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2021-01-10 21:29
tags:英语专业八级, 英语考试, 外语学习




◆讲 座
Mini-lecture 1
Marslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
Abraham Maslowhas developed a famous theory of human needs,
which is in facta (1) topic and can be arrangedin order of importance.
I. Physiological needs: the most (2) ones for survival.
They includesuch needs as food, water, etc.
To satisfy theseneeds,the main way is through adequate (3) 
II. (4)  needs:needs for
a) physicalsecurity;
b)  (5) security.
The former meansno illness or injury;
The latter isconcerned with freedom from (6) , misfortunes, etc.
These needs canbe met through a variety of means
e. g. jobsecurity, (7) plans, and safe workingconditions.
III. Social needs: human requirementsfor
a) love andaffection;
b) a sense of (8) 
There are two ways to satisfy these needs:
a) formation ofrelationships at workplace or some (9) 
b) formation ofrelationships outside workplace, e.g. with (10) 
IV. Esteem needs:
a) self- esteem,i. e. one’s sense of achievement;
b) esteem ofothers, i.e. others’ respect as a result of one’s (11) 
These needs canbe fulfilled by achievement, promotion, honours, etc.
V. Sell-realizationneeds: need to realize one’s potential.
Ways to realizethese needs are individually  (12) 


VI. Features of thehierarchy of needs:
a) Social,esteem and self-realization needs are exclusively  (13) 
b) Needs aresatisfied in a fixed order from the bottom up.
c) (14) for needs comes from thelowest un-met level.
d) Differentlevels of needs may (15) when they come into play.
Good morning,everybody. Today’s lecture is about Abraham Maslow’s
hierarchy of needs. Thisseems like a physiological topic. [1]Actually it
is something psychological. Abraham Maslow is a psychologist, andhe is
especially known for his theory of human needs.
OK, first ofall, what is the need? Here, we can simply define it as a
personal believes that humans are wanting beings, who
seek to fulfill a varietyof needs. According to his theory, these needs
can be arranged in an orderaccording to their importance. It is this order
that has become known as Maslow’shierarchy of needs. [2]In this hierarchy
of needs, at the most basic level,are physiological needs Fundamentally,
humans are just one speciesof animal. We need to keep ourselves alive.
Physiological needs are what werequire for survival. These needs include
food and water, shelter and sleep. Atthis level for us humans, Maslow also
includes the need for clothing. How arethese needs usually satisfied?
[3]It is mainly through adequate wages.
Then what is thenext level of needs? [4]At the next level are safety
needs, [5]the things we require forphysical and emotional security.
Physicalsecurity is easy to understand. Everybody needs to keep his body
safe frominjury, illness, etc. Then what is emotional security? Well, that
may be thepoint in this hierarchy of needs, where humans begin to differ
from otheranimals. We are thinking animals. [6]We have worries—what we
fear may be losing a job, or being struck down by a severedisease. Besides


physical Security, we need to think we are safe frommisfortunes both now
and in a foreseeable future. How can these needs be metthen? According
to Maslow, [7]safety needs may be satisfied throughjob security, health
insurance, pension plansand safe working conditions.
[13]After this stage come the levels of needs that are particular to
human beings. The immediate following level are thesocial needs. Under
this category, [8]Maslow puts our requirementsfor love and affection and
the sense of need to be loved, we need to belong to a group
not just the family in whichwe can share with others in common interest.
In Maslow’s view, [9]thisneed can be satisfied through the work
environment and some informal organizations. [10]Certainly, we also
needsocial relationships beyond the work place, for example, with family
and friends. Next, the level of esteem are esteem needs then?
They include both the needs of self-esteem and theneed of esteem of others.
Self-esteem is a sense of our own achievements andworth. We need to believe
that we are successful; we are no worse if no betterthan others. [11]The
esteem of people is the respect and recognitionwe gain from other people,
by or through our work orour activities in other social groups. The ways
to satisfy esteem needsinclude personal achievements, promotion to more
responsible jobs, varioushonors and awards and other forms of
What follows isthe top level of this hierarchy of needs. These are the
self-realization other words, they are the needs to grow and
develop as people, the needs tobecome all that we are capable of being.
These are the most difficult needs tosatisfy. Whether one can achieve this
level or not, perhaps determines whetherone can be a great man or just
an ordinary man. Of course, it depends ondifferent people. [12]The means
of satisfying them tend to vary greatly with the individual. For
somepeople, learning a new skill, starting a new career after retirement


couldquite well satisfy their self-realization needs. While for other
people, itcould be becoming the best in certain areas. It could be becoming
the presidentof IBM, anyway, being great or ordinary is what others think,
whileself-realization is largely individual. Maslow suggested that
people work tosatisfy their physiological needs first, then their safety
needs and so on upthe needs ladder. [14]In general, they are motivatedby
the needs at the lowest level that remain unsatisfied. [15]However,needs
at one level do not have to be completely satisfied before needs at thenext
higher level come into play. If the majority of a person’s
physiologicaland safety needs are satisfied, that person will be
motivated primarily bysocial needs. But any physiological and safety
needs that remain Unsatisfiedwill keep playing an important role.
OK, that’s thegeneral picture of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. Just
to sum up, I brieflyintroduce to you Maslow’s theory. Maslow thinks there
are five kinds of humanneeds with each one being more important than the
preceding one. I hope thatyou find his ideas interesting and in our next
lecture, we will mainly discussthe practical implications of his theory.
(1) psychological
(physiolo gical)问题,而是心理
(2)basic (或fundamental)
细节题。讲座主要论述的是马斯洛的需求层级理论,而第一个,也 就是最底
层的级别是生理需求。在谈到Physiological needs时,录音中说“In this
hierarchy of needs, at the most basic level arephysiological needs”,由此
(3) wages
细节题。在介绍关于满足生理需求的方法时,讲座提到It ismainly through


adequate wages。因此空格处填
(4) Safety
细节题。本题针对第二个层次的需求设题。当录音中说到“Then what is the
next level of needs?”我们就应集中注意力听下文,“At the next level are
safety needs”由此可知,此处应填写Safety。
(5) emotional
细节题。紧接上题,录音解释了safety needs所包含的内容生理和情感上的
(6) worries
worries—whatif we lose my job, what if I were struck down by a severe
disease。由此可推断情感需求关注人们远 离焦虑。不幸等,故此处可填入
(7) pension
细节题。在谈到解决safety needs的方法时,录音中说到“…safety needs
may be satisfied through job security, healthinsurance, pension plan and
safe working conditions.”故此处应填写pension。pension
细节题。讲座中提到,社会需求这一层级是关于requirements for love and
affection and the sense of belonging。因此填入belonging。
细节题。实现社会需求的方式之一是通过the work environment and some
informal organizations。因此此处填入organizations。
(10)family and friends
细节题。实现社会需求的另一种方式是关于工作以外的社会关系,如和家< br>人、朋友之间的关系。因此此处填入family and friends
细节题。在谈到esteem needs时,录音中说“The esteem of others isthe


respect and recognition we gain from other people, by or through our workor
our activities in other social group”故此处应填写work或activities。
(12). variable
细节题。在谈到self-realization needs时,录音中说“The means of
satisfying them tend to vary greatly with the individual.”根据原文中的
(13) human
细节题。讲座中,在介绍完safety needs的时候,提到,“After this
stage come the levels of needs that are particular tohuman beings.”接着才开始介绍接下来的的social,esteem和self—realization的要求。故huma n
细节题。演讲者最后解释了人们产生这几个需求的模式:In general, they
are motivated by the needs at the lowest level thatremain unsatisfied。本
(15) coexist
推理题。根据录音中提到的“needs at one level do not have to be
completely satisfied beforeneeds at the next higher level come into
Mini-lecture 2
Five Types of Books
I. Introduction
A. Reading for information, hoping to
— improve our minds with the information acquired
— give us the means to improve our lives
B. Reading prodigiously & reading  (1) : twodifferent things
— to read books that increase intelligence  (2) 
— to read books that helps improve our chances of a happyliving


II. The first choice:books about (3) 
A. Including not only scientific text books,but also the books
thatincrease our understanding of the (4) world
B. The value of these books:
— the development of (5) 
— the methods of learning
— how to investigate our intuition and validate it withevidence
— inspiring wonder and respect for (6) 
III. The second choice:philosophy
A. Teaching us to understand (7) 
B. Including:
— the classic philosophical works
— the great texts of  (8) 
IV. The third choice:serious fiction
A. Great works of fiction: containing more  (9) 
B. Fiction:  (10) experiences
C. Serious fiction: containing a lot of philosophy,psychology &
D. Great fiction: being also great  (11) 
V. The fourth choice:history books
A. helping us to interpret our own times
B. recognizing modern prejudices and the nature of humanity
C. Increasing our self understanding
D. Teaching us that ideas and morality are  (12) 
VI. The last type:poetry
A. Producing a feeling of (13)  for the power of words
B. Great poetry is the integration of music and (14) 
C. Appreciation of poetry: essential for reading
— sharpening language skills


— developing eloquence
VII. Resources
A. No formal set of (15) 
B. The Internet
Five Types of Books
Good morning. This lecture is going to introduce 5 types ofbooks that
can increase intelligence. As you know, we read for information,with the
hope that information we acquire will improve our minds, giving us
themeans to improve our lives. In the modem Age of Information, more
readingmaterial is available than ever, making it increasingly difficult
to allocateour reading time efficiently. All books are not created equal,
and it followsthat all readers are not equal either. [1]To read
prodigiously andto read profitably are two very different things. A great
amountof time is wasted reading books that are forgotten a short time after
they’recompleted. But time spent reading books that cultivate
intelligence and wisdomis a labor that yields continuous benefit over a
lifetime. Although it iscertainly necessary, for the purposes of business
and everyday life, to readabout the latest news and trends, that type of
reading is outside the scope ofthis article. [2]My aim is to encourage
the reading of books that permanently increase intelligence and, as a
result, improve ourchances of leading prosperous and fulfilling lives.
[3]Thefirst choice is books about science. Science is not restricted
to scientific textbooks. [4]It includes books that increase our
understanding of the naturalworld. This includes books on commerce and
society, with the unifying themebeing the use of evidence to explain
events. [5]The great value ofthese books comes, not from the theories they
prove which will likely bedisproved in the future, but from the
development of curiosity andthe methods of learning. Scientific books


teach us how to investigate ourintuition and validate it with evidence.
[6]They also inspire wonderand respect for the physical world and for our
own intellect.
Then, philosophy comes as our second choice. In ancienttimes, science
and philosophy grew from the seed of analytical thought. [7]Ifscience
teaches us to understand the outside world, philosophy teaches us
tounderstand ourselves. It could very well be called the science ofhuman
life. [8]In addition to the classic philosophical works, thiscategory
also includes the great religious texts. The Bible, Koran, Bhagavad Gita,
not universally valuable because of religious dogma, but because
of thewisdom and beauty that has inspired billions to live loving, pious
lives. It isan unfortunate modern bias that philosophy is considered
irrelevant. Althoughwe worship at the shrine of modern technology, this
is still a very humanworld. Philosophy will increase your understanding
of human needs and desires,knowledge that is essential for spreading ideas
and predicting human behavior.
The third one is serious fiction. I’d like to permanentlydiscredit the
belief that fictional works are inferior because they’re only“made up
stories”. Only a person totally devoid of imagination could believethat.
[9]Great works of fiction contain more truththan any other literary genre
because they allow the reader to experience a newreality. [10]Fiction
creates experiences that elevate your level ofconsciousness. Serious
fiction also contains a great deal of philosophy,psychology, and history.
Truman Capote said that a good novel is worth morethan any scientific
study. For the purpose of increasing individual humanintelligence, I’m
inclined to agree. [11]Great fiction is also greatlanguage. And as I’ve
written before, reading great language is theonly way to become a better
writer. It will also make you a better thinker,speaker, and


Moreover, history books are also included. History feelsboring because
as children it meant dull text books, memorizing dates, andtedious
lectures. And who can blame us? The public schools have done their bestto
take the humanity out of history. But at its best, history is
fascinatinganecdotes, remarkable characters, and the evolution of ideas
that have shapedcivilization. By learning about the past we are able to
interpret our owntimes. We are able to recognize modern prejudices and
the nature of gh history may not help us predict the
future, it increases selfunderstanding and awareness. [12]It teaches us
the timelessness of ideas and morality.
The last type is poetry. I saved poetry for last becauseconvincing you
to take it seriously provides the greatest challenge. Poetryarouses
images of Shakespearian actors reciting flowery rhymes. It’s no
wondermost people think it lacks substance and applicability. But to
maintain thisopinion is to ignore one of the great joys of human
intelligence and underestimatethe mysterious power of words. It’s no
coincidence that many languages use thesame word for poet and prophet.
[13]The reading of great poetryproduces a feeling that cannot be
adequately described, a feeling of awe and reverence for the power of
words. [14]Great poetry is thefusion of music and meaning. It is the medium
of humanity’s most ancientmasterpieces. Poetry sharpens language skills
and develops eloquence. Meaningis only half of the great language. The
best authors write with a style that isboth pleasurable and instructive.
An appreciation of poetry is essential forreaching this degree of
As to resources, [15]I can’t make a formal set of
are just too many great books and my experience is too limited. How couldI
presume to know your tastes or area of interest? What I can do is point
out acouple of places where you’ll be sure to find something of interest.


Anyone whofollows this site knows that I’m a whore for the old stuff.
Strangely, theInternet is the best thing that’s happened to old books
since the printingpress. Bartleby contains an extensive collection of
materials that are wellformatted for online reading. You should read for
self improvement, not to feeleducated and superior. Reading, even the most
rigorous intellectual type,should be a labor of love. It might be easier
to read lighter books, but themoments of discovery created by challenging
books are more pleasurable andexhilarating than any suspense novel. If
you make an effort to read moreprofitably, you’ll be rewarded with
wisdom, beauty, and many hours ofproductive leisure.
(1) profitably/usefully
细节题。讲座主要讲了五类能够提高智力的书,接着介绍到“To read
prodigiously and to read profitably are two verydifferent things.”广泛地
(prodigiously)阅读和有益地( profitably)阅读是不同的。因此填入原文中的
profitably或同义词useful ly。
(2) permanently
细节题。听力中,演讲者提到其目的是鼓励人 们阅读讲座中的5种书,这些
书能够永久性地提高智力(permanently increase intelligence),以此提高生
(4) natural
细节题。关于科学图书,演讲者先 介绍了其范围:不仅包括科学教科书,还
包括能够帮助我们理解自然世界(increase our understanding of the natural
(5) curiosity/learningdesire
细节题。关于科学图书,演讲者先介绍了其范 围,接着谈到了其价值。讲座


中提到,这类书的价值不在于其中包含的理论,而在于其激发 了人们的求知欲
(curiosity),提供了学习方法。由此可知,横线处填入curiosity ,或者根据
文意填入表示“学习兴趣” 的learning desire。
(6) the physicalworld/our own intellect
细节题。关于科学图 书的价值,演讲者还提到,它们能激发对物质世界及人
类智力的好奇和尊敬(inspire wonder and respect for the physicalworld and
for our own intellect)。对照题目可知,横线上应填入the physical world或
our own intellect。
(7) ourselves
哲学也可 以称为关于人生的科学。故横线上直接填入原文中的ourselves即
(8) religion
( religious)篇章。横线上需填入名词,故将原文中的形容词religious转换为
rel igion。
(9) truth
细节题。第三类是严谨的小说。演讲者指出,伟大的 小说作品较其他文学体
(10) creating/building
细节题。第三类是严谨的小说。演讲者 指出,伟大的小说作品较其他文学体
裁的书籍包含更多的事实,因为它允许读者体验另一种真实。小说能 提供提升
意识水平的体验(Fiction creates experiences that elevate yourlevel of
consciousness)。根据题目设置规律,应将原文中的creates变为动词- ing形
(11) language
fiction is also great language)。因此填入language。


(12) timeless
细节题。第四类 是历史性书籍。演讲者提到,历史书籍让我们知道思想和道
德的永恒(timelessness)。横 线处应填入形容词作表语,故填入timeless。
(13) awe and reverence
细节题。最后一类是诗歌。演讲者认为,读好诗会使人产生一种无以言表的感觉,一种对文字力量的敬畏感( awe and reverence)。故横线上应填入awe
and reverence。
(14) meaning
poetry is the fusion of music and meaning)。因此空格处填入meaning。
(15) recommendations
can’t make a formal set of recommendation)。故横线上填入
Mini-lecture 3
Conversational Skills
People whousually make us feel comfortable in conversations are good
talkers. Some of theskills of good talkers will help to
a) put people atease
b) make othersfeel  (1) and comfortable
c) make friends
I. Skill to askquestions
a) be aware ofthe human nature: readiness to answer others’ questions
regardless of  (2) 
b) start aconversation with some personal but unharmful questions
e.g. questionsabout one’s (3)  job
e.g. questionsabout one’s activities in the  (4) 
c) be able tospot signals for further talk


II. Skill to (5) foranswers
a) don’t shiftfrom subject to subject
—sticking tothe same subject: signs of  (6) in conversation
b) listen to (7) of voice
—If peoplesound unenthusiastic, then change subject.
c) use  (8) and (9) 
—steady yourgaze while listening
III. Skill to laugh
Effects oflaughter:
—ease people’s (10) 
—help start  (11) 
IV. Skill to part
a) importance:make a new acquaintance  (12) you and open up
possibilities for future friendship or contact
b) ways:
—men: a smile,a (13) 
—women: same as (14) now
—how to expresspleasure in (15) someone
e.g. an extrahand-squeeze, letting people know your feelings
Conversational Skills
Good morning!Today’s lecture will focus on how to make people feel at
ease in conversations.I guess all of you sitting here can recall certain
people who just seem to makeyou feel comfortable when they are around.
You spent an hour with them and feelas if you’ve known them half your
life. These people who have that certainsomething that makes us feel
comfortable have something in common, and once weknow what that is, we
can go about getting some of that something for ourselves.
How is it done?Here are some of the skills that good talkers have. [1]If


you followthe skills, they will help you put people at their ease, make
them feel secure and comfortable, and turn acquaintances intofriends.
First of all,good talkers ask questions. [2]Almost anyone, no matter
how shy, will answer a question. In fact,according to my observation, very
shy persons are often more willing to answerquestions than extroverts.
They are more concerned that someone will think themimpolite if they
don’t respond to the questions. So most skillfulconversationalists
recommend starting with a question that is personal but notharmful. [3]For
example, once a famous American TV presenter got along and fascinating
interview from a notoriously private billionaire by askinghim about his
first job. [4]Anotherexample, one prominent woman executive confesses
that at business lunches Ialways ask people what they did that morning.
It’sa dull question, but it gets things going. From there you can move
on to othermatters, sometimes to really personal questions. Moreover, how
your respondentanswers will let you know how far you can go. A few simple
catch words like"really?", "yes?" are clear
invitations to continuetalking.
[5]Second, once good talkers have asked questions, they listen for
answers. This point seems obvious, but itisn’t in fact. Making people
feel comfortable isn’t simply a matter of makingidle conversation. Your
questions have a point. You are really asking: whatsort of person are you?
And to find out, you have to really listen. There areat least three
components of real listening. For one thing, real listeningmeans not
changing the subject. [6]If someone sticks to one topic,you can assume
that he or she is really interested init. [7]Another component of real
listening is listening not just towords, but to tones of voice. I once
mentionedD. H. Lawrence to a friend. To my astonishment, she launched into
an academic discussionof the imagery in Lawrence’s works. Midway
through, I listened to her voice. Itwas, to put it mildly, unanimated and


it seemed obvious that the imagerymonologue was intended solely for my
benefit. And I quickly changed thesubject. [8] [9]At last, real listening
means using your eyes as well as your your gaze wanders, it makes
people think they are boring you, or what theyare saying is not
interesting. Of course, you don’t have to stare or glare atthem. Simply,
looking attentive will make most people think that you think theyare
Next, goodtalkers are not afraid to laugh. If you think of all the people
you know who makeyou feel comfortable, you may notice that all of them
laugh a lot. [10]Laughteris not only warming and friendly, it’s also a
good way to ease other people’s discomfort. I have a friend who might
enjoy watchingat gatherings of people who do not know each other well.
The first few minutesof talk are a bit uneasy and hesitant, for the people
involved do not yet havea sense of each other. Invariably a light comment
or a joke is made and myfriend’s easy laughter appears like sunshine in
the conversation. There isalways, then, a visible softening that takes
place. [11]Otherpeople smile and loosen in response to her laughter, and
the conversation goes on with more warmth and ease.
Finally, goodtalkers are ones who cement a parting. That is, they know
how to make use ofparting as a way to leave a deep impression on others.
[12]Lastimpressions are just as important as first impressions in
determining how a newacquaintance will remember you. People who
makeothers really feel comfortable take advantage of that parting moment
to closethe deal. [13]Men have had it easier. They would have done it with
asmile and a good firm handshake. What aboutwomen then? [14]Over the last
several years, women have started to takeover that custom as well, between
themselves or with you are saying goodbye, [15]you may want to give
him or her asecond extra hand-squeeze. It’s a way to say “I really enjoy
meeting you.” But it’s not all done with bodylanguage. If you enjoy being


with someone, ifyou want to see that person again, don’t keep it a secret.
Let people know how youfeel and they may walk away feeling as if they have
known you half their life.
OK, just sum we’ve talked about four ways to make people feel
at ease in skills are important in keeping
conversations going and in forming friendshipslater on. Of course, these
skills are by no means the only ones we can use. Thelist is much longer.
I hope you will use these four skills and discover more onyour own in your
conversations with other people.
(1) secure
细节 题。本文主要讲述了在交谈时如何使别人更加轻松。录音提到了一个好
的谈话者有一些技能,这些技能能 够让别人感到安全(secure),舒服,有助于
(2) shyness
推理题。录音提到了一个好的谈话者要ask questions,不 管多么害羞的人都
(3) first
细节题。在论述提问问 题时,演讲者提到了三点技巧,分别是注意他人的性
格,问个人的但是无害的问题,能够辨别谈话是否继 续的信号,本题针对第二
点提问。演讲者通过举例说明谈论别人的第一份工作可以使谈话有趣,故可以< br>从演讲中直接得出答案first。
(4) morning
细节题。another example是提示语,另一个例子是“I always ask people
what they did in that morning.”,所以直接提取答案morning。
(5) Listen
“once good talkers have asked questions, they listen for answers”,故


(6) interest
推理题。介绍第二个技巧时提到“real listening means not changing the
subject”,因为If someone sticksto one topic, you can assume that he or
she is reallyinterested in it,由此可知填入名词interest。
(7) tones
细节题。真正倾听的第二个因素是“Another component of real listening
is listening not just to words,but to tones of voice.”,故此处应填入
(8) (9) eyes;ears
your eyes as well as your ears)。因此第8题和第9题空格处填入eyes和
(10) discomfort
细节题。第三个技巧是not afraid to laug h,具体解释laugh的作用时,文
中提到笑不仅是温暖友好的,同时也能缓解别人的不适,故直接可 从原文中得
(11) conversations
人拘束、不安,但 是一旦有人笑了,其他人就会在他的笑容里放松,这样谈话
就会更轻松融洽的进行下去了,故此处直接填 入conversation。
(12) remember
细节题。录音的后半部分 提到了结束谈话的技巧,演讲者首先介绍了其重要
性,并且提到,分别时留下的印象和刚见面时的印象同 样重要,他们决定了别
人是否能够记住你(determining how a new acquaintance will remember
(13) handshake
的方式。男性会以一个微笑或 一个坚定的握手,所以此处可填入a good firm


handshake,由于字数限制,直接填入handsh ake即可。
(14) men
推理题。文中随后提到女性结束谈话的技巧“Over the last several years,
women have started to take over thatcustom as well”,过去的几年中,女性也
开始采取这种方式,换句话即同男性一样微笑一下或握手结束谈话, 故此处填
(15) meeting
归纳题。文中最后提到,在 分别时,可以再次握手,表示“非常高兴见到
你”,并且提出除了肢体语言,还要表达出来自己的情感。 由此可推出,该处是
Mini-lecture 4
Why We Don’t Like English Classes
I. People’smisunderstanding of how to learn English
A. An  (1) process:intention—registra tion—paying—attending
classes; then one will get goodEnglish
B. Actually, classes are a (n)  (2) way oflearning English.
II. Things students cando at an English class
A lot of  (3) are spent when attending English classes
A. Listening to bad English from  (4) 
B. Having the poor  (5) 
C. Reading a boring textbook
—textbook makes  (6) easier
—but makes learning boring
D. Learning stupid grammar rules
— (7) of somany grammar rules is impossible
—the practice of them in speaking is also impossible
—as a result, test score may be improved but not English
E. Doing useless  (8) 


— (9) theuseless grammar rules
—testing English but not teaching any English
F. Getting boring homework  (10) 
—usually a grammar exercise or a composition
—usually you don’t care about the subject of the composition
G. Good pronunciation can’t be gained
—this fact is ignored by most teachers
—how to avoid making  (11) is seldom taught
—how to pronounce or use  (12) to learn about
word pronunciation is seldom taught
III.  (13) toreplace boring classes with interesting things
A. Watching International or English-language channel
B. Attending a(an) (14)  classor speaking English with friends
C. Reading interesting texts and books
D. Reading and listening to English; increasing the  (15) 
E. Writing compositions for yourself instead of teachers
Why We Don’t Like English Classes
Good afternoon. Welcome to attend today’s lecture on why wedon’t like
English classes. It’s well known that English classes are the mostpopular
way in which people study English. They are so amazingly popular thatmost
people do not even think about how to learn English. [l]Theprocess is
automatic: I want to learn English, so I sign up for anEnglish course.
I will pay some money, sit in class for a few hours a week, andI will get
good English. [2]This is very surprising, because Englishclasses are a
very poor way of learning English. We have spent a largepart of our lives
in English classes and we know what they are like. With allour knowledge
of English classes and courses, we would be surprised if we met aperson
who has learned to speak English very well by going to English classes.


[3]If youattend English classes, you spend many hours a week on them.
Often, you alsospend lots of your money. What do you get for your time
and money?Here is what you can do at an English class:
[4]Listento some bad English. The pronunciation, grammar, and
vocabulary of other students will be bad. Surely listening to these people
will notmake your English better.
Say five sentences in English. There are usually 10-20students in the
class, so there is little time for you to speak English. [5]NormalEnglish
classes are very poor speakingpractice.
Read a boring textbook. Almost all English teachers usetextbooks. Want
to know why? [6] Because it makes their work don’t have to
prepare for every class. They just do the next unit in thebook.
[6]Textbooks make teaching easy. And they make learning boring
andineffective. You have to read stupid stories about Michael Jackson or
a womanwho lived in the African jungle for two years. Then you have to
answerquestions about them and talk about them with other students. This
is madness! Allthis nonsense that you don’t care about makes you think
that learning Englishis boring.
Listen to a few grammar rules, such as “the presentcontinuous tense
is used for talking about developing and changing situations”.Learning
grammar rules is the stupidest thing you can do. [7]Hereare the two main
reasons. First, it is impossible to memorize allthose hundreds of grammar
rules anyway. And second, when speaking English, youdon’t have time to
think: “What tense should I use? Let’s see…I want to presentthe idea
of action continuing up to the present time, so I should use thepresent
perfect tense.”You want to use your English naturally. Grammar rulesmay
improve your scores in tests, but they do not improve your English.
[8]Dosome grammar exercises. After talking about grammar rules,
teachers usuallygive you some exercises, such as multiple choice or gap


filling tests. Grammarexercises have two functions: [9]one, they make you
repeatthe grammar rules; two, they test your English. The first function
is uselessbecause grammar rules are useless. The second function,
testing, is okay if youwant to compare your knowledge with other people.
But testing does not teachyou any English.
[10]Get ahomework assignment. The homework is usually a grammar
exercise ora composition. The subject of the composition will usually be
something thatyou don’t care about. Doing boring things is not going to
help your English. Itwill only decrease your motivation.
In addition, English classes will not teach you goodpronunciation. Most
teachers completely ignore it, sometimes because their ownpronunciation
is bad. Some teachers will correct your mistakes when you speak.
[11]Butvery few teachers will tell you how you can avoid making the same
mistakes again. [12]Very few teachers will tell youabout the sounds of
English and how to use a dictionary tolearn about the pronunciation of
words. Most teachers will not encourage you toread in English, to buy a
good English-English dictionary, to listen toEnglish-language
recordings. They will just do their textbook and the exercisesin it. If
your teacher is different, you are lucky. This is what most Englishclasses
look like. Think about your classes. If they are like that—boring
andineffective—then you are simply wasting your time. Don’t worry: you
are notalone. Millions of people around the world waste their time by going
to Englishclasses.
[13]Tosolve these problems, you can replace ineffective and boring
classes with interestingthings which will really improve your English:
Instead of listening to bad English in the classroom, turnon your TV
and watch CNN International or another English-language channel. Youwill
get lots of perfect sentences in excellent English.
Instead of sitting for two hours to say five sentences inEnglish,


[14]sign up for a conversation class with anative speaker. Or start
speaking English with your best friend.
Instead of working with a boring textbook, read somethinginteresting.
There are so many interesting texts in English! Surf toEnglish- language
sites on the Web. Read a good book in English. Simply, readsomething that
interests you. Something that won’t bore you to death.
Instead of memorizing grammar rules and doing grammarexercises, read
and listen to English. [15]Input is theonly way to learn impressive,
natural English.
Instead of writing compositions about the subject that yourteacher gave
you, write about something that you care about. For example, writesome
e-mail in English. Don’t write for your teacher—writefor yourself!
To summarize, we’ve covered some reasons to explain whystudents don’t
like English classes and provide you with specific these
suggestions will be of great help to you. Thank you.
(1) automatic
而是遵循一个自动 的过程(The process is automatic),即不加思考参加英语
(2) poor/ineffective
细节题。讲座的主题是为何人们不喜欢英语课(whywe don’t like English
种非常低效的英语 学习方式。由此可知答案为poor或ineffective。
(3) time and money
还会 花费很多钱。对应题干内容,可知此处答案为time and money。
(4) other students


的英语都不够好,因为其他学生的发音、语法和措辞都比较差 。此处应该填入
other students。
(5)speakingpractice/speaking training/speaking opportunity
speaking practice或speaking training,speakingopportunity。
(6) teaching/teachers’ work
细节题。此题主要涉及在英 语课上阅读枯燥无味的教科书的情况。演讲者提
到,教科书使教师的教学工作更加容易。由此可知答案为 teaching或
teachers’ work。
细节题。此题涉及英语课上学习语法规则 的情况。录音材料中提到,语法规
则的学习是最愚蠢的。因为要全部记住所有语法规则是不可能的。根据 题干中
r ecitation。
(8) grammar exercises
细节题。此题涉 及列举的第五个方面,关于在英语课上做语法练习的缺点。
录音中提到,学习了语法规则后,老师会让学 生做一些语法练习。可以推断出
答案为grammar exercises。
(9) repeating/reviewing
细节题。文中提到语法练习主要有两个作用,第一个作用 就是让你重复语
rep eat或者review的-ing形式,因此此题填入repeating或者reviewing。
(10) assignment/task
细节题。此题继续考查学生在英语课堂上所 做的事情。录音中提到,还有家
庭作业,通常是语法练习或写作等。可知答案为assignment或 其同义词
(11) the same mistakes


same 师告诉你如何避免再犯同样的错误。对应题目信息,可知答案为the
(12) adictionary/dictionaries
细节题。根据录音,只有少数老师 告诉你英语的发音,告诉你怎么通过字典
学习单词发音。因此此处填入a dictionary或者dictionaries。
(13) Solutions/Methods
细节题。此题涉及解决无趣无效的英语课堂的几种方法。录音 原文提到,要
的英 语。空格处应用名词形式,故用solve的名词形式Solutions或其同义词
Methods, 注意名词的单复数形式,且首字母要大写。
(14) conversation
细节 题。录音中建议到,可以参加会话课,和英语为母语的人对话,或者和
朋友说英语。因此此处填入con versation。
(15) input/amount ofinput/quantity of input
Mini-lecture 5
Writing a Research Paper
I. Research Papers and Ordinary Essay
A. Similarity in (1) 
e.g.—choosing atopic
—identifying theaudience
B. Differencemainly in terms of (2) 
1.researchpapers: printed sources
2.ordinaryessay: ideas in one’s  (3) 
II. Types and Characteristics of ResearchPapers


A. Number ofbasic types: two
B.  (4) 
—to gather (5) 
—to quote
—to (6) 
The writershould be (7) 
2.  (8)  (research) paper:
a. The writershould do more, e.g.
—to interpret
—to question,etc.
b.  (9) varies with the topic, e.g.
—to recommendan action, etc.
c. The writershould  (10)  deal with the statementsit cites
III. How to Choose a Topic for a ResearchPaper
In choosing atopic, it is important to (11) 
Question No. 1:whether you  (12)  the topic
Question No. 2:whether relevant information on the chosen topic  (13) 
Question No. 3:Narrowing the topic down to (14) 
Question No. 4:Asking questions about  (15) 
The questionshelp us to work out way into the topic and discover its
Writing a Research Paper
I think asseniors, you are often required by your instructors to do some
library researchon this topic or that. And, in the end, you have to write
a research paper,right? Then what is writing a research paper like? How
are we going to writeone? What are the steps in producing a research paper
and what are the pointswe need to take care of? In today’s lecture, I’ll


try to answer thesequestions.
First of all,what is writing a research paper like? We may start by
comparing it to anordinary essay, a form of writing you are very familiar
with. Writing aresearch paper is much like writing an essay. [1]Both kinds
ofwriting involve many of the same basic steps. That is, choosing a topic,
askingquestions to define and develop the topic, identifying the
audience, gettingraw material to work with, outlining the paper, writing
it, and, finally,revising it. These are the steps shared between research
paper writing andessay writing.
Is there anydifference, you may ask. Yes. [2][3] What makes a research
paperdifferent is that much of your raw material comes not from your own
head, butfrom printed sources: mainly books and periodicals in the
library. Collectingraw material, that is reading books and taking notes,
is very much like theprocess of brainstorming at the prewriting stage of
an ordinary essay.
Generallyspeaking, there are two basic types of research papers, and
a paper may belongto either type. It may be a survey of facts and opinions
available on a giventopic or an analytical argument that uses those facts
and opinions to prove apoint. Your instructor may tell you which kind of
paper you are expected towrite. If not, you yourself should eventually
choose between surveying andarguing. You will then have a definite way
of managing your sources.
Now, let’s takea look at how you are going to write a survey-type
research paper or anargumentative research paper. [5]In a survey- type
research paper,you gather facts and a variety of opinions on a given topic.
You make littleattempt to interpret or evaluate what your sources say or
to prove a particularpoint. Instead, through quotation, summary, and
paraphrase, you try to providea representative sampling of facts and
opinions [7]to give anobjective report on your topic. [6]You explain the


pros and cons ofvarious attitudes or opinions, but you don’t side
definitely with any one ofthem.
[8]While in an argumentative research paper, you do considerably
do not simply quote, paraphrase, and summarize as you do in a
survey-typepaper. You interpret, question, compare, and judge the
statements you cite. Youexplain why one opinion is sound and another is
not; why one fact is relevantand another is not; why one writer is correct
and another is mistaken. [9]What’smore, your purpose may vary with your
topic. You may try to explain a situationto recommend a course of action,
to reveal the solution to a problem, or topresent and defend a particular
interpretation of a historical event or a workof art. But whether the topic
is space travelor trends in contemporary American literature, [10]an
argumentativeresearch paper deals actively – I say it again, actively
– with the statementsit cites. It makes these statements work together
in an argument that youcreate, that is, to an argument leading to a
conclusion of your own.
[11]In the next part of the lecture, I’d like to talk about one of
thebasic steps in writing I mentioned earlier in the lecture. That is how
tochoose a topic. Choosing a topic for a research paper is in some ways
likechoosing a topic for an ordinary essay, but there are some
differences. As youthink about your topic, ask yourself these questions:
Question numberone: Do you really want to know more about this topic?
This is the initialquestion you have to ask yourself, because research
on any subject will keepyou busy for weeks. [12]You certainly do not wish
to waste your timeon something you have little interest in. You do it well
only if you expect tolearn something interesting or important in the
Question numbertwo: Are you likely to find many sources of information
on this topic? Youcannot write a research paper without consulting a


variety of sources. [13]Ifonly one source or none at all is readily
available, you should rethink yourtopic or choose another.
Question numberthree: [14]Can you cut the topic down to a manageable
size? Bereasonable and realistic about what you can do in a short period,
say, two tofour weeks. If your topic is “The American Revolution”, you’
ll scarcely havetime to make a list of books on your subject, let alone
read and analyze try to find something specific, such as “The
Role of Thomas Jefferson in theAmerican Revolution” or “The Franco-
American Alliance”
Question numberfour: [15] What questions can you ask about the topic
itself?Questions help you get the topic down to a manageable size,
discover itspossibilities, and find the goal of your research, that is,
the specificproblem you want to investigate. Suppose you want to write
about the issue offinancing a college education – A topic not only
current, but also directlylinked to the lives of most college students
and their families. You could askat least two or three pointed questions:
How much does educational opportunitydepend on financial status? Is
financial aid going to the students who need itmost? How much should
universities and colleges charge their students? You canask yourself
these questions or more as you start work on the research paper.
Okay. To sum up,in today’s lecture, we’ve looked at some of the issues
in research paperwriting, like the basic steps, types of research paper,
and how to choose atopic. In our next lecture, we’ll concentrate on how
to identify the audience,how to work out an outline, and how to edit the
(1) basic steps
的(Both kinds of writing involve many of the same basic steps),所以可直


接从讲座中得出答案basic steps。
(2) raw material
细节题。录音中提到论文的不同之处在于许多原始材料并不是 来自你自己的
头脑之中,而是来自一些出版材料,因此主要不同在于raw material的来源不
同,故答案为raw material。
(3) head
头脑之中,言外之 意即普通文章的原始材料源于“head”。
(4) Characteristics
主旨题。该题属于笔记(Types and Characteristics of Research P apers)下
介 绍。因此填入Characteristics。
(5) facts and opinions
事实和观点(In a survey-type research paper, you gather facts and a
variety ofopinions on a given topic.),故可知答案为facts and opinions。
(6) explain
细节题。从讲座中可知,“survey-type paper”写作有三个要求,分别是
“gather facts”、“through quotation”、和“you explain”。前两个题干中
已提到,故本题答案为关于“survey-type paper”的第三个方面“explain”。
(7) objective
细节题。文中提到“you try to provide a representative sampling of facts
and opinionsto give an objective report on your topic”。因此作者对论文的
(8) Argumentative
细节题。文中明确提到研究论文的两种形式:调查型和辩论型。该处 应该填
(9) Purpose
细节题。文中提到“your purpose may vary with your topic”,因此作者的目









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