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2021-01-11 14:49




那些带有翻译的励志的 西方英文小故事能够让我们更加


Robin Hood was told that Friar Tuck, who lived alone
in a valley, was the best fighter in the world, at least
as good as Robin Hood himself. Hearing this, Robin Hood went
to the valley, where he found the Friar by the river. Robin
Hood came up to him and said, me over the river, Friar,
or else your life will be in Friar said nothing
but took up Robin Hood and carried him on his back to the
other side of the river. The Friar gently laid him down on
the bank and said to Robin Hood, is now your turn. Carry
me over the river, or else you will Hood took
the Friar on his back, without saying a word to him, carried
him over the water, and laid him gently down on the bank.
Then he turned to the friar and ordered him carry him over
the river once more. The Friar smiled and took him up, but
when he came in the midst of the stream, he shook him off
his shoulders, and said to him,
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will sink or swim.

When Robin Hood and the Friar swam to the bank, they
began to fight. Robin Hood first shoot at the Friar. Though
none of the arrows missed the mark, the Friar was not hurt
because his armours protected him. Then they drew out their
swords and continued their fight. They fought for hours but
could not hurt each other. At last Robin Hood asked the
Friar to stop for a moment and allow him to blow his horn.

Robin Hood took his horn and sounded it three times.
Soon fifty men with their bows came to his help. Seeing this,
the Friar asked Robin Hood to let him whistle three times.
He put his fist to his mouth, and whistled so loudly that
the place echoed with the sound. At the sound fifty fierce
dogs appeared and came upon Robin Hood and his men, and tore
their coats into pieces. The men fought bravely and kept
the dog back. The Friar admired Robin Hood and his men for
their strength and courage. He especially marvelled at
Little John’s skill in fighting, and asked him who
he was. Little John said, Little John, and belong to
Robin Hood, who has fought with you for hours; and if you
will not surrender you will die.
it was impossible for him to deal with so many at once,
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agreed to join Robin Hood’s band.

有人告诉罗宾汉说,有个叫做塔克的修士, 住在一条山谷
汉就找到那条山谷 ,在河边见到了修士。罗宾汉走过去说:修
把我背过河去,不然会后悔莫及的 。罗宾汉二话没说,背起修
把他 背过河去。修士微微一笑,又把罗宾汉背起来。但这次走到
河中央时,修士把罗宾汉丢在水里,说:是游 到岸上,还是沉

两人游上岸,一场恶战开始了。罗 宾汉先用弓箭,虽箭无
向。苦战 了几个小时,不分胜负。这时罗宾汉叫了个暂停,说要

号角刚 落,就有50条大汉赶来相助。见势不妙,修士也
叫了个暂停,说要吹三声口哨。他把手放在嘴里一吹, 尖厉的口
扑过去就咬,把他们的 衣服都扯破了。罗宾汉的人奋力与恶犬搏
约翰自报了姓名,说自己为罗宾 汉效力,罗宾汉就是刚才与修士
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