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2021-01-11 15:29
tags:英语, 小学教育



主备:曹翠英 执教:曹翠英

Unit1 The lion and the mouse
作为本册教材的起始单元,本单元的课文仍旧是一个经典 故事,改编自著名
他很强大。小学阶段的 高年级学生已经具备了较为独立自主的思考和判断能力,
在教学过程中,教师可以适时地引导学生发挥想 象力,表达自己对“朋友”的
定义和见解,明白“尺有所短,寸有所长”的道理,感受朋友间相互帮助的 美
1. 学生能初步能理解并且会听、会说、会读单词及词组:mouse, walk by, wake…
up, some day, let…go, the next day, net,bite, sharp, sadly, just then, soon, from then on,
cheer, hit, deep, reach, quickly, pour…into,会听、会说、会读和会写单词及词组:
large, strong, quietly, weak, loudly, happily.等副词的用法。
2. 学生能初步感知句型,能初步听懂并且会读、会运用句型:The mouse said
quietly. The lion laughed loudly.
3. 复习过去式,进一步学会运用。并掌握几个动词的过去式的特殊变化。
5.学生能初步理解本篇童话故 事,并通过故事学习,激发学生的学习兴趣。教
1.会听、会说、会读和会写单词及词组:large, strong, quietly, weak, loudly, happily.
2. 学生能初步感知句型,能初步听懂并且会读、会运用句型:The mouse said
quietly. The lion laughed loudly.
3. 掌握语音:特殊疑问句的降调
1.副词sadly, loudly, quietly, weak, loudly,happily的构成和用法。
2.不规则动词bite, let, wake的过去式。
第一课时:Story time
第二课时:Grammar time&Fun time
第三课时:Sound time, Culture time & Cartoon time
第四课时:Checkout time & Ticking time
第五课时 Ticking time &Exercise
第六课时 复习Unit 1 所有内容以及完成相关练习

Period 1
Story time
1、能听懂、会说、会读词汇mouse, large, strong, walk by, wake … up, some day,
quietly, loudly, the next day, net, bite, sharp, ask, just then, soon, get out, happily, from
then on, weak。
2、能听懂、会说、会读日常句型:The mouse said quietly. The lion laughed loudly. The
lion asked sadly. The lion said happily.
1、能听懂、会说、会读词汇mouse, large, strong, walk by, wake … up, some day,
quietly, loudly, the next day, net, bite, sharp, ask, just then, soon, get out, happily, from
then on, weak。
2、能听懂、会说、会读日常句型:The mouse said quietly. The lion laughed loudly. The
lion asked sadly. The lion said happily.
Step 1. Organization:
1. Greetings.
2. Free talk:
What day is it today?
How is the weather today?
Do you like …?
Step 2. Presentation and practice:
1. T: Do you like animals?
Ss: Yes, I do.
T: What animals do you know?
S: tiger, cat, dog, bear, …
2. T: Today we’re going to learn a story about animals. What animals? Can you guess?
Ss: The lion and the mouse.
3. Let’s talk:
1). T: How about the lion?
通过学生交流,学习:large, strong, sharp等单词。
2). T: How about the mouse?
让学生通过对比,交流。引出:small, weak等单词。
3). 集体说一说,lion和mouse的异同。
e.g. The lion is large. But the mouse is small.
The lion is strong. But the mouse is weak.
The lion’s and the mouse’s teeth are sharp.
4. Read the story.
1). T: What happened to the lion and the mouse? Would you like to know? Read by
2). Ss read the story.
5. Try to tell the story.
Pic 1.
1). T: Where was the lion?
Ss: It was in the forest.
T: How about the lion?
Ss: He was large and strong.
T: What other animals can you see?
Ss: I can see …
T: Do they like the lion?
Ss: No, because the lion wanted to eat them.
2). Let’s try to say.
T&Ss: There was a lion in the forest. …
Pic 2.
1). T: Can you say something about Pic. 2?
S1: The lion caught the mouse.
S2: The lion laughed loudly.
S3: The mouse was small.

2). T: Why did the lion catch the mouse?
Ss: Because the mouse walked by and woke the lion up.
学习:walk by woke up woke (wake的过去式)
3). Read the story about Picture 2 together.
Pic 3.
1). T: What happened the next day?
Ss: Two men caught the lion with a large net.
T: How was the lion now?
Ss: It was sad.
T: Why? Do you know?
S1: Because the lion couldn’t get out.
S2: Because the lion was tired.

T: The lion was in the net. What did it do?
通过回答:学习bit … with bit(bite的过去式) 强调两个单词的不同读音。
2). Read the story about this part.
Pic 4.
1). T: The lion was sad. But who came?
Ss: The mouse.
T: Could the mouse help the lion?
Ss: Yes, he could.
T: What did the mouse do?
Ss: The mouse made a big hole in the net with his sharp teeth.
T: What did the lion say?
2). Read this part.
Pic 5.
T: What did the mouse and the lion become?
Ss: They became friends.
6. 情感教育:
Don’t look down upon the weak! 别小看弱者!
Step 3. Consolidation:
1. Let’s read!
1). Read the whole story in pairs.
2). Read together.
2. Read and order.
1). T: You know their story, I think. Please read these sentences and try to order them.
2). 学生读句子,并试着排序。
3). 交流,试着说一说。
3. Ask and anwer:
1). 四人小组,对故事进行提问,先问书上的句子,再进行一些拓展。
2). 集体问答。
4. Retell the whole story.
1). 根据板书和问题等,试着集体复述本课故事。
2). 两人说一说。
5. Recommend:
Aesop’s Fables.
Step 4 Homework
1. 朗读故事,并试着把故事讲给同学或家长听一听。
2. 阅读英语版《伊索语言》小故事,并尝试讲一个。

板书设计: Unit 1 The lion and the mouse


large strong laugh loudly ask sadly say happily

sharp small weak say quietly

Period 2
Grammar time& Fun time

Step 1. Organization:
1. Greetings.
2. Free talk:
What day is it today?
What’s the weather like today?
What was it like yesterday?
Do you often speak loudly?
Do you often laugh loudly?
Do you often sing happily?
Step 2. Revision:
1. T: What animal always speaked loudly, the lion or the mouse?
Ss: The lion.
T: What animal often laughed loudly, the lion and the mouse?
Ss: The lion.
T: But one day, did the lion say and laugh loudly?
Ss: No. He said sadly.
2. T: Do you know the story about
The lion and the mouse
? Try to say one or two
3. 齐读故事。
4. 看着插图,试说故事的梗概。
Step3. Fun time: Say and act
1. Let’s say!
1). 呈现P10的三幅插图,引导学生逐图说一说。
2). 个别交流。
3). 集体说一遍。
4). 同桌试着说一说。
2. Let’s act!
1). 戴上头饰,师生试着说一篇。
2). 学生上台表演。
Step4. Grammar time
1.T: You did a good job. Look, here are some important sentences.
2. T: Can you read?
3. T: What can you find?
1). 学生自主探究,发现句子的特点。
2). 学生交流:
a. 句子中结尾的单词,都是“…ly”。
b. 句中都含有“动+副”结构。
3). 小结:
去y,改成i, 再加ly, 如happy—happily。
4. Let’s read!
1). 快速读副词:sadly, loudly, quietly, happily
2). 读“动+副”的词汇:
如:ask sadly, laugh loudly
5. Let’s say!
1). 读副词,并说出其形容词。
如:sadly – sad loudly – loud quietly – quiet happily – happy
2). What else?
如:beautifully, carefully, quickly.
6. Let’s try!
1). Today she is . She is crying now. (sad)
2). The man is . He often sits there. (quiet)
3). He’s a boy. He laughs . (happy)
a. 学生读一读,自己试着填一填。
b. 交流。
c. 小结形容词与副词的用法。
7. T: You know the next day, the lion was in the net. What did he do?
Ss: He bit the net with his sharp teeth.
T: Right. He bit the net.
让学生朗读:bite – bit 强调两个“i”的不同发音,比较后,朗读,强化
8. 呈现P9过去式和原形。
Step 5. Consolidation:
1. T: You know the story about“The lion and the mouse” well. What will you say
to them? You can use “Please …”、“Don’t …”
2. 学生交流。
3. 情感教育:
Animals shoud be friends. They should help each other. How about you?
Step 6. Homework
1、朗读Story time的小故事,并在教室内进行循环讲故事比赛。
2、朗读Grammar time内容,背诵、记忆,并尝试运用。
Unit 1 The lion and the mouse
The lion asked sadly. (副词)
laughed loudly.
The mouse said quietly.


Period 3
Sound time, Culture time & Cartoon time
1、 能听懂、会说、会读词汇cheer, hit, ground, reach, deep,hole, be good at, pour …
4、通过阅读Cartoon time故事,提高学生阅读欣赏的能力。
1、能读懂Cartoon time,并在理解的基础上进行简单的表演。
能读懂Cartoon time,并在理解的基础上进行简单的表演。
Step1. Organization:
1. Greetings.
2. Free talk:
Do you know any other stories about Aesop’s Fables?
Can you show us?
朗读Aesop’s Fables
读音比较:fable table 让学生进行尝试记忆。

Step2. Revision:
1. Tell the story about The lion and the mouse.
1). Ask some students.
2). Tell together.
2. Act the story.
Step 3. Culture time
1. Know something about Aesop’s Fables.
2. Know something about the Chinese idiom book.
1). 学习:idiom
2). Let Ss say some names of idiom.
3). Do you know these stories very much?
4). Ask students to read some on the Internet after class.
3. 小结:

Step 4. Sound time
1. T: So boys and girls, what are you going to do after class?
Ss: We’re going to read some stories.
T: Oh, I see. But look at this boy, what is he going to do?
2. (呈现Sound time插图)
1). T: Can you guess?
Ss: He’s going to a sweet shop.
2). 朗读:sweet shop
3). 提问:
What other shops do you know?
归纳:juice shop, bookshop等。
4). T: What does the boy want to buy?
S: A lollipop.
提问:Do you like lollipops?
T: Lollipops are nice. But don’t eat too much!
5). T: Who are the man and woman?
Ss: Maybe they are his father and mother.
T: Yes, they are going to buy the lollipop for the boy.
3. Try to read.
4. What do you find?
5. Read this part together.
6. 朗读比赛。
Step 5. Cartoon time
1. T: So how is the boy?
S: He is happy.
T: Yes, he is happy to eat a lollipop.
2. T: How about our friends, Bobby and Sam?
Ss: They are happy, too.
T: What are they doing now?
S: They are playing table tennis.
T: Can they play well?
S: Yes, they can.
T: Right. They are good at table tennis.
学习:be good at
朗读:They are good at table tennis.
提问:What are you good at?
在学生回答时,自然渗透与归纳:be good at +名词/动词ing
3. Read the story by selves.
4. T: Do you like their story?
Which part would you like to read for us?
5. T: They are playing table tennis? But where is the ball then?
Ss: It’s in the hole.
T: Why?
Ss: Because Sam hits it hard.
T: Do they have any ideas?
Ss: Yes.
T: What do they do?
Ss: Sam brings some water and pours it into the hole.
学习一些生词:hit, hole, reach, deep, pour… into
6. Read the story together.
7. What do you know from the story?
8. Try to tell the story.
9. 拓展:
T: How many balls do they have now?
Ss: They have eight.
T: What are they going to do then ? Can you guess?
Step 6. Homework
1. 朗读Cartoon time中的故事,并试着讲给朋友或家长听。
2. 网上阅读一两个寓言故事,并尝试着到下节课时讲一讲。
Unit 1 The lion and the mouse
Aesop’s Fables
Chinese idiom
be good at

Period 4
Checkout time & Ticking time
6、通过Checkout time以及Ticking time的学习来评价自己本单元的学习情况。
Step 1. Organization:
1. Greetings.
2. Free talk:
What’s the weather like today?
What date is it today?
What do you like?
What are you good at?
Step 2. Revision:
1. Review the intonation.
1). Read the sentences in Sound time.
2). 呈现一些新的句子,让学生尝试朗读。
2. Review Cartoon time
1). 提问:
What is Sam and Bobby good at ?
Billy and Willy cheer for them, how is Sam?
What does he do?
Where’s the ball?
Can they get the ball at last?
Who has the idea?
What does he do?
2). Read the story.
3). 四人一组,试着演一演。
Step 3. Checkout time
1. T: Do you like this story?
Ss: Yes.
T: Today we’ll talk about other people’s story.
2. Look and write.
1). (呈现图片) T: Look at these pictures, can you say something? What are they doing?
Where are they? How do they feel?
2). 呈现P14句子。
3). 学生试着填空。
4). 同桌讨论。
5). 交流。
6). 齐读6句话。
7). Tell the story.
如Pic 1: It is Sports Day today. All the students are in the playground. Look, the
boys are running. Liu Tao is running fast. I think he is No. 1. I’m very excited.
3. Think and write
1).T: They have some stories. How about our old friend Su has some stories,
2). (呈现Su Hai插图) T: What is she doing now?
Ss: She is writing an email.
T: Who is she writing to?
Ss: She is writing to Anna.
T: What is Su Hai writing in her emai? Do you want to know?
3). Read the email by selves.
4). Try to finish the email.
5). Check the answer.
Ask some students to read sentence by sentence.
6). Ask and answer.
Q1: When did the story happen?
Q2: Where did Su Hai go that day?
Q3: Who did they meet?
Q4: Why was the boy here?
Q5: What did Su Hai give the boy?

Step 4. Production
1. T: It’s happy to help people. Did you help others before? Think it over.
2. Write down your story.
Step5. Homework
1. 复习本单元所有内容,熟读Story time和Cartoon time对话,并背诵。
2. 写一个自己或家人助人为人的故事,并在小组之间讲一讲。
Unit 1 The lion and the mouse
The boy is running fast.
The girl is shouting excitedly.
The children are talking loudly.
The people are laughing happily.


Period 5
Ticking time &Exercise
Step 1. Organization:
1. Greetings.
2. Free talk
T: What day is it today?
S: It’s…
T: Is it a fine day ?
S: Yes./ No.
T: What a day!
Step 2. Revision:
1. 复习过去式
1). Play a game: I say, you say
2). 呈现所有已学不规则动词的过去式变化。
3). 朗读。
2. 复习形容词与副词。
1). T: Are you happy today?
Ss: Yes, we are.
T: Oh, you are happy here. You are listening happily. You are reading happily. You
are thinking happily, too.
2). 朗读:I’m happy.
I listen happily.
I read happily.
I think happily.
3). 呈现:happy happily
4). 回顾有哪些类似变化的词。
5). 呈现特殊例子。
He’s a good boy. He can play basketball well.
好 good (形容词) well(副词)
Step 3. Intension of reading.
1. T: I think if you listen carefully and think quietly in class, you will be good students.
Now let’s enjoy a story.
2. (呈现故事插图) T: What story is it about?
Ss: It’s about a wolf and a sheep.
T: we’ll read a new story: The wolf and the lamb.
朗读:wolf lamb
T: A little sheep, we can also call it lamb.
3. 呈现故事,学生自读。
The Wolf and the Lamb
Once upon a time a wolf was drinking water at a brook on a hillside. When he looked
up, he saw a little lamb beginning to drink water a little down. The wolf wanted to eat
the lamb. He thought he could catch the lamb by a trick. He said to the lamb. “You are
making the water dirty, and I cannot drink it.” The lamb said, “Am I making the water
dirty? That is impossible. You see, you are higher up than I. The water runs down from
you to me, so I cannot make it this
year.’ t care,cried the wolf.
the wolf could say no more, and went away.
4. 齐读故事。
5. T: Do you like the wolf?
Ss: No.
T: Why?
6. T: Reading is fun. I hope all of you will like reading.
Step 4. Exercise:
1). Every day my mother me up in the morning.
But this morning, my father me up. (wake)
2). I have a family. We often read (happy) together after dinner.
3). Be . You should think (quiet). Then you’ll get the answer.
4). Don’t cry (sad). Please give me a (happy) smile(微笑).
5). (let) Helen try! Last class, she (listen) (careful).
Step 4 Homework
1. 熟练朗读Story time,并以小组为单位进行背诵。
2. 给朋友或家长讲一讲狼和小羊的故事。
3. 完成一些课后练习。
Unit 1 The lion and the mouse
动+ 副(ly)
形+名 be + 形
good – well


Period 6
Jiang Su Yi Lin 6下 Unit1 《补充习题》及《课课练》
复习巩固Unit 1重点词组和句子,归纳单元重点,听写部分单词、词组和句子。
复习巩固Unit 1重点词组和句子,归纳单元重点,听写部分单词、词组和句子。
T: Boys and girls, we have finished this unit. What did you learn from this unit?
S: We learned…
T: Well done. Open your books. Turn to Page 15. Can you understand “The lion and the mouse”?
Can you use “loudly”, “sadly”? Do you know the intonation of wh-questions?
the exercise(《补充习题》)
b. Review Unit 1
1. 又大又壮______________________
3. 又小又弱______________________
5. 在森林里______________________
7. 唤醒他们______________________
9. 让他走 _______________________
11. 第二天________________________
13. 用大网抓狮子_________________
15. 从网里出去___________________
17. 用他的牙齿弄了一个洞_________
19. 变成朋友_____________________
21. 帮助大象出去_________________
23. 打乒乓球打得开心_____________
25. 为我欢呼_____________________
27. 打球打得用力_________________
29. 够得着那只玻璃杯_____________
31. 很快地拿来一些水_____________

2. 静静地坐着________________
4. 伤心地问__________________
6. 路过______________________
8. 某一天____________________
10. 激动地说__________________
12. 两个男人________________
14. 用锋利的牙齿咬网__________
16. 那时_____________________
18. 开心地说__________________
20. 从那以后__________________
22. 开心地笑__________________
24. 擅长踢足球________________
26. 太激动____________________
28. 太深______________________
30. 有一个主意________________
32. 把水倒进洞里______________
34. 这么多球_________________ 33. 做得好________________________
1. There was a man in the forest.(改为复数)
________________________________________ __________.
2. The boy laughed loudly.(画线部分提问)
______________________________________________ ____.
3. The lion didn’t say happily.(改为陈述句) < br>_______________________________________________ ___.
4. He often lets him clean the desk.(改为一般过去时)
_______________________________ ___________________.
5. My mother found a hole in the coat.(改为否定句)
__________________________ ________________________.
6. He didn’t see the film with Wang Bing.(改为肯定句)
__________________ ________________________________.
7. He brings me some fruit.(画线部分提问)
_______________________ ___________________________
8. I am going to watch TV. (画线部分提问)
___________________________ _______________________.
主备:曹翠英 执教:曹翠英

Unit2 Good habits
本单元主要围绕习惯展开话题 讨论,王兵和刘涛是朋友,他们是好孩子。
王兵有很多好习惯,但是刘涛有一些坏习惯。本单元涉及一般 现在时的用法和
2.能初步听懂、会读单词tidy, messy, habits, in order, finish ,always, sleepy ,bedtime.
1. 能正确理解、朗读课文并可以根据提示复述课文内容。
2. 能听懂、会读、会说单词: tidy, messy, habits, in order, finish ,always ,sleepy,
3. 能尝试根据所学短语和句型来描述自己的习惯。
第一课时:Story time
第二课时:Grammar time&Fun time
第三课时:Sound time&Culture time&Cartoon time
第四课时:Checkout time&Ticking time
第五课时 练习测试
第六课时 复习本单元内容


Period 1
Story time
1. 能正确理解、朗读课文并可以根据提示复述课文内容。
2. 能听懂、会读、会说单词: tidy, messy, habits, in order, finish always sleepy bedtime.
3. 能尝试根据所学短语和句型来描述自己的习惯。
4. 能初步根据提示写出好的习惯。
5. 能分清好坏习惯,并知道以好的习惯来要求自己,让自己拥有更多好的习惯。
1. 能正确理解、朗读课文并可以根据提示复述课文内容。
2. 能听懂、会读、会说单词: tidy, messy, habits, in order, finish always sleepy bedtime.
3. 能尝试根据所学短语和句型来描述自己的习惯。
1. 能尝试根据所学短语和句型来描述自己的习惯。
2. 能初步根据提示写出好的习惯。
3. 能分清好坏习惯,并知道以好的习惯来要求自己,让自己拥有更多好的习惯。
Step1 Warm up
1. Let’s look what do we learn today. Show the learning aims.
2. I am your new English teacher. My name is Fanny. I am thirty. Do you want to know
me well?
3. Listen to my chant carefully.(初步感知新的短语词汇。)
Chant: I’m Fanny,I am thirty.
I get up early, never go to bed late.
I keep my room clean and tidy.
I often put my things in order.
I finish my work before nine o’ clock.
Step2 Presentation
1. T: You know in my chant , I say, I get up early ,never go to bed late. Think
about :never go to bed late, means A or B?(show the pictures)
Read the new word并板书。
T: Do you get up early and go to bed early? I think we should go to bed early.
T: And I often put my things in order. I want to know do you often put your things in
S: Yes, I do./No, I don’t.
T: Good .Because I often put my things in order, so I can keep my room clean and tidy.
Teach: clean and tidy.= not messy.
T: In my chant, do you remember when do I finish my work?
S: You finish your work before nine o’clock. (Show the sentence)
Teach the new phrase.
T: When do you always finish your homework?
S: I finish my homework at…
2. Look at the four sentences. What are they about? They are about my habits. So today
we’ll learn a new lesson good habits.(揭示并带读课题)
3. T: You know a lot about my habits. Look, here comes Liu Tao and Wang Bing. What
habits do they have? (请学生讨论)
T: First let’s read the choices together.
T: Now, let’s listen to the tape and try to find the answer.
Listen and answer:
What habits do they have? Let’s discuss in groups. Then you can write the answer in
the balloons. Who can answer?
S: Liu Tao does his homework late at night……
4.T: You did a very job. But I think there are more habits in the story. Please read the
test again and try to find them out.
S: Wang Bing brushes his teeth in the morning and before bedtime.
T: Here bedtime means brushes teeth…
S: He brushes teeth before he goes to bed.
S: Liu Tao listens to his teachers and keeps his room clean and tidy
5. T: Good. They have a lot of habits here. But what are the good habits? And what are
the bad habits?
S: Talk about in groups. Then say the answer.
T: We know Liu Tao often does his homework late at night and goes to bed late, so he
often feels… in the morning.
S: So he often feels sleepy in the morning.
Step3 Reading time.
T: Let’s read the test please. Look at the signs here.(注意读音的降调符号,提示
Listen to the tape ,read it one by one.
Read it together.
Step4 Retell the story.
1. T: Time to retell the story. First, let’s retell it together.
T: You can choose one student to describe. Maybe you can say it one by one, or you can
say it together. Please pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation.
Ask some groups to retell it.
Step5 Consolidation
a. Think and talk
T: Hello, class. We know Liu Tao has three good habits, and two bad habits. He wants
to do better. Can you help him to change the bad habits?
T: Now let’s talk about some good habits. What good habits do you know? Let’s
discuss in groups.
S: I know… is a good habit.(小组讨论然后介绍你知道的好的习惯)
b. Try to write.
T: You say a lot of things about good habits. Now let’s make a video to let all of us
have more good habits.
First, let’s open your envelope.
Then, write the good habits on the card.
At last, share your cards in class.
Enjoy the video.
Step6 Homework:
1. Review story time and retell the story.
2 .Make a poster(海报)of the good habits.
【Blackboard design 】
Unit 2 Good habits

Period 2
Fun & Grammer time& Cultuere time
2.能够应用本课所学的句型“Do you ...”/”Yes, I do./No, I don’t.”进行问答。
2.能够应用本课所学的句型“Do you ...”/”Yes, I do./No, I don’t.”进行问答。
Step 1 Free talk
T:Hey ,I am your new teacher today, my name is Tracy.
T:Hello,what’s your name?
T:Do you get up early in the morning?
T:That’s a good/bad habit!
T:I have some habits too,can you ask me?(出示动作图片)
S:Do you have your meals in the morning?
T:Yes, I do. I always ....
S:Do you read books?
T:Yes, I do. I usually....
S:Do you clean the room
T:yea, i do. I sometimes ....
T: I have some good habits but I have bad habits too. Look at my panda eyes, i always
go to bed late at night, it is a bad habit, you should go to bed early.
Step 2 Presentation
T: As a good students ,we should have good habits,
let’s make a good habits proposal step by step1. Step 1 is how to ask others.
You know my habits,how about you? let’s play a game. Who want to be my partner?
Fun time----(1) T: Pick one...
(2)S: pick one...
(3)pair work
T: Now ,it’s your turn, pick one picture from the envelope and practice in pairs!
Magic box---- T: good job,boys and girls, you can ask other about theirs’ habits.
let’s have a rest.
2. Step 1 is how to make.
First, Pick 4 different color papers from the box.
Second,discuss in groups and make them into a sentence,then stick it to the long
, read in group and show us in your own way.
评价:it’s interesting/funny...
Here are some sentences for you, can you read them?
Look, these words are subjects/adverb of frequency/verb/adverbial modifier.
Do you understand?
Step 3 Consolidation
1. Step 3 do a survey
T:Great,let’s move to step 3 do a survey. First, let’s make a survey form.
Here is an example,fill one word int the blank and make it a good habit.
T: Can you read it
S:Go to bed early at night.
T:here is another form, can you fill this line with your group member
Let’s check together. The first one is early,please read it.
The first one is well,please read it
The first one is early,please read it
They are all good habits. Now ,let’s do a survey.
Do you go to school early in the morning?(随机问一名学生)
S: Yes, i do.(将该学生姓名填入表格)
Do a survey in your groups with this form.
提示句型: Do you ... ? Yes, i do./no, i don’t.
T: Ok , times up, i am going to be the first one.(教师示范)....
It’s time for you, who want to tell us about your group members
2. Step 4 make a good habits proposal
T: Let’s make a good habits proposal according to your group survey.
Here is my good habit in group to finish your good habits proposal.
Here are some tips for you.
评价:If everyone in your group say one sentence ,you will get 3 stars.
If all the members in your group say together, you will 2 get stars.
If only group leader say, you will get 1 star.
Step 4 Homework
of some more good habits and share with your classmates.
up your good habit proposal in the classroom or at home.
【Blackboard design】

Unit 2 Good Habits
A: Do you ...?
B:Yes, I do./ No, I don’t.


Period 3
sound time &Cartoon time
1. 能理解并体会字母组合or在单词中的发音,并适当扩展不同的发音。
2. 能理解Cartoon time的内容并动手实践
3. 能意识到good habits的重要性并付诸于实际生活
1. 能理解并体会字母组合or在单词中的发音,并适当扩展不同的发音。
2. 能意识到good habits的重要性并付诸于实际生活
3. 能锻炼运用英语及与他人合作的能力
1. 能理解并体会字母组合or在单词中的发音,并适当扩展不同的发音。
2. 能意识到good habits的重要性并付诸于实际生活
3. 能锻炼运用英语及与他人合作的能力
Teaching procedures教学过程:
Step 1 Preparation
1 Greeting and make a self- introduction
Show a picture of me and let Ss ask me questions about my English name, hobby, best
friend, and favourite colour.
2 Tina’s e-mail
My best friend Tina invited me and other friends to her house.
We should bring some presents. Encourage the Ss to get my apples and flowers for
Step 2 Presentation
1. Sound time
Challenge1: Reading.
Rule: You can get my flowers by reading the words correctly and well.
Let’s enjoy a rhyme about my favourite animal — horses.
Let’s read some words in the rhyme and think the pronunciation of “or”.
Make a conclusion: or /?:/
Let’s read the rhyme and words in four. ( Flowers)
Challenge2: Picking apples.
Rule: You can get my apples by knowing the different pronunciations of “or”.
Find and discuss in 4. 摘下or 字母组合发/?:/的苹果。
Apples: forty, morning, or, corn, pork, north
work, world, actor, doctor.
Make a conclusion: “or” can not only be pronounced /?:/, it can also be
pronounced /?/ and /?:/.
2. Cartoon time
We got some apples and flowers for Tina, so let’s go into Tina’s house.
Miss Rabbit and Mr. Duck come to Tina’s house, too. They are talking. Let’s listen.
Q: How many rooms do they talk about? What are they?
S1: Three. They are a living room, Tina’s bedroom and Bobby’s bedroom.









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