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2021-01-12 04:25
tags:新东方, 考研英语写作, 模板


少年易学老难成,一寸光阴不可轻 - 百度文库
所谓万能这个概念,如果大家都去这么用的话 ,就等于没有用了。PartB部分是有的,
但是partA没有,PartB可以基本上把这个文章全 写完的一个模板方式。万能模板,你这么
想,大家告诉我,只要一个题目能够转变成一社会现象之后,最 好准备两到三套大的万能无
第一段四个句子,第一句宏观描述图画,并谈图画看似可笑但发 人深思.第二句写
出图画最强烈的视觉效果,第三句是主题句,谈用二十个单词的爆发力句型谈该现象对 个人的
原因,第二句谈这个现象 的第一个危害,用 “not only, but
第三个句子谈第二个危 害,通常是用一个豪华级的比较级的句子,让老师耳目一新,通
常是谈这个现象对社会的危害.第四个句 子谈对家庭或学校的危害.第五个句子谈一个代替
子是例子 群体的出现,谈根据一项调查表明,80%以上的人只要从事经历过这个消极的现象一
定会对个人在精神 和生活上有危害.最后一句话是预测趋势的二十五个单词的钻石级的句子,
谈以下预测趋势,表明这种现 象再这样下去,就会导致恶劣的结果出现,甚至是毁灭性的后果。
悟.第四 个句子谈个谚语,谈一下实践我的建议的重要性.五个句子谈解决的任重道远.第六个
句子是解决问题之 后的美好的未来。
(1)As is iidly depicted in the picture, ,which seems to be humorous and
ridiculous but thought- prooking on second thoughts.(2)The most striking
feature that impresses me deeply is that unbelieably, ,(3)Recent few years
has witnessed a phenomenon of 主题 which seems to be disastrous to indiidual
surial and prosperity. (4)This phenomenon of 主题 should be condemned
seerely or made illegal. (5)There is no doubt that its symbolic meaning
subtly coneyed should be gien deep consideration.
(1) To account for the aboe-mentioned phenomenon, seeral serious effects
hae been put forward. (2)To begin with,主题 not only results does harm to
少年易学老难成,一寸光阴不可轻 - 百度文库
our physical and mental health but also results in a frustrating and
humiliating life. (3)In addition, nothing is more harmful than主题 to
contradict with a harmonious society. (4)Last but not the least, no issue
is as harmful as 主题 to increase family burdens, which is a threatening
situation we are unwilling to see. (5)No better illustration of this idea
can be thought than the example mentioned below . According to a surey
made by China Daily, 63.93% of young people who hae eer experienced主题will
lie a dull life or een feel loss of hope about the future. (7)If we cannot
take useful means, we may not control this trend, and some undesirable
results may come out unexpectedly, we will see the gloomy future of
(1)From what hae been discussed aboe, it is therefore, necessary that
some effectie measures are taken to preent主题. (2)On the one hand, we
should be sensible to strengthen the enforcement of the laws to protect
something. (3)On the other hand, it is demanding for us to keep people
aware of the importance of saing somebody out of the eil hands of
destruction. (4)Howeer, it is easier said than done. (5)Although the fight
against it is long-standing and tremendous one,our efforts will eentually
pay off. Only when you attention to it can you see a colorful and
harmonious future better sooner or later.
第一段谈的是三个句子 ,第一,二个句子都是在描述图画,第三句子这个现象对社
会发展的积极的现象,第四个句子是图画简单 ,寓意深刻.
第二个段子,第一个句子谈一个十二个单词的爆发力的主题句,第二个 句子谈这个
这 个积极现象,人们生活就忧闷,有挫折感,无前进动力,前途渺茫.第四个句子谈有两个大的好
处.第五 个句子谈第一个好处,通常是让生活丰富,有效率.再谈第二个好处通常是谈一些个人
发展或社会进步的 好处.第五个句子是代替for
example的五星级的句子.第六个是具体的举例 子,谈根据一项调查表明,80%的人只要
利用这个积极的现象就容易改变人生,提高素质.也可以单独 举个性例子,第七个句子是倒装
谈二十五个单词的超豪华的句子,谈无论做大事还是小事,无论做难事 还是容易事,都
要这个积极现象.第二个句子谈有两点建议让它变的更好.第三个句子谈让它变的更好的 第一
个方法,通常发挥它的好处,避免坏处.第四个句子谈第二个方法,第五个句子谈个谚语,第六个< br>谈解决任务的任重道远.第七个倒装句谈只要有这个积极现象就会享受一个美好,丰富和有活
力的 未来.
(1)As is iidly depicted in the picture,(描述图画).(2) The most striking
feature is(图画重点信息).(3)There is no doubt that its symbolic meaning subtly
coneyed should be gien deep consideration.
(1)As is symbolically reealed in the set of drawings, the fact
少年易学老难成,一寸光阴不可轻 - 百度文库
that(重复上面的图画信息) profoundly indicates that team work is momentous (重要的)
fundamental to any one who undertakes great deeds. (2)Undoubtedly, it is
team work that keeps us continually doing something aluable and admirable
in spite of difficulty, that makes us still full of energy to face the
coming challenges and competition and that offers us the foundation for
the coming success. (3)If we don not cooperate sincerely, we will lie a
dull and depressing life and feel frustrated and humiliated or feel loss
of hope about the future. (4)As far as I am concerned, there are seeral
adantages that can be gien as below. To begin with, nothing is more
beneficial than team work to oercome our defects and improe our
efficiency. (5)Secondly, no issue is as good as team work to make our life
more colorful and better illustration of this idea can be
thought than the example mentioned below. (7)A person who is assigned
arious jobs along the production lines will make a mess just because no
one can be proficient in all the things. Only by cooperating with other
people can you put your capacities into full play and can you be the
winner in the society.
(1)From what hae been discussed aboe,it admits of no doubt that in doing
things whether great or small there are more or less difficulties, it is
much better for one to inole yourself into a team work. (2)It is
therefore, necessary that some effectie measures are taken to make your
team work more efficient. (3)On the one hand, we should be sensible to be
receptie to other people’s opinions and benefits. (4)On the other hand, it
is demanding for us to be always helpful and honest to other people.(5)
Howeer, it is easier said than done. Practice is the most important
factor. Only when you pay attention to it can you make it better sooner or
人类社会的永恒话题, 对比论述突出好处,比如坚持不懈, 打败自我,团队精神,为人真
诚,实事求是从正面列举该积极事物的好处,克服困难, 征服挑战,
完善自我,走向成功,创造辉煌从反面列举没有这个积极事物时的不好, 郁闷迷茫, 无
成就感和前进动力, 失败挫折感最后要谈两点建议措施和联想美好未来
话题:坚持不懈---------------在失败的时候坚持, 做好每一件小事为成功做好准备.
As is iidly depicted in the picture, 描述图画. The most striking feature is
描述图画两句,第一句宏观表明图画的视觉效果。 第二句表明的图画的最大特
There is no doubt that its symbolic meaning subtly coneyed should be
gien deep consideration.
此句子表明图画所微妙传达的象征含义,发人深思, 十四个单词增加亮点,弥补
Recent few years has witnessed a phenomenon that which plays an actie
part in our society.
少年易学老难成,一寸光阴不可轻 - 百度文库
列举该积极事物的好处, 克服困难, 征服挑战,
完善自我,走向成功,创造辉煌从反面列举没有这个积极事物时的不好, 郁闷迷茫, 无
As is symbolically reealed in the set of drawings, the fact that
profoundly indicates that perseerance is momentous (重要的) and fundamental
to any one who undertakes great
deeds.任何积极话题必然与成功有联系,成 功是衡量该话题是否积极的唯一标准。该
段首句设置爆发力句型,增加气势,让老师给出很高的第一印象 分,借此开头很有特色。

Perseerance means that people can persist on when they face the
difficulty and prepare eery detail for the coming
It is perseerance that keeps us continually doing something aluable and
admirable , that makes us still full of energy to face the coming
challenges and competition and that offers us the foundation for the
coming success.强调并列句是英语的极品句型,大气磅礴。此万能句子是任何积极事
物都可以帮助我们 克服困难,征服挑战,走向成功.
Unless we stick to our dream,(适当把主题词进行同义替换)we will lie a dull and
depressing life and feel frustrated and humiliated, only to be
eliminated. 双重否定句子从反面论证宏观说明危害性,如果缺乏该积极事物就生
活郁闷挫折被竞争所淘汰。 To account for
the aboe mentioned topic, seeral reasons can be put forward as mentioned
below. To begin with In addition Last but not the least No better
illustration of this idea can be thought than the example mentioned
below. (举例证明把for example 写成十四个很有特色,而且表明下面的例子很重
Many capable people who hae the burning desire to win fail to achiee
their goals just because they don’t persist (是坚持的同意改写)especially when they
face the music.
Many people who。。。。。。just because。。。。。。想成功但失败因为他们不能坚持特
Only by being perseerant can they guarantee a success and hae a strong
will to always challenge
themseles.指的是永远成功 倒装并列句在段落末尾 写,增加气势,第二段结尾很
重要,不要晚节不保。倒装句在结尾补充再好不过。此句很万能,表明只有 该积极事物让我
From what hae been discussed aboe, It admits of no doubt that in doing
things whether great or small there are more or less difficulties, it is
much better for one to perseere than to despair.









本文更新与2021-01-12 04:25,由作者提供,不代表本网站立场,转载请注明出处:https://www.bjmy2z.cn/gaokao/510729.html
