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2021-01-12 03:06
tags:大学英语六级考试, 真题试卷, 研究生入学考试




Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes towrite an
essay on the saying Beauty of the soul is the essen-tial beauty. Y
ou should write at least 150 words but no morethan 200 words.
In this rapidly developing society, what we persue has neverbee
n more abundant than ever before. We care about thefood safety, t
he money we can earn, the health of thepeople around us and the
apperence of us, namely g about beauty, ideas may di
ffer from person toperson. Among all the elements of beauty that
modernpeople attach importance to, 1 reckon that beauty of thesou
l is the essential beauty.
Looking around, we may find many facts which can relectthe va
lue in the saying. Take Lihong as an example, she isnot the traditio
nally typical youngster who would be consid-ered beautiful. Howeve

r, she keeps doing good routinelyand insists in helping those in ne
ed. When mentioned,Lihong is always the exemplary model praised
by every-body. To many acquaintances of hers, they think she is on
eof the most beautiful girls they' ve ever met. In the case ofLihong,
beauty of the soul is more essentially valued thanthat of her appe

To conclude, it is not the fashionable hairstyle, not the ex-pensi
ve clothes we wear, but beauty of our soul that deter-mines how p
eople see us. This reminds us agian of the valuethat beauty of the
soul is the essential beauty.
Directions: For this part, 1 you are allowed 30 minutes towrite a
n essay on the saying What is worth doing is worthdoing well. Y
ou should write at least 150 words but no morethan 200 words.
In different stages of life, we may have diverse pursuit. PXSome
determine to pass an arduous exam whereas others
may tend to find a satisfying job. No matter what we aregoing
to do, one thing is certain, we have to spare no effortto make the

worthy task fully accomplished. As the sayinggoes, what is worth do
ing is worth doing well.
Looking around, we may find many deeds to which we canappl
y the value relected in the saying. Take myself as an ex-ample, I m
ade my mind to attend the postgraduate entranceexams at the begi
nning of last year, which for me I thoughtwas worth doing. Once t
he decision had been made, I never
doubted the possibility of not being able to pass the exams. eE
I made a comprehensive plan for the whole year study and
stuck to it strictly. In the end, I managed to pass the examsand
became a qualified graduate student.
To conclude, what is worth doing is definitely what is mean-ing
ful to us and even can have a long-term influence on ourlife and g
rowth. Only when we accomplish what is worthdoing well can we b
e more likely to succeed.
Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes towrite an
essay on the saying Wealth of the mind is the onlytrue wealth. Y
ou should write at least 150 words but nomore than 200 words.

In this rapidly developing society, what we persue has neverbee
n more abundant than ever before. We care about thefood safety, t
he health of the people around us, the apper-ence of us and the
money we can earn. Talking aboutwealth, ideas may differ from per
son to person. Among allthe elements of wealth that modern peopl
e attach impor-tance to, I reckon that wealth of the mind is the onl
y truewealth.
Looking around, we may find many facts which can relectthe va
lue in the saying. Take Lihong as an example, she isnot the traditio
nally typical youngster who would be consid-ered wealthy. However,
she keeps reading books routinelyand insists in attending a variety
of lectures. When men-tioned, Lihong is always the exemplary mod
el praised by ev- erybody. To many acquaintances of hers, they thin
k she isone of the most knowledgable and thoughtful girls they' ve
ever met. In the case of Lihong, wealth of the mind is moreessentia
lly valued than the money she possesses.
To conclude, it is not the money we earn but wealth of ourmin
d that determines how people see us. This reminds usagian of the
value that wealth of the mind is the only truewealth.

Conversation one.
M:You are a professor of physics at the university of Oxford. You're a
senior advisor at the European organization for nuclear research. You also seem to
tour the globe tirelessly giving talks. And In addition, you have your own weekly TV
show on science. Where do you get the energy?
W:Oh,well, I just love what I do. I am extremely fortunate life doing what I
love doing.
M:Professor, what exactly is your goal? Why do you do all of this?
W:Well, As you said, I do have different things going on. But these, I think,
can be divided into two groups. The education of science and the further
understanding of science.
M:Don't these two things get in the way of each other? What I mean is,
doesn't giving lectures take time away from the lab?
W:Not really. No, I love teaching. And I don't mind spending more time
doing that now than in the past. Also what I will say is that teaching a subject helps
me comprehend it better myself. I find that it furthers my own knowledge when I
have to explain something clearly. When I have to aid others in understanding it. And
when I have to answer questions about it, teaching at a high level can be very
stimulating. One, no matter how much expertise they may already have in the field,
they are instructing
M:any scientific breakthroughs that you see on the near horizon? a
significant discovery on venture. And we can expect soon?
W:the world is always conducting science and there are constantly new
things being discovered. In fact, right now we have too much data sitting in
computers. For example, we have thousands of photos of planet mars taken by
telescopes that nobody has ever seen. We have them yet. Nobody has had time to
look at them with their own eyes, let alone analyze them.

Questions one to four are based on the conversation you have just heard.
Question 1. Why does the woman say she can be so energetic?
答案:Oh,well, I just love what I do.
Question 2. What has the woman been engaged in?
答案:The education of science and the further understanding of science.
Question 3. What does the woman say about the benefit teaching brings to
答案:teaching a subject helps me comprehend it better myself
Question 4. How does the woman say new scientific breakthroughs can be
made possible?
答案:to look at them with their own eyes and analyze them
Conversation two.
M:Do you think dreams have special meanings?
W:No, I don't think they do.
M:Don't either. But some people do. I would say people who believe that
dreams have meanings are superstitious, especially nowadays, in the past, during the
times of ancient Egypt, Greece or China, people used to believe that dreams could
foresee the future. But today, with all the scientific knowledge that we have, I think
it's much harder to believe in these sorts of things.
W:My grandmother is superstitious, and she thinks dreams can predict the
future. Once she dreamed that the flight she was due to take the following day
crashed, can you guess what she did? She didn't take that flight. She didn't even
bother to go to the airport the following day. Instead she took the same flight. But a
week later, everything was fine. Of course, no plane ever crashed.
M:How funny did you know that flying is actually safer than any other
mode of transport? It's been statistically proven. People can be so irrational

W:Yes, absolutely. But even if we think they are ridiculous, emotions can
be just as powerful as rational thinking.
M:Exactly. People do all sorts of crazy things because of their irrational
feelings. But in fact, some psychologists believe that our dreams are the result of our
emotions and memories from that day. I think it was Sigmund Freud who said that
children's dreams were usually simple representations of their wishes, things they
wished would happen. But in adults, dreams a much more complicated reflections of
their more sophisticated sentiments.
W:Isn't it interesting how psychologists try to understand using the
scientific method something as bizarre as dreams? Psychology is like the rational
study of irrational feelings.
Questions five to eight are based on the conversation you have just heard.
Question 5. What do both speakers think of dreams?
答案:they don’t have special meanings
Question 6. Why didn't the woman's grandmother take her scheduled
答案:Once she dreamed that the flight she was due to take the following
day crashed
Question 7. What does the woman say about people's emotions?
答案:emotions can be just as powerful as rational thinking.
Question 8. What did psychologist Sigmund Freud say about adults dreams?
答案:But in adults, dreams a much more complicated reflections of their
more sophisticated sentiments.
Passage one.
While some scientists explore the surface of antarctica, others are learning
more about a giant body of water four kilometres beneath the ice pack.
Scientists first discovered lake Voss dock in the 19 seventy's by using radio
waves that penetrate the ice. Since then, they have used sound waves and even

satellites to map this massive body of water. How does the water in lake Vohs dog
remain liquid beneath an ice sheet? The thick glacier above acts like an insulating
blanket and keeps the water from freezing, says Martin Siegert, a glaciologist from
the university of Wales. In addition, geothermal heat from deep within the earth
may warm the hidden lake. The scientists suspect that microorganisms may be living
in lake vohs stock closed off from the outside world for more than 2 million years.
Anything found there will be totally alien to what's on the surface of the
earth to see a good scientists are trying to find a way to drill into the ice and draw
water samples without causing contamination. Again, robots might be the solution.
If all goes as planned, a drill shaped robot will through the surface eyes. When it
reaches the lake, it will release another robot that can swim in the lake, take pictures,
and look for signs of life. The scientists hope their discoveries will shed light on life in
outer space, which might exist in similar dark and airless conditions.
Recently, close up pictures of jupiter, as moon europa shows signs of water
beneath its icy surface. Once tested in antarctica, robots could be sent to europa to
search for life there too.
Questions 9 to 11. Based on the passage you have just heard.
Question 9. What did scientists first use to discover lake V stock in the
答案:using radio waves that penetrate the ice
Question 10. What do scientists think about lake vast dock?
答案:microorganisms may be living in lake vohs stock closed off from the
outside world for more than 2 million years
Question 11. What do the scientists hope their discoveries will do?
答案:shed light on life in outer space, which might exist in similar dark and
airless conditions
Passage two.
The idea to study the American Indian tribe torah, who Morris came to
James Copeland in 1984, when he discovered that very little research had been done
on their language. He could did a tribe member through a social worker who worked
with the tribesmen in Mexico. At first, the tribe member named gonzales was very

reluctant to cooperate. He told Copeland that no amount of money could buy his
language. But after Copeland explained to him what he intended to do with his
research and how it would benefit that are home, orris gonzales agreed to help. He
took Copeland to his village and served as an intermediary. Copeland says, thanks to
him that are who Morris understood what our mission was and started trusting us.
Entering the world of that, Hamas has been a laborious project for
Copeland. To reach their homeland, he must drive 2.5 days from Houston, Texas. He
loads up his vehicle with goods that the tribesmen can't easily get and gives the
goods to them as a gesture of friendship that are Morris, who don't believe in
accumulating wealth, take the food and share it among themselves.
For Copeland, the experience has not only been academically satisfying, but
also has enriched his life in several ways. I see people rejecting technology and living
a very hard, traditional life, which offers me another notion about the meaning of
progress in the western tradition. He says, I experience the simplicity of living in
nature that I would otherwise only be able to read about. I see a lot of beauty in
their sense of sharing and concern for each other.
Questions 12 to 15 are based on the passage you have just heard.
Question did James Copeland want to study the American Indian
tribe torah Morris?
答案:he discovered that very little research had been done on their
Question 13. How did gonzalez help James Copeland?
答案:He took Copeland to his village and served as an intermediary
Question 14. What does the speaker say about James copeland's trip to
that are humorous village?
答案:don't believe in accumulating wealth, take the food and share it
among themselves
Question 15. What impresses James Copeland about that are a humorist
答案:I see a lot of beauty in their sense of sharing and concern for each

recording one.
What is a radical? It seems today that people are terrified of the
term, particularly of having the label attached to them. Accusing
individuals or groups of being radical often serves to silence them
into submission, thereby maintaining the existing state of affairs,
and more important, preserving the power of a select minority who
are mostly wealthy white males in western society.
Feminism is a perfect example of this phenomenon. The
women's movement has been plagued by stereotypes,
misrepresentations by the media, and accusations of man hating
and radicalism. When the basic foundation of feminism is simply
that women deserve equal rights in all facets of life, when faced with
a threat of being labeled radical women back down from their
worthy cause and consequently participate in their own oppression,
it has gotten to the point that many women are afraid to call
themselves feminists because of the stigma attached to the word. If
people refuse to be controlled and intimidated by stigma, as the
stigma as lose all their power, without fear and which to feed such
stigma as can only die. To me, a radical is simply someone who
rebels against the norm. What advocates a change in the existing

state of affairs? On closer inspection, it becomes clear that the norm
is constantly involving and therefore is not a constant entity.
So why there is deviation from the present situation? Such a
threat than the state of affairs itself is unstable. And subject to
relentless transformation, it all goes back to maintaining the power
of those who have it and preventing the rise of those who don't. In
fact, when we look at the word radical in a historical context, nearly
every figure we now hold up as a hero was considered a radical in his
or her time. Radicals are people who affect change. They are the
people about whom history is written. Abolitionists were radicals.
Civil rights activists were radicals, even the founders of our country
in their fight to win independence from England or radicals. Their
presence in history has changed the way our society functions,
mainly by shifting the balance of power that previously existed.
There are some radicals who have made a negative impact on
humanity. But undeniably, there would simply be no progress
without radicals. That being said, next time someone calls me a
radical, I will accept that label with pride.
Questions 16 to 18 are based on the recording you have just

Question 16. What usually happens when people are accused of
being radical?
答案:preserving the power of a select minority who are mostly
wealthy white males in western society.
Question 17. What is the speaker's definition of a radical?
答案:a radical is simply someone who rebels against the norm.
Question 18. What does the speaker think of most radicals in the
American history?
答案:there would simply be no progress without radicals.

Recording two.
We are very susceptible to the influence of the people around us.
For instance, you may have known somebody who has gone
overseas for a year or so and has returned with an accent. Perhaps.
We become part of our immediate environment. None of us are
immune to the influences of our own world.
And let us not kid ourselves that we are untouched by the things
and the people in our life.

Fred goes off to his new job at a factory. Fred takes his 10
minute coffee break, but the other workers take a half an hour. Fred
says, what's the matter with you guys? Two weeks later, Fred is
taking 20 minute breaks. A month later, Fred takes his half hour.
Fred is saying, if you can't beat them, join them, why should I work
any harder than the next guy?
The fascinating thing about being human is that generally we
are unaware that there are changes taking place in our mentality. It
is like returning to the city smog after some weeks in the fresh air.
Only then do we realize that we have become accustomed to the
nasty smells mix with critical people. And we learn to criticize mixed
with happy people. And we learn about happiness. What this means
is that we need to decide what we want from life and then choose
our company accordingly.
You may well say that is going to take some effort. It may not be
comfortable. I may offend some of my present company. Right? But
it is your life. Fred may say I'm always broke frequently depressed.
I'm going nowhere and I never do anything exciting. Then we
discover that friends, best friends, are always broke, frequently
depressed, going nowhere and wishing that life was more exciting.
This is not coincidence. Nor is it our business to stand in judgment









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