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2021-01-09 23:05




u3000u3000友谊是一种人际关系。交友是人的一种本能。患难之中,我们需要朋友帮助、支持和鼓 励。取得了成绩,我们也需要朋友分享欢乐、。

u3000u3000友谊又是我们可以享受的 最大乐趣之一。友谊蕴含真诚、热忱、怜悯、挚爱和乐于助人之意。在人的一生中,如果不认真谨慎地力求交结正 直的朋友,他就不能从生活中获


u300 0u3000懂得了友谊是多么宝贵之后,就应谨慎地选择朋友。真正的朋友品性良好,能力上等,心地善良;真 正的朋友能分担我们的忧伤,倍增我们的欢乐。交友之时,要谨慎选择具有这样美好品质的人。然后应以礼待友, 当心不要无理地妨碍他们,不嘲笑他们的所作所为。我们应原谅朋友的失败,并尽己所能帮助他们。 简言之,建 立了友谊之后,要通过言语和行动来珍惜友谊,像爱护宝物一样爱惜友谊。只有这样,才能发展真正的友谊,让神 圣的友谊之灯照亮我们一生。

u3000u3000Friendship is a kind of human relations. It is a human instinct to make in trouble, we

u3000u3000need friends to offer us help, support and encouragement. With success achieved, we also need friends to share our joys.

u3000u3000Friendship is also one of the greatest pleasures that we can enjoy. It implies loyalty, cordiality, sympathy, affection,and readiness to help. No man can make the most of his life without carefully and conscientiously striving to win the right kind of friends as he goes along.

u3000u3000Knowing how valuable friendship is, we should be very careful in making friends. Real friends are those who have good character, superior ability and kindness of heart. Real friends can share all our sorrows and double all our making friends, we should take care to select those who have such fine qualities. Then we should treat our friends with courtesy, be careful not to interfere unreasonably with them,and not to ridicule their proceedings. We should forgive their failures and do our best to help them. In short, when we have

u3000u3000established friendship, we ought to cherish and treasure it by means of words and deeds. Only thus, can we develop real friendship and keep the sacred lamp of friendship burning all our life.



u3000u3000Everyone needs friends,and if you fail to make friends,you should examine yourself and see if there is something wrong with your personality.

u300 0u3000人人都需要朋友,若你在交朋友方面总是失败,就该反省自己,看是否你的个性有什么问题。

u3000u3000May be you have social faults such as snobbishness,talkativeness and using slangetc. which drive away your new

tever your social faults may be,look at them honestly and make real effort to correct them.

u3000u300 0或许你有些在社交上应该避讳的缺点,比如势力、饶舌、说脏话等,这些都会妨碍你结交新朋友。无论你有什么 社交缺点,都该正视它们,尽力摒弃。

u3000u3000To be friendly you must feel ulness is the basis of friendliness.A cheerful person smiles.A smile is a magnet which draws at someone and you are almost sure to get a smile in return.

u3000u3000要友 善,你一定要给人友好的感觉:快乐是友善的基础。一个快乐的人总会面带微笑。微笑好似有吸引力的磁铁,你对 别人微笑,你也会得到他微笑的回报。

u3000u3000A friendly person does his best to make a stranger feel at home,wherever he happens to yourself in the other fellow's place and make them feel welcome.

u3000u3000无论在哪里,友善之人都会让陌生人有居家般自在舒适的感觉,设身处地为陌生人考虑,让 他有备受欢迎的感觉。

u3000u3000Try to remember makes your new acquaintances feel happy when you call them by their gives them the feeling that they have made an impression on you and that mean something to them because you remember them.
u3000u3000尽量记住人名。对新认识的朋友直呼其名会令他们很高兴,他们会觉得你对他有了一定 的印象,这说明你记住了他们,这对他们很重要。

u3000u3000If you don't agree with other people on a certain matter,you should appear to be 't argue,but always lose friends if you argue too much.

u3000u3000若在某件事上你不能与别人达成一致意见,你该表现出友好。可以讨论,但不要争吵。争吵 过甚会使你失去朋友。

u3000u3000A friendly person thinks of others,and doesn't insist on his own "rights".People who refuse to consider others have few friends.

u3000u3000友善之人常为他人考虑,不会为自己争取“权 力”。不顾及别人的人,他的朋友寥寥无几。 Finally,don't treat people only according to their social friendly people respect everyone at all times.

u3000u3000最后 ,切勿以社会地位论人。真正的友善之人往往尊重别人。

u3000u3000有关朋友的英文 作文篇3

u3000u3000But It's also nice to have friends. You can play games, hang out or even just talk. So consider these suggestions to meet people and form strong, lasting friendships.

u3000u3000Spend more time around people. If you want to make friends, you first need to put yourself out there somehow in order to meet people. Friends seldom come knocking on your door while you sit at home playing computer games.

u3000u3000Join an organization or club with people who have common interests. You don't necessarily need to have a lot of common interests with people in order to make friends with them. In fact, some of the most rewarding friendships are between two people who don't have much in comm

on at all, but if you like a specific topic, try searching for just a location. It's a great way to meet new local people! Social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter, BlendAbout and Google+ are great way to meet new people and learn more about the people you meet. A church, synagogue, or other house of worship is a great place to start since you have at least have a religious faith in common.

u3000u3000Volunteer. Volunteering is a great way for people of all ages to meet others. By working together you build bonds with people, and you might meet others who have a passion for changing things the way you do (a common cause).

u3000u3000Talk to people. You can join a club, go to school, or go to church but you still won't make friends if you don't actually talk to people. By the same token, you don't have to be involved with an

u3000u3000organization to be social, and any time you talk to someone, you have a chance at making a lasting friend. You can talk to anybody: the clerk at the video store, the person sitting next to you on the bus, or the person in front of you in the lunch line. Don't be too picky. Most conversations will be a dead-end of sorts, when you may never talk to that person again, or you just remain

u3000u3000acquaintances--but once in a while you'll actually make a friend.

u3000u3000Make eye contact and smile. If you have an unfriendly countenance, people are less likely to be receptive to your friendship. Be approachable by not squinting (get some glasses), looking bored, frowning or appearing blankly deadpan, folding your arms or hanging out in a corner; such habits may make you look troubled or disinterested.

u3000u3000Make small talk. Keep the conversation light and cheery. Even if you're complaining about something, make sure it's something you're both dissatisfied with, and emphasize the

u3000u3000positive—how such a situation can be avoided in the future, or alternatives. Bounce a few words back and forth for a little bit. Many conversationalists say that it is good to follow a 30/70 (30% talking, 70% listening) pattern during small talk when possible

u3000u3000Ask them out for lunch or coffee. That will give you a better opportunity to talk and get to know each other a little bit better. A good way to extend yourself is to say: "Hey, well, I've got to go, but if you ever want to talk over lunch or coffee or anything like that, let me give you my number/e-mail address." This gives the person the opportunity to contact you; they may or may not give you their information in return, but that's fine. Maybe they don't have time for new friends—don't take it personally! Just offer your contact info to whoever seems to be potentially a good friend, and eventually somebody will get in touch.

u3000u3000Don't do anything to pressure someone into being friends with you. Never chide

u3000u3000acquaintances for failing to invite you to a party, for example; don't call someone repeatedly or stop by uninvited (unless you have established that stopping by una

nnounced is o.k.); and refrain from overstaying your welcome anywhere. In general, take friendship slowly, and don't try to force intimacy to grow quickly; the move from acquaintance to friend can take a long time. It's

u3000u3000understandable to want more of a good thing, but try to err on the side of less. If you are not sure about the pace of your new friendship, check in with your friend and ask directly. Too much, too fast can be scary or intimidating, and not everybody is able to say "Slow down..." - instead, they may run the other way!

u3000u3000Be a good friend. Once you've started spending time with potential friends, remember to do your part (e.g. initiating some of the activities, remembering birthdays, asking how the other person is feeling) or else the friendship will become unbalanced and an uneasiness or distance is likely to arise.


u3000u3000If I ask you: Do you have friends? You might smile and answer,Sure, I do! Yes, everyone of us needs friends and we all have friends. Friends are like small boats that take us to safe harbors. Friends are like trees that give us shade in hot summer days.

u3000u3000True friendship depends on mutual trust. True friends always help and learn from each other, but they never trouble each other with trifles.

u3000u3000A true friend will keep a secret for you and so will you for him. True friends may not share the same way of life, but they are likely to share the same way of thinking. True friends never take advantage of each other. In a word, true friends are friends through thick and thin. ????I appreciate the kind of friendship mentioned above. I adhere to the principle of making friends with those who are honest and reliable, that is to say, friends should be trustable and dependable.

u3000u3 000有关朋友的英文作文篇5

u3000u3000Just the other day, I was in a bookshop and spotted a volume entitled How to Make Friends with Foreigners by Li Yang of Crazy English lly, as a foreigner who has been living in China for a year, I was curious to see what kind of advice a Chinese writer was giving on this matter.

u3000u3000One piece of advice really grabbed my attention and, I must say, made me feel quite Li's opinion, foreigners are an“opportunity”to improve your oral English; whenever you see a foreigner, you should practice speaking English to

u3000u3000him/her. The writer goes on to say that if the foreigner doesn't want to answer your questions, then he/she is a rude person who you wouldn't want to spend time with anyway.I think this counsel is not only incorrect, but also potentially damaging to relations between Chinese and foreigners in China.

u3000u3000Like most other laowai living in China, I know how isolated one can sometimes feel living amid a culture far removed from our own familiar ways. However, most of the time this cultural isolation is something I simply accept as part of being here. I am, after all, here to learn about the people and the l

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u3000u3000因此,如果说我对与老外交朋友并保持友谊有什么忠告,我想说的就是:把 外国人看成“人”,而不要看成“机会”;友谊是逐渐形成的,要经过一段时间,不要期望速成;不要没完没了地 向老外提出大量的互不相关的问题,这样的接触方式有时会让老外犯晕或是觉得不自然。

u30 00u3000最后,我想建议,如果你真的想和一个老外交朋友,那么你就应该是因为真心喜欢这个人。我们都 知道,真正的友谊是经受得住时间考验的。如果你与老外交朋友的唯一目的是提高英语水平,那你恐怕就不会有一 个长久的老外朋友。









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