even misguidedly asking for government regulation or a bailout.

u3000u3 000接连不断的出台政策抑制投机购买,强制开发商增加建设保障性住房。

u3000u30 00A succession of measures have been introduced to subdue speculative buyingand force developers to increase the supply of homes.

u3000u3000政府已 经意识到男性过多将带来社会的不稳定,并且已经出台政策鼓励生女孩了。

u3000u300 0The government has expressed concerns that too many men could lead to socialinstability and is expanding programmes that encourage people to have female children.

u3000u3000几年后,政府出台政策,吸引公司招 聘年轻的应届毕业生,但在我寻找工作的日子里,去没有任何政策。

u3000u3000A few years later the government made it attractive for companies to hire youngpeople fresh out of school, but in the days that I was looking for a job there wasn'tanything yet.

u3000u3000不过反对声是明显的 , 一位市民说:“这对养狗的人来说极不公平,也极不尊重生命。” “相关部门应该出台政策引导管理宠物的人士 ,而不是简单粗暴的禁狗。”

u3000u3000"The appropriate departments should introduce detailed regulations to guideresidents in keeping dogs and grant them certificates, instead of simply banningdogs, " he added.


u3000 u3000Some local governments have taken matters into their own hands.

u3000u3000出台政策的英语句子带翻 译

u3000u3000月份的时候,高盛分析师对中国股市进行了降级处理,因为重要的股票 起伏不定,有消息称国家将出台政策抑制通货膨胀。

u3000u3000Goldman analysts downgraded the region in November because of significant stock run-ups, signs of speculation and possible policy tightening to curb inflation.< br>

u3000u30 00Policy must help to achieve this.

u3000u3 000其次,有必要出台政策同时解决供应和需求问题。

u3000u3000Second, policies need to tackle both supply and demand.


u3000u3000Poli cies lure talents from abroad.

u3000u3000有些 公司出台政策禁止在网上用博客、微博等讨论实习工作。

u3000u3000Some companies even have policies forbidding interns to blog, tweet or discuss the company online.

u3000u3000这些新的机会是中央政府出台政策的结果,这些政策旨在推动内地发展,以缩减内地与沿海 富裕地区的收入差距。

u3000u3000These new opportunities are a result of central government policies aimed at promoting inland development to reduce the income gap with rich coastal regions.
u3000u3000在经济复苏的背景下,中国曾多次限制银行和金融机构的信贷发放,同时出台 政策阻遏楼市投机。

u3000u3000In the wake of the economic recovery, China has tried to limit new credit issued by banks and introduced measures to discourage speculation in the property sector.










本文更新与2021-01-12 21:36,由作者提供,不代表本网站立场,转载请注明出处:https://www.bjmy2z.cn/gaokao/512289.html
