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2021-01-12 00:06
tags:英语学习, 外语学习




I have a question
I don't understand what you mean 4U I have a question for you
S Gentle warning, like Hmm? what did you say? Meaning read
line or message above <3 Meaning sideways heart (love,
friendship) <33 Meaning heart or love (more 3s is a bigger heart) @TEOTD
At the end of the day .02 My (or your) two cents worth 121
One-to-one (private chat initiation) 1337 Leet, meaning 'elite'
143 I love you
14AA41 One for all, and all for one 19 Zero hand (online gaming)
10X Thanks 1CE Once 1DR I wonder 2 Meaning to in SMS
20 Meaning location 2EZ Too easy
2G2BT Too good to be true 2M2H Too much too handle 2MI
Too much information 2MOR Tomorrow 2NTE Tonight
4 Short for for in SMS 411 Meaning information 404 I don't
know 411 Meaning 'information' 420 Lets get high 420
Meaning Marijuana
459 Means I love you (ILY is 459 using keypad numbers) 4COL
For crying out loud 4EAE Forever and ever

4NR Foreigner
5 High-five
511 Too much information (more than 411) 555 Sobbing, crying.
(Mandarin Chinese txt msgs) 55555 Crying your eyes out
(Mandarin Chinese txt msgs)
55555 Meaning Laughing (In Thai language the number 5 is
pronounced 'ha'.)
6Y Sexy
7K Sick
831 I love you (8 letters, 3 words, 1 meaning) 86 Over
88 Bye-bye (Mandarin Chinese txt msgs)
88 Hugs and kisses 9 Parent is watching
Meaning smile
*s* Meaning smile
*w* Meaning wink
A3 Anytime, anywhere, anyplace AA As above
AAF As a matter of fact AAF As a friend AAK Asleep at
keyboard AAK Alive and kicking AAMOF As a matter of fact
AAMOI As a matter of interest AAP Always a pleasure AAR At
any rate
AAS Alive and smiling

AASHTA As always, Sheldon has the answer (Bike mechanic
Sheldon Brown) AATK Always at the keyboard ABC Already
been chewed ABT About
ABT2 Meaning 'About to' ABTA Meaning Good-bye (signoff)
ACD ALT / CONTROL / DELETE ACDNT Accident (e-mail,
Government) ACK Acknowledge
ACPT Accept (e-mail, Government) ACQSTN Acquisition (e-mail,
Government) ADAD Another day, another dollar ADBB All
done, bye-bye ADD Address ADDY Address
ADIH Another day in hell ADIP Another day in paradise
ADMIN Administrator
ADMINR Administrator (Government) ADN Any day now
ADR Address
AE Area effect (online gaming) AEAP As early as possible AF
April Fools
AFC Away from computer AFAIAA As far as I am aware AFAIC
As far as I am concerned AFAIK As far as I know AFAIUI As
far as I understand it AFAP As far as possible AFJ April Fool's
joke AFK Away from keyboard AFZ Acronym Free Zone
AFPOE A fresh pair of eyes AH At home
AIAMU And I am a money's uncle AIGHT Alright AIR As I
remember AISB As it should be AISB As I said before AISI As

I see it AITR Adult in the room
AKA Also known as ALCON All concerned
ALOL Actually laughing out loud AMAP As much as possible
AMBW All my best wishes AML All my love AMOF As a
matter of fact
AO Anarchy Online (online gaming) AOE Area of effect (online
game) AOM Age of majority
AOM Age of Mythology (online gaming) AOTA All of the above
AOYP Angel on your pillow APAC All praise and credit
AQAP As quick (or quiet) as possible ARE Acronym rich
environment ASIG And so it goes ASAP As soon as possible
A/S/L Age/sex/location ASL Age/sex/location
ASLA Age/sex/location/availability AT At your terminal
ATB All the best
ATEOTD At the end of the day ATM At the moment
ATSITS All the stars in the sky ATSL Along the same line (or lines)
AWC After awhile crocodile AWESO Awesome
AWOL Away without leaving AWOL Absent without leave
AYDY Are you done yet? AYEC At your earliest convenience
AYOR At your own risk
AYSOS Are you stupid or something? AYS Are you serious?
AYT Are you there?

AYTMTB And you're telling me this because
AYV Are you vertical? AZN Asian

B Back
B& Banned B2W Back to work
B8 Bait (person teased or joked with, or under-aged person/teen)
B9 Boss is watching B/F Boyfriend
B/G Background (personal information request) B4 Before B4N
Bye for now BAG Busting a gut BA Bad *a*
BAK Back at keyboard BAS Big 'butt' smile
BASOR Breathing a sigh of relief BAU Business as usual BAY
Back at ya BB Be back
BB Bebi / Baby (Spanish SMS) BBC Big bad challenge BBIAB
Be back in a bit BBIAF Be back in a few BBIAM Be back in a
minute BBIAS Be back in a sec
BBL Be back later BBN Bye, bye now
BBQ Barbeque, Ownage, shooting score/frag (online gaming)
BBS Be back soon BBT Be back tomorrow BC Because B/C
Because BC Be cool
BCNU Be seeing you BCOS Because BD Big deal BDAY
Birthday B-DAY Birthday BDN Big darn number BEG Big

evil grin BF Boyfriend
BFAW Best friend at work BF2 Battlefield 2 (online gaming) BF
Best friend
BFF Best friends forever BFFL Best friends for life
BFFLNMW Best friends for life, no matter what
BOB Back off *buddy*
BOE Meaning bind on equip (online gaming) BOL Best of luck
BOLO Be on the look out BOOMS Bored out of my skull
BOP Meaning bind on pickup (online gaming) BOSMKL Bending
over smacking my knee laughing BOT Back on topic BOT Be on
that BOYF Boyfriend
BPLM Big person little mind BRB Be right back BR Best
BRBB Be right back *babe* BRNC Be right back, nature calls
BRD Bored BRH Be right here BRT Be right there BSF But
seriously folks BSOD Blue screen of death BSTS Better safe
than sorry BT Bite this
BT Between technologies BTA But then again BTDT Been there,
done that BTW By the way
BTYCL Meaning 'Bootycall'
BUBU Slang term for the most beautiful of women BWL Bursting
with laughter

BYOB Bring your own beer
BYOC Bring your own computer BYOP Bring your own paint
(paintball) BYTM Better you than me
C&G Chuckle & grin C4N Ciao for now CAD Control + Alt +
Delete CAD Short for Canada/Canadian CAM Camera (SMS)
CB Coffee break CB Chat break CB Crazy *b*
CD9 Code 9, Meaning parents are around
CFS Care for secret? CFY Calling for you
CIAO Good-bye (Italian word) CICO Coffee in, coffee out CID
Crying in disgrace CID Consider it done CLAB Crying like a
baby CM Call me CMB Call me back
CMAP Cover my *a* partner (online gaming) CMIIW Correct me
if I'm wrong CMON Come on
CNP Continued (in) next post COB Close of business
COH City of Heroes (online gaming) COS Because C/P Cross
CP Chat post (or continue in IM) CR8 Create
CRAFT Can't remember a *freaking* thing CRB Come right back
CRBT Crying really big tears
CRIT Meaning critical hit (online gaming) CRS Can't
remember *stuff* CSG Chuckle, snicker, grin CSL Can't stop

CSS Counter-Strike Source (online gaming) CT Can't talk CTC
Care to chat?
CTHU Cracking the *heck* up CU See you too CU See you
CU2 See you CUA See you around CUL See you later
CULA See you later alligator CUL8R See you later CUMID See
you in my dreams CURLO See you around like a donut CWOT
Complete waste of time CWYL Chat with you later CYA See
you CYAL8R See you later CYE Check your e-mail
CYEP Close your eyes partner (online gaming) CYO See you
D2 Dedos / fingers (Spanish SMS) D46? Down for sex? DA
Meaning The
DAoC Dark Age of Camelot (online gaming)
DBAU Doing business as usual
DBEYR Don't believe everything you read DC Disconnect
DD Dear (or Darling) daughter DD Due diligence
DEGT Dear (or Darling) daughter DF Don't even go there
DFL Dead *freaking* last (online gaming) DGA Don抰 go
anywhere DGAF Don't give a *freak* DGT Don't go there
DGTG Don't go there, girlfriend DH Dear (or Darling) husband

DHU Dinosaur hugs (used to show support)
DIIK Darned if I know DIKU Do I know you?
DILLIGAF Do I look like I give a *freak*? DILLIGAS Do I look
like I give a sugar? DIS Did I say?
DITYID Did I tell you I'm distressed? DIY Do it yourself
DKDC Don't know, don't care
DKP Dragon kill points (online gaming)
D/L Download DL Download DL Down low
DLBBB Don't let (the) bed bugs bite DLTBBB Don't let the bed
bugs bite DM Doesn't matter
DM Direct message (Twitter slang) DMNO Dude Man No Offense
DN Down
DNC Do not compute (meaning I do not understand) DNR Dinner
(SMS) DNT Don't d00d Dude
DOE Daughter of Eve
DP Display Picture (Yahoo Messenger Chat) DPS Damage per
second (online gaming) DQMOT Don't quote me on this DR
Didn't read
DS Dear (or Darling) son DTR Define the relationship DTRT Do
the right thing DTS Don't think so DTTD Don't touch that dial
DUPE Duplicate DUR Do you remember? DV8 Deviate
DW Dear (or Darling) wife DWF Divorced white female DWM

Divorced white male DXNRY Dictionary
DYNWUTB Do you know what you are talking about? DYFI Did
you find it? DYFM Dude, you fascinate me
DYOR Do your own research (common stock market chat slang)
E Ecstasy
E Enemy (online gaming) E1 Everyone
E123 Easy as one, two, three E2EG Ear to ear grin EAK Eating
at keyboard
EBKAC Error between keyboard and chair ED Erase display
EF4T Effort EG Evil grin EI Eat it
EIP Editing in progress
EM E-mail (Twitter slang) EMA E-mail address
EMFBI Excuse me for butting in EMFBI Excuse me for jumping
in EMSG E-mail message ENUF Enough EOD End of day
EOD End of discussion EOL End of lecture
EOL End of life EOM End of message EOS End of show EOT
End of transmission EQ EverQuest (online gaming)
ERS2 Eres tz / are you (Spanish SMS) ES Erase screen ESAD
Eat *S* and die! ETA Estimated time (of) arrival EVA Ever
EVO Evolution
EWG Evil wicked grin (in fun, teasing) EYC Excitable, yet calm

EZ Easy EZY Easy
F Meaning female F2F Face to face F2F Face to face
F2P Free to play (online gaming) FAAK Falling asleep at
FAF Funny as *freak* FAF Funny as *freak*
FAQ Frequently asked questions FB FaceBook
FBF Fat boy food (e.g. pizza, burgers, fries) FBFR FaceBook
friend FBM Fine by me FBOW For better or worse FC Fingers
crossed FC Full card (online gaming) FC'INGO For crying out
FEITCTAJ *Freak* 'em if they can't take a joke FF Follow Friday
(Twitter slang) FFA Free for all (online gaming) FFS For
FICCL Frankly I couldn't care a less FIIK *Freaked* if I know
FIIOOH Forget it, I'm out of here FIL Father in law FIMH
Forever in my heart FISH First in, still here FITB Fill in the
FML *Freak* My Life FOMC Falling off my chair
FOAD *Freak* off and die FOAF Friend of a friend
FOMCL Falling off my chair laughing FRT For real though
FTBOMH From the bottom of my heart FTL For the loss FTW

For the win FU *Freak* you
FUBAR Fouled up beyond all recognition FUBB Fouled up
beyond belief FUD Face up deal (online gaming) FW Forward
FWIW For what it's worth FWM Fine with me FYEO For your
eyes only FYA For your amusement FYI For your information
G G Grin
G Giggle G/F Girlfriend
G2CU Good to see you G2G Got to go
G2GICYAL8ER Got to go I'll see you later G2R Got to run
G4C Going for coffee G9 Genius GA Go ahead GAC Get a
GAFC Get a *freaking* clue GAL Get a life GAS Got a second?
GB Goodbye
GBTW Get back to work GBU God bless you
GDR Grinning, ducking, and running GD/R Grinning, ducking,
and running GFI Go for it GF Girl friend GFN Gone for now
GG Gotta Go
GG Good Game (online gaming) GG Brother (Mandarin
Chinese txt msgs) GGA Good game, all (online gaming) GGE1
Good game, everyone (online gaming) GGMSOT Gotta get me
some of that GGOH Gotta Get Outa Here GGP Got to go pee
GH Good hand (online gaming) GIAR Give it a rest

GIC Gift in crib (online gaming) GIGO Garbage in, garbage out
GIRL Guy in real life GJ Good job GL Good luck
GL2U Good luck to you (online gaming) GL/HF Good luck, have
fun (online gaming) GLE1 Good luck everyone (online gaming)
GLNG Good luck next game (online gaming) GMBA Giggling my
butt off GMTA Great minds think alike GN Good night
GNE1 Good night everyone
GNIGHT Good night GNITE Good night
GNSD Good night, sweet dreams GOI Get over it GOL Giggling
out loud GR8 Great
GRATZ Congratulations GRL Girl
GRWG Get right with God
GR&D Grinning, running and ducking GS Good shot
GS Good split (online gaming) GT Good try
GTFO Get the *freak* out GTG Got to go
GTRM Going to read mail
GTSY Great (or good) to see you
GUD Good
GWHTLC Glad we had this little chat
H Hug
H8 Hate

H8TTU Hate to be you HAG1 Have a good one HAK Hug and
kiss HAU How about you? H&K Hugs & kisses H2CUS Hope
to see you soon HAGN Have a good night HAGO Have a good
one HAND Have a nice day HB Hurry back HB Hug back
H-BDAY Happy Birthday HBU How about you? HF Have fun
HFAC Holy flipping animal crackers H-FDAY Happy Father's Day
HHIS Head hanging in shame HL Half Life (online gaming)
HLA Hola / hello (Spanish SMS) H-MDAY Happy Mother's Day
HNL (w)Hole 'nother level
HOAS Hold on a second
HP Hit points / Health points (online gaming) HRU How are you?
HTH Hope this helps HUB Head up butt HUYA Head up your
*butt* HV Have
HVH Heroic Violet Hold (online gaming) HW Homework
I2 I too (me too) IA8 I already ate IAAA I am an accountant
IAAD I am a doctor IAAL I am a lawyer IAC In any case IAE
In any event IANAC I am not a crook IANAL I am not a lawyer
IAO I am out (of here) IB I'm back
IB I'm back IC I see
ICAM I couldn't agree more ICBW It could be worse ICEDI I
can't even discuss it

ICFILWU I could fall in love with you ICYMI In case you missed
it (Twitter slang) IDBI I don't believe it IDC I don't care
IDGAF I don't give a *freak* IDK I don't know IDTS I don't
think so IDUNNO I don't know IFYP I feel your pain IG2R I
got to run IGHT I got high tonight IGN I (I've) got nothing IGP
I got to (go) pee IHNI I have no idea IIRC If I remember
correctly IIIO Intel inside, idiot outside IK I know
IKR I know, right? ILBL8 I'll be late ILU I love you ILUM I
love you man ILY I love you IM Instant message
IMAO In my arrogant opinion IMHO In my humble opinion
ImL (in Arial font) Means I love you (a way of using the American
sign language in text)
IMNSHO In my not so humble opinion IMO In my opinion IMS
I am sorry IMSB I am so bored IMTM I am the man IMU I
miss u (you) INAL I'm not a lawyer
INC Meaning incoming (online gaming)
IOMH In over my head IOW In other words IRL In real life
IRMC I rest my case
ISLY I still love you
ITAM It's The Accounting, Man (financial blogs) ITYK I thought
you knew IUSS If you say so
IWALU I will always love you IWAWO I want a way out

IWIAM Idiot wrapped in a moron IYKWIM If you know what I
mean IYO In your opinion IYQ Meaning I like you IYSS If
you say so
J j00 You j00r Your JAC Just a sec JAM Just a minutes JFF
Just for fun
JFGI Just *freaking* Google it JIC Just in case JJA Just joking
around JK Just kidding
JLMK Just let me know JMO Just my opinion JP Just playing
JP Jackpot (online gaming, bingo games) JTLYK Just to let you
know JV Meaning joint venture JW Just wondering
K K Okay
KK Knock, knock KK Okay, Okay!
K8T Katie k/b Keyboard KB Keyboard
KB Kick butt (online gaming)
KDFU Means Cracking (K) the (D as in Da) *freak* up
KEYA I will key you later KEYME Key me when you get in
KFY Kiss for you
KIA Know it all
KISS Keep it simple, stupid KIT Keep in touch KOC Kiss on
cheek KOL Kiss on cheek KOW Knock on wood KOTC Kiss
on the cheek KOTL Kiss on the lips KNIM Know what I mean?









本文更新与2021-01-12 00:06,由作者提供,不代表本网站立场,转载请注明出处:https://www.bjmy2z.cn/gaokao/510266.html


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